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How do we relate the temperature and uxes

associated with each layer of the atmosphere?
A.• In the absence of atmospheric dynamics…

DT DP =local energy conservation

• ρcP = + ρQ (2.22)
Dt DT (from U=Q+W)
• ρ: mass density, cP: speci c heat at constant pressure, Q: term associated with heating

• If we focus just on radiative heating (ignore convection and conduction)…

• ρQ = − ∇ . F− (2.23)

• F_: wavelength-integrated net ux

DP D ∂
• If we ignore work done on the system ( = 0) and atmospheric dynamics ( = )
Dt Dt ∂t

∂T 1 ∂F−
• =− (2.24) —>radiative equilibrium is obtaind!
∂t ρcP ∂z
↑typically used to solve for radiative equilibrium in a one dimensional model of atmosphere!




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