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Book Policy Manual

Section 200 Pupils

Title Graduation Requirements

Code 217

Status Active

Adopted November 17, 1997

Last Revised April 20, 2015

Policy Committee review on 4.11.23, recommend approval of revised policy.


The Board shall establish graduation requirements and will acknowledge each student’s
successful completion of the instructional program by awarding diplomas and certificates at
graduation ceremonies.


The Board shall adopt the graduation requirements students must achieve, in accordance with
state law and regulations, which shall include course completion and grades, completion of a
culminating project, and satisfactory results of district and/or state assessments aligned with
academic standards.[1][2][17]

The Board requires graduation requirements to be published and distributed to students and
parents/guardians and made available in each school building and posted on the district's
publicly accessible website. All changes to graduation requirements shall be published and
distributed to students and parents/guardians and made available in each school building and
posted on the district’s publicly accessible website immediately following approval by the Board.

The Board will adopt the graduation requirements students must achieve, which will include the
following: 1) Specific course completion of thirty (30) credits and grades; and 2) Demonstrate
proficiency in Algebra I, Literature and Biology Keystone exams or meet one (1) of the state's
additional graduation pathways as outlined in the Public School Code of 1949, as amended.;
and any other requirements consistent with Chapter 4 regulations. South Middleton School
District will implement Keystone Exams in compliance with state and federal guidelines.

The Board shall award a high school diploma to every student enrolled in this district who meets
the requirements of graduation established by this Board as part of the district’s Comprehensive

The Board shall permit a student with a disability, who attended four (4) years of high school, to
participate in commencement ceremonies with the student’s graduating class and receive a
certificate of attendance, even if the student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) prescribes
continued educational services. The student may receive a high school diploma when they
completes their Individualized Education Plan (IEP). [7][8][9][1][18][19][20]

Class of 2023 and Beyond

Unless otherwise specified by state law or regulations or Board Policy, the Board requires that
each candidate for graduation shall have completed the required assessments, work, and
studies representing the instructional program which are aligned to established state academic
and common core standards. In addition to the credit requirements, graduating students must
meet one (1) of the state's five graduation pathways as outlined in the Public School Code of
1949, as amended.
Students Experiencing Educational Instability
The District shall provide supports to ensure that students experiencing educational instability
graduate in a timely manner, in accordance with law and Board policy. A graduation plan shall
be developed to facilitate this process for students in grades nine (9) through twelve (12) who
are experiencing educational instability.

The Board requires that each candidate for graduation shall have earned thirty (30) credits.

The minimum requirements for graduation will include:

 Three (3) non-elective one (1) credit courses of Social Studies

 Four (4) non-elective one (1) credit courses of English
 Four (4) non-elective one (1) credit courses of Mathematics
 Three (3) or four (4) non-elective one (1) credit courses of Science, depending on the
sequence of courses
 Two (2) non-elective one (1) credit courses in the same World Language
 Four (4) non-elective half-credit courses in Physical Education
 Two (2) non-elective half-credit courses in Health Education
 One (1) non-elective half-credit course and one (1) elective half-credit course in
Business and Computer Education
 Eight (8) or Nine (9) credits in elective areas, depending on sequence of science

The fourth year of high school shall not be required for graduation if a student has completed all
requirements for graduation and attends a postsecondary institution as a full-time

Full-Time College Enrollment

The Board further acknowledges that some students in their senior year may wish to pursue
college-level course work full-time on a campus of higher learning outside of the high school as
a step toward a career choice while at the same time desiring to graduate and receive a diploma
from the Boiling Springs High School.

The Board will permit this option so long as the senior high school graduation requirements can
be successfully met with the alternative college-level courses being counted toward graduation
upon submission of evidence that the courses have been satisfactorily completed and with prior
approval being granted by the Boiling Springs High School Principal. The Board gives the
Assistant to the Superintendent and the High School Principal the authority to substitute college
credit for a high school graduation requirement as deemed appropriate.

Part-Time College Enrollment

The Board recognizes that some students have the ability to complete college-level courses
while being enrolled in our school system and wishes to provide the opportunity for these
students to be enrolled in college courses on a part-time basis. The Board will grant students
credit toward promotion or graduation for completion of college-level courses on a part-time

Students of the Boiling Springs High School will be permitted to enroll in college courses on a
part-time basis while enrolled as students in the South Middleton School District, with the
courses being counted toward promotion and/or graduation upon submission of evidence that
they have been satisfactorily completed and with prior approval being granted by the Boiling
Springs High School Principal. The Board gives the Assistant Superintendent and the High
School Principal the authority to substitute college credit for a high school graduation
requirement as deemed appropriate.

A student may qualify for graduation by attending a district school part-time when officially
enrolled part-time in a postsecondary institution.[14][13]

College credit will not be included in a student’s grade point average (GPA) if the credit is a
replacement for a high school graduation requirement. College credit from one (1) college
course will be the equivalent of one (1) high school credit.

Delegation of Responsibility

The Superintendent or designee shall be responsible for:

1. Publication and distribution of graduation requirements to students and
2. Counseling of students regarding expectations of graduation requirements.
3. Assessment of individual student attainment of academic standards to ensure the
student’s progress toward achievement of graduation requirements.
4. Accurate recording and reporting of each student’s progress and accumulation of
graduation requirements.
5. Provision of assistance to those students having difficulty attaining the academic
6. Development of a list of individuals who qualify for the award of a diploma and providing
said list to the Board.
7. Planning and executing graduation ceremonies that appropriately recognize this
important achievement.
The Superintendent or designee shall annually, no later than December 1, report to the
Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) graduation information and data, as required by


Accurate recording of each student’s achievement of academic standards shall be maintained,

as required by law and state regulations.[15][16]

Students shall be informed of graduation requirements they are required to complete.[1]

A student who has completed the requirements for graduation shall not be denied a diploma as
a disciplinary measure, but the student may be denied participation in the graduation ceremony
when personal conduct so warrants. Such exclusion shall be regarded as a school suspension,
and is in the sole discretion of the Superintendent.[21]

Diplomas for Eligible Veterans

In order to honor and recognize eligible veterans who left high school prior to graduation to
serve in World War II or the Korean War, the Board shall grant a diploma to a veteran who
meets the applicable requirements of law and completes the required application.[3]

Upon proper application, the Board may award a diploma posthumously to a veteran who meets
the stated requirements.

The Superintendent shall submit to the Board for its approval the names of veterans of World
War II and the Korean War who are eligible for a high school diploma.

1. 22 PA Code 4.24
2. 22 PA Code 4.52
3. 24 P.S. 1611
4. 24 P.S. 1613
7. 24 P.S. 1614
8. 22 PA Code 11.27
9. Pol. 113
10. Pol. 102
11. Pol. 127
12. 22 PA Code 11.4
13. 22 PA Code 11.8
14. 22 PA Code 11.5
15. Pol. 213
16. Pol. 216
17. 22 PA Code 4.51
18. 22 PA Code 4.12
19. 34 CFR 300.102
20. 34 CFR 300.305
21. Pol. 233
34 CFR Part 300
Pol. 212
24 P.S. 121
24 P.S. 510.2
24 P.S. 1331.1
Pol. 251

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