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“SCP-354 (The Blood Pond)”

The clock had just struck 2:03 pm at the Watch Station Epsilon-38. The supervising
team has no idea what they are about to witness. As the surface of the pond gradually
form ripples the watch-team is set on high alert. In the blink of an eye, from the
shuddering ripples of the pond, emerged a macabre creature which was yet to be
identified but following its emergence, the creature let out a completely deafening
Afterwards, all communication with the watch station was cut off. The foundation
immediately recognized the horrors of this event BUT little did they know that this was
just the beginning!
Hello everyone! This is “____” today we will explore the enigmatic “RED POOL”
designated the term SCP-354.
It all began on an unfortunate stormy night when Canadian North’s flight was en route to
Nova Scotia. But destiny had different plans for this particular flight. As the pilot
struggled to keep the turbulence against the high altitude and cruised the aircraft away
from the violent storm, one of the engines was set on fire. There was only one solution
at this point- the flight had to crash-land. Preparing for the impact many of the
passengers were ready to face death but as the plane crashed only a few lucky ones
managed to survive. Unaware of the fact that their survival will become another
endeavor for life.
There was no help in sight. The chilly night and looming fears of the dark forest didn’t
seem very promising either.
But hope had them trekking through the forest seeking protection. The hike seemed
infinite, but they felt the forest getting less dense and eventually one of the survivors
stepped into something that felt like water. “A stream?” he thought to himself; slowly
moving the flashlight towards his feet. Horrified by what he had just witnessed, he
screamed his guts out. It was not water, it was BLOOD, or so they thought.
Coincidentally, among the survivors was a girl who knew exactly what this was. She
knew that this was the urban legend that her grandmother told her about whenever she
visited Nova Scotia. As the story goes, somewhere in the Northern woods was a pond
filled with human blood, and thus was infamously known as “THE BLOOD POND.”
This was the very pond that The Foundation had been looking for years, and the
fortunate survivor became the first news bearer to define the exact location of the pond.
Upon the news of discovery about the precise location, The Foundation sent the task
force to immediately seclude the pond and restrict its visit for the layman. Watch
Station Epsilon-38 was set into action, with skilled staff and guards, to secure the pond
which later will be titled as the SCP-354 allotted to class Keter.
Scientists began their work by collecting samples followed by intriguing discoveries
about the behavior of SCP-354.
Here are some unusual facts they unearthed about the pond:
 The liquid of the pond has a color and consistency similar to that of human blood,
but it is not of a biological nature.
 The pond does not have any definite banks- the surrounding soil mixes with the
liquid until, at a certain point, the ground is mostly solid.
 The liquid becomes denser as one descends deeper into the pool and the bed of
the pool has yet to be reached.
After unearthing these anomalies, The Foundation closely monitored SCP-354 and was
assured that the pond showed no signs of life, until one unfortunate day.
The clock had just struck 2:03 pm at the Watch Station Epsilon-38, and the supervising
team had no idea what they were about to witness. As the surface of the pond gradually
formed ripples the watch-team was set on high alert. In the blink of an eye, from the
shuddering ripples emerged a macabre creature. The creature was identified to be a
giant bat and as soon as it emerged it made a completely deafening shriek. Seconds
into this event and all communication with the Watch Station Epsilon-38 was cut off.
As soon as The Foundation found about this horrific event, they dispatched a Mobile
Task Force to the restricted area. The situation at Watch Station was all bloody and
gloomy. All personnel had been killed by the ginormous bat. Given the power of the
creature, the task force worked wisely and neutralized the creature.
Preparing for the worse, Area-354 was promptly built around the pond and special
security was installed on the orders of The Foundation. But little did they know that the
dawn of a gigantic bat will create a chain reaction leading to contiguous horrific
events. The pond was crowned as “The Gateway to Hell,” as it started spewing one
monstrous creature after another.
