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2nd Year Physics MCQs

Chapter No 21 (Nuclear Physics)

Choose the correct option:

1. The diameter (size) of an atom is of the order of:

A) 1010m B) 10-103 C) 1014m D) 1014m
2. Both Xenon and cesium have:
A) 33 isotopes B) 34 isotopes C) 35 isotopes D) 36 isotopes
3. Mass spectrograph is used for identification of:
A) mass number B) atomic number C) isotopes D) isobars
4. Neutron was discovered in 1932 by:
A) Bohr B) Chadwick C) Dirac D) Fermi
5. Number of isotopes of Neon gas are:
A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 1
6. As mass number increase, which of the following does not change?
A) mass B) volume C) density D) binding energy
7. 1 a.m.u is equal to:
A) 1.66 10-19kg B) 1.66 10-24kg C) 1.66 10-27kg D) 1.66 10-34kg
8. Neon gas have three isotopes whose atomic numbers are:
A) 21,22,23 B) 20,22,24 C) 24,25,26 D) 20,21,22
9. 1u=___________:
A) 1/12 of 12C B) 1/12 of 14C C) 1/6 of 12C D) 1/6 of 14C
10. In a mass spectrograph, the mass of each ioh reaching the detector is proportional to:
A) B2 B) 1/B2 C) √ D) /√
11. The binding energy for deuteron nucleon is:
A) grater for heavy nuclei B) least for heavy nuclei
C) greater for light nuclei D) greater for medium weight nuclei
12. Binding energy for deuteron nucleus is given by:
A) 2.8 MeV B) 2.23 MeV C) 2.28 MeV D) 2.25 MeV
13. The phenomenon of neutral radioactivity was discovered by:
A) madam curie B) sir Chadwick C) Rutherford D) Henry Becquerel
14. Radioactivity was discovered in:
A) 1896 B) 1906 C) 1894 D) 1898
15. Curie is a unit of:
A) conductivity B) resistivity C) binding energy D) radioactivity
16. In the equation , N = , is called:
A) wavelength B)decaying element C) decay constant D) all of these
17. If half-life of a radioactive elements is one year, percentages of sample decays afters:
A) 50% B) 75% C) 25% D) none
18. If U92 is decayed B radioactive nuclei. After half lives number of nuclei decayed is:
A) B) C) D)

19. The half-life on n Sr is 9.70 hours. What is its decay constant?

A) 1.98 10-5 s-1 B) 1.6 10-4 s-1 C) 2.5 10-5 s-1 D) None of these
20. The activity of radioactive sample:
A) is constant B) increase with time
C) Decrease linearly with time D) Decrease exponentially with time
21. The unit of decay constant is:
A) second B) (second)-1 C) m-1 D) mk
22. The half-life of I is:
A) 6 days B) 7 days C) 8 days D) 9 days
23. Marie Curie and Pierre curie discovered
A) Uranium B) Uranium and radium
C) Polonium and Radium D) Radium
24. Where particles is emitted from any nucleus, its mass number ____ and its charge number
A) Increase by 2, Increase by 2 B) decrease by 4, increase by 2
C) decrease by 4, decrease by 4 D) decrease by 4, decrease by 4
25. Half life of iodine -131 is days and it weight 20mg. after half lives the amount left behind will
A) 2.5mg B) 1.25mg C) 0.625mg D) 0.312 mg
26. The range of partials is depends upon the factor:
A) charge, mass and energy of particles B) density of medium
C) ionization potential of the atoms D) all of these
27. How much times, the particles more massive than an electrons?
A) 6000 B) 7000 C) 8000 D) 9000
28. The range of particles in air is greater than that of particles by:
A) 10 times B) 50 times C) 100 times D) 200 times
29. The intensity ‘I0’ of a beam after passing through a distance ‘x’ in the medium is
A) B0 C) D)
30. Cobalt 60 emits –rays of energy:
A) 117 MeV B) 11.7 MeV C) 1.17 MeV D) 1.17 GeV
31. Which of the following is highly penetrating?
A) particles B) particels C) rays D) particels
32. By placing Wilson could chamber is strong magnetic field we can get information about
_______ of incident particles:
A) energy B) charge C) mass D) all of these
33. In Wilson could chamber, track of particles is:
A) tick B) straight C) continues D) all of these
34. In Wilson cloud chamber, track of –particles is:
A) frequency deflected B) this and discountinous
C() erratic F) all of these
35. The thin wire at the centre of G.M tube act as:
A) particles B) particles C) ion counting D) fast counting
36. In G.M counter, the electrons take time to reach the anode:
A) 1 B) 2 C) 10-3 s D) 10-4s
37. A detector which can count fast and operate at low voltage is:
A) G.M counter B) solid state detector C) Wilson cloud chamber D) bubble
38. The dead time of G.M tube is:
A) 10-1 sec B) 10-6sec C) 10-4 sec D) 10-8 sec
39. Energy needed to produce to electron-hole pair in solid state detector is:
A) 1 to 2 eV B) 3 to 4 eV C) 6 to 7 eV D) 8 to 8 eV
40. A device that shows the visible path of ionizing particles is called:
A) Gm counter B) Solid state detector
C) Scalar D) Wilson cloud chamber

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