Results Castaneda

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Table 1.

Descriptive Statistics of Socio-demographic Characteristics of Respondents

Variable Mean Standard
Age 27.88 2.01
Variable Category Frequency Percentage
Sex Female 33 66
Male 17 34
Civil Status Married 15 30
Single 35 70
Monthly Salary Php 7,000 - Php 8,999 2 4
Php 10, 000 - Php 11, 999 3 6
Php 12, 000 - Php 14, 999 2 4
Php 15, 000 - Php 20, 999 7 14
Php 21, 000 and above 30 60
Prefer not to say 6 12
Length of work 7 months - 1 year 3 6
experience 2 years - 3 years 14 28
4 years and above 33 66
Restaurant 15 30
Hotel 9 18
Others 8 16
Academe/Education/Teacher 6 12
Government 2 4
Finance 1 2
Freelancing 1 2
Office work 1 2
Nature of work
Passenger Ship and Chemical
1 2
Tanker Vessel
Pharmaceutical Industry 1 2
Remittance 1 2
Sales 1 2
Yacht 1 2
Bakery 1 2
Cruise 1 2
Table 2. Mode Responses on Compensation
Strongly Strongly
Compensation Disagree Agree Overall
Disagree Agree
1. I am satisfied with the salary
2 (4) 4 (8) 32 (64) 12 (24)
that I receive from my work.
2. I am paid fairly with the work I
1 (2) 4 (8) 35 (70) 10 (20)
contribute to my company.
3. I am satisfied with the salary
1 (2) 7 (14) 32 (64) 10 (20)
that I receive from my company.
4. I am satisfied with the benefits 3
that I receive from work (Health
1 (2) 10 (20) 25 (50) 14 (28)
Insurance, Vacation and Sick
5. I am satisfied at work because
there are bonuses/rewards given 1 (2) 8 (16) 28 (56) 13 (26)
for excellent performance.
Scale: 1 – Strongly Disagree; 2 – Disagree; 3 – Agree; 4 – Strongly Agree
Note: Values inside the parentheses are percentages. Overall measure was calculated by getting the mode of all

Table 3. Mode Responses on Job Description

Strongly Strongly
Job Description Disagree Agree Overall
Disagree Agree
6. I am satisfied because there is
adequate opportunity for 1 (2) 2 (4) 33 (66) 14 (28)
periodic changes in duties.
7. I am satisfied because there is
a degree of independence
1 (2) 1 (2) 32 (64) 16 (32)
associated with
my work roles.
8. I am satisfied of the number of
2 (4) 2 (4) 31 (62) 15 (30)
hours that I work every month.
9. I am satisfied at work because I
was recognized for the good work 1 (2) 2 (4) 26 (52) 21 (42)
10. I am satisfied with the work
1 (2) 2 (4) 27 (54) 20 (40)
that I am doing in my company.
Scale: 1 – Strongly Disagree; 2 – Disagree; 3 – Agree; 4 – Strongly Agree
Note: Values inside the parentheses are percentages. Overall measure was calculated by getting the mode of all
Table 4. Mode Responses on Promotion
Strongly Strongly
Promotion Disagree Agree Overall
Disagree Agree
11. I am satisfied at work
because there is an ability to 1 (2) 5 (10) 26 (52) 18 (36)
utilize my skills and talents.
12. I am satisfied with my work
because there is support for 1 (2) 5 (10) 27 (54) 17 (34)
additional training.
13. I am satisfied with my work
because there is an 1 (2) 3 (6) 30 (60) 16 (32)
opportunity to learn new skills.
14. I am satisfied with my work
because there are 1 (2) 5 (10) 28 (56) 16 (32)
opportunities for promotion
15. I am satisfied at work
because I can be promoted
2 (4) 6 (12) 27 (54) 15 (30)
based on my educational
Scale: 1 – Strongly Disagree; 2 – Disagree; 3 – Agree; 4 – Strongly Agree
Note: Values inside the parentheses are percentages. Overall measure was calculated by getting the mode of all

Table 5. Mode Responses on Supervisor

Strongly Strongly
Supervisor Disagree Agree Overall
Disagree Agree
16. I am satisfied because my 3
supervisor treats me with 1 (2) 1 (2) 24 (48) 24 (48)
17. I am satisfied because I feel
comfortable discussing 1 (2) 2 (4) 23 (46) 24 (48)
problems with my supervisor.
18. I am satisfied because my
supervisor encourages us to 1 (2) 2 (4) 24 (48) 23 (46)
set high goals.
19. I am satisfied because I
receive useful and constructive
1 (2) 2 (4) 25 (50) 22 (44)
feedback from direct
20. I am satisfied because my
supervisor does a good job 1 (2) 1 (2) 27 (54) 21 (42)
sharing information
21. I am satisfied at work 1 (2) 2 (4) 26 (52) 21 (42)
because I am always treated
fairly by my supervisor.
Scale: 1 – Strongly Disagree; 2 – Disagree; 3 – Agree; 4 – Strongly Agree
Note: Values inside the parentheses are percentages. Overall measure was calculated by getting the mode of all

Table 6. Mode Responses on Work Retention

Strongly Strongly
Work Retention Disagree Agree Overall
Disagree Agree
22. I want to stay with my
company because There are 2 (4) 13 (26) 19 (38) 16 (32)
retirement benefits.
23. I want to stay with my
company because the job
description matches my 1 (2) 4 (8) 27 (54) 18 (36)
skills, experience and
24. I want to stay with my
company because there is
1 (2) 7 (14) 25 (50) 17 (34)
career advancement for
25. I want to stay in my
company because there would
1 (2) 7 (14) 23 (46) 19 (38)
be an increase upon salary
Scale: 1 – Strongly Disagree; 2 – Disagree; 3 – Agree; 4 – Strongly Agree
Note: Values inside the parentheses are percentages. Overall measure was calculated by getting the mode of all
Table 7. Measure of Association between Socio-demographic Variables and Job Satisfaction
Socio- Job Satisfaction Factors
demographic Job Work
Compensation Promotion Supervisor
Variables Description Retention
Agea 0.0715 0.0621 0.2894 0.1756 0.1234
Sex -0.0233 -0.0302 0.0382 0.1034 -0.2069
Civil Status 0.1204 0.0142 -0.0658 -0.1179 0.0867
Monthly Salaryc 0.1699 0.0510 0.0759 0.1415 0.1199
Length of Work 0.0991 0.1005 0.1462 0.1411 -0.0502
Nature of Work 0.2678 0.2269 0.2507 0.2923 0.3622
Note: a – Pearson Correlation Coefficient
b – Point Biserial Correlation Coefficient
c – Spearman Correlation Coefficient
d – Cramer’s V Correlation Coefficient

Table 7. Measure of Association between Job Satisfaction Factors and Work Retention
Job Satisfaction Factors Correlation Coefficient
Compensation 0.2958
Job Description 0.3418
Promotion 0.5899
Supervisor 0.5187
Note: Spearman Correlation was used to calculate the coefficient

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