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1. What inspired or prompted your study?

I have been a student even up to this moment. My family could be better financially. I am

now going to 3 years in service as a permanent teacher and one year as a volunteer teacher at

LNHS. I have seen, and observed students struggle and deal with these technological factors that

could help with their academic performance. Moreover, I have seen parents make efforts and

sacrifices to provide these devices since they believe this could help their children with their

academic performance.

2. What is the significance of the contribution of your study?

When this study has the approval to be conducted, the results may influence the curriculum

initiatives to improve students' academic performance as they deal with technological issues.

Moreover, the results could change the perspective of the parents, school, and local and national

governments and influence their support of these technological factors that could improve the

student's academic performance.

3. What is new or novel about your study?

When I started looking for online resources for references for this study, pre-pandemic, it was

evident that more research needed to be conducted on this issue. During the pandemic, many

studies discussed the distance learning perspective of the school, parents, and students without

looking at the factors affecting academic performance, specifically in the student's science

4. What are your scope and delimitations, and why?

This research proposal will delimit the Grade nine (9) Junior High School students of

Liminangcong National High School to their science subject. It will run from the start of the

2022–2023 academic year through the end of the third quarter. As I am the subject teacher of

grade 9 in science, they will be the recipient of this study since I observe their school


5. What are the variables of your study and why?

The study's independent variable, the technological factors, is shown in Figure 1 with the

following factors: internet connectivity, technological adequacy, and knowledge of technological

tools used (external factors); self-efficacy; and students' perceptions (internal factors).

The study's dependent variable is students' academic performance, which includes a

measure of their academic achievement.

6. How is the sampling procedure?

The junior high school students enrolled at Liminangcong National High School for

2022–2023 will provide relevant data. The researchers will use Slovin's Formula to determine

the sample size from the population of junior high school students (N=161) with a margin of

error of 5%. Moreover, the study will use a probability sampling procedure, particularly stratified

random sampling, to determine the number of respondents for each section. Afterward, the

respondents per section will be set using stratified random sampling.

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