Reviewer Disaster Nursing

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INTRODUCTION Greek word dus (bad) and aster (star)- Calamity

-Disaster are not confined to a particular part of due to position of a planet or a star.It evolves in
the world; they can occur anywhere and any the Italian word as disatro, French word
time. disastre then later became disaster.
-Disasters are characteristically predictable and
-a sudden event, such as an accident or a
controllable as long as there is an early
natural catastrophe, that causes great damage
or loss of life. -(wikipedia) a serious distruction
-Early forwarning greatly reduce the duration,
of the functioning of a community or a society
scope and intensity of impact of disasters.
involving wide spreading human, material,
-COVID-19 infection and variants should be
economic or environmental losses and impacts,
treated as disasters. Even localized epidemics as
which exceeds the ability of the affected
disasters for which we need preparedness and
community or society to cope using its own
mitigation strategies. (-DOST NRCP).
resources. -(UN-DRR)
“Human activities like deforestation resulting to
any occurence that causes damage, ecological
desertification, generating powers, manufacting
disruption, loss of human life, deterioration of
goods, and transportations triggers global
health and health services, on a scale sufficient
warming and therefore affects the frequency
to warrant and extraordinary response form
and intensity of extreme climate events thus
outside the affected community or area. -
increasing the impacts of disaster. (impact on
personal,community, economic and
-an occurence either natural or man-made that
causes human suffering and creates human
needs that victims cannot alleviate w/o
D- Destruction assistance -(American Red Cross)
I- Incidents -Is is an event, natural or man-made, sudden or
S- Sufferings progressive, which impacts with such severity
A- Administrative, Financial Failures that the community has to respond taking
S- Sentiments exceptional measures. -(W. Nick Carter)
T- Tragedies When is an event a Disaster?
E- Erruption of Cmomunicable Diseases 1. At least 20% population are in need of
R- Reasearch Programme and Its emergency assistance/whose dwelling units
Implementation have been destroyed.
2. At least 40% livelihood are destroyed
Philippine Disaster and Risk Profile
3. Disrupted flow of transport and commerce
Disaster as old as mankind. (Noah and his ark)
for a week.
Philippines was found to be one of the most
4. Widespread destruction of agricultural
disaster-prone country (3rd rank in top 10
countries) in the world for the past century.
5. Epidemics
Occupies the western rim of Pacific Ocean
(western segment of Pacific ring of fire).
The Ring of Fire is a region around much of the
VULNERABILITY - conditions determined by
rim of the Pacific Ocean where many volcanic
physical, social, economic and environmental
eruptions and earthquakes occur. Also known
factors or processes which increase the
as “Circum-Pacific belt”.
susceptibility to the impacts of hazards.
Vulnerability to a natural hazard depends on - Wise management of land and the
the following factors: environment.
Wealth - Improving preparedness for adverse events.

Education DISASTER MANAGEMENT is an applied

Governance science, which seeks by systematic observation
Technology and analysis of disasters, so improve measures
relating to prevention, emergency, response,
Age and Gender
recovery, and medication.
When is an event a Disaster? TYPES OF HAZARDS AND DISASTERS
Hazard- any phenomenon that has potential 1. NATURAL vs. TECHNOLOGICAL
to cause disruption or damage to people and HAZARDS (MAN-MADE)
environment. “A hazard is perceived natural
event which threatens both life and property. OVERLAND FLOODING
A disaster is a realization of this hazard.”
(Whittow, J n.d.) NATURAL
Capacity or coping capacity refers to the
ability of people, organizations and systems Forces of Nature “Acts of God”
using available skills and resources to deal
with and manage conditions such as hazards, Humans have limited control
emergencies or disasters.
NATURAL HAZARD- is a threat of a natura Have occurred throughtout the history of
lly occuring event that has operated trougho mankind
ut earth’s history.
Disaster occurs when hazards meets TECHNOLOGICAL
Caused by human-made systems
“Disaster is a crisis situation that exceeds the cap
abilities.” (Duarentelli, 1985) Systems not designed to fall


Disaster risk is the product of the possible
damage caused by a hazard due to vulnerability Point of blame
within a community. (Dar, 2014).
