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ICTON 2012 Mo.C5.

Plasmonic Lenses with Long Focal Lengths

T. Stefaniuk1*, P. Wróbel1, T.J. Antosiewicz2, T. Szoplik1
* University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics, Pasteura 7, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland
Tel: (4822) 55 46 896, Fax: (4822) 55 46 882, e-mail:
Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Applied Physics,SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden
We report on recent progress made in the development of plasmonic nanolenses. These lenses exhibit intensity
transmittance close to 80%, focal lengths equal to one or more wavelengths, and foci with full-widths at half-
maximum close to the diffraction limit. We consider lenses in the form of (i) a silver layer with no hole on the
optical axis and double-sided concentric corrugations, (ii) a silver layer with no hole on the axis and single-sided
corrugations, and (iii) a lens composed of several concentric metallic rings and on-axis stop with external layer
of transparent dielectric that integrates all elements. Investigations are carried out using the Finite-Difference
Time-Domain method and the Transfer Matrix Method. The nanolenses are diffractive optical elements that
concentrate radially polarized Laguerre-Gauss illumination as tightly as high-NA refractive optical systems.
Keywords: plasmonics, plasmonic superlenses, metal-dielectric multilayers.

Beautiful ideas of Veselago’s metamaterial lens with superresolution due to negative refraction and Pendry’s
perfect lens with superresolution due to enhancement of evanescent field came into real life in the form of silver
nanolenses. Melville and Blaikie [1] and Fang et al. [2] in the near-field imaging experiments achieved
resolutions of nearly λ/3 and λ/4, respectively. Integrated with the lenses tungsten and chrome masks were
separated from silver by 30 ÷ 60 nm of PMMA. A similar optical path was preserved between the lenses and
images. As the resolution better than possible in optical diffraction systems is achievable in near-field therefore
the potential use of silver nanolenses in proximity printing remains unrealized.
In this paper we consider imaging properties and intensity transmission of three plasmonic lenses that focus
light into far-field distant single wavelengths from the lenses. The first nanolens has a form of a free-standing
continuous silver layer with no hole on the optical axis and double-sided concentric corrugations [3]. The second
lens considered here is a free-standing continuous silver layer with no hole on the optical axis and concentric
corrugations on one side of the lens. In the third one grooves are replaced with slits [4,5]. A lens of this form is
composed of several concentric metallic rings and on-axis stop which need an additional, external layer of
continuous material to integrate all elements. This layer or layers of continuous material is indispensable
construction element of a slit lens. Here we show that it can play an important role in tuning the optical
performance of any type of a flat lens with single-side corrugations, leading to significant increase of
transmission. We consider antireflection coatings either in a form of single dielectric slab or a multilayer metal-
dielectric structure. This second approach is based on properties of similar metal-dielectric plasmonic lenses
extensively studied in the last years [6-12].


Scheme of the double-sided corrugated silver nanolens without an on-axis hole is presented in Fig. 1a. The silver
layer of thickness a1 = 100 nm with concentric corrugations on both sides h = 40 nm deep has the groove lattice
constant ȁ = 500 nm and the groove width w = 100 nm. Such a lens has two spectral ranges where focusing
occurs [3]. These are 385 – 445 nm and 475 – 545 nm. For the purpose of comparison of different lenses
incident light of a wavelength λ = 438 nm is used. Light wavelength λ = 438 nm in air is chosen because on the
air/silver interface it corresponds to surface plasmon-polariton (SPP) wavelength λSPP = 400 nm. The central stop
has a diameter of 1000 nm and its width fulfils the condition of destructive interference of plasmon waves on
optical axis of the lens. Calculated electric energy density of the transmitted light is equal 23.4%. At focal length
2λ a focus of full-width at half maximum (FWHM) equal 0.45λ and 0.2λ2 spot area is formed (Fig. 1b). Tight
focus is achieved solely for radially polarized Laguerre-Gauss (LG) beam which has small longitudinal
component of the incident electric field amplitude at the front plane of the lens. After resonant coupling of
photons-to-plasmons and tunnelling of light to the output side the SPPs are generated and then propagate along
the metal surface. The grooves can scatter the SPPs into propagating waves. Thus, the field distribution on
optical axis depends on specific phases of waves and can be manipulated by designing groove parameters. At the
output side of the lens the radial and longitudinal components of transmitted light have comparable amplitudes
along the lens radius. The radial components of transmitted electric field interfere destructively on the axis while
the longitudinal component constructively. As a result, the longitudinal component of transmitted electric field is

978-1-4673-2229-4/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE 1

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ICTON 2012 Mo.C5.3

about 10 times stronger than total electric field incident onto the structure. Obviously, this enhancement is
proportional to the number of illuminated grooves.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 1: a) Scheme of a free-standing single Ag layer nanolens with double-sided concentric grooves;
b) Normalized electric energy density |E|2 distribution in the vicinity of the lens of 1a; c) Scheme of a free-
standing single Ag layer nanolens with single sided concentric grooves; and d) normalized electric energy
density |E|2 distribution.
The corrugations on the front side of the lens are essential to excite surface plasmons, however they make
difficult integration of lens with an antireflection coating. The second considered lens design, presented in
Fig. 1c, is a free-standing continuous silver layer of thickness a1 = 50 nm with no hole on the optical axis and
h = 40 nm deep concentric corrugations on the output side of the lens. The groove lattice constant is ȁ = 500 nm
and the groove width is w = 100 nm. Lack of grooves prevents exciting surface waves on entry side of the lens,
which results in decrease of transmission. To keep transmission high and allow light tunnelling through links the
lens should be thinner than that with double-sided grooves. The focusing mechanism is exactly the same in both
lenses. Finally, for 50 nm thick single corrugated lens we achieve a transmission equal 49.6% and FWHM equal
0.44λ. Normalized electric energy density |E|2 distribution is presented in Fig. 1d. Flat input side of the lens
allows easy integration of metal with any type of antireflection layers.