After the bat which was designated as SCP-354-1 appeared SCP-354-2 which was a
mammalian creature, resembling an echidna and similar to the size of a bear. It was
covered in razor-sharp spines which made it virtually bulletproof. But it was unable to
escape Area-354 and Napalm was used to neutralize it.
Next up was SCP-354-3 which had magical powers. It was a floating black metallic
sphere that emitted concentrated levels of radiation. The entity was quickly disabled by
on-time response of Area's head scientist, as he threw and hit it with a sledgehammer.
Worse comes to worst SCP-354-4 forebode that the pond indeed was home to the
creepiest creatures. SCP-354-4 was a reptilian humanoid creature that stood about 15ft
tall. The creature seemed indifferent to gunfire and was the very first to escape the
walled enclosure and Area-354 altogether. Mobile Task Force Omega-7 a.k.a.
"Pandora's Box" was dispatched and was successful in neutralizing the creature.
The data about SCP-354-5 and many other monsters that emerged from the pond
seemed to be partially corrupted.
However, a few other creatures had little data, and as the details states; SCP-354-6
was a human-like male. It was immediately shot before it had a chance to escape. Then
appeared SCP-354-14, an octopus-like creature instantly snagged several D-class
personnel back into the depths of the pool with its five tentacles. SCP-354-15 and 16
were leopard-like creatures, one made out of ice and the other of fire. Both the
creatures ignored the presence of The Foundation and fought each other. With one
killing the other. SCP-354-18 was described as a "Terminator." It killed nearly 90% of
Area-354's personnel, and eventually ceased to function after an hour on its own.
All these dreadful events were within the span of several months after which the pond
fell silent for the first-time up to 1 year and 10 months.
This calm was ominous of the ghastly events that awaited The Foundation. The head
scientist at the time kept scrutinizing the past events trying to converge on one
significant point “what was SCP-354 undergoing?”
He was optimistic and believed that the blood pond had finally died. But somewhere he
suspected that the pond was preparing for something worse than they have already
dealt with.
Although the former explanation made more sense and, if correct, would lead to the
retreat of 30% of the total personnel and a 25% cut in funding.
This mission was requested by the research and development team and accepted by
The Foundation. After acceptance, a specialized submarine was built to explore the
pond. Since the study accumulated that the pond gets denser and that at some point
the ship won’t be sinking, rather digging the craft had a drill installed at the front, which
will be used for parts of the pond where the liquid congealed into a solid bottom.
The exploratory mission was conducted under the supervision of Dr. Jay MacArthur,
Agent Swanson, Agent 86, Agent Turquoise, Leroy Tucker, Chris Simmons, and the
pilot- Marty.
Soon after the testing, the team was sent off into the depths of the pond with hope to
get the most out of it. The exploration log shows that the first two days were simply
submarine diving deeper and deeper with no end in sight. However, on the third day at
4:30 AM, gravity reversed as the crew members floated. This indicated that they were
now rising, rather than sinking, which means they were more than halfway there.
Finally, on the fourth day, the ship surfaced, at last, confirming that the pond was some
sort of portal. But the view of the outside world from the portholes showed darkness and
concluded that it was night.
The craft’s sensors spotted no threats in the surroundings but due to the potential that
SCP-354 held it was not very wise to exit the craft immediately and without any
observance. As the crew member stated, the air was totally safe, but oddly the night
lasted for 28 hours.
This was not the only odd they observed. As the night sky was overtaken by the
daylight, the crew spotted that the sun, unlike our earth's, was bigger and redder. In the
bright daylight, they analyzed that unlike the pond on the other side this was massive
and more like an extensive lake with more defined banks.
Except for Marty and Simmons who headed towards North, other crew members
disembarked and took an inflatable raft to the shore. Further, log explanation revealed
that the rocks and most of the sand surrounding the lake were covered in a kind of
moss that tended to disappear in the daylight and grew again as the night approached.
