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In the speech act within the scope of the Speech Act Theory, we basically try to find answers to the

following two questions:

 What action do we take by talking?

 What do we make happen by talking?

We can do a lot by speaking, in other words, by having conversations within the scope of speech and
action. For example, we can thank, express our wishes, request or order, invite. Again, by talking, we
can make a lot of things happen or we can cause a lot of things to happen. For example, by speaking,
we can break the other person's heart or mend their broken heart. By talking, we can make the other
person feel very ugly or, on the contrary, we can make him feel very beautiful. If we are a marriage
officer, we can make two people become husband and wife by talking. If we are the boss of a
business, we can hire or fire someone by talking.
 It should be kept in mind that the relationship between 'speaking' and 'doing' within the scope of
Speech Act Theory is a linguistic view and therefore may differ from the understanding in daily life
from time to time. Because in daily life sometimes “He talks a lot, but does nothing.”  etc. We can
hear words. However, when speaking from the point of view of Speech Act Theory, it is not an
empty action, on the contrary, it is a prerequisite for being able to do something and have an impact
on the listener. Inasmuch as, in terms of Speech Act Theory, it is also important for the speaker to
decipher the message that the speaker uploads into his sentence and to be affected by this message,
for the Speech Act Theory.

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