A Comparative Study of The Nature of Biopolymers Extracted From Anaerobic and Activated Sludges

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Wat. Res. Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 743-750, 1990 0043-1354/90 $3.00 + 0.

Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved Copyright © 1990 Pergamon Press pie


School of Civil Engineering, Birmingham University, P.O. Box 363, Birmingham, England

(First received July 1989; accepted in revised form December 1989)

Abstract--The chemical nature of sludge extracellular polymers are widely reported as being influential
in determining many of the physico-chemical properties of sludges. A comparison was made between
biopolymers extracted from activated and anaerobic sludges including UASB granules. Noticeable
differences as to the total yield of ECP/(g SS) were observed. Activated sludge samples produced 70-90 mg
ECP/(g SS) compared with 10-20mg ECP/(gSS) for granular sludge. A relationship between the
concentration of ECP extracted and the surface charge of the sludge solids was observed. Activated sludges
were found, using a colloid titration technique, to be more electronegative than granular sludges. Gross
chemical analysis of these exti'acted polymers suggests that anaerobic an d activated sludge polymers do
differ, with protein being the most dominant fraction in anaerobic samples compared with carbohydrate
in the latter. The relative concentrations of elements present in the ashed extracts, measured by EDAX,
show a predominance of phosphorus and calcium. The actual concentrations of these two elements were
found to be greatest in the extracts from the anaerobic granules and anaerobic fluidised bed biofilm.

Key words--biopolymers, anaerobic digestion, USB granules, surface charge

and their consequent retention within the process.
Extracellular polymers (ECPs) can be described Although the precise mechanisms involved i n bio-
as being high molecular weight compounds flocculation are not yet fully clarified, biopolymers
( M w > 10,000) produced by microorganisms under are believed to play a central role in the process. The
certain environmental conditions. Such biopoiymers sorptive and colloidal destabilisation reaction in bio-
originate from biological synthesis and excretion logical systems, such as yeast flocculation, antibody
or as lysis products from the lyric activity, pre- and antigen reactions and the cohesion of tissue cells,
dominantly of bacteria, and are usually found on floc have long been thought to be influenced by naturally
surfaces. These surface ECPs have previously been occurring polymers (Busch and Stumm, 1968). Con-
referred to as mucilage and are consistent with the sidering flocculation in biological wastewater treat-
glycocalyx described by Costerton and Irvin (1981). ment processes specifically, Tenny and Stumm (1965)
This has been established to be an almost universal proposed that polymers exposed on the microbial
surface component of the bacterial cell. The glyco- surface may act to absorb and bridge between cell
calyx can be defined as any polysaccharide containing surfaces and therefore initiate floc formation.
structure, of bacterial origin, lying outside the outer The precise function o f biopolymers in relation to
membrane of Gram negative cells and the peptido- bioflocculation and their effect on sludge physico-
glycon of the Gram positive cell. Subsequently, chemical characteristics, such as settlability, de-
because of the position of these biopolymers, their watering, floc strength and charge, are incompletely
chemical composition affects the surface properties of understood. However, the role attributed to extra-
the bacterial flocs. ECP, therefore, is thought to affect cellular polymers with respect to the stabilisation of
the physical properties of the sludge and is also colloidal particles is well established. Most of the
believed to be important in bioflocculation (Forster, proposed mechanisms for bioflocculation are based
1971). on the complex interactions between these high
Bioflocculation is essential to enable the efficient molecular weight polymers which bond electro-
and economic operation of both anaerobic and statically and physically to microbial surfaces. The
activated sludge wastewater treatment processes. subsequent bridging that occurs between bacterial
Agglomeration of the active biomass permits the cells and other particulate materials forms a heter-
separation of the sludge flocs from the treated liquors ogenous matrix of such a magnitude as to allow
settlement of the floe aggregate. Such a mechanism is
*To whom all correspondence should be addressed. widely reported in aerobic conditions and Ross
tPresent address: Department of Civil Engineering, (1984) has suggested it could also be important to the
Newcastle University, England. granulation process in anaerobic digesters.

WR 24/6~F
744 J.W. MORGANet al.

