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A Research study

Presented to the Faculty of

Batangas State University

Batangas City

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the

General Chemistry


Bitongan, Jongg M.

Delos Santos, Mark Josh P.

Manalo, John Lloyd P.

Patulot, King Julius N.

Torres, Yousuf T.

Immeasurable appreciation and deepest gratitude for the help and support are

extended to the following persons who have contributed in giving a final shape and

making this study possible.

To the whole Batangas State University, to the school principal, to our class

adviser, for giving us the chance to improve our own selves by giving their all.

To Mrs. Ma. Fatima T. Mercado, RCh, MChem, for the support, guidance,

counsel, recommendations and provisions which embolden the researchers to go

after the study. At the foremost, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to

our supervisors, thank you for your thesis advices and for the priceless endeavor,

patience, understanding and enthusiasm you’ve exerted for this study. We would

also like to acknowledge their time and effort in checking and reviewing the

research paper.

And most especially to Almighty God, who gave strength to the writers to

continue despite all the hardships that were faced throughout the writing of the

thesis. Thank you, Lord God in helping us to achieve what we are and have now.


This chapter deals with the presentation of the problem. Specifically,

thispresents an introduction, the background of the study, statement of the

problem,theoreticalframework, conceptual framework, hypothesis of the study,

scope and limitations of the study, significance of the study, and definition of terms.


Nowadays, the Philippines faces many critical problems particularly in our

economy and in our energy systems. Many rural areas in the country still have no

electricity and this is a major problem that they are facing every day. Because of

the high cost of providing this service in sparsely populated, remote areas with

difficult terrain and low consumption, rural electricity schemes are typically more

expensive to implement than urban schemes.

Solar energy is the radiation from the Sun capable of producing heat,

causing chemical reactions, or generating electricity. The total amount of solar

energy incident on Earth is vastly in excess of the world’s current and anticipated

energy requirements. If suitably harnessed, this highly diffused source has the

potential to satisfy all future energy needs (Ashok, 2021).

The specific problem of the study is the concern for the remote areas or

most rural places having no electricity and the energy crisis that our country is

Background of the Study

The Sun's energy is abundant and completely renewable on Earth. In

essence, the sun enabled life on our planet, and we cannot imagine life without it.

The sun is directly or indirectly responsible for nearly all of Earth's energy

resources, including fossil fuels, hydro, wind, waves, biomass, and so on. Ancient

civilizations already used sunlight as an energy source. Energy needs withinside

the latest years were recorded to be developing at an exponential charge through

the industrial and in addition to home markets. While the non-renewable assets

are hastily getting depleted, it leaves no different choice however to apply

renewable assets to supply usable power. One of those assets, the Solar power is

the maximum considerable and smooth to harness useful resource through Solar

panels. Since then, many solar panels have been developed, with output varying

depending on the strength or amount of sunshine received. To achieve maximum

effectiveness, the solar panels must remain in direct sunlight throughout the day.

However, due to the rotation of the planet, those panels are unable to remain in

front of the sun at all times. As a result of this issue, their productivity suffers. To

achieve a consistent output, an automated system that can rotate the solar panel

continuously is necessary.

The study tries to help the environment from energy crisis and hazards

caused by the other conventional energy resources that are also a prime culprit for

environmental pollution. One of its unique qualities is that the system takes the sun

as a guiding source instead of earth as its reference. Also, a solar panel is a

sustainable alternative to fossil fuels, has little environmental impact, and has the
potential to be produced in any country. The Rotating Solar Panel: Arduino Based

Insolation Tracking System was created as a prototype to solve the problem

mentioned before and reduces the contamination because it is pollution-free and

no greenhouse gases are emitted after the installation. This project makes this

process of harnessing solar energy more efficient.

Statement of the Problem

The main extent of the study is to produce a prototype that produce energy

using the heat coming from the sun. Specifically, this sought answers for the

following questions:

1. What design will be used to develop the Rotating Solar Panel? The

systems are considered as follows:

1.1. System Components

1.2. Material Specification

2. What sensors will be used in the Rotating Solar Panel?

2.2. PIR Motion Sensor

3. What will the Rotating Solar Panel needs to be consider in order to test

the efficiency of the device?

