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This research study entitled, “ACCEPTABILITY OF TELEHEALTH AMONG

BIGUEÑOS”, prepared and submitted by Lester Paul R. Sivila, Shane Audrey O.

Lardizabal, Rona B. Poderoso, Diane Margareth Rabara, Nhokia Diane A. Rabara, Haizel

A. Raboy, and Joanna Marie R. Tenorio, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, has been examined and is recommended for oral






Approved by the Panel of Examiners on Oral Examination with a grade of





Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor

of Science in Nursing.


Dean, College of Nursing

Date: ______________________________


For the successful completion of this work, the researchers wish to express their most

profound gratitude for the assistance extended by the people who were instrumental in sharing

their valuable time, constant motivation, inspiration, and pieces of advice in the realization of

this study, particularly to the following:

Dr. Erwin F. Cadorna, President of the University of Northern Philippines, for his

exemplary leadership in the attainment of quality education;

Dr. Rolando B. Navarro, Vice President of Academic Affairs, for his encouragement to

all the students to pursue excellence in education;

Dr. Francis Don L. Nero, Dean of the College of Nursing, for his wholehearted support,

encouragement, and untiring effort in giving constant reminders for the completion of the study;

Dr. Bernardo Oliber Arde, Nursing Research Instructor, who equipped them with all

the necessary knowledge and propelling them to this academic journey;

Prof. Fe T. Tuzon, Research Adviser, who shared the road map until its final destination

and all-out support from the conceptualization to the finalization of the study; 

Prof. Constantino Y. Mendoza, Critic, for his untiring effort, constructive suggestions,

and unselfish sharing of his time for the improvement of this study;

Dr. Epifania Marlene R. Purisima, Chairperson of the Panel of Examiners, for her

endless support, kind and understanding spirit during the presentation;

Prof. Sheila G. Obispo and Prof. Marie Jane U. Supnet, Panel Members, for their

intelligent ideas, suggestions, technical assistance, and expertise that contributed to the

refinement and improvement of the study;


Dr. Randolf M. Agup, Statistician, for always making sure that all the statistical

formulas, computations, and tables were correct.

Dr. Evelyn A. Del Castillo, Jaminette Joy A. Quicho, and Dr. Rolly M. Agup, their

questionnaire content validators, for having time in checking and validating their research

questionnaires to be used for the conduct of the study;

Hon. Jose “Bonito” C. Singson Jr., City Mayor of Vigan, for permitting the researchers

to conduct their study in different barangays of Vigan City and supporting this research


Brgy. Captains Edgardo A. Formoso, Edgar C. Piamonte, Reno A. Arce, Ruben J.

Pajo, Juvi Luis C. Quintinita, Geronimo A. Arde, Mario A. Arce, Constante V. Benzon,

Benjamin A. Anyog, for allowing the researchers to conduct their study in their respective


The respondents, for their insights, and experiences and for patiently answering the

questionnaires; and

Above all, to Almighty God, for His countless and bountiful blessings through Him

nothing is impossible.









This page is wholeheartedly, timelessly dedicated:

To Cesar and Arlene, my loving parents, who undeniably supported me through life; To Razlee

John, Sarlene Joy, Ian Caesar, my siblings, who pushes me towards greater

things in the future; To Federico, Esperanza, Silvestre, and

Aurora, my caring grandparents, who constantly

reminds me to be always kind in life;

To Carol, my cousin, who

always listens and

shares a safe space; To my dear

friends, who I always have been sharing my greatest

times, both highs and lows; To Mother Chi, our class adviser, for

always being our second mother; To all the people who supported us; And above all,

To Our Almighty God, my never-ending, never-doubting, source of strength, drive and wisdom.

In the name of this hourglass shaped words of gratitude and appreciation, I thank you all forever.



I would like to wholeheartedly dedicate this piece of accomplishment to the people

who never fail to support me in my endeavor;

To my parents, Andrew and Sheilla, who gave me life and never doubted me in the path

I took to achieve my dreams, for nurturing and guiding me

to become the person who I am today;

To my brother, Carl Bien Andrei, who never fails to become my source of joy whenever

I am feeling down, and for cheering me up in the middle of the night when I am giving up;

To my Onrubia and Lardizabal family, who from the first day,

believed that I can make it;

To my late Ate Xien, who became my inspiration in this dream;

To all of my friends, who were with me and made things bearable;

To our class adviser, Ma’am Chi, for always reminding us why we are here and for constantly

being patient in guiding us in our second home;

Above all, our Almighty God, for the gift of life, knowledge and wisdom.