DISASTER RISK = (HAZARD X 2. Internal vs External Hazards and Disasters
Geophysical- A hazard originating from solid
CONCEPT OF DISASTER RISK earth. This term is used to interchangeably with
REDUCTION (DRR) the term geological hazard.
Disaster risk reduction is viewed as a concept Meteorological- A hazard caused by short-
and practice of reducing disaster risks through lived, micro-to-meso-scale exterme weather and
systematic efforts to analyze and manage the atmospeheric conditions that last from minutes
causal factors of different disasters. to days.
Hydrological- A hazard caused by the
Disaster risk reduction includes: occurence, movement, and distribution of
- Reducing exposures to hazards. surface and subsurface freshwarter and
- Lessening vulnerability of prople and property. saltwater.
Climatological- A hazard caused by long-lived, are getting neglected
meso-to-macro-scale atmospheric processes Overload on doctors and other healthcare
ranging from intra-seasonal to multi-decadal professionals, who are at a very high risk
climate variability. Overloading of medical shops
Biological- A hazard caused by the exposure to Requirement for high protection
living organisms and their toxic substances (eg, Disruption of medical supply chain 
venom, mold) or vector-borne diseases that they
may carry.Ex., venomous wildlife, poisonous Economic
plants, micro-organism carrying diseases. Slowing of the manufacturing of essential goods
COVID-19 Pandemic in the Philippines Disrupt the supply chain of products
(Date) - (reported cases) Losses in national and international business
Philippines- the fifth-highest in Southeast Poor cash flow in the market
Asia,behind Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Significant slowing down in the revenue growth
The first case in the Philippines was identified Social
on January 30, 2020, and involved a 38-year-old Service sector is not being able to provide their
Chinese woman who was confined at San proper service
Lazaro Hospital in Metro Manila. On February Cancellation or postponement of large-scale
1, 2020, a posthumous test result from a 44- sports and tournaments
year-old Chinese man turned out positive for the Avoiding the national and international
virus, making the Philippines the first country travelling and cancellation of services
outside China to record a confirmed death from Disruption of celebration of cultural, religious
the disease. and festive events
Philippines confirmed its first local transmission Undue stress among the population
on March 7, 2020. Social distancing with our peers and family
Virus has spread to the country's 81 provinces. members. 
March 15, 2020- imposing of community Closure of the hotels, restaurants and religious
quarantines as a measure to limit the spread of places
the virus. Closure of places for entertainment such as
Luzon-wide enhanced community quarantine movie and play theatres, sports clubs,
(ECQ) that was implemented in March-May gymnasiums, swimming pools, and so on.
2020. Postponement of examinations
March 24,2020- President Rodrigo Duterte
signed the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act. The list of top 10 global natural disasters are
September 11, 2020- revoke and renamed as as follows:
Bayanihan to Recover as One Act (Bayanihan 2- 1. Cyclone.                       6. Flood
RA 11494). 2. Earthquake                 7. Wildfire
COVID-19 cases throughout the country started 3. Tornado.                       8. Drought
declining in February 2022. 4. Volcanic eruption.         9. Avalanche
"minimal-risk case classification" with an 5. Tsunami.                     10. Landslide
average of only 159 cases per day recorded from
May 3 to 9. The 5 common disasters in the Philippines are
as follows:
Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic in Daily Life 1. Typhoon
Healthcare 2. Earthquake
Challenges in the diagnosis, quarantine and 3. Fire
treatment of suspected or confirmed cases 4. Volcanic eruption
High burden of the functioning of the existing 5. Drought
medical system
Patients with other disease and health problems
Tornados (twisters)- is a violently rotating
column of air that is touching both the ground
Definition of Terms and a cumulonimbus cloud. Tornado conditions
Cyclone- is an area of closed, circular fluid are caused when different temperature and
motion. It has low pressure on the inside and humidity meet to form thunder clouds.
high pressure on the outside. The center of the "Twisters" can attain speeds up to 100 miles an
storm is called the eye, and it has the calmest hour.
water and the lowest pressure. The biggest tornado recorded was the Hallam,
Earthquakes- It is the result of a sudden release Nebraska tornado on May 22, 2004. It was
of energy from the earth's crust that creates around 2.5 miles big and had a death toll of
seismic waves. They are measured using around 160 people.