3.1. Responsiveness

3.2. Sensitivity
Theoretical Framework

According to Perlin (2014), Chapin calculated that an ideal device could

generate electricity using 23% of the incoming solar energy. However, he set a

goal of achieving an efficiency of about 6%, which engineers at the time believed

was required if solar cells were to be taken seriously as electrical power sources.

So that the more intense photons associated with shorter wavelength light might

efficiently drive electrons to where they could be captured as energy, Chapin

realized. Collaboration with Fuller was essential to create such a cell. Chapin also

noticed that the glittering surface of silicon reflected a lot of light that might be

absorbed and used, so he coated it with a dull transparent plastic. By providing for

good electrical contact on the silicon strips while retaining the p-n junction close to

the surface, adding boron to the top of the cell allowed for greater photon


We all know that the solar energy is coming from the sun. So that, solar

panels are invented to convert light from the sun, which is consist of energy

particles called photons that are converted into electricity that can be used to drive

electrical loads. Solar panels can be used in a variety of applications, including

remote power systems for cabins, communications equipment, remote sensing,

and of course, power generation from residential and commercial PV systems.

Solar cells are also known as photovoltaic (PV) cells. A solar cell is a device that

directly converts light energy into electrical energy.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework illustrates and shows the components such as

ideas in the study. The study is about a Rotating Solar Panel using Arduino,

wherein it focuses on producing electricity or stored for future use.

In order to accomplish the study an overview of the study is needed.

Henceforth, the proponents constructed a Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate or

CDIO model for their conceptual paradigm. The model would showcase the

development and the stages of the research study.

In the Conceived stage, the researchers would gather and collect the

knowledge and the hardware requirements that are needed for the study.

Knowledge about the basic principles of electronics and electricity, programming

and troubleshooting, and the mechanism of hardware. On the other hand,

hardware requirements include PIR motion sensor, Battery compartment, servo

motor are essential for the study to work. In the programming department, the

Arduino Ide and Javascript are the most applicable for the researchers to undergo

and accomplish the study.

In the Design stage, the researchers will use the sketch up and the ibis

Paint X program in order to construct a plan for the device’s structure and design.

In the Implement stage, preparation for the prototype design would be

sorted. The hardware requirements will be blended together and a program would

be created to judge the distance of the device towards the surrounding people.

Afterwards, the hardware and the program will be combined to start the tests for
the prototype. The tests will be about the efficiency and the comfortability of the

device. Lastly, troubleshooting the device will be done to rid and help the prototype

of its flaws.

In the Operation Stage, the researchers will be able to attain a solar panel

that will store energy through sunlight. The sensor will be detecting the insolation

coming from the sun and the servo motor will do the work on what it is programmed

to and the battery will store the energy that it gets in the sunlight.
Conceptual Paradigm

Conceive Design Implement Operate

Conceive 1. Create and

conceptualize a
 Knowledge  System components ROTATING SOLAR
requirements prototype design for
o Basic electronic and the Rotating Solar
electrical Panel
o Panel structure SYSTEM
o Programming and 2. Develop software that
o Sensors
troubleshooting would sense insolation
o Hardware mechanism  PIR Motion of the sun
Sensor 3. Combine the software
 Hardware with the prototype.
requirements 4. Performing
preliminary testing in
o PIR motion sensor  Sketch Up design regards to the sensors.
o Batter Compartment  Ibis Paint X 5. Troubleshooting the
o Servo Motor
6. Conduct a test for the
efficiency and
 Software requirements accuracy of the device.
o Arduino Ide
o JavaScript

Figure 1.0
Hypothesis of the Study

This research study aimed to identify the difference between using the

normal solar panel and the rotating solar panel. This section provided a formulated

hypothesis that served as a guide for the researchers in the conduction of the


𝐇0: There is no significant difference in terms of making the use of renewable

energy and using rotating solar panels to provide electricity in the remote areas

and to lessen the crisis in terms of energy in our country.