I genuinely dedicate this piece of work to:

My parents, Ronald and Clarilyn, who supported me financially, spiritually, and for the moral

support all throughout this study;

My sisters, Clarisse and Charisse, for being patient with me during my stressful days;

Our class adviser, Ma’am Chi, for the unending love and support;

My friends and relatives, who’s always there for me whenever I’m feeling down,

and for understanding my busy schedule;

My thesis groupmates, Lester, Shane, Joanna, Marga, Nhokia, and Haizel, for the patience for

each other, and for their efforts and amazing memories in doing this study;

Our respondents, for the cooperation and sincerity in answering our questions, and for being the

number one instrument in accomplishing this study;

My Uncle MC—my guardian angel, for the guidance, love, and support that I miss the most.

Our Almighty God, for the gift of life, for giving me knowledge to contribute in this study, for

making me as my group’s happy pill, for giving me a comfortable life, and for guiding me all

throughout my life.



This work is dedicated to the following people who are valuable in my life:

To my parents, Danny and Teena,

who taught me to be persistent in pursuing my dreams

and for giving me words of encouragement;

To my brother, Jann Lloyd,

for bringing happiness to my life even though how hard life is,

and comfort especially when I am down;

To my friends,

for sharing their words of advice and providing me support

when at times it seemed impossible to continue;

To my groupmates,

for giving all their best, for sharing all their knowledge,

and for the experiences we shared together throughout this study;

To our class adviser, Ma’am Chi, for giving motivation

and for always believing our capabilities.

And lastly, to our Almighty God,

for His guidance, strength, power of mind, protection and skills

and for giving us a healthy life and knowledge.



Sincere gratitude is hereby extended to the following who never stopped providing assistance

until this paper was completed.

To my late father, John P. Rabara, who taught me to persevere and prepare me to face the

challenges and my guardian angel for wrapping his wings when darkness seemed to transcend.

Although he is not here to give me strength and support, I always feel his presence that used to

urge me to strive to achieve my goals in life.

To my mother, Mary Jean A. Rabara, who have been my source of inspiration and gave me

strength when I thought of giving up, who continually provide moral, spiritual, emotional, and

financial support. The one who inspired me to continue to strive to be the best version of myself

every day.

To my brothers, John Ashley A. Rabara and John Mark A. Rabara, who inspired me despite

the hardships we are encountering.

To my biggest cheerleader from the start, Wolverine B. Farinas, who keeps on believing in me

and my capabilities to pursue my dreams. Someone special who helped me remain stable in

times of instability, and helped guide me in my moments of confusions.

To my families and friends, who lend their arms to help me in my journey through life. Thank

you for always believing in me even if at some point I am doubtful of my own ability.

And lastly, the Almighty God, for the wisdom and constantly flow of ideas which deal for

lighting up the lamp of hope, and patience for accomplishment of this paper.



To my parents, Martin Raboy and Edlyn Raboy, for their unconditional love and support, who

have been a constant source of encouragement and inspiration to me throughout my life. I am

grateful for having you both in my life;

To my ever-supportive and loving siblings, Meryl Joy Raboy and Mark Edison, who always

stood by me and helped me, even in simple ways;

To my dear friends, for always being there for me through thick and thin,

To my thesis mates, who remained tough despite all the struggles and challenges that we had


To the person who never gets tired of listening to my endless rants, motivating, supporting, and

encouraging me to go further because it will bring me a fruitful ending.

To our research instructor, Sir Badz, for his patience, support, and guidance in the completion of

this manuscript

To our class adviser, Mother Chi, for the overflowing moral support and for believing in us;

And above all, to the Almighty God, the source of my strength and wisdom. Who continues to

make the impossible possible.

Thank you. My love for you all will or never be quantified. I sincerely and loving dedicate this

manuscript to all of you.



First of all, I would like to thank our Almighty God, my creator, my strong pillar, and my

source of inspiration, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. He has been the source of my

strength throughout this journey and on his wings only have I soared.

