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PHILIPPINE NORMAL UNIVERSITY National Center for Teacher Education ‘Taft Avenue, Manila RUBRIC FOR ASSESSING TEACHER INTERN'S DAILY DEMONSTRATION TEACHING PERFORMANCE > Name of Teacher A: Kristine Mae V, Avila ‘Subject and Grade Level Taught: Physical Education - Grade 10 Date of Teaching: March 30,2023. Name of Assessor/s: Jemmulica Gar cra Check the corresponding column. PPsT NoT Domain SESMEYED | onsamven |) REMARKS ‘A. Lesson Planning. ‘4-82 | 1. Stated clear and precise objectives | 4-53 | 2. Prepare relevant and appropriate learning tasks and | activities 3._Neatness and proper format are observed B, Directing Teaching-Learning ination 1-87 ‘States clear and precise objectives tothe class oz os eer eeornerioes Z 1-87 | 3. Gives clear directions, logical presentation and explanation x [=54 | 4 Uses contextuaization and/or differentiated acivties | 7 appropriate to learner's need 1-31 5. Demonstrates mastery of content within and/or across |, I curriculum teaching area 1-35 ‘Integrates activities to develop 2st century skills Za 1-S5 | 7. Asks appropriate and varied types of questions to 7 develop critical and creative thinking [1-878 Uses verbal and non-verbal classroom communication | strategies a T=Si_| 9 Clarifies misconceptions immediately Z | 1-86 | 10. Displays proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino or English to facilitate teaching and learning fo | 28 Ti, Pays attention on routine m: Z 2-84 | 12. Motivates and keeps learners attention and interest Z 3-S6 | 13. Manages learners behavior constructively 3-SI-5 | 14. Exhibits sensitivity to students personal, cultural, gender differences and disabilities Assessment of Learning 3-1 1, Conducts appropriate assessment/ evaluation T 5-S5 | 2 Presents appropriate rubrics before actual evaluation | 7 (ifnecessary) D. Utilization of Instructional Materials 7-5 Instructional materials are appropriate forthe activity given and/ or ICT [ene 2._ Show the teacher creativity and resourcefulness Z '3._Integrates materials (examples, cases, simulation) 4. Utilizes instructional materials properly and 7 efficiently) Pica Ww Assessor's Name and Signature

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