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Hydration of fat-free body mass:

new physiological modeling approach

1Obesity Research Center, St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital, Columbia University College of Physicians

and Surgeons, New York, New York 10025; 2Department of Human Nutrition and Epidemiology,
Wageningen Agricultural University, 6700 EV Wageningen, The Netherlands; and 3Clinical Nutrition
Research Center, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131

Wang, ZiMian, Paul Deurenberg, Wei Wang, Angelo and thermoregulation (29) in mammals often rely on
Pietrobelli, Richard N. Baumgartner, and Steven B. fat estimates by the TBW method. No other body
Heymsfield. Hydration of fat-free body mass: new physiologi- composition method applied in vivo is capable of provid-
cal modeling approach. Am. J. Physiol. 276 (Endocrinol. ing fat estimates in such a wide range of mammals,
Metab. 39): E995–E1003, 1999.—Water is an essential com- which differ in body mass by a factor of 105. Moreover,
ponent of living organisms, and in adult mammals the
the assumed stable TBW/FFM serves as the basis of
fraction of fat-free body mass (FFM) as water is remarkably
stable at ⬃0.73. The stability of FFM hydration is a corner-
dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and hydrodensitom-
stone of the widely used water isotope dilution method of etry body composition models (26) and TBW-derived
estimating total body fat. At present, the only suggested FFM prediction models used to calculate other body
means of studying FFM hydration is by experimental total composition components, such as skeletal muscle
body water (TBW) and FFM measurements. Although devia- (0.50 ⫻ FFM), body cell mass (0.57 ⫻ FFM), total body
tions from the classical hydration constant are recognized, it protein (0.18 ⫻ FFM), and resting energy expenditure.
is unknown if these are explainable physiological aberrations Although FFM hydration is generally assumed con-
and/or methodological errors. Moreover, many questions re- stant in mammals, including humans, some deviations
lated to hydration stability prevail, including body mass and from a TBW/FFM of ⬃0.73 are recognized. Newborn
age effects. These unresolved questions and the importance of humans and other mammals share in common a high
the TBW-fat estimation method led us to develop a cellular FFM hydration (⬃0.81) (15). Similarly, FFM hydration
level FFM hydration model. This physiological model reveals may be increased in elderly humans (13, 33) and in
that four water-related ratios combine to produce the ob-
served TBW-to-FFM ratio. The mean and range of FFM
obese humans (34) and monkeys (20). Moreover, Pitts
hydration observed in adult humans can be understood with and Bullard (27) reported a small but statistically
the proposed physiological model as can variation in the significant decline in TBW/FFM observed across mam-
TBW-to-FFM ratio over the human life span. An extension of mals of increasing body mass when TBW and FFM
the model to the tissue-organ body composition level confirms were directly quantified in autopsied animals caught in
on a theoretical basis a small but systematic decrease in the wild. Animals with outer exoskeletons, such as the
hydration observed in mammals ranging in body mass by a armadillo, had particularly low FFM hydration levels
factor of 105. The present study, the first to advance a (0.70–0.71, Ref. 27).
physiological hydration model, provides a conceptual frame- The question thus arises: is FFM hydration of ⬃0.73
work for the TBW-fat estimation method and identifies a biological constant in adult mammals, reflecting
important areas that remain to be studied. underlying physiological regulation? Alternatively, is
total body water; body composition the value of 0.739 ⫾ 0.015 observed across mammals a
coalescence of several independent factors that gener-
ally result in a TBW/FFM of ⬃0.73 with only minimal
variability? The importance of the TBW-fat estimation
THE SHREW AND THE WHALE, both mammals, share in method in the field of body composition research led us
common a similar hydration of fat-free body mass to explore these questions.
(FFM). Defined as the ratio of total body water (TBW) At present, the only suggested means of studying
to FFM (TBW/FFM) and measured by in vitro chemical FFM hydration is by experimental TBW and FFM
analysis, the mean ⫾ SD hydration is 0.739 ⫾ 0.015 for measurements. Both in vitro and in vivo experimental
nine mammals, including mouse, rat, hamster, Rhesus approaches in general have two primary limitations
monkey, baboon, goat, sheep, gray seal, and human (25, (36). First, a large population sample is necessary to
27, 29, 31, 36). The importance of TBW/FFM is that explore the full range of FFM hydration for each
estimation of TBW by dilution methods allows deriva- mammalian species. Second, even small errors in mea-
tion of total body fat from the following equations: body suring TBW and FFM may have a significant effect on
mass ⫺ TBW/0.73 or body mass ⫺ 1.37 ⫻ TBW (30). the magnitude of calculated TBW/FFM, which only
Studies of body composition (16), energy balance (12), varies by several percent under normal physiological
The long-term aim of our research is to establish the
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the
payment of page charges. The article must therefore be hereby
molecular and physiological determinants of FFM hy-
marked ‘‘advertisement’’ in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 dration magnitude and variability. A new strategy of
solely to indicate this fact. investigating FFM hydration, which differs from the
0193-1849/99 $5.00 Copyright r 1999 the American Physiological Society E995