They also noted that in this parallel world the day and night cycle seemed to last about
43 and a half hours roughly; unlike the Earth’s 24 hours.
Throughout the nine days, they had found no other creatures which seemed odd until
the tenth day when all the crew members were awoken by a roar as if made by a giant
reptilian creature. The roar made them rush out of their tents only to look around the
eerily silent flat ground with no signs of animals within half mile or so.
Next day onwards the crew members came across several abnormalities such as
 razor-sharp grass which can easily puncture skin.
 The odd stream that defied the laws of physics and in it ran liquid carbon
 Everything used to completely drench, when it rained, except the soil that
remained dry as a desert.
After continuous exploration, on the 25th day they eventually stood in the face of
something that was definitely not natural but artificially built. This was a wall made of
solid rusty iron and stood fifty feet high. They had to know what these tall, thick metal
walls contained as this might hold the very purpose of the whole expedition.
As they looked forward to go-about this wall, Leroy remembered that they were
equipped with blowtorch along with other camping supplies. It was able to cut a hole
through a quarter to an inch of the metal before they discovered that this wall was
actually multi-layered and Leroy had to cut through eight of them before they finally
made it to the other side.
This other side had one thing similar to Earth-it had wind. However, it also had the
peculiar black grass. Further data about the other side of the wall was never found since
the expedition logs were found heavily corrupted after this discovery. The log showed
that the crew member found something bizarre that made them realize that coming to
this parallel world was a big mistake because the team never made their way back to
As outlandishly as the whole mission was, there are no records of the names of crew
members, as if they expired on the other side and the pond erased their existence from
Earth as well.
With the distressing failure of Exploratory Mission 354 Alpha, all the prophecies of the
head scientist had come true. No other exploration was launched, to the bizarre parallel
world, afterwards.
But a year following the discovery of SCP-354 and the creation of Area-354, on an
undisclosed day, the site was evacuated entirely, the power was cut to the area and the
supplies along with vehicles were taken out. Realizing this odd event without any
orders, The Foundation dispatched Mobile Task Force Theta-12 to investigate the
cause of evacuation, but before they made it to Area-354, the area's on-site nuclear
warhead was detonated, which completely destroyed the site.
The MTF-Theta 12 was ordered to make contact with evacuated personnel but this
resulted in an unexpected attack from a convoy made up of D-class and site working
staff who had evacuated Area 354. The convoy completely annihilated MTF Theta 12.
Following the destruction of Area-354, the Red Pool Containment Site was constructed
in its place. Unlike the previous facility which focused on research and neutralization of
entities emerging from SCP-354, the new facility is devoted entirely to the containment
of SCP-354 and entities which may emerge from it.
However, escalation of such a horrific event was further studied for future-readiness. An
interview was conducted which revealed that the mutiny that led to detonation of Area-
354 was triggered by some kind of psychic attack from the pond itself. To get rid of the
pond and its monsters, the head doctor suggested draining the pool by using big pumps
and hoses. Everyone was evacuated for safety purposes, except for some D-class
personnel and the people who'd run the equipment. As soon as the pump started
sucking the blood, everyone at the site underwent an alienating psychological episode.
Upon inquiring the details from the agent, present by the pond, about this weird
occurrence; the agent disclosed some horrific insights. He first described that as soon
as the pump was activated, the pond made a rebellious move by bewitching everyone
on site with a feeling similar to dreaming. As his words states, “Everything stopped
being real. It was like we had to escape right now.”
When asked what happened after the pump was activated, he came close and
whispered “We never did. We couldn't. It wouldn't let us. The Pool.”
The interview gave a clear idea of the spine-chilling facts that the power and potential of
this blood pond cannot be ignored. It was not only capable of spewing monsters of
hideous nature time and again, but it was also capable of stimulating something far
greater- THE HUMAN MIND!
And the continuous actions performed by The Foundation on SCP-354 has only further
annoyed it.
That was all about the SCP-354, share your thoughts on it in the comments below and
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