Biopolymers are also thought to be influential in limited number of uronic acids. Horan and Eccles
determining other sludge characteristics. The con- (1986) have shown that this is true for activated
centration and nature of such ionogenic polymers sludge polymers. Analysis of the monomer compo-
present at sludge surfaces will determine the sludge sition of five purified sludge polysaccharides from
surface charge, which is usually negative having different treatment works shown that five monomers;
values for activated sludge between - 10 to - 2 0 mV namely glucose, galactose, mannose, glueuronie acid
(Horan and Eccles, 1986). Forster and Dallas- and galacturonic acid; were the most abundant by
Newton (1980) found that if the electronegativity of percentage weight in all samples. Furthermore,
the floc surface was sufficiently large, repulsion may Forster (1971) showed that the principle ionogenic
occur that would cause the sludge settling properties component of such polysaccharides to be glucuronie
to deteriorate. Also, an increase in sludge electro- acid which supports this suggestion.
phoretic mobility was found by Magara et al. (1976) Published data related to the chemical nature of
to be related to increased polymer concentrations anaerobic sludge surface polymers is less widely
which also worsened the settling characteristics of reported in the literature. However, Karapanagiotis
the sludge. It seems feasible to presume, therefore, et al. (1989) showed that, overall, anaerobically di-
that the chemical nature of the sludge surface will gested sludge gave lower yields of ECP than activated
influence the measurable floc charge which itself sludge, using similar techniques of extraction. Bowen
affects the settling properties of the sludge. Addition- and Keinath (1984) and Forster (1982) also con-
ally the possible importance of ECP in the absorption cluded that digested sludge gave an overall lower
and subsequent removal of metal ions from solution yield of extractable ECP. Although a study of ECP
have also been reported (Brown and Lester, 1979). from granular sludge has not been widely reported,
Many attempts to extract and quantify sludge Ross (1984) found that such sludge gave an ECP yield
biopolymers have been made because of their of 4% of the total dried sludge solids; considerably
involvement in bioflocculation. Several methods have less than that reported for activated sludge. Regard-
been developed for their extraction and characteris- ing the chemical nature of sludge ECP, digested
ation. These include steaming (Wallen and Davis, sludge has been found to contain lipopolysaccharides
1972), centrifugal stripping (Pavoni e t al., 1972), and proteins as the most significant components,
alkali stripping (Sato and Ose, 1980) and ethanolic Forster (1983), rather than carbohydrates, as found
extraction (Forster and Clarke, 1983). Amongst in activated sludge.
others, Rudd et al. (1983) and Novak and Haugen The aim of this paper is to present data to allow
(1981) have compared the efficiency of these tech- a detailed comparison to be made between ECP
niques, using activated sludge, and found consider- extracted from anaerobic and activated sludges. The
able variation in the relative abundance of the same standardised extraction techniques will be used
polymer constituents, depending on the severity of for each of the sludge samples, so as to minimise
the method. This suggests that no universal method the considerable variation previously reported in
exists, at present, to extract biopolymers quanti- the literature. The qualitative examination of ECP
tatively and that comparison between different extracted from granular sludge is in itself of im-
authors' results must be made with caution. How- portance because of the lack of such reported infor-
ever, as suggested by Goodwin (1988), comparative mation. Such data could be useful to indicate the
studies, such as the work described in this report, possible role of ECP in the granulation process.
can be useful if the extraction technique is initially In addition, the relationship between the chemical
standardised. nature of the extractable polymer and other measur-
Much of the qualitative studies relating to the main able parameters, including floc charge and overall,
chemical constituents of sludge biopolymers have structure will be made.
used activated sludge. These polymers have been
shown by Goodwin and Forster (1985) to be com- MATERIALS AND METHODS
posed of protein, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and
Sludge samples
lipids. In the published literature, the ratio between
A comparative study was made between activated sludge,
each of these component polymers varies, depending digested sludge, upflow sludge blanket (UASB) granular
on the sample source and extraction technique. sludges (provided by Biwater Treatment Ltd and by
However, as suggested by Henning-Ryssov-Nielson Davidson & Sons, Aberdeen) and samples from the SERC
(1975), the polysaccharide component is most domi- anaerobic pilot-plant facility based at Gloucester (Forster,
nant in activated sludge systems. Consequently, the 1988). Details of the samples analysed in this investigation,
including the source and overall structure, are summarised
vast majority of research related to surface polymers in Table 1.
in activated sludge has been mainly concerned with All samples, with the exception of the granular sludges,
the carbohydrate fraction. The composition of bac- were received within 2 h after collection and stored in sealed
terial extracellular polysaceharides has been exten- containers at 4°C. Measurements relating to the physical
nature of the sludges, including the initial stages of the
sively reviewed by Sutherland (1985) who suggests thermal extraction of the ECP, were completed within 2
that polymers produced by certain bacterial species days of sampling or, in the case of the commercial sludges,
are almost composed entirely of neutral sugars and a of receiving the sample. A dried sample of ECP, extracted
Biopolymers extracted from sludges 745

