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Q1. You have four possible answers A, B, C, D. Tick the correct answer.

1. 2 radian is equal to:
a. 57.3° b. 57.6° c. 114.6° d.115.6°
2. 1rev/min is equal to:
a. π/6 rads-1 b. π/15 rads-1 c. π/20 rads-1 d. π/30 rads-1
3. A wheel of radius 50cm having angular speed is 5 rad / sec will have linear speed in ms-1 is:
a. 1.4 b. 2.5 c. 3.5 d. 4.5
4. Centripetal force acting on body performs:
a. no work b. maximum work c. minimum work d. both b & c
5. The unit of moment of inertia is:
a. kg b. kgm2 c. kgm d. kgm–2
6. Moment of inertial for a particle is given by:
a. m2r2 b. mr2 c. m2r d. mr–2
7. The value of angular momentum is maximum when  is:
a. 90° b. 60° c. 45° d. 0°
8. The speed of a hoop at the bottom of inclined plane can given by:
4gh 4
a. v = gh b.v = 2gh c.v = 3 d. v = 3
9. Weight of a body at the center of earth is:
a. maximum b. minimum c. zero d. infinite

Q2. Write short answers of the following questions (2×8=16)
1. Show that orbital angular momentum Lo=mvr.
2. What is angular displacement? Write its formula.
3. What is moment of inertia? Write its significance.
4. Define orbital velocity. Write its relation.
5. When mud flies off the tyre of a moving bicycle, in what direction does it fly? Explain.
6. Give an example to illustrate law of conservation of angular momentum.
7. What is rotational kinetic energy? Give its practical use.
8. Briefly described weightlessness in satellite.

Q3. Write detailed answers of the following questions. (5×3=15)

a) What is centripetal force? Derive its relation in terms of angular velocity.
b) What is moment of inertia? Derive its expression for a rigid body. Write its significance.
c) A body of moment of inertia I = 0.80 kgm2 about a fixed axis, rotates with a constant angular
velocity of 100 rads-1. Calculate the angular momentum ‘L’ and the torque to sustain this motion.

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