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It prevents Alzheimer’s diseases

2. That one has the nutrients and energy required for body development
3. Nurses educates people on the importance of healthy and nutritious diet
They help people plan their diet menu
They educate people on the best and easy way to achieve good nutritious diet.
They advise people on the locally available foods rich in nutrients required.
They recommend the nutrients required by different age and gender groups
They give people nutritious guideline to help them at home

4. To advice people on ways to promote good health and prevent diseases.

5. They work as a reminder to consumers on proper diet to choose and how they can
regulate the intake of sugar and fatty foods
6. proteins
7. The amount of calories in alcohol is 9 grams, fats has 9 grams, carbs has 4 grams and
proteins has 4 grams
8. Minerals
9. Provide energy required and regulate the chemical process in the body
10. To give energy in the body
11. Each contains different sugar molecules
12. Simple sugars: fructose
 Glucose
 Galactose
 Sucrose
 Maltose
 Lactose
 Complex carbohydrates: cereals
 Whole grains
 Rice
13. It is part of plant food that is indigestible and helps in absorption of fluids in the body to
prevent constipation.
14. Soluble fibers dissolves in water and are digested to provide calories while insoluble fiber
do not dissolve in water and are not source of calories.
Insoluble fibers are found in foods such as vegetable, whole grains and helps food pass
easily through the stomach as its add weight on it for soluble fiber are found in foods
such as peas, beans, barleys and help to lower the level of blood cholesterol.
15. It is broken down into fatty acids
16. It is a connective tissue that extends throughout the body and helps to store energy in
form of fat.
17. Saturated fat lack double bonds between the individual carbon atoms example cheese,
margarine while unsaturated there is at least one double bond in fatty acid chain example
avocado, fish oil.
18. Unsaturated fat that naturally occur in meat and milk, hydrogenation is a chemical
reaction between molecular hydrogen and other compounds
19. Liver. Foods with cholesterol are eggs, cheese
20. Lipoprotein- protein molecules that transport food in the body.
HDL- is a lipoprotein of blood plasma
LDL- Is a tiny blob made up of an outer rim of lipoprotein
21. Unique shape. Building blocks of proteins is Amino acids
22. They cannot be made by the body, we require 20 different amino acids
23. Complete proteins-supply all essential Amino acids to the body.
Incomplete proteins-supply some Amino acids to the body .
Complementary proteins- are plant-based proteins
24. Nitrogen balance-is the difference between nitrogen excreted from the body and nitrogen
ingested in diet
Catabolism-is the breakdown of complex molecules
Anabolism-process where simple molecules combine to generate complex molecules
Marasmus – is a deficiency of all macronutrients
Kwashiorkor-deficiency disease caused by lack of enough protein
25. Lacto-vegetarian-diets that exclude meat, fish, poultry and eggs
Ovo –vegetarian-diets exclude meat, poultry, sea food and dairy products but allows eggs
Lacto-ovo vegetarian – diets that exclude meat, fish and poultry but allows eggs and
dairy products
26. Vitamins are organic substance that are made by plants and animals while minerals are
inorganic substances that are absorbed by plants from water and soil.
27. Fat soluble vitamins- vitamins A, vitamin D, vitamin E ,vitamin K
Water soluble vitamins- vitamin C, Vitamin B
Antioxidant vitamins are natural substances that prevents some types of cell damage
28. Vitamins are destroyed when exposed to excess heat and nutrients can be preserved by
reducing the amount of water in cooking
29. Vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Vitamin A deficiency
30. To form red blood cells and DNA
31. Iron deficiency
Iodine deficiency
Calcium deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency
32. Eggs, fish, fortified milk have Vitamin A
Sweet potatoes, citrus fruits have vitamin C
Calcium-milk and dairy products
Iron –meat
33. Eating food rich in Vitamin A, meat, fish and poultry enhances iron absorption
Iron should be taken while the stomach is empty, it should be taken 1 hour before meals
or 2 hours after meals
34. 2 litres
35. Foods with high nutrients and low calories, a pregnant woman should gain 11- 16 kgs
36. During breastfeeding one needs 200-500 extra calories daily whereas during pregnancy
one needs an extra of 200 calories.
37. In one year the baby should weigh triple their birth weight, the only alternative to breast
milk is plain whole cow milk
38. Between the age of 1 to 2 years
39. Back pain can be eased by prenatal massage
Constipation can be relieved by taking a lot of water
Heartburn can be eased by avoiding highly seasoned and fatty foods
40. 3 to 5 days
41. Give them choices
Make a schedule
Serve more fruits and vegetables
Eat breakfast everyday
43. It results to progressive decline in health, reduced physical and cognitive functional
status. Loss of appetite, lack of ability to chew and swallow contribute to malnutrition.
44. 400 milligrams
45. Statins- causes coenzyme Q10 levels to be too low in the body.
Diuretics- causes potassium levels to be too low in the body
46. Medical nutrition therapy- nutrition - based treatment provided by registered dietitian
Therapeutic diet- meal plan that controls the intake of certain nutrient.
47. Clear liquid diet- comprises of clear liquids
Full liquid diet- includes all foods that are liquid or will turn into liquids.
48. Soft diet- is food that is soft in texture and easy to digest, it is used for individuals
recovering from surgery or long illness.
49. Mechanical soft diet- texture modified diet that restrict foods that are difficult to chew

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