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Start Time End Time Duration Description

15:00 15:10 10 Pick up gear from UCE

15:30 16:00 30 Meet at UCE and go to Ara
15:40 16:00 20 Pick up gear from UCSA
16:00 16:00 Meet at Ara
16:10 16:15 5 Clear foyer area
16:15 16:30 15 Unload van
16:30 17:00 30 Set up venue
16:30 16:35 5 Vino Fino to deliver wine
16:45 17:00 15 Sound check
17:00 17:15 15 Run through power point
17:35 18:00 25 Guests start arriving, bar opens
18:00 18:00 Offical start time
18:05 18:05 Ceremony begins
18:05 18:09 4 MC intro
18:09 18:13 4 Edze speaks about 85k
18:13 18:14 1 Back to MCs to introduce Nicky Wagne
18:14 18:24 10 Nicky Wagner speaks
18:24 18:27 3 MCs thank Nicky and introduce Jean
18:27 18:32 5 Jean announce winners
18:32 18:36 4 MC closing statement
18:36 20:00 1.24 Networking time with food/beverages
19:45 19:45 Bar closes
20:00 20:00 Guests begin leaving
20:05 20:30 30 Pack down starts
20:30 20:30 Exec to leave
Responsibility Notes
brush/pan, rubbish bags, name tags, ice buckets. Book
All who are going to Ara uce car park for the day.
and Maisie
in van Everyone needs to
Load PA System beall
and dressed for the
other hired evening into
Edze transit van.
Whole exec Take picture of how the space is supposed to be
Whole exec
Whole exec system, name badge table, projector, water jugs &
Whole exec glasses, screen
Also get ice, andopeners
bottle bannersand water glasses. Maisie to
bring beer and Karma Cola
Edze & Tech
Edze Name tags out and people on stations (bar, name tags,
door). Refer to rosters
Ushers Ensure guests are seated
Adam & Chelsea
introduce Margaret Welcome everyone, health and saftey, toilets etc
Passes over to Edze
Nicky Wagner
Jean Nicky
thank shakes
judges, hands, Edze gives
thank everyone out certificates
involved, mention
MC upcoming process for competitors
Refer to roster. Those involved go to stations, others free
Rostered Exec to network and chat.
Bar staff
Whole exec Pack down banners, leftover drinks, stage/equipment.
Whole exec

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