H1: There is significant difference in terms of making the use of renewable energy

and using rotating solar panels to provide electricity in the remote areas and to

lessen the crisis in terms of energy in our country.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study focused on the following; the infrared sensor that will give signal

to the microcontroller, the microcontroller that will give command to the whole

mechanism, and the Servomotor that takes charge to the whole mechanism that

will make the solar panel to move for a specific angular rotation from time to time.

The limitations of the study are the following; the life span of the device

without experiencing any destructible incidents and device’s durability against any

natural phenomena.
Significance of the Study

The study aims to determine the significance of answering all the questions

relevant to this study. The findings of this study will be beneficial to the School,

Faculty, Students, and Future Researchers.

Batangas State University. The result of the study may serve as a guide

to give more information on how the management is educated about the

importance of having solar panels.

Faculty. The result of the study may serve as a guideline to enhance the

knowledge of the teachers about the importance of solar panels especially in the

Arduino Based Insolation Tracking System of a Rotating Solar Panels.

Students. The study's findings could be used as a reference to provide

more information to students who are interested in using solar panels. This will

also serve as a good foundation to the present researchers in the field of electrical

engineering boosting their intellectual creativity and ability to produce such a

product helpful in many situations.

Future Researchers. The study can provide reviews and result information

for different future studies that could be taken in any particular local area. This will

also help them develop more advanced ideas in terms of designs and function of

machines relating to Rotating Solar Panel using Arduino.

Definition of Terms

The present study dealt with the production of Rotating Solar Panel using

Arduino. In addition, the following terminologies are hereby defined as to prevent

incomprehensibility and promote proper understanding.

Arduino. Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use

hardware and software (Arduino, 2021). In this study, this will serve as the board

where this reads the inputs of the sensors that are present in the prototype.

Arduino IDE. The open-source Arduino Software (IDE) makes it easy to write code

and upload it to the board. This software can be used with any Arduino board

(Arduino, 2021). In this study this will also be used in the programming part with

the help of Javascript.

Codes. An unvarying rule for replacing a piece of information such as a letter,

word, or phrase with an arbitrarily selected equivalent (Britannica, 2021). As to be

used in the study, it is to utilize the use of Arduino programming as instructions to

produce a Rotating Solar Panel.

Microcontroller. A microcontroller is a computer present in a single integrated

circuit which is dedicated to perform one task and execute one specific application

(Techopedia, 2018). In this study, this will gathers input, processes this

information, and outputs a certain action based on the information gathered.

Programming. Programming, also known as coding, refers to the process of

writing instructions for computing devices and systems (Carlton, 2021). In this
study, this will carry the task based on the programmed instructions using a


Renewable Energy. Renewable energy, often referred to as clean energy, comes

from natural sources or processes that are constantly replenished (Shinn, 2018).

In this study, this is the principle that we will make out of our product.

Sensors. A sensor is a device that detects and responds to some type of input

from the physical environment (Wigmore, 2021). As to be used in the study, this is

the material measured in producing the prototype that signals to classify the

movements that are to be operated by the machine.

Servo Motor. The servo motor is usually a simple DC motor controlled for specific

angular rotation with the help of additional servomechanism (Electrical4U, 2020).

In this study, this is the mechanism that will allow the solar panel to rotate. Solar

Panel. Solar panels come in a variety of rectangular shapes and are installed in

combination to generate electricity (Donec, 2020). In this study, it is the main

prototype that the proponents will produce.

Chapter II


This chapter presents the literature and studies gathered by the researchers

in order to develop an absolute understanding and deeper insight into previous

works which are relevant to the subject and as well as to reach specific goals of

the study.

These references were assembled through books and other reading

materials. It also includes references acquired through internet, and past theses

with the same discipline. The presentation started with the conceptual literature,

which gave more in-depth information associated with the current study. It also

contained local and foreign related studies that supported and was used as basis.

I. Conceptual Literature

Solar Panel

A solar panel, or solar module, is one component of a photovoltaic system.

They are constructed out of a series of photovoltaic cells arranged into a panel.

