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Training Design for Basic Facilitation Skills (Sample)


October Theme: Relationship with Self

General Objective:

 Build self-esteem by discovering their unique abilities and characteristics.

 Develop positive attitudes toward school and toward lifelong learning. 
 Develop the capacity to establish peace within oneself.

Participants will get to know themselves better……ect. (example)

Time Theme Methodology/Activities Materials Person Expected

responsible outcome
8:00-8:30 Arrival Attendance Attendance Perfect
Giving of name tags sheet attendance
Name tags
8:30-8:40 Introductio Facilitators will introduce Microphone Facilitators Facilitators
n their names were introduce
to participants
8:40-8:50 Energizer Games Microphone Facilitators
will get the
attention of the
will be
energized and
will have
interest on the
8:50 – 9:00 Opening
9:00-10am Session 1 Introduction (10mins) Bond paper, The students
Activity: (20mins) pen/ pencil. will be able to
“Good Things About My express their
Self” , traits, will be
Sharing: (15mins) able to learn
Deepening: (15mins) the
Explaining the important significance of
reason of Self-knowledge. self-
10:10am Break Bladder break - - -
10:10:10-15 Warm up Tell to students to stand up To keep alive
and stretch their hands, and to have
legs, head and have 5 focus on the
jumping jacks next session.

10:15-11:15 Session 2 Introducing the topic: PPT, Participants

Johari's Window (10mins) microphone, will be able to
Explanation and activities bond paper, know the
for each window pen/pencil concept of
(including the sharing) Johari's
(30mins) window as
well as get to
Deepening: (15mins) know
How to make the "Free" themselves
Area wider more through
Closing Activity: (5mins) window.
Writing nickname and
each letter signifies their
11:15-11:45 Plenary: Summary/ microphone, Ate Ferly
Wrapping up

Homework/ Action
Every day, list at least 5
positive traits/attitude that
you did for the day for the
next 30 days.

11:45-12:00 Closing Prayer/ Ritual Bible & Cha


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