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Procedure (idk kung tama) Time taken Deliverables

Collection of Tree bark 1-2 hours Mangrove apple tree bark

Preparation of Tree Bark Several weeks Tree bark sample to be used
Verification of Tree bark 1 day Assessment of tree bark
Phytochemical analysis 1 day Chemical analysis of the sample
Preparation of methanolic bark 1 day Proper Methanolic bark extract to
extract be used
Preparation of bacterial strain 1 day Bacterial strain to be used in the
Preparation of Agar plates 1 day Agar plates for the experiment
Antimicrobial screening 1 day Results of the experiment
Statistical treatment of data 1 day Organized results of the

The following methodology will consist of sun drying tree bark, taken fomr Barangay, San Agustin,
Hagonoy, Bulacan, in an air tight container then blending it into a fine powder and extracting it using
methanol, and this process will take course over several weeks until this bark sample will be used it will
be stored in an airtight container. The phytochemical assessment of the tree bark sample will be done
in a certified laboratory.

The agar plate will be labeled in a way that sections of each test disc. The rim of the test tube containing
C. jejuni will be flame-sterilized, before and after the use of soaking a sterile swab to collect the bacterial
broth. The plate will be swabbed amply until all bacteria are spread evenly and all areas are covered.

(idk what to do on this part)

Filter paper loaded with 6 microliters will be placed on the center of the section are of a petri disc using
a tweezer. It will be sterilized with either 70% ethanol or a flam sterilization method with the lid closed,
and all of this will be done usin the disk diffusion assay – Kirby baur method.

After the placements of the discs it will be incubated for around 16-20 hours, then the zones of
inhibition will be measured on each disc using a ruler

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