Table 1. Details of sludge samples used in the investigation

Sample Source (g/l) Sludge structure
Laboratory 10 litre continuously-fed 1.87 Flocculant
activated sludge reactor
(feed: raw sewage)
Kidderminster Activated sludge; Kidderminster 4.84 Floeculant
STW Treatment Plant
Bromsgrove Digested sludge, Bromsgrove 9.68 Looselyflocculant
STW reactor
Gloucester UASB reactor, Caernarvon 6.33 Looselyflocculant/dispersed
seed Creameries
(feed: dairy waste)
Gloucester 0.96 Dispersed
SERC anaerobic pilot plant
Gloucester facility sited at Gloucester 0.86 Dispersed
anaerobic filter (feed: waste ice cream)
Gloucester 0.95 Dispersed
fluidised bed
Aberdeen UASB (Paques), Davidson & 102.67 Granular
granules Sons Papermill, Aberdeen
(feed: paperwaste water)
Dutch UASB (Paques). Provided by 98.51 Granular
granules Biwater Treatment Ltd
U.K. granules Lab-scale UASB, University Dried Granular
Birmingham, grown from ECP
Bromsgrove DS

from granular sludge grown from digested sludge in precipitated using a solvent mixture of acetone and ethanol
Birmingham, was also analysed. (3 vol: 1 vol) and left overnight. The precipitate was subse-
quently removed from the solvent by centrifugation and was
Determination of sludge and ECP surface charge dehydrated using acetone and petroleum ether rinses before
Measurement of the sludge surface charge was accom- determining the yield.
plished using the colloid titration technique described by Qualitative analysis of extracted ECP
Kawamura and Tanaka (1966). All solutions were adjusted
to neutrality prior to titration. Polybren and polyvinyl Samples of dried extracts were dissolved in water to give
sulphate (PVSK) were used as the standard cationic and a 1 g/1 solution which was then filtered through a 0.45 #m
anionic colloids, as suggested by Tiravanti et al. (1985). A membrane. The total organic carbon protein and carbo-
known volume of the sample was diluted in distilled water hydrate concentrations were then determined.
and mixed with excess 0.001 N Polybren then titrated The measurement of total organic carbon (TOC) was
against 0.001 N PVSK until electrical neutrality was performed using a Beckman 915 TOC analyser connected to
reached. A few drops of Toluidine blue added before the Beckman 215B infra-red analyser. 30#1 Samples were
titration were used to indicate this end point; a subtle colour used for all measurements. Carbohydrates were determined
change from blue to pink/purple. Equal volumes of Poly- using the phenol/sulphuric acid method of Dubois et al.
bren in distilled water were used as blanks. The colloid (1956). The colour obtained was allowed to develop for
charge expressed as milliequivalents per litre of positive or 30min before the absorbance read against a blank at
negative colloid charge can then be determined from the 490 nm. Glucose was used as the standard in the range
expression given below. For sludge samples it is preferrable 0-100 mg/1. Proteins in the extracts were determined using
to express this charge per gram of dried sludge solids. the modification of the Folin/Ciocalteu method described by
Lowry et al. (1951). The absorbance of the colour which was
A - B N (1000) developed after 30 min was read at 750 nm against a blank.
Charge (mequiv/l)
V Standards of bovine serum albumen (BSA) within the range
0~0mg/1 were used to determine the concentration of
crude proteins in the ECP. As in previous studies, neither
A= ml of PVSK added to the sample the glucose standards nor the BSA were subjected to
N= normality of PVSK the extraction procedures. However, the consistency of the
B= ml PVSK added to blank analytical methods was checked by measuring the carbo-
V= ml sample used. hydrate and protein concentrations in polymer solutions to
which known concentrations of glucose and BSA had been
Extraction of sludge extracellular polymers added. In addition, two of the ECP samples were subjected
The thermal extraction/solvent precipitation techniques to amino acid analysis. These analyses were done under
described by Forster and Lewin (1972), Brown and Lester contract by Alta Bioscience, Birmingham.
(1980) and Forster (1971) was used to extract the polymeric The elements present in the polymer extracts after being
material from all the sludges. A measured volume of sludge ashed at 500°C were determined using electron dispersive
solids was concentrated by low speed centrifugation X-ray analysis (EDAX). Samples of the dehydrated ash
(2000 rpm) and resuspended in 1/4 strength Ringers sol- were attached to graphite slabs with a carbon based
ution. The concentration of dried sludge solids was then adhesive and examined using a Joel JEM 100 CX2 EM
determined by filtration of a sample of this suspension. To AND LINK 860 series 2 (Link systems) EDAX analyser.
reduce bacterial lysis and consequent release of intracellular Five randomly selected areas were scanned and the
products, thermal treatment at 80°C was used as suggested combined spectra used to determine the mean relative
by Goodwin (1988). percentage of the most predominant elements.
The extracted polymers were harvested by removal of the Determination of the actual concentrations of calcium in
sludge solids separated by centrifugation first at 2000 rpm the extracts was achieved using flame photometry. All the
and then at 10,000 rpm. The ECP in the supernatant was samples were diluted in distilled water to give a final
746 J.W. MORGANet al.