Thanking is not enough to express my sincere gratitude to my parents, Arvin

Tenorio and Rosemarie Tenorio, who never failed to support me, and for their patience and

understanding in my studies, as well as their unending love and care. They are my inner power

and inspiration in my journey to this life.

To my one and only sister, Mary Rose Tenorio, for her unending guidance and support;

To all my friends, who are there for me through thick and thin, and for being there to cheer

me up and support me.

To my groupmates, who are responsible partners with whom I experienced laughter, hardships,

and encouragement, who shared their knowledge and sacrificed their time to accomplish this


To my significant other, Josefino Camus Jr., my home and happy place. Life could be tough

sometimes and thank you for always being there for me through ups, downs and everything in

between. We are a step closer to achieving one of our dreams, we can do this.

To Ma'am Chi, thank you for your unending support and continuous motivation to become

better individuals.

Once again, thank you, everyone, and may God shower you with a thousand more blessings.



This study involves the residents of Vigan City, Ilocos Sur along the following: (1) socio-

demographic, (2) level of acceptability of the respondents towards telehealth services, (3)

relationship between the level of acceptability of the respondents and their socio-demographic

profile. The descriptive-correlational method of research was employed. The 356 respondents of

this study were selected from barangays of Vigan City and were chosen through stratified

random sampling. A questionnaire-checklist was used to gather the needed data. Frequency

count and percentage, mean, and simple linear correlational analysis were used for data analysis.

The findings of the study were as follows. Majority of the respondents were female. A great

number of them are from the age group of 18-39 years old and were college graduates. The

majority of the respondents’ income ranges below Php 5,000. A great percentage of the

respondents are residing in Western Vigan. Most of the respondents own a smartphone. Also,

majority of the respondents have a stable internet connection. Meanwhile, a “High Level of

Acceptability” was indicated on the overall descriptive rating. The monthly income had an

inverse relationship to the level of acceptability of telehealth. Based on the findings and

conclusion of the study, the following recommendations were forwarded. (1) Information

dissemination should be conducted to promote awareness of the benefits of telehealth; (2)

Reinforce lessons regarding telehealth in the Nursing Informatics of the College of Nursing of

the University of Northern Philippines; (3) The Nursing Academe may look into teaming-up

with Local Government Unit to instruct the barangay officials and health workers to help in

information dissemination regarding telehealth and requesting them to conduct lectures about

telehealth in the community; (4) The Rural Health Unit administration may look into offering

daily teleconsultations to residents of Vigan City; and (5) A similar study should be conducted

with a larger scope to make the findings of this study more conclusive.

Table of Contents

Chapter Page


Introduction..…………………………………………………………… 1

Statement of the Problem………………………………………………. 3

Scope and Delimitation………………………………………………… 4

Theoretical Framework………………………………………………… 5

Conceptual Framework………………………………………………… 15

Operational Definition of Terms……………………………………….. 16

Assumptions……………………………………………………………. 17

Hypothesis……………………………………………………………… 17

Methodology…..……………………………………………………….. 17

Research Design………………………………………………..…... 17

Population and Sample…………………………………………..…. 17

Data Gathering Instrument………………………………………..… 18

Data Gathering Procedures…………………………………….…… 19

Ethical Considerations…………………………………………..….. 10

Statistical Treatment of Data……………………………………..… 23


Profile of the Respondents……………………………………………… 24


Level of Acceptability to Telehealth…………………………………… 27

Correlation Coefficients Showing the Relationship Between

Respondent’s Profile and Level of Acceptability ……………………… 31


Summary……………………………………………………………….. 35

Findings………………………………………………………………… 37

Conclusion……………………………………………………………... 37

Recommendations……………………………………………………… 37

REFERENCES……….…………………………………………………………… 38

APPENDICES…………………………………………………………………….. 44

CURRICULUM VITAE………………………………………………………….. 70


Table Page

1 Distribution of the Respondents…..…..…………………………… 18

2 Profile of the Respondents…...…………………………………….. 25

3 Level of Acceptability ………..……………………………………. 27

4 Correlation Coefficients Showing the Relationship Between

Respondent’s Profile and their Level of Acceptability ……….…… 30

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