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Fairness is protecting not only you but all who are involved
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Being a fair person to people around you is a hard thing to do, because in order to be fair
is getting just in between not taking sides. We often make judgement based on the first story we
read or have heard and that sometimes makes us closed minded not wanting to hear the other
side of the story, that makes us protecting our own interest and showcasing our pride and our
unfairness to people around us. As a person being relied to by people surrounding me, they
address me sometimes as a guidance counselor, my friends would always ask for my opinion, my
presence when problem arise they say they trust my judgement, as much as I am thankful for
trusting me that way, I couldn’t help sometime to be a one sided person but as times goes by, I
have to learned to be fair, by God’s guidance. God alone can judge us in any way. In a
courtroom, the judge hears both side of the statement, even though evidences are already clear he
or she still wants to hear it and that is fairness. Mirroring God, as His children, I tend to learn and
try to see both side of the stories and try to make a better judgement that could possibly give a
solution to a problem. Being fair is not about protecting your own opinion, your own
involvement but also those people who are really involved, if we can’t give fairness how could
we also possibly fair to ourselves. It is like choosing two ways if you can take the straight road
ahead of you. We should always be fair, and think of those people that we could possibly hurt,
and also, we have to practiced being a “sandiwa” with everyone around us.

Last March 05, 2023, our preacher’s lesson is entitled “What is the Story of your Life?”
whereas I have learned that aside from God who have authored it, we also are the one who’s
making step to established this. We thought that having a good story we must not suffer, but then
we are being test by so much trials and suffering that we thought it is already a bad story, but
then that Sunday I am reminded that in order to know the real story of our life we must undergo
with this chapters of suffering and trials for us to understand our real purpose that we should not
also question God’s way and judgement, because in this life God is in control that we should not
have to worry because God is helping us shape to be the better and best version of ourselves.

Cirelle Faye,

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