Table 2. Colloidalsurface charge of solids and ECP 100

Charge on Charge on
sludge solids extractedECP /
Sample (mequiv/gSS) (mequiv/gECP) 80 /
Lab AS --0.683 --0.910
KidderminsterAS --0.895 --0.50
Bromsgrove DS - 0.110 - 0.632 x~ 60 ,/
Gloucester seed -0.570 -0.91
Gloucester UASB -0.720 -0.80
Gloucester FB -0.907 -0.73
Gloucester AF -0.483 -0.93 iii 40 ...... "- •
Aberdeen granules -0.260 -0.203
Dutch granules --0.430 --0.375
concentration of 1 mg/1 of extract. The flame photometer
(model A, Evans Electroselenium Ltd) was used with the f i '¢ I I ~ I
appropriate filter fitted. Standards within the range -0"2 -0"4 -0'6 -0"8 -1"0
0-100mg/1 Ca were prepared from a stock solution of
Surface charge (meq/g)
CaCO3. A calibration curve of calcium concentration
against absorbance was used to determine the amount of Fig. l. Relationship between sludge surface charge and the
calcium in the extracts. biopolymer yield, showing the regression line and the 95%
The Gloucester samples from the fluidised bed, the
Surface colloid charge of sludge solids and extracts anaerobic filter and the UASB reactors yielded inter-
The colloid titration technique proved to be a mediary amounts of ECP compared with the acti-
reproducible method to determine the surface charge vated sludge and granular sludges.
of sludge solids. Initial experiments show that if the A relationship between the concentration of ex-
pH and the temperature of titration were kept con- tracted ECP and the charge carried on the sludge
stant, the standard deviation of the calculated charge solids was established (Fig. 1); the higher yields of
remained low for the same sample. The calculated extract correlating with the greater values of the
colloidal surface charge for the sludge solids and their overall electronegativity of the sludge surface. Acti-
extracts shown in Table 2, are all expressed as vated sludge samples yielded more ECP than any of
milliequivalents per gram of sludge solid and ECP the anaerobic sludges and also had a more negatively
respectively. As expected, all the sludge solids and charged sludge surface. This suggests that the amount
their extracts carry an overall negative charge, how- of ECP may be responsible for determining the
ever, the charge carried by both the granular sludges surface charge characteristics of the sludge.
and their ECP extracts was found to be less negative The concentrations of TOC, protein and carbo-
than that of the activated sludges examined. Interest- hydrate determined in the dried ECP extracts are
ingly, the charges carried by the more dispersed shown in Table 3. This table also shows the ash
Gloucester samples were more similar to those of the content of the ECP and the amount of polymeric
activated sludge than the digested or granular material that remains unidentified. This unclassified
sludges. fraction could be composed of lipids or nucleic acids.
Both types of compound have previously been re-
Yields of extracted extracellular polymers ported in sludge ECP (Magara and Nambu, 1976;
The total yields of extracted ECP were calculated Forster, 1982; Robinson et al., 1984). Results from
from the dried weight of the precipitated material the TOC analysis show that, for all the samples
removed after thermal treatment at 80°C for 1 h. analysed, no measureable concentration of inorganic
From the summarised results, shown in Table 3, it carbon was detected indicating that the carbon
appears that the two activated sludge samples contain content of the ECP extracts was composed almost
more extractable ECP than the anaerobic sludges. entirely of organic carbon. The activated sludge

