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Company Name: KARADNSZONE – tag line: Brands and Business Ecosystem

Type of Users:

1. Individual User (any professional or job seeker)

2. HR/Recruiter/Consultant
3. Company User
4. ICHP – Individual Contributor Human Potential (HR/recruiter/employee of KARADNSZONE)
5. Super admin
6. Admin (sub admin)

User Journey – ANY USER

Steps for Sign up

1. Name
2. Email Id (any email id)
3. Contact Number (Country code + 10-digit number)
4. Location (city + state + Country As of now PAN India)
5. Submit
6. Accept Terms and Conditions
7. Already User

Redirect to

1. Password
2. Confirm Password
3. OTP sent to Mobile
4. Send OTP Again
5. Submit

Redirect to

Who are you?

1. Iam an individual Professional

2. Iam a Company

If user select iam an individual professional then

Redirect to

Please select your professional objective

please select your professional objective

Looking for Job Looking to hire
Looking to build Network Looking to Collaborate
Mentoring others Seeking Mentorship
looking for investments Looking to invest
Advertise Affiliate

Note: User can select any from each row and can select minimum 1 and max 5
Looking for job

1. Experience or fresher - check box any one

2. Expected CTC – thousands & lakhs
3. Job type – can select all
Part time
4. Work options – can select all
Work from home
Work from office
5. Current Location – (City)
6. Preferred location – (city) can add max 2
7. Industry – dropdown text – can select 3 max
8. Functional area – dropdown text – can select 3 max
9. Title cum designation – Dropdown text selection – can select 3 max
10. Skills – dropdown text- can select max 20
11. Something about your self – minimum 50 characters, maximum 2000 characters
12. Upload resume – optional

Looking to hire

1. Experience or fresher or both- check box any one

2. Job type – can select all
Part time
3. Work options – can select all
Work from home
Work from office
4. Current Location – (City)
5. Preferred location – (city) can add max 2
6. Industry – dropdown text – can select 3 max
7. Functional area – dropdown text – can select 3 max
8. Title cum designation – Dropdown text selection – can select 3 max
9. Skills – dropdown text- can select max 20
10. Something about hiring plan – minimum 50 characters, maximum 2000 characters

Looking to build network

1. Current Location – (City)

2. Preferred location – (city) can add max 2
3. Industry – dropdown text – can select 3 max
4. Functional area – dropdown text – can select 3 max
5. Title cum designation – Dropdown text selection – can select 3 max
6. Skills – dropdown text- can select max 20
7. Something about your self – minimum 50 characters, maximum 2000 characters

Looking to collaborate

1. Current Location – (City)

2. Preferred location – (city) can add max 2
3. Industry – dropdown text – can select 3 max
4. Functional area – dropdown text – can select 3 max
5. Title cum designation – Dropdown text selection – can select 3 max
6. Skills – dropdown text- can select max 20
7. Services you offer
8. Services you looking for
9. Something about your self – minimum 50 characters, maximum 2000 characters

Mentoring others

1. Total Professional experience – months & years

2. Current Location – (City)
3. Preferred location – (city) can add max 2
4. Industry – dropdown text – can select 3 max
5. Functional area – dropdown text – can select 3 max
6. Title cum designation – Dropdown text selection – can select 3 max
7. Skills – dropdown text- can select max 20
8. Something about your self – minimum 50 characters, maximum 2000 characters

Seeking Mentorship

1. Current Location – (City)

2. Preferred location – (city) can add max 2
3. Industry – dropdown text – can select 3 max
4. Functional area – dropdown text – can select 3 max
5. Title cum designation – Dropdown text selection – can select 3 max
6. Skills – dropdown text- can select max 20
7. Something about your self – minimum 50 characters, maximum 2000 characters