They come in a variety of rectangular shapes and are installed in combination

to generate electricity. Solar panels, sometimes also

called photovoltaics collect energy from the Sun in the form of sunlight and

convert it into electricity that can be used to power homes or businesses. These

panels can be used to supplement a building's electricity or provide power at

remote locations. In addition to residential and commercial use, there is large-scale

industrial or utility use of solar. In this case, thousands or even millions of solar

panels are arranged into a vast solar array, or solar farm, which provides electricity

to large urban populations (Donev, 2020).

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy comes from sources or processes that are constantly

replenished. These sources of energy include solar energy, wind

energy, geothermal energy, and hydroelectric power. Renewable sources are

often associated with green energy and clean energy, but there are some subtle

differences between these three energy types. Where renewable sources are

those that are recyclable, clean energy are those that do not release pollutants like

carbon dioxide, and green energy is that which comes from natural sources. While

there is often cross-over between these energy types, not all types of renewable

energy are actually fully clean or green. For example, some hydroelectric sources

can actually damage natural habitats and cause deforestation (Twi, 2021).

Basic Electronics

The knowledge and ability to apply the concepts, terms, and principles

involved in working on or near electrical and electronic equipment is

measured by basic electronics. Electronics is the branch of science and

engineering concerned with the theory and use of a class of devices in which
electrons are transported through a vacuum, gas or semiconductor (PaulI,



Troubleshooting requires for measurements to be made and tests to be

performed. When measurements give outcomes far different than they would be

in a properly operating unit, or when a test fails, the defective component(s) is

isolated. Some failures happen which is a reason why troubleshooting is needed.

Some major types of failures are complete failures, intermittent fault, poor

performance, and induced failures. The easiest issues to repair are often complete

failures. On the other hand, intermittent faults are usually the most difficult to repair

since troubleshooting can only be done when the equipment is malfunctioning.

Equipment that is functioning below specified operational standards is said to have

poor system performance characteristics that requires troubleshooting. For critical

communications systems, regular performance checks are necessary. Induced

failures often come from abuse of equipment. By exercising proper equipment

care, induced failures can be eliminated. Repairs should be done by experienced

technicians or supervised by them. Voltage and resistance checks are done to

isolate defective components once the trouble has been pinpointed to a specific

stage of the equipment (Electronics Troubleshooting Techniques, 2017).


An Arduino is a small computer that is programmable between your device

and external components to process inputs and outputs. It is a computer platform

that is physical or embedded, meaning it is an interactive system that interacts with

its environment An Arduino is a small computer that can be programmed to

process inputs and outputs between your device and external components. It is a

physical or embedded computer platform, which means that it is an interactive

system that interacts with its surroundings (McRoberts, 2010).

II. Related Studies

1. Foreign Study

There were recent related studies on developing the Rotating Solar Panel with

the utilization of Arduino system with various objectives. Most of the concepts were

based from these recent studies in different countries. Presented here are some of

the published studies about innovation of the Rotating Solar Panel alongside with

its results.

On Improving the Efficiency of a Solar Panel Tracking System

According to Aziz & Hazzan (2017), a significant aspect of producing solar

energy as a reliable source of electricity in the smart grid is the ability of the solar

energy tracking system to adjust the solar panels continuously with changes in the

position of the sun. The location of the sun should be detected in a non-linear

manner using an automatic sun tracking system. The benefit of such a system is

that it can be controlled remotely using a computer-based system, allowing the

power plant's operation and performance to be controlled from anywhere in the

smart grid.

Also, the study conducted by (Sharma et al., 2021) said that the solar

energy received on a particular location on earth changes throughout the day and

year because of the rotary motion along its axis and revolutionary movement along

with the sun, respectively. The most feasible method to collect maximum solar

irradiations is by establishing a solar tracking system. However, solar energy

entrepreneurs dodge the solar tracking systems due to their high cost

Our research aims for improving and maximizing the ability of a solar panel

to generate power from solar energy. We will use the Arduino Based Insolation

Tracking System to make the solar panel move in accordance with the position of

the sun. In such way, the orientation of the solar panel with respect to that of the

sun and thereby produce a consistent output to be delivered into the smart grid

during the daytime.

