Mammals Checklist - 2017

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Mammals Checklist

1. Short-finned Whale 2. Humpback Whale 3. Dugong

4. Indian-pacific 5. Killer Whale 6. Blue Whale

Bottlenose Dolphin

7. Sperm Whale 8. Melon-Headed-Whale 9. Cape clawless Otter

EGFB - 2017 Module of: Identification of (Wild) Mammals The Lecturer: Víctor F. Américo
10. Common Reedbuck 11. Impala 12. Mountain Reedbuck

13. Bushbuck 14. Nyala 15. Greater Kudu

16. Oribi 17. Red Duiker 18. Steenbok

EGFB - 2017 Module of: Identification of (Wild) Mammals The Lecturer: Víctor F. Américo
19. Common Duiker 20. Suni 21. Blue Duiker

22. Klipspringer 23. Springbok 24. Sharp’s Grijsbok

25. Sable Antelope 26. Gemsbok (Orix) 27. Roan Antelope

EGFB - 2017 Module of: Identification of (Wild) Mammals The Lecturer: Víctor F. Américo
28. Waterbuck 29. Blue Wildebeest 30. African Buffalo

31. Common Eland 32. Mountain Zebra 33. Plains Zebra

34. Square-lipped Rhinoceros 35. Hippopotamus 36. Hook-lipped Rhinoceros

(White Rhino) (Black Rhino)

EGFB - 2017 Module of: Identification of (Wild) Mammals The Lecturer: Víctor F. Américo
37. African Elephant 38. Common Warthog 39. Bushpig

40. Porcupine 41. Stripped Polecat 42. Honey Badger (Ratel)

43. Slender Mongoose 44. White-Tailed-Mongoose 45. Dwarf Mongoose

46. Marsh (Water) Mongoose 47. Suricate 48. Banded Mongoose

EGFB - 2017 Module of: Identification of (Wild) Mammals The Lecturer: Víctor F. Américo
49. Yellow Mongoose 50. African Wildcat 51. Caracal Cat

52. Serval Cat 53. Cheetah 54. Leopard

55. Lion 56. Spotted Hyena 57. Brown Hyena

EGFB - 2017 Module of: Identification of (Wild) Mammals The Lecturer: Víctor F. Américo
58. African Wild Dog 59. Black-Backed Jackal 60. Side-stripped Jackal

61. Bat-heared Fox 62. Aardvark 63. Ground Pangolim

64. Vervet Monkey 65. Chacma Baboon 66. Syke’s Monkey

EGFB - 2017 Module of: Identification of (Wild) Mammals The Lecturer: Víctor F. Américo
67. Grant’s Galago 68. Southern Lesser Galago (Bush 69. Scrub hare

70. Duckbill 71. Tree Dassie (Hyrax) 72. Spring Hare

73. Yellow-spotted Rock 74. Tree Squirrel 75. RedBush Squirrel

Dassie (Hyrax)

76. Butterfly Bat 77. Tiny Musk Shrew 78. Egyptian Fruit-bat

EGFB - 2017 Module of: Identification of (Wild) Mammals The Lecturer: Víctor F. Américo
79. Blesbok 80. Tsessebe 81. Lichestein Hartebeest

82. Bontebok 83. Red Hartebeest 84. Giraffe

85. Echidna 86. Small-Spotted Genet 87. Large-Spotted Genet

EGFB - 2017 Module of: Identification of (Wild) Mammals The Lecturer: Víctor F. Américo
88. African Civet 89. Spiny Mouse 90. Bushveld Gebril

91. Woodland dormouse 92. Golden Mole-rat 93. Naked Mole-rat

EGFB - 2017 Module of: Identification of (Wild) Mammals The Lecturer: Víctor F. Américo

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