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earlier experimental approach, was applied in the

present report. Our approach was to develop a FFM
hydration model at the cellular body composition level.
The nature of living organisms first becomes manifest
at this level, and we reasoned that FFM hydration
could be effectively modeled at this level. The model
was then used to examine individually the cellular level
determinants of FFM hydration in an attempt to
establish if any regulatory processes underlie the widely
observed TBW/FFM of ⬃0.73. Organs and tissues have
cellular and molecular level components as their basis,
and a useful approach when making interspecies hydra- Fig. 1. Cellular body composition level model of fat-free body mass
(FFM), which contains three components: body cell mass (BCM),
tion comparisons is to analyze TBW/FFM with a tissue- extracellular fluid (ECF), and extracellular solids (ECS). ICW, intra-
organ level model. We introduce this concept in a final cellular water compartment of BCM; ECW, extracellular water
section of the paper when we explore the stability of compartment of ECF.
hydration across a wide range of mammals.
HYDRATION MODEL converted into
The developed hydration model is based on the ICW ⫹ ECW
five-level body composition model that indicates that TBW/FFM ⫽ (5)
ICW/a ⫹ ECW/b ⫹ c ⫻ (ICW ⫹ ECW)
the ⬃40 major components in humans and mammals
can be organized into atomic, molecular, cellular, tissue- Intracellular water and extracellular water are interre-
organ, and whole body levels (37). At the cellular body lated compartments of body water, and extracellular
composition level, body mass consists of cells, extracel- water can be expressed as a function of intracellular
lular fluid (ECF), and extracellular solids (ECS). The water as follows: ECW ⫽ (E/I) ⫻ ICW, where E/I is the
cellular component can be further divided into fat and ratio of extracellular water to intracellular water. Equa-
body cell mass (BCM), defined as a ‘‘component of body tion 5 can be converted and simplified to a secondary
composition containing the oxygen-exchanging, potas- cellular level FFM hydration model as
sium-rich, glucose-oxidizing, work-performing tissue’’
(22) ICW ⫹ ICW ⫻ (E/I)
ICW/a ⫹ ICW ⫻ (E/I)/b
body mass ⫽ cells ⫹ ECF ⫹ ECS
(1) ⫹ c ⫻ [ICW ⫹ ICW ⫻ (E/I)]
⫽ fat ⫹ BCM ⫹ ECF ⫹ ECS
1 ⫹ E/I
FFM can thus be expressed as the sum of three cellular ⫽
1/a ⫹ 1/b ⫻ (E/I) ⫹ c ⫹ c ⫻ (E/I)
level components
Equation 6 reveals that FFM hydration is determined
FFM ⫽ BCM ⫹ ECF ⫹ ECS (2) by four factors: hydration of body cell mass (a), hydra-
Similarly, TBW can be expressed as the sum of intracel- tion of extracellular fluid (b), ratio of extracellular
lular water (ICW) and extracellular water (ECW) solids to TBW (c), and ratio of extracellular water to
intracellular water (E/I). Equation 6 indicates that
TBW ⫽ ICW ⫹ ECW (3) hydration of FFM can be analyzed from aqueous and
solid compartments, and this approach allows us to
Based on Eqs. 2 and 3, FFM hydration can be expressed explore the four individual hydration determinants, a,
as b, c, and E/I, in healthy humans.
TBW/FFM ⫽ (4)
Physiological aspects and the magnitude and varia-
This is the primary FFM hydration model on the tion range for each of the four hydration determinants
cellular body composition level. In the next stage of are presented in this section. Sources of body composi-
model development, our aim was to resolve Eq. 4 into tion information based on ‘‘Reference Man’’ data (32)
relevant compartment ratios. are presented in Table 1.
Body cell mass and extracellular fluid consist of Cellular hydration: ratio a. Prebiotic conditions in
aqueous and solid compartments (Fig. 1), and both the primordial ocean are hypothesized to have allowed
components can be expressed as hydration ratios, development of eobionts, protoplasmic masses with the
BCM ⫽ ICW/a and ECF ⫽ ECW/b, where a and b are capacity to divide but that lacked cell walls (1). These
the fractions of body cell mass and extracellular fluid as primordial cells purportedly had an aqueous proto-
water, respectively. In addition, extracellular solids can plasm identical in electrolyte and mineral composition
be expressed as a function of TBW as follows: ECS ⫽ to that of the early oceans (1, 21). The present opera-
c ⫻ TBW ⫽ c ⫻ (ICW ⫹ ECW), where c is the ratio of tional concept is that formation of prokaryotic cells
ECS to TBW (ECS/TBW). Equation 4 can thus be along with appropriate membrane pumps led to stable