Solar Power Saves Everyone Money

According to the study of Averett, N., (2016). Solar Power Saves Everyone

Money. By doing so without an expensive power plant, every kilowatt hour of

electricity generated by the PV system will reduce electricity costs by about 1 cent

per kilowatt hour. Instead of using these inefficient and expensive power plants,

energy suppliers can use electricity from the tallest PV systems in the summer.

According to Kaufman, when “everyone has their air conditioners running,” and
demand for electricity is at its highest in Massachusetts. And the system produces

most of the energy during the hot summer months, saving the cost of all payers.

Solar energy plays an active role here. When a PV system generates

electricity, it goes directly into the grid, a network of connected power plants and

transmission lines that power individual customers. As demand increases (for

example, in the morning after people wake up and turn on their devices),

businesses buy power from more and more power plants. If demand is high

enough, Kaufman said, "Because it's relatively small, relatively inefficient, and has

high fuel costs, we have to rely on plants that don't operate very often each year,"

he said. "It really pushes prices up. I will. " .. SEIA ranks Massachusetts sixth

among the PV states based on the installed PV capacity. The state currently has

approximately 1,020megawatts (MW) installed, sufficient to power 163,000


Renewable Energy Resources

According to the study of Twidell & Wair (2015), Renewable Energy

Resources is a numerate and quantitative text covering subjects of proven

technical and economic importance worldwide. Energy supplies from renewables

are essential components of every nation’s energy strategy, not least because of

concerns for the environment and for sustainability. Renewable energy supplies

are of ever-increasing environmental and economic importance in all countries. A

wide range of renewable energy technologies is established commercially and

recognized as a growth industry by most governments. World agencies, such as

the United Nations, have large programs to encourage technology.

In relation to the study of Twidell & Wair, our study considers the timeless

principles of renewable energy technologies, yet seeks to demonstrate modern

application. Photovoltaic cells in a solar panel turn sunlight into direct current

electricity. The main advantage is that it is a renewable, clean source of electricity.

Also, the study aims to be sustainable, must be inexhaustible, and not damage the

delivery of environmental goods and services including the climate system.

A Study on the Effects of Solar Power

According to Hayes, H., (2012). A Study on the Effects of Solar Power.

Enphase Energy is a solar energy company whose goal is to create smart and

reliable solar energy systems that can be easily used by anyone who wants to

benefit from solar energy. One of their new and innovative technologies is the

microinverter, which converts direct current to alternating current on each module.

In the Enphase solar system, a small converter is mounted directly on the solar

panel rack and is connected separately to this PV module. This per-module basis

allows maximum peak power point (MPPT) tracking for each individual PV

module, providing the maximum available power of each converted module.

The Enphase M190 Microconverter is one of Enphase's newer

microconverter models and has a maximum AC output power of 190 W. Peak

power monitoring DC voltage is 22 V to 40 V with a maximum DC input current of

10 A. Rated AC output current is 920 mA with a rated voltage range of 183 V to

229 V at 60 Hz. Enphase claims that this model has a maximum inverter efficiency

of 95.5% and a California Energy Commission (CEC) weighted efficiency of 95.0%.

The claimed power factor is greater than 0.95 late [1]. Again, a major issue is the

efficiency of the microinverter technology. To justify these claims so that they can

be improved upon, the effectiveness of the Enphase M190 Microinverter must be

tested. Microinverter installation, configuration and testing procedures are

discussed, along with recorded and calculated values. Experimental results are

then presented, followed by conclusions and future work.

Microcontroller and Electro-optical sensor based solar tracker

Sobuj Kumar Ray et al. presented two ways of rotating freedom

solar tracker by using microcontroller. The work includes the design of a two way

rotating freedom solar tracker based on a microcontroller. According to Sobuj

PIC16F72 microcontroller is used to activate the motors to get two way

rotation.LDC sensors are used to get the information about sun radiation. The

results are compared with conventional solar trackers without microcontrollers

and also with fixed panels. The difference is almost 37% between a

fixed panel and a tracking system with a microcontroller.

