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TAMIU FYWP ENGL 1301 Visual Analysis Invention

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TAMIU FYWP ENGL 1301 Visual Analysis Invention

What draws your attention It is a $20 bill and it It shows more then It talks all about
first in the text? Why says “I am a piece of just a box of cigarettes perspective.
would the author make this
paper and I OWN with crayons inside. It Sometimes we don’t
YOUR SOUL.” It shows how children always see the bigger
gives the readers a take after all that we picture until its
idea of how money do even without telling finished.
plays a big part in a them. To give adults a
lot of things. decision of what they
want for their
children’s future.
Does the author use No it is all in black Yes, it shows how a No
contrasting color? If so, and white. life of cigarettes is a
what effect does this have?
black and white story.
For children, it shows
how they still have
time before they have
to grow up into adults.
Does the author use writing Yes, the author Yes, it gives a clearer No
in this visual text? If so, underlines the key message of what the
what effect does the writing
words that they might author might want to
want to key. convey.
What elements are most The dollar bill of The box of cigarettes Although everything
important in understanding President Andrew and the box of was just a simple
the purpose? Why are these
the most important?
Jackson and the crayons. It showcases object or piece of
words. Because it the views of adulthood trash, it helped form a
shows what money is and childhood. shape altogether and
to some people. made it come to life.
How does the visual text It makes me realize It gives a more Although it might
make you feel? What about the importance of understanding of what seem like garbage, it
the text makes you feel this
way? Is that the text’s
money and what some the image wants to isn’t. In fact, the whole
intention or purpose? Why would do to get it. convey. Yes, it helps idea of it might seem
or why not? bring more ideas of about perspective.
what else could be Yes, it gives the idea of
talked about. not to judge what you
can’t see.
What does the visual text How money does more Does what adults do In order to understand
suggest for you to think? then just buy you affect the early life of something, you have to
What does it make you
think about? Is that the
things. Yes, it speaks children? It makes us first look at it from a
text’s intention or purpose? to say that greed, question is it really different view. It gives
Why or why not? corruption, and envy worth it for the future me an idea of what to
are from money. to see the past as we expect when you are
are right now. I think making art in the form
so because it makes us of garbage or pieces.
think that we are not No not entirely, it also
only responsible for give a sense of
caring for the future questioning in both
but also for ourselves. the image and in the
pieces used.
TAMIU FYWP ENGL 1301 Visual Analysis Invention

Why and So, what? What can you reveal to your classmates about it?

I want to convey the dangers of smoking and the effect it has on kids from a young age to when they are old enough to purchase
drugs and cigarettes. Smoking is a form of depression that does help relieve some stress, but it won’t take away the pain or the
pressure of what might be causing it.

Now, how do you know? What five pieces of evidence do you have from the visual text to support your idea?

1. Children are still innocent about themselves and the world, they don’t necessarily know much about the importance of certain
ideas and things.

2. Adults, especially young adults, find it easier to cope with stressful situations with either drug, alcohol, cigarettes or all of them.

3. Smoking is the #1 leading factor of cancer and can lead to other pulmonary diseases.

4.Children don’t necessarily need to smoke to have cancer or just being around it can cause great harm.

5.Adults don’t realize how children pick up everything you do at a young age and it carries on throughout their life and even past

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