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Table 1. Reference data used to develop cellular hydration must be larger than that in red blood
model coefficients cells and smaller than that in skeletal muscle cells. The
present study thus assumed a ⫾1% variation range
Reference Calculated Reference about the assumed mean whole body cellular hydration
Data Data (Page)
of 0.70 (i.e., 0.693–0.707).
Body weight, kg 70 32 (280) Extracellular fluid hydration: ratio b. Extracellular
Total body fat, kg 13.5 32 (280) fluid is a nonmetabolizing component that surrounds
FFM, kg 56.5
Total body potassium, g 140 32 (312) cells and provides a medium for gas exchange, transfer
Body cell mass, kg 29.8 16 of nutrients, and excretion of metabolic end products.
Total body water, kg 42 32 (280) Extracellular fluid is distributed into two main compart-
Extracellular water, kg 18 32 (280) ments, with about one-sixth as plasma in the intravas-
Intracellular water, kg 24 32 (280)
E/I 0.75
cular space and the remaining five-sixths as interstitial
Plasma, kg 3.1 32 (280) fluid in the extravascular space (Table 1). Extracellular
Plasma-to-extracellular fluid ratio 0.17 fluid consists of water, protein, and minerals, with
Dry, fat-free skeleton, kg 4.4 32 (64) water accounting for ⬃94% of plasma and ⬃99% of
Ash in skeleton, kg 2.9 32 (64) interstitial fluid (14, 21). In the present investigation,
Ash-to-dry, fat-free skeleton ratio 0.659
Total body calcium, kg 1.0 32 (296) extracellular fluid hydration was assumed to be equal
Bone mineral-to-calcium ratio 4.81 2, 8 to ⬃0.98 (i.e., a proportional mix of plasma and intersti-
ECS-to-bone mineral ratio 1.18 8 tial fluid), with a range of ⬃0.97–0.99 that reflects
ECS-to-total body calcium ratio 5.68 extreme plasma and interstitial fluid proportions.
ECS, kg 5.68
ECS-to-TBW ratio 0.135
The highly hydrated extracellular fluid component,
FFM hydration 0.743 which accounts for ⬃32% of FFM (Table 1), has a major
effect on observed hydration levels. It is also evident
Fat-free body mass (FFM) ⫽ body weight ⫺ total body fat; body cell
mass (in kg) ⫽ total body potassium (in g) ⫻ (1,000/39.1) ⫻ 0.00833.
that any change in the proportional relationship be-
E/I ⫽ extracellular water/intracellular water; ECS, extracellular tween extracellular fluid with water fraction ⬃0.98 and
solids; TBW, total body water. ECS/total body calcium ⫽ (ECS/bone body cell mass with water fraction ⬃0.70 will result in
mineral) ⫻ (bone mineral/calcium); FFM hydration ⫽ TBW/FFM. changes in FFM hydration.
Ratios a and b represent body cell mass hydration
intracellular hydration, electrolyte content, and osmo- and extracellular fluid hydration, respectively. The
lality even as the surrounding ocean changed composi- water contents of body cell mass and extracellular fluid
tion with an influx of sodium leached from igneous appear to be maintained remarkably stable within
rocks and an efflux of potassium through silicate forma- individuals, between subjects, and even between mam-
tion (6, 21). Accession of land by animals required preser- mals. What are the regulatory mechanisms that control
vation of the ‘‘milieu interieur’’ with the ‘‘private ocean’’ and maintain extracellular fluid and intracellular hy-
extracellular fluid maintained by renal mechanisms. dration and thus preserve the stable milieu interieur?
Although an agreed-on physical model for cellular Most mammals maintain an extracellular fluid osmo-
water is still lacking (1, 6, 19), empirical observations lality of ⬃300 mosmol/kgH2O. The main determinant of
reveal striking similarities in the hydration and electro- extracellular fluid osmolality is sodium and associated
lyte content of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells that anions. There are two parallel regulatory systems,
relate to their common evolutionary heritage. By weight, antidiuretic hormone and renin-angiotensin-aldoste-
cells from Escherichia coli to mammals consist of ⬃70% rone, which maintain extracellular fluid osmolality,
water even though there is a 100-fold difference in the sodium concentration, and extracellular water content
volumes of bacterial and mammalian cells. extremely stable in health (Fig. 2). An inference from
The ‘‘typical’’ mammalian cell contains 70% water,
18% protein, 5% phospholipids, 1% inorganic ions (e.g.,
K⫹, Na⫹, Mg2⫹, Cl⫺ ), 1.35% RNA and DNA, 2% polysac-
charides, and 3% miscellaneous small metabolites (1).
In the present investigation, cellular hydration was
thus assumed to be a mean of 0.70, representing a
typical mammalian cell.
Body cell mass includes water, protein, and minerals
in all cell types, and water is the largest chemical
compartment of body cell mass (22, 36). Because differ-
ent cell types have specific functions, it is not surprising
that they may differ with respect to their precise
chemical composition, including water fraction. For
example, the intracellular water fraction of red blood
cells is relatively low and varies between 0.65 and 0.68.
In contrast, skeletal muscle cells, accounting for about Fig. 2. Model depicting regulation of mammalian total body water
two-thirds of body cell mass, have water fractions of content, sodium concentration, and fluid osmolality. ADH, antidi-
0.718–0.728 in healthy dogs (10, 18). Whole body uretic hormone; ICF, intracellular fluid.