Yousif El-Tous et al. discuss

the thermal evaluation of a sun tracking solar cooker using a microcontroller.

The work contains the implementation of a tracking system developed for getting

solar heating using a solar cooker. A microcontroller is used for rotating the solar

heater with the movement of the sun. The PLC system is used as a

control system. A comparison between fixed and sun tracked cookers showed

that the use of sun tracking increased the heating temperature by 36%.

Mostefa Ghassoul et al. proposed the

design of an automatic solar tracking system to

maximize energy extraction. This solar tracking system is controlled by a

microchip PIC 18F452 microcontroller. The search mechanism (PILOT) locates

the position of the sun and the intelligent panel mechanism rotates

itself with the PILOT to extract the maximum energy. The main defect in this is

the rotation only takes place, if the energy obtained in the new position is higher

than that consumed by the panels during the transition. So one miniature

motor is used s to search the best position for maximum energy extraction. The

panel’s mechanism rotates to the position automatically when energy extraction is

optimal. The system is designed in such a way that panels only follow the sun if

that contributes to extra energy extraction and at the same time, the energy

consumed by the panel driving motor is less than that extracted.

Jing-Min Wang et al. proposed the design and implementation of a

sun tracker with a dual-axis single motor for an optical sensor-

based photovoltaic system. This work proposes a novel design of a dual-axis

solar tracking PV system which utilizes the feedback control theory along with

a four-quadrant light dependent resistor (LDR) sensor and simple electronic

circuits to provide robust system

performance. The proposed system uses a unique dual-

axis AC motor and a stand-alone PV

inverter to accomplish solar tracking. Experiment results indicated that the

developed system increased the energy gain up to 28.31% for a cloudy day.

2. Local Study

Studies about the development of a Rotating Solar Panel with the utilization

of Arduino system are already starting to draw interest in the Philippines. Other

related studies which concern the topic were established locally.

Solar Energy in the Philippines

According to the study of Centeno, R., (2018) Solar Energy in the

Philippines. The renewable energies continue to grow as a subset of existing

energy sources as countries around the world seek alternative forms of energy

production. One of these alternatives to traditional fossil fuels is solar energy. This

is relatively small, but it accounts for a significant portion of the increase in

renewable energy production. Solar energy uses solar panels to convert sunlight

into usable energy. Located in Southeast Asia, the Philippines is a great place to

promote solar energy integration due to its geographical location and other

important features. In recent years, the Philippines has begun to integrate solar

energy production with good results.

III. Synthesis

Renewable energy resources are very important for us and the future

generation nowadays. It was also defined and explained by many researchers

cited in the reviewed literature and the studies came with the same notions about

it. Lot of cited scholars and authors were able to establish how important the

renewable energy resources are to people of this generation.

Several authors like Aziz and Hazzan (2017) agreed that a significant

aspect of producing solar energy as a reliable source of electricity in the smart grid

is the ability of the solar energy tracking system to adjust the solar panels

continuously with changes in the position of the sun. The location of the sun should

be detected in a non-linear manner using an automatic sun tracking system. The

benefit of such a system is that it can be controlled remotely using a computer-

based system, allowing the power plant's operation and performance to be

controlled from anywhere in the smart grid.

Compared to the proposed research, Mr. Aziz and Mr. Hazzan also wanted

to make use of the full potential of solar energy by using a tracking system to adjust

the solar panels in the position of the sun. Acceptably, most of the solar energy is

consumed by the people because we can make use of it.

Moreover, as Averett, N.(2016) states that Solar Power Saves Everyone Money.

By doing so without an expensive power plant, every kilowatt hour of electricity

generated by the PV system will reduce electricity costs by about 1 cent per

kilowatt hour. Instead of using these inefficient and expensive power plants, energy

suppliers can use electricity from the tallest PV systems in the summer. By

introducing a more reliable and much more affordable source of energy, the people

can save a lot of money by investing their money on this kind of property.

