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1. Give your opinion based on cases below

a. I think English is……………because……………………….
b. What do you think about students who are lazy to learn ?
2. Make the short dialogue about taking simple phone message (bebas menentukan topik)
3. Rearrange the following jumbled invitations to make good ones.
- Please join us for our
- Rantetayo
- We are finally settled in
- House warming Party
- Jln. Pongtiku 100
- On Dec 10th 2020 at 1 P.m

4. Read the following personal letter and pay attention to the structure

November 1st, 2015

Tiranus Street No 23 Demak 59582

Dear Hana,
Hi Han, how is everything? I hope you are fine. I am well in these few days. Han, I want to tell you
about my holiday. I went to Mount Muria last holiday. I went to the Burasia Waterfall. It was
interesting. I took some picture there. I bought some souvenir for you.
I think that all. I am looking forward to hear from you.


5. Complete the following procedure text with the words provided in the box!
How to make chicken rice
          2 plates of rice           1 egg beaten
          1 clove of garlic and onion           100 grm of (2) _________ meat
          2 tablespoon of (1) _________ sauce           salt
1.      First, (3) __________ the oil and saute garlic until the garlic (4) _________ and also saute onion.
2.      After that (5) ___________ chicken, stir briefl (6) __________ slightly cooked.
3.      Nex, add the egg, and (7) ___________ until the egg are cooked cracked.
4.      And then (8) ___________ , tomato sauce, and salt, (9) __________ well with the spices.
5.      After that, to suit the (10)__________, you can add fried shrimp, or vern crackers.

   - Taste                                              - Stir   
   - Add                                               - smell out
   - Mix                                                - tomato
-  Put rice                                          - heat
-chicken                                          - until

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