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these well-established relationships is that extracellu- E/I. Unlike the three other model components, many
lar fluid hydration [i.e., extracellular water-to-extracel- physiological factors are known to change relative
lular fluid ratio (ECW/ECF)] is stable within individu- extracellular and intracellular water distribution over
als, species, and perhaps across all mammals. the life span, such as growth, gender, exercise, fluid
The intracellular fluid compartment is separated intake, and sweating (16). Children have a larger
from extracellular fluid by a selectively permeable fraction of small young cells and a larger extracellular
membrane (Fig. 2). Sodium content of intracellular fluid-to-cell mass ratio than do adults. The large ratio of
fluid is maintained low by limiting membrane effects extracellular fluid to cell mass in children permits
and the sodium-potassium-ATPase pump (28). Water rapid movement of nutrients from extracellular fluid to
flows freely across cell membranes, and hence intracel- cells and of end products from cells to extracellular
lular fluid also maintains a stable osmolality of ⬃300 fluid (16). Obesity, acquired immunodeficiency syn-
mosmol/kgH2O (11). Cellular hydration and cell volume drome, chronic renal failure, edema with malnutrition,
are thus maintained stable through the same regula- and sepsis may also cause overhydration and an in-
tory mechanisms as for extracellular fluid. Mainte- crease in E/I. Conversely, diseases or conditions associ-
nance of stable cell volume is the highest organismic ated with dehydration may decrease E/I. Hence, there
priority, and even small volume changes constitute a exists no direct physiological regulation of relative
potent signal for modifying cell metabolism and gene water distribution, and E/I varies widely in health and
expression (17, 19, 35).
There is no method for directly measuring total body
The implication of these well-established homeo-
intracellular water, and it is often calculated as the
static regulatory mechanisms is that extracellular fluid
difference between TBW and extracellular water. A
hydration and cellular hydration are maintained ex-
number of dilution techniques (e.g., bromide, sulfate,
tremely stable in healthy mammals, including humans and inulin; Refs. 16, 30) and total body chlorine mea-
(11, 24). Accordingly, it is likely that factors a and b sured by in vivo neutron activation analysis are applied
vary minimally in healthy adult subjects. for extracellular water estimation (38). However, the
ECS/TBW: ratio c. Extracellular solids are also a available methods, based on different assumptions,
nonmetabolizing component that consists of organic may vary in their estimates of extracellular water. The
and inorganic compounds. The organic extracellular observed E/I thus varies according to the applied
solids include three types of fiber: collagen, reticular, method.
and elastic. Inorganic extracellular solids, with calcium We evaluated E/I in the present study with TBW and
hydroxyapatite 5[Ca3(PO4 )2]3Ca(OH)26 as the major con- total body potassium (see APPENDIX ) in 384 healthy
stituent, represent ⬃66% of dry bone matrix (Table 1). adults (220 men and 164 women). These group charac-
Because there is no water in the extracellular solids teristics (mean ⫾ SD) were age, 45 ⫾ 20 yr; body mass,
component, larger proportional contributions to FFM 64.1 ⫾ 11.9 kg; and body mass index, 22.5 ⫾ 2.7 kg/m2.
correspondingly lower observed levels of FFM hydra- TBW measured by tritium dilution was 38.1 ⫾ 9.0 kg,
tion. total body potassium measured by whole body 40K
ECS/TBW can be estimated from previous studies. counting was 3,132 ⫾ 903 mmol, and the calculated E/I
Cohn et al. (7) measured total body calcium by in vivo was 0.97 ⫾ 0.20. Although the mean E/I is close to 1.0
neutron activation analysis. Assuming constant bone for the whole group, a significantly larger E/I was
mineral-to-total body calcium and extracellular solids- present in women (1.07 ⫾ 0.22) than in men (0.82 ⫾
to-bone mineral ratios, the authors calculated extracel- 0.16, P ⬍ 0.001). In the present study, the E/I was thus
lular solids from total body calcium (8). ECS/TBW was assumed to range between 0.58 (mean ⫺ 1.96 ⫻ SD)
similar between young and old adult men (0.15 vs. 0.15) and 1.36 (mean ⫹ 1.96 ⫻ SD) with a mean of 0.97 for
and women (0.16 vs. 0.14; Ref. 9). ECS and TBW in healthy adults.
Reference Man are 5.68 and 42 kg, respectively, with
ECS/TBW ⫽ 0.135 (Table 1). Ratio c, ECS/TBW, was
assumed in the present study to range between 0.12 Although investigators have expressed interest in
and 0.16 with a mean of ⬃0.14 for a healthy adult. FFM hydration for over 50 years, fundamental ques-
Although extracellular hydration and body cell mass tions remain unanswered. Why do healthy young adult
hydration are physiologically regulated, as noted ear- humans demonstrate a relatively stable mean magni-
lier, there is no direct regulatory linkage between water tude of FFM hydration of ⬃0.73? Why does hydration in
and extracellular solids. Moreover, extracellular solids adult humans vary within a narrow range? Does this
and closely related bone are minimally developed in the observed range primarily represent biological varia-
newborn at a time when the fraction of FFM as water is tion? Does body size in mammals influence FFM hydra-
high. This suggests that ratio c, considered over the tion? In this section, we demonstrate how the proposed
whole life span, may be age dependent in humans, and model can be used to explore these fundamental ques-
this possibility needs to be explored. Some mammals, tions.
such as the armadillo, have chitenous shells that are Why is FFM hydration in adult humans relatively
included in the extracellular solids component, and stable at ⬃0.73? The proposed cellular level model
ratio c would correspondingly be larger in magnitude indicates that FFM hydration is a function of four
relative to other mammals. determinants, i.e., TBW/FFM ⫽ f (a, b, c, E/I), and the