All cited literatures and research have repeatedly proven that the

affordability and reliability of solar panel as a new source of energy is effective for

our people and for the next generation.

In this manner, the aim of this study is very much relevant to those cited

literature. Our economy needs improvement in terms of energy resources in our

Chapter III


This chapter provides the methods and procedures to be used in pursuing

the study for the successful application of sensors for the prototype Rotating Solar

Panel. The design, plan, analysis, and evaluation of the variables that would be

used in the paper were discussed in this chapter. In order to obtain the necessary

data and observations for the study, a variety of research methodologies wil l be


Research Design
Conceptualization and Development of Prototype
 System Components
 Material Specification

Integration of Hardware and Development of Software

 Programming
 Building

Preliminary Testing of Prototype

 Placement of Sensors
 Servo Motor Reaction
 Battery capacity

Troubleshooting of the Rotating Solar Panel

Final Testing and Evaluation of the Safe Proximity Detector

 Responsiveness
 Sensitivity
Data Gathering

Integration of Hardware and Development of Software

This systematic method must be followed by the researchers in order to

develop and construct a Rotating Solar Panel.

A. Fabricating

1. Collect materials for the Rotating Solar Panel that are readily available in the


2. As for the prototype's framework, the researchers assembled and designed the

case structure of the Rotating Solar Panel.

3. Attached the PIR Motion Sensor in the prototype.

4. Assembled and organized the Arduino, different sensors, battery and the jumper

wires into the prototype.

B. Programming

In order to develop a Rotating Solar Panel, researchers would need to

program the Arduino board by using its software, the Arduino IDE. The Rotating

Solar Panel would be able to work and function effectively by using the commands

of each code that would be uploaded to the Arduino.

C. Flow Chart

The algorithm of this project is as follows:

Step 1: Manually setup the Rotating Solar Panel

Step 2: Placement where the prototype will be setup

Step 3: The PIR Motion Sensor will detect where the insolation of the sun is


Step 4: The Servo Motor will do the work and rotate as the sensor detect where

the heat from the sun located

Step 5: The Battery will store the energy

Data Gathering Procedure

Preliminary testing of the Rotating Solar Panel

It is important to conduct a preliminary testing for the performance of the

Rotating Solar Panel in order to store energy that comes from the sun. Sequentially

for the Rotating Solar Panel to occur, a fair and objective test must be evaluated

first. The following components would be needed to consider:

 Operating Capacity

The case would serve as the body of the prototype. It has a rectangular

external form as for the panel. In order for the researchers to identify its operating

capacity the sensors would be used and tested which would allow the researchers
to know if the prototype is working. Through this, the researchers would be able to

know the device’s operating capacity and would be able to make a

recommendation for future studies.

 Working duration

The working duration of the safe proximity detector would depend on the

energy coming from the sun that will be store in the battery compartment. In

conducting the preliminary testing in terms of the program that is input to the board,

the sensors will detect the location where the sun it is set. The effectiveness of the

tests would prove that the prototype has the capability to do the work.

 Detecting and Storing

The PIR Motion Sensor is used in detecting the insolation coming from the

sun. In line with the operating capacity, the servo motor and the responsiveness

of sensor would be measured and tested. The speed on which the sensors picks

up the presence would depend on the energy supply, varying from slow to fast

given the total battery that it has to operate.

Troubleshooting of the Rotating Solar Panel

Troubleshooting is the process of evaluating what is lacking and what needs

to be improved in the prototype. Repairing the faults and errors of data is a way of

troubleshooting. Performing the troubleshooting process would help improve the

development of the Rotating Solar Panel. Checking the function of each parts
would be vital in building a program and a prototype that would help the remote

areas to have electricity.

Final Testing and Evaluation of the Rotating Solar Panel

After the process of identifying and removing errors, it would be important

to conduct a systematic evaluation for the staging of the Rotating Solar Panel. The

sensors that is used is evaluated based on the following criteria:

 Efficiency

The system's reliability will be checked and tweaked so that it could operate

efficiently and continuously. This will include how the Rotating Solar Panel react

as a whole. The accuracy of the sensors will be used to determine the system's

effectiveness. The system must sense the distance of the individual correctly and

respond as it detected it.