1. Product industry or service industry or both – select any one check box
2. Location – can add multiple cities max 5
3. Industry – dropdown text – can select 3 max
4. Functional area – dropdown text – can select 3 max
5. Title cum designation – Dropdown text selection – can select 3 max
6. Skills – dropdown text- can select max 20
7. Audience type – select any one
8. Age limit minimum to maximum
9. Education level
10. Earning range – minimum to maximum – Lakhs, thousands
11. Something about your product – minimum 50 characters, maximum 2000 characters


1. Product industry or service industry or both – select any one check box
2. Industry – dropdown text – can select 3 max
3. Functional area – dropdown text – can select 3 max
4. Title cum designation – Dropdown text selection – can select 3 max
5. Skills – dropdown text- can select max 20
6. Something about your self – minimum 50 characters, maximum 2000 characters
7. Advertise property – can select any 1 or all
Web site – web site domain, can add one or more than one
Social media- social links
Word of mouth –
8. Audience type- Individuals or groups or both – select any one Education level
9. Age limit Minimum to maximum
10. Earning range – minimum to maximum – Lakhs, thousands
11. Location – can add max 5 locations – city wise

Looking to invest

1. Current Location – (City)

2. Preferred location – (city) can add max 2
3. Industry – dropdown text – can select 3 max
4. Product industry or service industry or both – select any one
5. Investment amount limit – Minimum to maximum – Lakhs -thousands
6. About your investment plans – minimum 50 Characters, Maximum 2000 characters

Looking for investment

1. Current Location – (City)

2. Preferred location – (city) can add max 2
3. Industry – dropdown text – can select 3 max
4. Product industry or service industry – select any one
5. Investment amount limit – Minimum to maximum – Lakhs -thousands
6. About your project plans – minimum 50 Characters, Maximum 2000 characters
7. Project stage
Under construction
Already working
8. Attach project details – links, document, video, image – select minimum one or max all
Once the user selected the respective objectives and filled the survey as needed then

Redirect to

Submit referral code

Confirm the referral code person profile

Accept and submit

Redirect to

Payment page – 1000/- including taxes

Invoice details

Payment details –

Debit/credit card

Bank account



Redirect to

Payment gateway

Once the payment is done acknowledge success full, then

Redirect to user dash board


User has selected Iam a company then

Redirect to

Company details

Company full Name as per document

Name of founder or directors or proprietors or CEO – only one name

Company full address

Current Location
Other locations max 5


Company email

Contact number

No of Employees

About company – minimum 50 char – max 2000 char

Redirect to

Objective survey same as above

Referral code

Payment details

Payment gateway then dash board upon successful of payment

As we see two users hear one is INDIVIDUAL USER and second is COMPANY USER and both have
done with Objective Survey, Referral code, Payment Details, and came on to Dash board

Now type of Dashboards as below

  Features/Functionalities IU / Jobseeker Company User Consultant ICHP
1 Dashboard yes yes yes yes
2 Account page yes yes yes yes
3 Search yes yes yes yes
4 Settings yes yes yes yes
5 Jobs yes yes yes yes
6 Messaging yes yes yes yes
7 Jobs adds no yes yes yes
8 Candidates no yes yes yes
9 Profile view yes yes yes yes
10 Profile Edit yes yes yes yes
11 Company Profile view no yes yes no
12 Company Profile Edit no yes yes no
13 Client profile view/edit no no yes yes
14 Network yes yes yes yes
15 Employees no yes yes no
16 Post Feed yes yes yes yes
17 Post Job no yes yes yes
18 Post adds no yes yes yes
19 Affiliate adds yes yes yes yes
20 R/S/S Jobs yes yes yes yes
21 R/S/S Connections/People yes yes yes yes
22 R/S/S groups yes yes yes yes
23 Ranking yes yes yes yes
24 Scoring yes yes yes yes
25 Documents Verification yes yes yes yes
26 Documents Upload yes yes yes yes
27 Endorsements yes yes yes yes
28 Referral Code yes yes yes yes