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approximate mean value of each determinant is known increases by only 3% (from 0.721 to 0.743). Hence,
as described above (i.e., a ⫽ ⬃0.70, b ⫽ ⬃0.98, c ⫽ although E/I is highly variable between subjects or in
⬃0.14, and E/I ⫽ ⬃0.97). The mean TBW/FFM can the same subject over long time periods, the impact of
therefore be predicted for healthy young adult humans this variability on the observed FFM hydration is
according to Eq. 6 relatively small.
Why does FFM hydration in adult humans vary
TBW/FFM within a narrow range? Both in vitro and in vivo studies
1 ⫹ 0.97 demonstrate that FFM hydration varies within a nar-
⫽ row range for adults (31, 36). However, it is unknown if
1/0.70 ⫹ (1/0.98) ⫻ 0.97 ⫹ 0.14 ⫹ 0.14 ⫻ 0.97 these variations are explainable physiological devia-
⫽ 0.73 tions and/or methodological errors.
As indicated above, each of the four cellular level
The model-predicted mean FFM hydration is similar to determinants may vary within an assumed range for
that in in vitro studies on human cadavers (0.737) and young adults: a, from 0.69 to 0.71; b, from 0.97 to 0.99;
in Reference Man as suggested by Brozek et al. (0.737) c, from 0.12 to 0.16; and E/I from 0.58 to 1.36. Ratios a,
and Snyder et al. (0.741; Refs. 4, 32). In addition, the b, and E/I are in direct proportion, and c is in inverse
calculated TBW/FFM is almost identical to that in proportion, to TBW/FFM magnitude. One can thus
other mammals (0.739 ⫾ 0.015, coefficient of variation ⫽ estimate the range of FFM hydration if the four deter-
2.0%) ranging in average body mass from 0.036 kg for minants take their extreme values. When a is 0.69, b is
mice to 214 kg for gray seals, indicating hydration 0.97, c is 0.16, and E/I is 0.58, TBW/FFM may reach its
stability between species (31, 36). low value according to Eq. 6
Can the relative constancy of FFM hydration be
explained with the proposed cellular level model? Even TBW/FFM
though small changes (e.g., ⫾1%; Table 2) in cellular
hydration (a) and extracellular fluid hydration (b) 1 ⫹ 0.58

would have relatively large effects on FFM hydration 1/0.69 ⫹ (1/0.97) ⫻ 0.58 ⫹ 0.16 ⫹ 0.16 ⫻ 0.58
(i.e., ⬃0.5%), these two determinants are maintained
stable by physiological mechanisms in humans and ⫽ 0.69
other mammals. The ratio of extracellular solids to When a is 0.71, b is 0.99, c is 0.12, and E/I is 1.36,
TBW (c) is also stable in adult humans, although a TBW/FFM may reach its high value
change in ratio c of ⫾1% would cause a corresponding
FFM hydration change of ⫾0.1% (Table 2). TBW/FFM
Water distribution (i.e., E/I) is highly variable within
subjects over time and between subjects. The cellular 1 ⫹ 1.36

level model (Eq. 6) can thus be simplified, assuming 1/0.72 ⫹ (1/0.99) ⫻ 1.36 ⫹ 0.12 ⫹ 0.12 ⫻ 1.36
constant ratios a, b, and c, for discussion purposes to a
model that applies in young adults ⫽ 0.77

