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Universidade aberta isced – (UnIsced)

Faculdade de ciências de Educação

Licenciatura em Ensino a Geografia

Trabalho de de Campo da Disciplina de ENGLISH

Tema: Talk about a green revolution: use past, present and future forms.

Nome do aluno: Regina Manuel Mainote Jose, Código do Estudante: 61231299.

Tete, Março 2023

Universidade aberta isced – (UnIsced)

Faculdade de ciências de Educação

Licenciatura em Ensino de Geografia

Trabalho de de Campo da Disciplina de ENGLISH

Tema: Talk about a green revolution: use past, present and future forms.

Trabalho de carácter avaliativo, desenvolvido

no campo a ser submetido no campo a ser
submetido na coordenação do curso de
Licenciatura em Ensino de Geografia da


Nome do aluno: Regina Manuel Mainote Jose, Código do Estudante: 61231299.

Tete, Maio 2023

1 Objetivos ......................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Gerais .............................................................................................................................................. 5
3 Específicos ...................................................................................................................................... 5
2.What is Green Revolution? .............................................................................................................. 6
2.1.Origin of the Green Revolution ..................................................................................................... 6
2.2.Advantages and Disadvantages of the Green Revolution ............................................................. 6
2.3. Consequences of the Green Revolution....................................................................................... 7
3.Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 8
5.Referencias ....................................................................................................................................... 9

1. Introdution

The Green Revolution consisted of the modernization of agriculture on a global scale, carried
out through the incorporation of technological innovations in production. It was based on
genetically modified seeds, agricultural machinery and chemical inputs, such as fertilizers and
pesticides. In Mozamique, a technical incorporation was made through incentives authorized
concomitantly with the expansion of agricultural frontiers to the zambeze regions. The purpose
of the Green Revolution was, initially, to increase food production on a world scale as a way of
guaranteeing food security. Although productive gains have been recorded in several countries,
the Green Revolution brought consequences for small producers, for land use planning and for
the environment.

1 Objetivos

2 Gerais

✓ The present work deals with the green revolution.

3 Específicos

✓ Conceptualize the green revolution

✓ Know the characteristics of the Green Revolution.
✓ Advantages and Disadvantages of the Green Revolution.

2.What is Green Revolution?

2.1.Origin of the Green Revolution

The Green Revolution began in the second half of the 20th century, between the 1960s and
1970s, when there was greater diffusion of technological innovations in the agricultural
environment. However, the initial steps towards this paradigm shift and its main motivations
were already in the preceding period.
The context of the Second World War (1939-1945) called into question the need to guarantee
food security on a large scale. For this objective to be possible, a greater supply of food based
on a gain in productivity in agriculture was essential. This was one of the drivers of the
technological innovation process in the field, although it was not the only one.
The main funders of research during this period were private groups, including the Rockefeller
Foundation, which invested in studies aimed at the genetic improvement of crops such as wheat
and corn. Leading the research was Norman Borlaug, who directed the Cooperative Wheat
Production Program in Mexico in the 1940s, a partnership between the Mexican government
and the aforementioned group.
Together with local researchers, Borlaug developed a disease-resistant and high-yielding wheat
species. Such results, which helped to increase the production of cereals in Mexico, earned him
the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970, and is currently considered the main name of the Green

Revolution .

2.2.Advantages and Disadvantages of the Green Revolution

The advent of new production techniques in agriculture brought positive and negative aspects
to different areas, such as economic, social and environmental.
The main advantage brought about by the Green Revolution was the gain in efficiency in
agricultural production, which led to increased productivity in several crops, with emphasis on
cereals and grains, such as soy and corn.
Through genetic improvement and the development of fertilizers and soil preparation
techniques, it was possible to adapt crops to different climatic conditions and soils, as is the
case with soybeans in the Cerrados. Added to this was the advancement in research and the
technological increment provided by works derived from the Green Revolution.
Among the disadvantages of this process, there was the expulsion of small landowners and rural
workers from the countryside. This was due, in the first place, to the increase in relative costs
for production due to competition with large landowners and large companies. The new

techniques incorporated into the field also demanded greater professional qualification, which
ended up putting many less qualified workers in a situation of unemployment.
The inputs used in soil preparation and crop maintenance, such as fertilizers and pesticides, can
be extremely harmful to human health. When it comes to the environment, the use of these
elements causes soil and water bodies to be polluted.

Furthermore, the intensification of land use and the monoculture model can lead to nutrient
depletion and damage to its structure.

2.3. Consequences of the Green Revolution

The Green Revolution caused a profound productive restructuring in the countryside, which
was observed with greater intensity in developing countries. Some of its consequences were:
✓ Productive specialization;
✓ Rural exodus due to the increase in production costs, which mainly burdened small
producers, who ended up leasing or selling their land to large producers or large
agribusiness companies. Land concentration was one of the direct consequences;
✓ Increased unemployment in the countryside, caused by the mechanization of
production stages and technical modernization, requiring greater professional


Of one thing we can be more or less certain. Volunteers to help families. Rockefeller
and Gates, spending the millions of dollars they themselves cannot spend alone, will
not fail. Another certainty is that, sooner or later, with or without the help of those rich
American families, the African continent will have to decide, how or if it will really face
the dilemma of not being able to secure their own food supply. We are, therefore,
facing a serious and profound challenge, in terms of the balance between short-term
and long-term perspectives; interests of some groups and interests of society in
general; betting on self-flagellation, victimization, or even worse, militant begging and
begging; or even invest in integrity, dignity and intelligence, as well as competence,
professionalism and self-responsibility for failures and successes.


Abrahamsson, Hans e Anders Nilsson. 1994. Moçambique em Transição: um estudo da história

de desenvolvimento durante o período 1974-1992. Maputo: Padrigu-CEEI-ISRI.
Abreu, Francisco. 2002. Fundamentos de Estratégia Militar e Empresarial. Lisboa: Edições
Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson and James Robinson. 2004. “Institutions as the Fundamental
Cause of Long-Run Growth”. http://econ-
Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson and James Robinson. 2001. “An African Success Story:
Botswana. http://econ-

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