Table 3. Concentrationsof extractable materials

Total Yield carbohydrate Yield protein Unidentified
yield TOC (glucose equiv) (BSA equiv) Ash component
Sample (mg/g SS) (mg/g SS) (mg/g SS) (mg/g SS) (% ECP) (% ECP)
Lab AS 69.9 18.38 13.98 11.39 34.5 29.0
KidderminsterAS 90.2 27.51 23.90 14.07 18.0 40.0
Bromsgrove DS 13.3 3.49 1.93 5.39 35.1 1.0
Gloucester seed 16.3 5.54 1.87 3.85 -- --
Gloucester UASB 46.8 12.30 8.42 9.01 -- --
Gloucester AF 25.7 6.76 3.98 5.44 -- --
Gloucester FB 44.I 14.64 6.39 8.49 -- --
Aberdeen granules 10.4 3.18 2.34 2.90 25.4 24.2
Dutch granules 19.5 5.03 4.29 5.36 11.2 39.2
Biopolymers extracted from sludges 747

Table 4. Ratio of extracted protein:carbohydrate 3.0

Ratio of • x
Sample protein:carbohydrate
Lab AS 0.85 2.5 "xx
KidderminsterAS 0.59 (0.59)*
Bromsgrove DS 2.79
Gloucester seed 2.05 m 2.0 ". •
Gloucester UASB 1.09
Gloucester AF 1.37
Gloucester FB 1.33 "o
Aberdeen granules 1.24 (1.09)* 1.5
Dutch granules 1.25 o

*Protein based on amino acid analysis.


samples appeared to give higher concentrations of ~- 0.5 "', •

TOC than the granular and digested sludges. Com-
parison between the yields of carbohydrate and
protein suggest a difference between the crude chemi- I / 1 t I
-0.2 -0.4 -0"6 -0.8 -1.0
cal nature of ECP extracted from the aerobic acti-
vated sludge and anaerobic sludges. As previously Surface charge (meq/g)
suggested by Forster 0983), the protein component Fig. 2. Relationship between the sludge surface charge
in anaerobic sludges appeared to be the most sig- and the protein:carbohydrate ratio in the extracted ECP,
nificant, whereas the carbohydrate component was showing the regression lines and the 95% envelope.
most dominant in activated sludge. This difference is
more clearly evident when the ratios of extractable tration of the other elements detected using E D A X
protein:carbohydrate are compared (Table 4). These were calculated from the relative percentages. These
ratios can also be correlated with the surface charge results (Table 5) revealed that higher concentrations
(Fig. 2). of all elements, in particular calcium and phos-
The relative percentage of the most abundant phorous, are present in the ashed extracts from the
elements detected by E D A X analysis and a typical granular sludges and the fluidised bed biofilm.
EDAX spectrum are shown in Fig. 3. All the sludge
samples irrespective of their source were found to DISCUSSION
contain two predominant elements, phosphorous and
calcium. Although the proportions of these elements The yield of extracted polymeric material was
did vary, in all samples more than 85% of the found to differ significantly depending on the nature
detectable elements could be accounted for by phos- of the sludge sample. All the anaerobic samples, in
phorous and calcium. In addition variable quantities particular the digested and granular sludges, yielded
of Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, C1, K and Fe were present in significantly less ECP than the activated sludges. This
the ashed extracts. is compatible with earlier data (Table 6) and may
From the concentration of calcium in the extracts, indicate that under anaerobic conditions fewer bio-
determined using flame photometry, the concen- polymers are released, a suggestion supported by

Aberdeen granules







0/ ~a ' ~ ' P ' $ ' CL ' K ' C
Fig. 3. Typical EDAX spectrum for ashed ECP.
748 J . W . MORGAN e t al.

