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By Group 4 & 8: Deriada, De Rosas, Del Carmen, Deloso, Doños, Quijardo, Salvaloza, &


Instruction: Determine the next figure in the pattern below.

Right now, let us try to wrap up your experiences from the previous activity. Let
us try to answer the following questions:
1. What are your observations on the patterns?
In our observations, both patterns have creative formations in them wherein we saw
that either a part increases in number or a certain detail is being repeated.

2. How did you come up with the patterns?

In coming up with the patterns, we first observed the differences of the figures in the
item, how they are different, and compare them with the next figure.

Direction: In this activity, your task is to look for patterns in the environment
showing symmetry, fractals and spirals. You have to take a photo of it and upload it to
your Facebook account. Please write a short caption describing the pattern you have
captured. Upon uploading, use the hashtag:


Direction: In a short bond paper, answer the following questions. Some questions
need complete solution.
1. What completes the following pattern? CSD, ETF, GUH, __, KWL
Answer: IVJ

2. What number should come next in this sequence? 22, 21, 25, 24, 28, 27,
Answer: 31

3. What number comes next in 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, ___?

Answer: 216

4. Starting with the first Fibonacci number F1 = 1 and the second Fibonacci
number F2 = 1, what is the 15th Fibonacci number?
Answer: F15 = 377

5. What is F20?
Answer: F20 = 6,765

6. Given F30 = 832, 040 and F28 – 317, 811, what is F29?
Answer: F29 = 832, 040

Answer in 100 words the following open-ended questions below. Write your
answer on a short bond paper. For you to be guided, please refer to the rubric found on
the next page.
1. How does mathematics help in solving societal problems?
Answer: Mathematics help in solving societal problems such as population
issues, voting systems during an election, robotics, and so on. It provides us
with an objective way of solving problems using mathematical models and
exact data. In fact, mathematics nurtures us with the power of reasoning,
creativity, abstract thinking, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, which
is also essential to our efforts in understanding societal problems. An
example of applying such is in finances, managing large amounts of money.
Thus, mathematics enables us to think analytically and logically about a
situation at hand, giving us efficient results- leading to less chaos.

2. How does mathematics help you in everyday living?

Answer: The ability to think logically about a certain situation is just one
example of how helpful mathematics is in our everyday lives. We use math in
many ways, for example, by telling time. Being able to know how to read
clocks is one of the most used math in society, almost everyone uses every
second that they spend in any matter in society. Knowing math, especially
knowing a lot about fractions can help how to tell time way better. It could
help you tell the hour, minutes, and even seconds of a clock, enabling us to
better manage our time for everything we do.

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