1 ⫹ E/I The predicted variation range of FFM hydration for

TBW/FFM ⫽ (7) healthy young adult humans is thus approximately
1.569 ⫹ 1.16 ⫻ (E/I) from 0.69 to 0.77. This range is similar to the results of
Equation 7 indicates that both numerator and denomi- in vitro human cadaver studies (0.68–0.81; Refs. 31,
nator contain E/I terms that have the same operational 36). The proposed model thus indicates that the ob-
symbol (⫹) and similar coefficients (1 and 1.16). This served variation in FFM hydration can be attributed
mathematical feature indicates that relative changes primarily to variation in the four cellular level determi-
in water distribution have only a small effect on nants.
TBW/FFM. For example, when E/I increases by 50% An interesting observation reported by Pitts and
(e.g., from 0.80 to 1.20), TBW/FFM, according to Eq. 7, Bullard (27) was that mammals with a hard chitenous
shell, such as the armadillo, had particularly low
hydration levels (0.70–0.71). These exoskeleton-clad
Table 2. The influence of 1% increase of the 4 animals would be expected to have a disproportionately
determinants on FFM hydration large extracellular solids component and a high ratio c.
A high ratio c, according to the proposed cellular level
1% ⌬ ⌬(TBW/FFM)/
Determinant Mean Increase (TBW/FFM) 0.7312
model, would cause a low hydration of FFM. This
prediction is supported in the Pitts and Bullard study.
a 0.70 0.7070 0.0039 0.53% Of the four cellular level model ratios, E/I is the only
b 0.98 0.9898 0.0027 0.37%
c 0.14 0.1414 ⫺0.0007 ⫺0.10%
factor that changes substantially in adult humans. The
E/I 0.97 0.9797 0.0006 0.076% influence of E/I on FFM hydration is illustrated in Fig.
3. Figure 3, middle, shows the hypothetical normal
When hydration of body cell mass (a) ⫽ 0.70, hydration of extracel-
lular fluid (b) ⫽ 0.98, ratio of ECS to TBW (c) ⫽ 0.14, and ratio of
state for water distribution and hydration: E/I and
extracellular water to intracellular water (E/I) ⫽ 0.97, the calculated TBW/FFM are ⬃1.0 and ⬃0.73, respectively. If E/I
the TBW-to-FFM ratio (TBW/FFM) ⫽ 0.7312. increases for any physiological or pathological reason,

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Fig. 3. Effect of ECW-to-ICW ratio (E/I) change

on FFM hydration [total body water-to-FFM ratio
(TBW/FFM)]. Middle, normal E/I of ⬃1.0 with
TBW/FFM of ⬃0.73. Increase in E/I (e.g., ECW
increase and ICW decrease, E/I ⬎ 1.2) may cause
a TBW/FFM of ⬎0.74 (top). In contrast, a de-
crease in E/I (e.g., ECW decrease and ICW in-
crease, E/I ⬍ 0.8) may cause a TBW/FFM of
⬍0.72 (bottom).

as shown in Fig. 3, top, this may cause a small increase We were thus able to predict the change of FFM
in FFM hydration (e.g., when E/I ⬎ 1.2, TBW/FFM ⬎ hydration during growth. At birth, when c is ⬃0.07 and
0.74). In contrast, if E/I decreases for physiological or E/I is ⬃1.7, predicted FFM hydration, according to Eq.
pathological reasons, as shown in Fig. 3, bottom, this 8, is 0.81. The theoretical FFM hydration then de-
may cause a low FFM hydration (e.g., when E/I ⬍ 0.8, creases to 0.73 for adults when c is ⬃0.14 and E/I is
TBW/FFM ⬍ 0.72). ⬃1.0. This trend is similar to measured changes in
Does growth influence FFM hydration? Previous stud- FFM hydration, 0.810 at birth and 0.746 for 10-yr-old
ies indicate that FFM hydration is significantly influ- boys (15). As indicated by Eq. 8, both an increase in
enced by biological factors such as growth (16). Moul- ratio c and a decrease in E/I cause a rapid decline in
ton, in his classical investigation (23), summarized FFM hydration during growth.
chemical analysis results of nine mammals, including Does body size influence FFM hydration in mam-
mouse, rat, guinea pig, rabbit, cat, dog, pig, cattle, and mals? A pervasive finding in the biological literature is
human. At birth, all mammals show a high FFM that mammals share in common a FFM hydration of
hydration (⬃0.81) and low concentrations of protein ⬃0.73 (31, 36). Although this observation generally has
and mineral. FFM hydration then rapidly declines, and ample support, there are notable deviations. Pitts and
protein and mineral content increase from early life Bullard’s classic study (27) examined FFM hydration in
until chemical maturity is reached. a wide range of mammals captured in their native
A reasonable question thus arises: can the proposed habitat. The investigators noted a small but consistent
cellular level model be applied in modeling the relation- decrease in TBW/FFM with increasing FFM from mouse
ship between FFM hydration and growth? Of the four to cattle. The empirical equation derived by Pitts and
determinants of FFM hydration, ratios a, which equals Bullard is
⬃0.70, and b, which equals ⬃0.98, can be assumed for
modeling purposes to be stable throughout life. The log(TBW/FFM)
cellular level hydration model (Eq. 6) can therefore be ⫽ ⫺0.1308 ⫺ 0.0076 ⫻ logFFM; r ⫽ ⫺0.764 (9)
simplified to
or TBW/FFM ⫽ 0.7399 ⫻ FFM⫺0.0076
1 ⫹ E/I
TBW/FFM ⫽ (8) where FFM is in kilograms. According to Eq. 9, FFM
1.429 ⫹ c ⫹ (1.020 ⫹ c) ⫻ (E/I)
hydration is higher in mouse (0.760, FFM 0.03 kg) than
Equation 8 shows that ratio c changes in inverse in monkey (0.726, FFM 12 kg) and human (0.718, FFM
proportion to, and E/I changes directly with, FFM 55 kg). Can the mammalian FFM hydration of ⬃0.73 in
hydration. Based on Reference Children data (15), ratio general and specifically the small downward trend with
c is very low at birth (i.e., ⬃0.07) and then increases increasing body size be theoretically explained?
rapidly to adolescence (i.e., ⬃0.14). In contrast, E/I is One approach to examining this question is to extend
maximal (i.e., ⬃1.7) at birth and then decreases rapidly our analysis of FFM hydration from the cellular level to
to ⬃1.0 in adults. the tissue-organ level. Whole body FFM hydration can