Table 5. Concentration of elements in the ashed ECP extracts (determined from the relative percentages from EDAX and the [Ca]
determined by flame photometry)
-- Concentration of the predominant elements in the ashed extracts
(#g/g ECP)
Sample Na Mg A1 Si P S CI K Ca Fe
Lab. AS 3.45 24.12 0.00 0.00 937.30 0.00 0,00 31.01 1998.65 99.93
Kidderminster AS 5.60 31.72 0.00 0.00 535.45 0.00 0.00 16.79 529.85 16.79
Lab. FB 320.57 606.57 44.00 1084.29 5286.29 0.00 1015.14 72.29 5333.43 157.14
Bromsgrove DS 3.51 10.53 3.51 0.00 610.53 7.02 35.10 52.63 2340.35 3.51
Aber gran. 30.45 154.78 27.91 0.00 4617.91 0.00 17.76 20.30 5074.63 0.00
Dutch gran. 224.72 591.01 15.73 0.00 6267.42 0.00 46.07 475.28 2234.83 19.10

Table 6. Comparison of the ECP yields obtained from different hydrate ratios showed a linear relationship with the
surface charge, with the correlation coefficient being
ECP yield
Source Sludge type (% TSS) 0.66 (which was significant at the 95% level). These
Kiff (1978) Activated 6.47
differences between the gross chemical nature of
This study Activated 8.00 aerobic and anaerobic biopolymers suggests that in
Clarke and Forster (1982) Activated 4.7 7.2 the latter systems the different metabolic processes
Forster and Clarke (1983) Activated 10.8
Karapanagiotis et al. (1989) Digested 3.5 result in the production of polymers which not only
Dolfing (1986) Digesting granules 2 are released less readily but are also chemically
This study Various digesting 2.5 different.
A relationship between the concentration of sur-
face biopolymers and the sludge surface charge was
Karapanagiotis et aL (1989). Alternatively, Henning- also established. The correlation coefficient for this
Ryssov-Nielsen (1975) showed that, under anaerobic relationship was 0.66 which was just significant at the
conditions, bacterial biopolymers may be quickly 95% level. Magara et al. (1976) have demonstrated
degraded by the bacteria, forming COs and CH4 as the influence that increased biopolymer synthesis had
byproducts. If true, this could explain why lower in increasing the surface charge, measured by in-
concentrations are present in systems where the creased electrophoretic mobility. High concentrations
availability of oxygen is limited. of anionic surface biopolymers can consequently be
The analysis of the activated sludge ECP indicates correlated with deteriorating sludge settling charac-
that the dominant component is a carbohydrate; teristics because of the influence of floc-repulsion.
Pavoni et al. (1972) also found this to be true. Bearing this in mind, it is interesting to note that the
However, the ratio between the protein and carbo- highly dispersed samples from the Gloucester SERC
hydrate components has previously been found to be pilot-plant carried relatively high negative charge
variable, depending on the extraction method and the compared with granular sludge solids and ECP
course of the sample. The type of waste being treated extracted from the granules.
is of particular relevance. For example, Vallom and The mineral composition of anaerobic granular
McLoughlon (1984) found that the protein fraction sludge has previously revealed the presence of
was the most prevalent in ECP extracted from acti- high concentrations of Ca, Mg, K, Fe, S and P
vated sludge that had been acclimatised to a feed (Dubourguier et al., 1988). When the elemental com-
containing high concentrations of BSA. position of the surface alone was examined by
However, in general, anaerobic sludges tend to Dubourguier et al. (1988), a predominance of phos-
have higher concentrations of protein in their ex- phorous, similar to that in the extracted ECP found
tracted polymers (see Table 7). The prevalence of pro- in this study, was detected. Such high concentrations
tein fractions has been found previously by Forster of this element in the ashed polymer extracts may
(1983) and by Karapanagiotis et al. (1989) who possibly originate from the phosphate groups abun-
quoted protein:carbohydrate ratios of approx. 3 : 1 dant in biopolymers such as phospholipids and
for digested sludge ECP; a result similar to that nucleic acids. Calcium was also found to be an
reported in this investigation. The protein:carbo- important constitutent of the ashed extracts from