seismographs. The Valdivia earthquake also The deadliest tornado recorded occurred in
known as the great Chilean earthquake is the Daultipur and Salturia, Bangladesh on April 26,
biggest earthquake ever recorded. It hit Chile on 1989. One thousand three hundred people
May 22, 1960 with a magnitude of 9.5 and a recorded dead and 12,000 injured.
death toll of around 6,000 people. Volcanic eruptions- A volcano is an opening in
The following are the top 3 strongest a planet's surface which allows hot magma to
earthquakes in the Philippines that caused major escape from below the surface. Volcanic
destructions and casualties: eruptions are measured using volcanic
1. Magnitude 8.0 earthquake in Mindanao (Aug. explosivity index. The highest volcano known to
17, 1976) . humans is Olympus Mons on Mars. Olympus
This was followed by a massive tsunami which Mons means Mount Olympus and is bigger than
was 4 to 5 meters high. Since it occurred past Mount Everest, the highest peak in the planet
midnight, it was dark, and it claimed 8,000 lives, earth.The second largest volcanic eruption of the
injuring 10,000, and leaving 90,000 more, 20th century and by far the largest eruption
homeless. occurred at Mt. Pinatubo, Zambales on June 15,
2. Magnitude 7.8 in Northern and Central 1991.
Luzon. (July 16,1990) Lahar- is a type of natural event closely related
A total of 2,412 people died and at least 10 - to a volcanic eruption, and involves a large
billion pesos worth of damages top public and amount of material originating from an eruption
private properties was reported. Several hotels in of a glaciated volcano, including mud from the
Baguio collapsed trapping and burying people melted ice, rock, and ash sliding down the side
alive. of the volcano at a rapid pace. These flows can
3. Magnitude 7.5 earthquake in Luzon destroy entire towns in seconds and kill
(November 30, 1645) thousands of people and form flash basalt.
It has caused many landslides which buried Tsunami means harbor wave and it is caused
many people alive and destroyed many buildings by the displacement of a large body of water
and churches including the Manila Cathedral. normally an ocean or a large lake.
Sinkholes - is a localized depression in the • The biggest tsunami ever happened at Lituya
surface topography, usually caused by the bay, Alaska on juy 9, 1958. The mega - tsunami
collapse of a subterranean structure such as a was around 150 meters tall.
cave. Although rare, large sinkholes that develop • The tsunami caused by 2004 Indian Ocean
suddenly in populated areas can lead to the Earthquake, is the 6u dead lieur ant ural disaster
collapse of buildings and other structures. in recorded history with a death toll of 230, 210
Epicenter of an earthquake is the location - 280,000 people.
directly above the hypocenter on the surface of Floods are caused when water overflows from a
the earth. water body.
Hypocenter of an earthquake is the location One of the biggest floods in the world is
beneath the earth's surface where the rupture of probably the yellow river in China in 1887,
the fault begins. which killed around 900,000 people.
Wildfire - is any uncontrolled fire in the
countryside or wilderness. It is also known as FBI definition of terrorism: “The unlawful use
brushfire, bushfire, forest - fire, desert - fire, of force or violence against persons or property
grass - fire, hill - fire, peat - fire, vegetation fire, to intimidate or coerce a Government, the
and veld fire. civilian population, or any segment thereof, in
Drought - is a long period of time in which a furtherance of political or social objectives.”
certain region receives a shortage of water. What is Terrorism in the Philippines?
Lasting 3 years from 1958 to 1961, the great In Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) of 2020 Section 4,
Chinese famine is the worst on record, 15 to 43 terrorism is said to be committed by any person
million who, within or outside the Philippines,
died as a result. regardless of the stage of execution engages in
Avalanche - is a sudden drop of snow. The acts intended to cause death or serious bodily
biggest avalanche happened on Mt. Hwascarany injury to any person, or endangers a person's
with a death toll of 20,000. life. Terrorism is also engaging in acts intended
Landslide or a landslip - is a movement in the to cause extensive damage or destruction to a
ground with a shallow flow of debris. government or public facility, public place or
The largest landslide in history happened private property. It is also terrorism to do acts
because of Mt. St. Helena, when 3 km. of rock intended to cause extensive interference with,
moved downhill. damage or destruction to critical infrastructure.