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be calculated by summing the water and FFM of Table 4. Potential influence of biological factors on
individual organs and tissues cellular level model determinants and FFM hydration
兺Wi Cellular Level Model Determinants
兺FFMi Biological Factors a b c E/I TBW/FFM
兺[(W/M)i ⫻ Mi ] Growth = = > << <<
⫽ Aging = = = > (?) > (?)
兺[(FFM/M)i ⫻ Mi ] Adiposity > = = = > > (?)
Gender (females
where Mi is individual organ-tissue mass, Wi and FFMi vs. males) = = = > >
represent water mass and fat-free mass of individual Body size > = = > = (?) <
organ-tissue, and (W/M)i and (FFM/M)i is the fraction Acute or chronic
catabolic illness < (?) = < > >
of individual organ-tissue mass as water and FFM,
respectively. Both cadaver and in vivo measurements =, No obvious influence on cellular level model determinants and
by computerized axial tomography or magnetic reso- FFM hydration; >, positive influence on cellular level determinants
and FFM hydration; <, negative influence on cellular level determi-
nance imaging show that individual organ-tissue mass nants and FFM hydration; ?, association speculated or evidence
can be expressed as a function of body mass among limited.
mammals ranging in body mass from rat to elephant (2,
5, 12). The general relationship between organ-tissue mass of Reference Man. It is assumed that the fractions
mass (M ) and body mass (BM) is of individual organ-tissue mass as water (W/M)i and as
fat-free mass (FFM/M)i are similar among adult mam-
M ⫽ k ⫻ BMm (11) mals. According to the known (W/M)i, (FFM/M)i, k, and
m for individual organs-tissues (Table 3), we derived
where k is constant and m is a scaling exponent. Most the following model for characterizing FFM hydration
organs, including liver, kidneys, brain, heart, and lung, from body mass
occupy a decreasing fraction of body mass (i.e., m ⬍ 1)
as body size increases. Skeletal muscle is almost di-
rectly proportional to body mass (i.e., m ⫽ 1): skeletal log(TBW/FFM)
muscle is 0.468 ⫻ BM0.99 (5). In contrast, bone and ⫽ ⫺0.1198 ⫺ 0.0102 ⫻ logBM; r ⫽ ⫺1.0 (13)
adipose tissue occupy increasing fractions of body mass
(i.e., m ⬎ 1) as body size increases (Table 3). The or TBW/FFM ⫽ 0.7589 ⫻ BM ⫺0.0102

tissue-organ level FFM hydration model (Eq. 10) can be

converted to where BM is in kilograms. According to Eq. 13, FFM
hydration is 0.784 for mouse (BM ⫽ 0.04 kg), 0.738 for
兺[(W/M)i ⫻ (k ⫻ BMm)i] monkey (BM ⫽ 15 kg), and 0.727 for humans (BM ⫽ 70
TBW/FFM ⫽ (12) kg). Although there is a small systematic difference in
兺[(FFM/M)i ⫻ (k ⫻ BMm)i]
FFM hydration prediction, Pitts and Bullard’s (27)
The (W/M)i and (FFM/M)i values for 14 organs and empirical formula (Eq. 9) and our prediction model (Eq.
tissues of Reference Man are shown in Table 3 (32). 13) show the same trend, with FFM hydration decreas-
These organs and tissues account for 87.3% of the body ing minimally but systematically with a remarkable
increase in animal size by a factor of 105. The tissue-
organ level FFM hydration model thus provides a basis
Table 3. Organ or tissue mass-to-body mass for the small downward trend in hydration as a func-
relationships in mammals tion of body mass observed by Pitts and Bullard in
mammals living within their natural habitats.
Organ or Tissue (W/M )i (FFM/M )i Organ or Tissue ⫽ k ⫻ BMm