Table 7. Comparison of the protein:carbohydrate ratios in sludge ECPs

Source Sludge type Protein:carbohydrate
Horan and Eccles (1986) Activated 0.16
Forster and Clarke (1983) Activated 0.56
This study Activated 0.70
Karapanagiotis et al. (1989) Digested 3.0-3.6
Forster (1982) Digested 5. I
Ehlinger et aL (1987) Digested
(a) Glucose fed 0.61
(b) VFA fed 2.31
This study Various digesting 1.1-2.8
Biopolymers extracted from sludges 749

all the samples studied. In anaerobic systems, this saccharide in nature for proteins may provide the
element is commonly deposited as the carbonate positive groups which form bonds between the nega-
which is precipitated in zones where CO2 is being tive sites on the bacteria. Other compounds including
produced by microcolonies of methanogens. How- lipopolysaccharides have also been found in the
ever, because of the high levels of phosphorous, it extracellular matrix of anaerobic biofilms (Robinson
seems probable that calcium phosphate is also pre- et al., 1984). The concentration of biopolymers is
cipitated and indeed such deposits were detected by not intimately important to the stabilisation of
Dubourguier et al. (1988) by elemental mapping of the biofilms because a large number of contacts can
granules. exist between these and the bacteria. Probably more
Bivalent cations, in particular calcium, have been important is the arrangement of functional groups
implicated in the bacterial aggregation process be- exposed along the surface of the polymers.
cause of their ability to bridge between the electro- If indeed bacterial ECPs are important, a more
negative carboxyl and phosphate groups associated detailed study regarding their chemistry may help in
with bacterial surfaces. The high concentration found the understanding of the process. However, work
in all samples may be due to the binding of the relating to the chemical nature of granular sludge
calcium ion between these anionic groups on the polymers is not widely reported in the literature.
biopolymers. Calcium may also be influential to From this study, one can conclude that the low
the stabilisation of bacterial conglomerates but an concentrations of ECP and the subsequently reduced
attempt by Hulshoff-pol et al. (1986) to relate the surface negativity are important to the stability of the
strength of granules to their mineral content was not very compact structures which constitute granular
conclusive. Also, Guiot et al. (1988) have shown that sludge.
calcium did not seem to be a key factor involved in
inducing granulation. However, the high concen- Acknowledgements--The authors gratefully acknowledge
the support of SERC (Grant No. GR/E 2873.4), Unilever
tration of this element in granular sludge may Research and the staff of the Birds Eye-Walls factory at
contribute to the overall stability and possibly Gloucester.
be responsible for reducing the measured surface
negativity of such sludges.
It is possible that the production of exopoly-
saccharides is restricted in methanogenic bacteria. If Alexander J. B., Zehender B. A. H., Brock T. O. and
true this could explain why anaerobic sludges such as Wuhrmann K. (1980) Characterisation of an acetate-
decarboxylating, non-hydrogen oxidising methane bac-
stable granules that possess a strong population of teria. Arch. Microb. 124, 1-11.
methanogens yield less ECP. Unfortunately extra- Bowen D. T. and Keinath T. M. (1984) Sludge conditioning:
cellular polymer synthesis in these bacteria has not effects of sludge biochemical composition. Wat. Sci.
been studied in any detail. However, unlike most Technol. 17, 505-515.
procaryotes, methanogens do not possess peptido- Brown M. J. and Lester J. N. (1979) Metal removal
in activated sludge: the role of bacterial extracellular
glycan in their cell walls. Instead, most methanogens polymers. Wat. Res. 13, 817-837,
consist of either a polypeptide sacculus or outer Busch P. L. and Stumm W. J. (1968) Chemical interactions
proteinacous sheath (Kandler and Konig, 1978; in the aggregation of bacteria bioflocculation in waste
Sprott and McKellar, 1980). One essential com- treatment. Envir. Sci. Technol. 2, 49-53.
Clarke A. R. and Forster C. F. (1982) Biopolymer yields
ponent to peptidoglycan synthesis is a lipid carrier from activated sludge and their relationship to the oper-
molecule (undecaprenyl phosphate) which is involved ation of treatment plant. Biotechnol. Lett. 4, 655~560.
in transporting the peptidoglycan precursors across Costerton J. W. and Irvin R. T. (1981) The bacterial
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