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is allowed, whereas in the reduced rnodulur theory, a complete strain

reversal is allowed, and where a complete strain reversal is assumed to

occur on the convex side of the column as it buckles. Although the
reduced modulus theory is theoretically correct, the validity of the
tangent modulus theory for predicting the buckling strength of real
columns is demonstrated and explained by the St~anley'sinelnstic column
Since the tangent modulus load represents a lower bound to the
buckling strength of real columns, and since it is easier to evaluate than
the reduced modulus load, the tangent modulus theory is used exten-
sively to develop column strength curves for the purpose of design. For
instance, the C R C column curve was developed on the basis of the
tangent modulus concept. By introducing a safety factor to the CRC
curve to account for imperfections of the columns and load eccentricities, i
one can develop the AISC-ASD curve, which is contained in the present
ASD Spe~ification.~
The tangent modulus concept is based o n the eigenvalue o r bifurcation
analysis. In using the eigenvalue analysis one must assume that the

column is geometrically perfect. Columns in reality are never perfect. As

a result, an alternate and more elaborate approach that explicitly takes
into account the effect of geometrical imperfections in the columns may
be desirable. This approach is known as the stability or load-deflection
analysis. In contrast to the eigenvalue analysis, in which only the load II
that corresponds to the point of bifurcation can be obtained, the
load-deflection analysis permits us to trace the complete load deflection
response of the column from the start of loading to failure. Because of
the complexity in calculation inherent in the load-deflection analysis,
recourse to numerical techniques is inevitable. The SSRC multiple-
column curves have been developed on the basis of an extensive
load-deflection analysis. The SSRC curve 2 represents the column
strength of medium-sized hot-rolled, wide-flange shapes frequently used
in building construction. This curve forms the basis of the new AISC-
LRFD column curve, which is contained in the present LRFD

2.1 Find the ratio of the critical loads that curresponds to the first two buckling
modes of the hvo columns shown in Fig. P2.1. Sketch the deflected shapes
of the columns.
3 P
3 EI-constant


2.2 Find the buckling load of thc rectangular section pinned at both ends (Fig.


2.3 Find the buckling load of the fixed-free stepped column shown below (Fig.

FIGURE P2.3 lhIo

2.4 Find the buckling loads of the columns shown in Fig. P2.4a-c.

'; ei L I LL r P


t- L .-
1 2L -- --1
An , ., &
FIGURE P2.4 El-canstant

2.5 For the eccentrically loaded column shown in Fig. P2.5, find an approximate
expression for the amplification factor A, in the form A, = ol(1- PIP.)
where a =f(PIP.). Compare it with the exact expression A, = sec [(XI
2 ) m l .

2.6 Discuss the assumptions used and the limitations of
a. the Secant formula
b. the Perry-Robertson formula

2.7 Plot the tangent modulus column curve for an aluminum alloy column with
11 = 8.0, %, = 22.78 ksi (157 MPa), E = 10,181 ksi (1.6 X 106MPa).

2.8 Plot the reduced modulus column curve for the aluminum column in the
above problem with the following cross section (Fig. P2.8).
a. Find the ratio PJP, at A, = 0.4 and A, = 1.2 where A,= l l n m (Ll
r ).
b. Approximate the stress-strain behavior of the aluminum alloy by two
straight lines and re-evaluate the ratio KIP, at A,=0.4 and A,= 1.2.
What conclusions can you draw upon comparison with the values
obtained in part (a)?
2.9 State the basic assumptions made in the development of the
a. CRC eolumn curve
b. SSRC multiple-column curves

2.10 Describe the inter-relationship and design format of

a. AISC-ASD column curve
b. AISC-PD column curve
c. AISC-LRFD column curve
How is the concept of "safety factor" incorporated in these design formats?

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