 Responsiveness

The system’s quality of reacting quickly evaluates as it approaches the

location of the insolation of the sun that the sensor is operated. This response will

tell how the Rotating Solar Panel will react.

 Sensitivity

The system’s sensitivity that present in Rotating Solar Panel will show the

device condition of being sensitive. The system examined continuously for the
reason of this factor will be first seen as it operates and to identify how dependent

the output will be.


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EE- 1106

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

19 years old

“We’ve been weighed down by so many tasks. For someday, we’ll be strong

to lift any kind of struggles”

Personal Information

Birthdate: June 22, 2002

Address: Bungahan Lian, Batangas

Father’s Name: Michael S. Delos Santos

Mother’ Name: Charisse P. Delos Santos

Email Address:

Educational Background

Primary Education

Bungahan Elementary School

Bungahan Lian,, Batangas

School Year 2007-2015

Secondary Education

Saint Claire Academy

Poblacion IV Lian , Batangas

School Year 2015-2019

Saint Claire Academy

Poblacion IV Lian, Batangas

School Year 2019-2021

Tertiary Education

Batangas State University

Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City

School Year 2021-2022


EE - 1106

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

18 years old

“It doesnt have to happen to you for it to matter to you."

Personal Information

Birthdate: December 3, 2002

Address: San Roque, Sto. Tomas, Batangas

Father’s Name: Fernando N. Patulot

Mother’ Name: Felicita N. Patulot

Email Address: patulotkai011@gmail.con

Educational Background

Primary Education

San Roque Elementary School

San Roque, Sto. Tomas Batangas

School Year 2009-2015

Secondary Education

San Pedro National High School

San Pedro, Sto. Tonas, Batangas

School Year 2015-2019

Tanauan Institute

J.Gonzales St., Barangay 4, Tanauan City Batangas

School Year 2019-2021

Tertiary Education

Batangas State University

Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City

School Year 2021-2022


EE- 1106

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

19 years old

“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up “

Personal Information

Birthdate: September 18, 2002

Address: Sabang, Ibaan, Batangas

Father’s Name: Fortunato P. Manalo

Mother’ Name: Mely P. Manalo

Email Address:

Educational Background

Primary Education

Sabang Elementary School

Sabang, Ibaan, Batangas

School Year 2007-2015

Secondary Education

Saint James Academy

Poblacion, Ibaan, Batangas

School Year 2015-2019

Saint James Academy

Poblacion, Ibaan, Batangas

School Year 2019-2020

Tertiary Education

Batangas State University

Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City

School Year 2021-2022



Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

18 years old

“ Life doesn't Require that we be the best, only that We try our best"

Personal Information

Birthdate: June 06 , 2003

Address: Ibud, Sbalayan, Occidental MIndoro

Father’s Name: Jojo Q. Bitongan

Mother’ Name: Evangeline M. Bitongan


Educational Background

Primary Education

Liwayway Elementary School

Ibud, Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro

School Year 2009-2015

Secondary Education

San Vicente National High School

San Vicente, Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro.

School Year 2015-2019

Colegio De San Sebastian

Buenavista, Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro.

School Year 2019-2021

Tertiary Education

Batangas State University

Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City

School Year 2021-2022 present



Bachelors Science in Electrical Engineering

19 yrs old

“Follow your heart, and be proud of it”

Personal Information

Birthdate: July 28 2002

Address: blk 23 lot 5 Bria homes, Brgy. Banadero, Calamba city Launa

Father’s name: Arnold S. Torres

Mother’s name: Priscilla T. Torres

Email address:

Educational Background

Primary Education

Pulo Elementary school

Pulo, Cabuyao, laguna

School Year 2007-2015

Secondary Education

Cabuyao Integrated National High School

Poblacion dos, Cabuyao City, Laguna

School Year 2015-2019

Calamba Doctors’ College

Calamba City, Laguna

School Year 2019-2021

Tertiary Education

Batangas State University

Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City

School Year 2021-2022 present

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