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The bar chart shows the percentage of people’s coffee and tea purchasing and
consuming habits in last 4 weeks in five different cities which are Sydney,
Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Hobart in Australia.

In general, the percentage of people who went to a café for having coffee or tea
was above 50 percents, except in Adelaide which was only 40 percents. Buying
instant coffee was also popular in all cities, rather than buying fresh coffee.

Melbourne and Hobart have similar number of people who went to a café for
coffee in tea, the percentage was about 63 percent and it was the higher
percentages than other cities. Then people in Hobart also have the habit of
buying instant coffee, the survey sai that it was the higher than other cities,
which took 54 percent of their city residents. In Adelaide, the percentages of
people bought instant coffee and went to a café almost same, the difference is
only 1 percent. In Brisbane, people who bought fresh coffee was the lowest than
other 4 cities, it took only 34 percent of their residents, people prefer having a
coffee or tea at café.

In conclude, we can said that going to a café was the most common habit then
followed by purchasing instant coffee, and purchasing fresh coffee was the


Nowadays, many people specifically teenagers, prefer fast food than a home made
healty food and it cause many health issues due to excessive consumption of fast
food. For that reason, people think that government must enforce higher tax on
fast food to avoid the increase of the number people get serious illness. In my
mind, I agree with this statement due to several reasons and I will write my
opinion about this issue.

To begin with, most of junk food contain of unhealty product which migh not be
perceived by human's organism.Therefore, it can make people easily get ill if
their consume it too much. The fact shows that a person is likely to experience a
lot of stomach-aches and their level of metabolism will be reduced if having
unhealthy eating habits. Another reason that fast food can easily make people’s
mass increased and it might cause obesity, that consequenly affect blood
pressure. For example, recent research has shown that the number of teenagers with
blood pressure issue increase in comparison to the last decade.
As a result if government implement higher tax, people will rethink to buy and
prefer to consum another food or choose to cooking than buying instant food.
Another advantage if government applied higher, restaurant would think to serve more
healty food.
Eventually, to conclude, I agree with the opinion that the government should
enforce a higher tax on the fast food in order to discourage consumption and
prevent a large number of humans from diseases.

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