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+91-8376041478 • •

Professional Summary
● Process oriented Software Engineer with 5 years of experience
● Experience in translating business requirements to software solutions.
● Day to day job involves developing web applications and microservices which includes writing
scalable, reusable, efficient and optimized code.
● Experience in advance programming and fluent in working with various CLI platforms
● Developed multiple approaches for solving real world use cases

Work Experience
Leadsquared Senior Software Engineer 10/2021 – PRESENT

Leadsquared Portals
● Portals provide a multi page trackable landing page to capture a lead.
● Tracking feature implemented is similar to Facebook Pixel & provides information based on
inputs & leads browser which helps in lead conversion for sales.
● Tracking feature tracks page visit, time spent, clicks & custom activities as well.

Migrating Marketing Automation tools API To .NET CORE

● Worked to migrate Marketing Automation tools API from .NET Framework to an open-source
.NET Core technology to reduce cost.
● Migration to .NET Core makes the API cross-platform and provides support for microservices
development, performance, scalability and other infrastructure benefits.
Integrating BEE Editor with Email Campaigns
● BEE Editor is a feature rich plugin which helps in creating dynamic HTML email templates.
● BEE Editor provides feature like draggable HTML components which reduces the requirement of
a developer at customer end and this integration helped the product to attract more customers.

Exzeo Software Pvt. Ltd. Senior Software Engineer 6/2018 – 10/2021

ClaimColony Onboarding
● Application solves the problem of manual onboarding of a new client to various products present
within the ClaimColony environment.
● Application takes input using dynamically generated forms to customize the products as per the
need of the client.
● Application reduces client onboarding time significantly.
ClaimColony Dynamic Template Generation
● Module helps in creating templates for generating dynamic forms in ClaimColony web product
which is a claims management system.
● Gives flexibility to add edit templates to clients which reduces time required for the manual

ClaimColony Web Dockerization

● Dockerized various services & applications present in ClaimColony Web product for automating
deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications using Kubernetes.
Technical Skills
● Programming Languages - C#, JavaScript, SQL
● Architecture - MVC, REST API, Microservices and Background Services
● Technologies - HTML, CSS, jQuery, .NET Core, .NET Framework
● Database technologies - MS SQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB
● ORM - Entity FrameWork and Linq2db
● Software & Tools - Redis, Active MQ, Signal R, Docker, Postman
● Version Control - Bitbucket, Github.
● Operating System - Windows 10 & Ubuntu 18.04
● Data Structures & Algorithms.
● System Design.

● Awarded with The Trends Knight award at Exzeo Software Pvt. Ltd.
● Was an active member of the Software Incubator department for 3 years working on web
development technologies during my graduation tenure.
● Organized workshops on web technologies for three consecutive years.
● Lead team of 30 developers as head coordinator at Software Incubator department.

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, 2018 June 2018
Bachelor of Technology, Information Technology 70.78%

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