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---------- Mesaj redirecționat ---------

De la: Crețu Junior Vasile <>

Data: mie., 15 dec. 2021 la 21:46
Subiect: Fwd: A message from NHS Test and Trace
Către: <>

---------- Forwarded message ---------

De la: NHS Test and Trace service
Date: Mar 07 dec. 2021, 13:02
Subject: A message from NHS Test and Trace
To: <>

Vasile Cretu (Account ID: e2e8fc6e)

You have tested positive for COVID-19 so you must stay at home
and self-isolate until 17th of December (including this date)

If you still have fever after 17th of December, you are advised to
continue to stay at home and self-isolate until you feel better. This
is because you may still be infectious with COVID-19.

Members of your household must stay at home and isolate for 10

days from when your symptoms started (or from when your test
was taken if you have not had symptoms).

For more information visit the stay at home guidance on self-


It is a legal duty to stay at home and self-isolate if you have been

notified by NHS Test and Trace. You could be fined if you do not
do this. Parents or guardians are responsible for ensuring their
children (under the age of 18) follow these rules.

NHS Test and Trace will follow up with calls and messages
throughout your isolation period to signpost you to support
available for you.

If you are eligible for Statutory Sick Pay, you can use this
message as evidence for your employer. You can download a
letter from the Isolation Note Service:

If you are on a low income and cannot work from home while self-
isolating, you may be entitled to £500 through the Test and Trace
Support Payment scheme. You need your Account ID (provided at
the start of this email) to apply. For more information and how to
apply, please visit:

If you, or someone you care for, need practical support while self-
isolating, like picking up prescriptions or groceries, you can:

Get help through your local authority: https://contact-
Contact NHS Volunteer Responders: https://contact-

For guidance on shielding and protecting people who are at high

risk from COVID-19, please see here: https://contact-

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