2. Technological Disasters
Unusual natural disasters. Radioactive Spills
Hazardous Waste
1. Firenadoes - aka “firewhirl, firedevil or fire Toxic Chemicals
tornadoes.” Oil Spills
- is a column of smoke and fire caused when Chemical or hazardous waste accidents
fire gets into a tornado. Fire
HOW DO THEY FORM? 3. Transitional Human Shelters (Complex
- intense heat that rises and combine with winds Humanitarian) Disaster
- forms pockets of swirling winds
- swirling winds can tighten into twister-like Transitional Human Shelters are rapid, post
structure disaster shelters made from materials that can be
upgraded or re-used in more permanent
2. Limnic eruptions or explosion is also called structures or that can be relocated from
a lake overturn and is caused by an explosion no temporary sites to permanent locations.
of gas from the lake (normally carbon dioxide)
erupting and suffocating people. Impact of Man-made Hazards and Disasters
There are only three exploding lakes. They are Direct Casualties, Emergency Workers suffered
lake Menoun, lake Nyos, and lake Kivu. from radiation, diseases caused by radiation,
The biggest eruption ever recorded is Lake increased birth defects, thyroid cancer, suicide
Nyos killing 1,800 people and many animals. and violent death.
The biggest danger is Lake Kivu which would Environmental impact- contaminated soil,
cause a methane explosion and possibly kill ground water, air, foods.
million people. All these lakes are in Africa and Biological disasters- microorganisms that is
both Menoun and Nyos are in Cameroon. delivered using dusting airplanes or small
B.2. Man - made (Human-Induced) Hazards perfule atomizers that has the ability to generate
and Disasters immediate offects. (Ex. ebola/swine flu)
1. Terrorism Chemical disasters - these can be corrosive,
* A man - made hazard is a threat having an toxic or explosive when there is an irresponsible
element of human intent, negligence or error, or handling or excessive use and misuse of
involving a failure. A man - made hazard may chemicals in industries.
eventually lead to man - made disaster. Fire accidents -heavy damage or loss of life,
property. by drought , powerful hurricanes→flash floods,
Travel accidents- ex. air crash, train crash, landslides,
vehicle collisions, capsizing of boats and ships. 2. Environmental→ sea level rises (early
(large no. of people involved). snowmelt), ocean acidification→ destruction of
Terrorism- eg. use of bombs, guns (-Marawi agriculture and fisheries, disruption of habitats,
City, 2017) fish kill, forest fires
-Epidemic of infectious disease (dengue, 3. Health→ allergies, asthma and infectious
cholera). Involves large no. of people at one disease outbreaks, nutritional insecurity.
time. 4. Economic→ loss of livelihood.
*Pandemic- epidemic of infectious disease like
Covid-19 infection which affects the whole IMPACT OF NATURAL DISASTERS
continent or worldwide. Both affects health, * Displaced Population - people abandon
disrupts services and business, brings economic homes.
and social costs. * Health Risks - unsterile drinking water due to
Impact of Man-made Hazards and Disasters flooding
- Climate change- - waterborne microorganisms.
- Global Warming- term used to describe * Food Scarcity - crops and other agricultural
gradual increase in the temperature of the earth’s supplies are destroyed. Food prices rice demand
atmosphere and oceans. resulting to famine and malnutrition.
* Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, * Emotional Aftershocks-
nitrous oxide and methane absord heat emitted PTSD- serious pychological condition
from the earth surface. resulting from extreme trauma left untreated that
*Carbon Dioxide can lead to lasting pychological damage and
*Methane emotional distress.
*Nitrous Oxide
Greenhouse effect-the earth’s atmosphere heat TOP THINGS YOU CAN DO TO REDUCE
up because greenhouse gases trap the heat from GLOBAL WARMING
the sun and doesnt radiat it back to the space ............?????
anymore. Assessing Hazards and Risk
Greenhouse gases means a warmer earth. Risk is a statement of probability that an event
will cause an amount of damage or a statement
Causes of Global Warming and Climate of the economic impact in monetary terms that
Change an event will cause.
*Natural Cause Risk assessment involves both the assessment
-Earth’s orbit of hazards from a scientific point of view, but
-Sun’s intensity also socio economic impacts of a hazardous
-Circulation of the ocean and events. This includes:
atmosphere 1. Hazard assessment
-volcanic activities 2. Location of buildings, highways,
* Man-made infrastructures
-burning of fossil fuel 3. Potential exposure to the physical
-deforestation effectsof a hazardous situation.
