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3.2.2. Functional distress

These distresses do not necessarily reduce the load carrying capacity of the
pavements but

affect the riding quality, and safety. Roughness, loss of

surface texture or any other surface related

defects, problems like faulting, scaling, ravelling and

popouts etc. fall under this category.

3.3. Common Defects and Distresses in Concrete Pavements

3.3.1. Manifestation of distress in cement concrete pavements may be classified in the

form of: . Cracking :

(a) Plastic shrinkage cracks

(b) Crow Foot or "Y" shaped cracks

(c) Edge cracks

(d) Corner cracks/breaks
(e) Transverse cracks
(f) Longitudinal cracks

(g) Diagonal cracks

Durability "D" cracking
(i) Punchouts Surface defects:

(a) Pop-outs/Small holes

(b) Animal/Wheel impressions
(c) Scaling
(d) Ravelling
(e) Deep abrasion/scooping of surface (following accident)
(f) Polished aggregates/glazing/smooth surface Joint defects:

(a) Spalling

(b) Sealant failure and/or loss

(c) Fauking at joints

(d) Separation at joints Other miscellaneous defects:

(a) Blowups
(b) Pumping
(c) Patch Deterioration
(d) Drop off


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