Liver 0.7222 0.9333 0.0491 ⫻ BM0.70 POTENTIAL RESEARCH AREAS

Kidney 0.7742 0.9484 0.0089 ⫻ BM0.71
Brain 0.7857 0.8929 0.1025 ⫻ BM0.71 There are many important unanswered questions
Adrenal 0.5714 0.7429 0.0003 ⫻ BM0.80 related to FFM hydration. We have selected several of
Heart 0.7273 0.9000 0.0131 ⫻ BM0.88 these questions to highlight the need for more research
Thyroid 0.7500 0.9000 0.0001 ⫻ BM0.92 in this important area. Some examples of unresolved or
Lung 0.7800 0.9901 0.0092 ⫻ BM0.92
Gut 0.7917 0.9383 0.075 ⫻ BM0.94
incompletely understood aspects of FFM hydration in
Skin 0.6154 0.9000 0.106 ⫻ BM0.94 health and disease are summarized in Table 4. Table 4
Skeletal muscle 0.7857 0.9779 0.468 ⫻ BM0.99 also suggests directional changes in each of the four
Spleen 0.7778 0.9839 0.003 ⫻ BM1.02 cellular level model determinants and their collective
Blood 0.8000 0.9935 0.069 ⫻ BM1.02 impact on FFM hydration. Experiments can be de-
Bone 0.1700 0.9900 0.061 ⫻ BM1.09
Adipose tissue 0.1533 0.2000 0.075 ⫻ BM1.19 signed to test the validity of the hypotheses presented
in Table 4.
Information on relationship between organ or tissue and body mass Although our general FFM hydration models (e.g.,
is based on Refs. 5 and 12, and information on fraction of individual
organ or tissue mass as water [(W/M )i ] and as FFM [(FFM/M )i ] is
Eqs. 4, 6, 10, and 12) are mathematically valid for
based on Ref. 32 (modified). BM, body mass (kg); k, constant; m, various species, many biological assumptions regard-
scaling exponent. ing the four cellular level model determinants (i.e., a, b,

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c, and E/I) were made in the discussions that followed. concentrations in intracellular and extracellular fluid, respec-
There remain opportunities for verifying these assump- tively, the following simultaneous equations may be written
tions and expanding on the concepts presented in this TBW ⫽ ICW ⫹ ECW (A1)
How might the four cellular level model determi- TBK ⫽ m ⫻ ICW ⫹ n ⫻ ECW (A2)
nants be compared between individuals or across
Because TBK and TBW are measurable, ECW and ICW can
groups? Body cell mass hydration, ratio a, requires be solved as
primarily in vitro analysis. Extracellular fluid hydra-
tion, ratio b, can best be inferred from analysis of easily ECW ⫽ (m ⫻ TBW ⫺ TBK)/(m ⫺ n) (A3)
obtained blood samples. The third ratio, c (⫽ ECS/
ICW ⫽ (TBK ⫺ n ⫻ TBW)/(m ⫺ n) (A4)
TBW), can be evaluated from bone mineral or total body
ash. Bone mineral can be measured in vivo with The ratio of ECW to ICW can thus be calculated as
dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (26), and bone or
E/I ⫽ (m ⫻ TBW ⫺ TBK)/(TBK ⫺ n ⫻ TBW) (A5)
total body ash can be evaluated in vitro in animal or
human cadavers. TBW is easily quantified with labeled Previous studies reported similar intracellular potassium
isotopes in vivo (30) or by desiccation in vitro. Finally, concentrations (m) in mammals: 150–160 mmol/kgH2O (21),
E/I can be calculated from total body potassium and 150 ⫾ 7.2 (SD) mmol/l (22), 152 mmol/kgH2O (21), and 159
water masses as in this report (see APPENDIX ). mmol/kgH2O (28). In the present investigation m was as-
FFM hydration was reexamined with the proposed sumed as 155 mmol/kgH2O. The potassium concentration in
cellular level model in the present study. There are also extracellular fluid (n) is much lower than m and close to the 5
mmol/kgH2O reported in previous studies. Equation A5 can
several other classic body composition constants, such
thus be expressed as
as the ratio of total body potassium to FFM (⬃68
mmol/kg FFM) and FFM density (⬃1.10 g/cm3 ), that E/I ⫽ (155 ⫻ TBW ⫺ TBK)/(TBK ⫺ 5 ⫻ TBW) (A6)
are presently used in body composition research. These
where TBW is in kilograms and TBK is expressed in milli-
assumed stable constants, as well as FFM hydration,
moles. Water volume, estimated by 3H2O dilution in the
form the cornerstone of widely used body composition present study, was estimated to overestimate TBW by 4%
methods, and the origin of their constancy is of funda- (30, 36).
mental scientific interest. Similar cellular level models
could be developed that may be useful in improving
understanding of these widely used body composition This research was supported by National Center for Research
constants. Resources Grant RR-00645 and National Institute of Diabetes and
Digestive and Kidney Diseases Grant DK-42618.
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: ZM. Wang,
CONCLUSION Weight Control Unit, 1090 Amsterdam Ave., 14th Floor, New York,
NY 10025 (E-mail:
The empirical relationship between TBW and FFM
Received 14 August 1998; accepted in final form 19 February 1999.
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