Detailed information about feature & functionalities

1. Dashboard
Post feed – Title of post- max 50 characters, body of post max 3000 characters, text fonts,
emojis, attach files, photo, links, video – tag people, groups, companies, whom to show-
public, connections, Select Objectives
Post feed of others as pe Objectives – Comment (limit characters to max 2000 – attach files,
photo, links, video – tag people, groups, companies), like, Share, Report
Recommended people as per Objectives – Name, Designation/title, Location, Company,
selected objectives, Connect, Share profile,
Recommend jobs as per objectives – Name of the company, posted person name, job title,
Location, Job type, Salary, apply button, view full JD, Like, comment, share, report
Become ICHP pop-up – If not an ICHP – only to individual users, click to see more details
Become Affiliate pop-up – If not opted Affiliate Pop-up – Only to individual users, click to
Objective form of Affiliate – only if the advertisement objective not selected.
Advertisements- will discuss in details
2. Account page
This page is where the user subscription is how
Userid – alphanumeric – let user decide it – show availability
Date of subscription. Valid till, top- amount, balance, withdraw button, add top-up balance
Referral code- generate referral code- same as Userid – cannot change later
Bank details- add card, UPI, Verify
No of referrals so far,
Withdrawn amount
3. Search – same as LinkedIn, not that vast, little simple, search people, jobs, companies,
groups, posts – by name, location, designation title, school/college name, working company,
skills – this option is on top of every page
4. Settings – privacy setting – need to discuss
5. Jobs
Display jobs as per objective selected – if objective is not selected then display jobs as per
Applied jobs – list
Saved jobs – list
Shared jobs - list
Recommend or suggested jobs
Last search list
6. Messaging – same like others, which is already there that’s enough
7. Jobs adds
Posted jobs – list
Saved job description – list
8. Candidates
Applied candidates – list – full information all details user mentioned in his profile – rejected
button, viewed sign, select button
Saved candidate – same as above
Shortlisted candidates – same as above
Rejected candidates – list same as above
Shared candidates – list same as above
9. Profile view
10. Profile Edit
11. Company Profile view
12. Company Profile Edit
13. Client profile view/edit
14. Network
15. Employees
16. Post Feed
17. Post Job
18. Post adds
19. Affiliate adds
20. R/S/S Jobs
21. R/S/S Connections/People
22. R/S/S groups
23. Ranking
24. Scoring
25. Documents Verification
26. Documents Upload
27. Endorsements
28. Referral Code

1 Dashboard

2 Account page

3 Search

4 Settings

5 Jobs

6 Messaging

7 Jobs adds

8 Candidates

9 Profile view

10 Profile Edit

11 Company Profile view

12 Company Profile Edit

13 Client profile view/edit

14 Network

15 Employees

16 Post Feed

17 Post Job

18 Post adds
19 Affiliate adds

20 R/S/S Jobs

21 R/S/S Connections/People

22 R/S/S groups

23 Ranking

24 Scoring

25 Documents Verification

26 Documents Upload

27 Endorsements

28 Referral Code

Dashboard features list

1. Individual User
1. Dashboard
2. Account page
3. Profile View
4. Profile Edit
5. Search
6. Network
7. Jobs
8. Settings
9. Messaging
10. Affiliate Adds
2. Company User
1. Dashboard
2. Account page
3. Company Profile View
4. Company Profile Edit
5. Company Admin Profile
6. Company Admin Profile edit
7. Employees
8. Search
9. Network
10. Jobs
11. My jobs
12. Candidates
13. Settings
14. Messaging
15. Post Adds
16. Affiliate Adds
1. Dashboard
2. Account page
3. Profile View
4. Profile Edit
5. Company/clients profile view
6. Search
7. Network
8. Jobs
9. My jobs
10. Candidates
11. Settings
12. Messaging
13. Post adds
14. Affiliate Adds
4. Placement Consultant / agency
1. Dashboard
2. Account page
3. Company Profile View
4. Company Profile Edit
5. Consultant/agency profile view/edit
6. Employees
7. Company/client profile view
8. Search
9. Network
10. Jobs
11. My jobs
12. Candidates
13. Settings
14. Messaging
15. Post Adds
16. Affiliate Adds

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