For the purpose of comparison we consider an unrealistic lens, where in a single metal layer grooves are replaced
with slits and there is no substrate that keeps elements together. In such a case light transmission through the
lens corresponds to propagation through a set of concentric waveguides of the metal-air-metal type. When the
thickness of the sliver film equals a1 = 50 nm and periodicity of the structure is similar as before the transmission
is at the level of 47%.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 2: a) Scheme of a slit lens integrated with dielectric antireflection layer; b) Normalized electric energy
density |E|2 distribution in the vicinity of slit nanolens; c) Scheme of a single corrugated Ag nanolens integrated
with dielectric antireflection layer; and d) normalized electric energy density |E|2 distribution.

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ICTON 2012 Mo.C5.3

Figure 2a shows the lens with slits and on-axis stop integrated with dielectric substrate. In the preliminarily
optimized structure with periodicity as before, we have d1 = 290 nm thick slab of dielectric with İ = 6 which
approximately corresponds to titanium dioxide. There is no dielectric inside slits. This lens focuses light into
tight spot with FWHM = 0.45Ȝ. It is important that the dielectric substrate play a role of an antireflection coating
what results in increase of transmission by 25%, up to the level of 77.6%. Corresponding normalized electric
energy density |E|2 distribution is presented in Fig. 2b.
The next lens considered is shown in Fig. 2c. Here the dielectric substrate is integrated with a continuous
silver layer of thickness a1 = 50 nm with no hole on the optical axis and h = 40 nm deep concentric corrugations
on the output side of the lens. The groove lattice constant is ȁ = 500 nm and the groove width is w = 100 nm.
We achieve a transmission equal 73.5% and FWHM equal 0.45λ. Normalized electric energy density |E|2
distribution is presented in Fig. 2d.


In this section we propose a novel plasmonic lens where corrugated metal layer, which couples photons to
plasmons, is combined with metal-dielectric multilayer characterized by high transmission due to resonant
tunnelling. In Fig. 3a a set of concentric rings sticks to dielectric-Ag-dielectric substrate. In a close to optimum
configuration we have the following thicknesses: a1 = 50 nm, a2 = 15 nm, d1 = 230 nm, and d2 = 300 nm.
Transmission equals 78.3% and FWHM = 0.43λ. Normalized electric energy density |E|2 distribution is
presented in Fig. 3b.
In the last version of the lenses we have a single-sided corrugated metal layer integrated with dielectric-Ag-
dielectric substrate described above. Continuous metal layer results in reduction of intensity transmission with
respect to that achieved with slits. The calculated transmission is 74% (Fig. 3d). As before, FWHM of the focus
is better than diffraction limit, namely 0.44λ and focal length 2Ȝ.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 3: a) Scheme of a slit lens integrated with dielectric-metal-dielectric antireflection coating;
b) Normalized electric energy density |E|2 distribution in the vicinity of nanolens; c) Scheme of a single-side
corrugated lens integrated with dielectric-metal-dielectric antireflection coating; and d) normalized electric
energy density |E|2 distribution.

Performance of the considered lenses with far-field focii is determined by their transmission and FWHM. The
FWHM depends on distribution of edges on the output side of lenses. Here, the geometry of edges coupling
plasmons to photons is the same. Therefore, the focusing properties of the lenses are similar. In all cases we
observe sub-wavelength resolution close to the diffraction limit.
For lenses made of single metal layers the transmission depends on two mechanisms: either plasmon modes
coupling on both sides of corrugated lens or tunnelling through metal links in single-sided grooved structures.
When metal layer is combined with layered substrate then additional two processes are present. When a single
dielectric layer integrates the structure, it acts as an antireflection coating and reduces reflection from the metal
layer. In the second case, when a metal-dielectric multilayer forms resonant tunnelling structure, it transmits
light in spite of metal thickness, clearly larger than skin depth. Optimisation of thicknesses of layers allows for
intensity transmission reaching 80% without deteriorating its focusing properties.

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ICTON 2012 Mo.C5.3

In the considered structures, the spectral ranges where focusing is possible, depend on geometry of grooves
or slits and especially on their lattice constant. Reduction of the lattice constant shifts spectral ranges with
focusing toward shorter wavelengths. The refractive indices of the dielectric components influence light
transmission. Increase of permeability improves transmission.

This work was supported by the Polish National Centre for R&D under the project NR15 0018 06 and the
National Science Centre under the projects DEC-2011/01/M/ST3/05734 and DEC-2011/01/B/ST3/02281.

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