-growth in consumption exceeds 4. Vulnerability of the community.
-increase in fertility PREDICTION AND WARNING
Effects of Climate change and global PREDICTION- involves a statement that an
warming!!! event may occur based on scientific observation
and technology. Also known as “forecasting”.
1. Temperature→ extreme weather (hot days Early warning- is a statement that a high
and warm nights) probability, of a hazardous event will occur,
hotter heatwaves, longer dry periods intensified based on the prediction for forecast.
EFFECTIVENESS OF A WARNING This is the time where they were agency
√ timeliness of the warning operation center is established and put in
√ public information system with effective operation. It serves as the center of
communications. communication and other government agencies
√ credibility of the sources. of health care providers to staff shelters.
* The nurse is responsible for psychological
support to victims in the shelter.
PRIMARY EFFECTS= COLLAPSE OF This is the time of recovery, and it begins during
BUILDING DUE TO EARTHQUAKE the emergency phase and ends with the return of
SECONDARY EFFECTS= DESRUPTION OF normal community order and functioning.
ELECTRIC SUPPLY 4 Stages of Emotional
1. Denial - During this stage, the victims lady
night, the magnitude of the problem I have not
fully registered. The victims may appear usually
2. Strong Emotional Response- in this second
Social Support
stage, the person is aware of the problem, but
Coping Confidence regards, it is overwhelming and unbearable.
Hope - being optimistic
Victims have the following reactions: trembling,
-confidence tightening of muscles, weeping, restlessness,
-religious faith
sadness etc.
-practical resources, including
3. Acceptance- During this third stage, the
housing, job and money.
victim begins to accept the problems caused by
the disaster and makes a concentrated effects to
1. PRE -IMPACT solve them.
- initial phase of disaster, prior to the 4. Recovery- The fourth stage represents a
actual occurence. A warning is given at the sign recovery from the crisis reaction. Victims feel
of the first possible danger top of unity with the that they are back to normal. A sense of well-
aid of weather in the parts in satellite many being is restored. Victims develop the realistic
meteorological disasters can be predicted. memory of the experience.
- period when emergency preparedness SUMMARY
plan is put into effect. Emergency symptoms are
Generally, speaking, this, disasters are
open by the local civil, detention authority.
becoming less deadly, but more costly. Fewer
- Communication is very important for
people are dying in disasters, but damages are
during this space.
costing more in money. Improve science and
technology are the main reasons why fewer lives
* The role of the nurse during this morning face
are lost. We are now better at forecasting,
is the esses in preparing shelters, an emergency,
disasters, and our buildings and other structures
eight stations and establishing contact with other
can better withstand the physical impacts. This
emergency service group.
increases our resilience to hazards. Growth in
population and economy is a main reason that
Occurs when the disaster actually happens. This
more money is lost. Simply put, society now has
is the time of enduring hardship or injury end of more of value that is exposed to hazards. Even
trying to survive.
though much of this is also more resistant to
May last for several minutes (for example, after damage, the total money amount of damage has
an earthquake, lean, crush, or explosion.) or for
been increasing. There is also an increase in the
days or weeks (example flood, famine or number of disasters reported, which can be
caused by population, growth, economic growth,
or changes and reporting standards.
Nurses can make a lot of difference. I need
disasters with adequate knowledge, skills, and
positive attitude.
Disaster nursing can be defined as “the
adaptation of professional nursing knowledge,
skills and attitude in recognizing and meeting
the nursing health and emotional needs of
disaster victims.”
The overall goal of disaster nursing is to
achieve the best possible level of health for the
people and the community involved in the
1. *To meet the immediate basic survival needs
of populations affected by disasters (water,
food,shelter, and security).
2. *To identify the potential for a secondary
3. *To appraise both risks and resources in the
4. *To correct inequalities in access to
healthcare or appropriate resources.
5. *To empower survivors to participate in and
advocate for their own health and well-being.
6. *To respect cultural, lingual, and religious
diversity in individuals and families and to apply
this principle in all health promotion activities.
7. *To promote the highest achievable quality of
life for survivors.

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