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Summer School 2022 Student

Application Form

Discovering plasmas:
From the laboratory to the distant universe

The 2022 edition of the PLAS@PAR summer school (https://www.plasapar.sorbonne- ) will be held on August 21 – August 27 in Roscoff, France.
The summer school is free of charge, including local expenses and transportation fees from
Paris to Roscoff and return.
The sanitary conditions will be updated depending on the government rules (presently,
a valid sanitary pass is mandatory).
The number of participants is limited in order to optimize pedagogical contact and exchange
between participants and lecturers. Application has to be sent before May 31, 2022.

First Name: Female: Male:
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy):

Street name:
City: Zip code:
Cell phone: e-mail:
Name and phone number of a contact person in case of emergency:

English language is mandatory; moreover the level should be at least B2 (as defined by CECR:

Native language:

French and English language knowledge, answer by : poor, good, or excellent

French English
Not mandatory Mandatory

French language is not mandatory.
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Summer School 2022 Student
Application Form


Field of study :
Diploma and degree :

Name of the last institution

Department Name :
Address :
City : Zip code :
Website :

Enclose a copy of your last transcript of records (2021-2022) and a copy of your student ID.

Write (in English or in French) a short statement explaining your motivation in attending the
summer school.


Provide letter of recommendation from one or two referees; include name, position, phone
and e-mail of the referee.

Date : Signature of the student :

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Summer School 2022 Student
Application Form


PLAS@PAR organizes a free transfer by bus from Paris to Roscoff and return. Departure from
Paris on Sunday August 21 and return from Roscoff on Saturday August 27. Exact
appointment location will be confirmed later.

PLAS@PAR provides full pension, based on a shared twin bedrooms (and single rooms
whenever available). The accomodation is located on the site of the “Station biologique de
Roscoff”, Place Georges Teissier, 29680 Roscoff.

Special wishes
Do you have specific requests for dietary or accommodation ?

We cannot guaranty to fulfill your specifics wishes, however we will do our best.

1. Fill the form, do not forget to put the date and sign it.
2. Copy of your ID, or passport.
3. Copy of your student card.
4. Copy of your recent transcript and proof of diploma/degree (translation in English or French
is mandatory).
5. Letters of recommendation from one or two referees (in English or French).

And before May 31

Mail your complete set of documents preferably in PDF format, to:

Or send a copy of your documents to:
Philippe Savoini
Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas (LPP)
Ecole polytechnique
Route de Saclay,
91128 Palaiseau cedex

We will inform you by e-mail if your application has been selected during the month of June

If you have any question, please mailto:

Looking forward seeing you in Roscoff!

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