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How does Shakespeare make Olivia such a fascinating character?

Twelfth night is considered one of Wiliiam Shakspeare’s; the influential writer of all english
literature, greatest comedies. The name of the play conveys to the reader what is to be
expected: the chaos in the land of Illyria because during the time of Shakespeare, the twelve
nights after christmas was a time when everything went haywire. Shakespeare makes Olivia an
interesting and fascinating character in the following ways.

In Act 4 Scene 3, she runs her house on her own, commands her servants, makes decisions
and runs the day to day business smoothly all on her own.
“She could not sway her house, command her followers, Take and give back affairs and their
dispatch With such a smooth, discreet, and stable bearing As I perceive she does.”
In the above scene, Sebastian clearly observes that she manages the household without the
support of any man which is unheard of in those days, thus showing how confident and strong
she is as a woman which makes one part of her fascinating character.

In Act 1 Scene 5, Olivia orders Malvolio to return the ring Cesario had “left” behind.
“Run after that same peevish messenger,The county’s man. He left this ring behind him”
This presents the fact that despite being a woman, lady Olivia made the first move towards
Cesario in her determination to see Cesario again, thich was unthinkable during Shakepseare’s
era. This action shows us another fascinating characteristic of Olivia; how determined, unafraid
and her unbashful quality of going after what she wants.

In Act 1 Scene 4, Cesario was sent as a messenger once again to declare Orsino’s love for her.
Knowing how noble, well-educated, attractive and how much in love Orsino is with her, she
declines his professions of love despite Cesario trying to continuously change her mind.
Instead, Cesario’s continuous declaration of love increases her feelings towards Cesario instead
of Orsino.
“Your lord does know my mind. I cannot love him.”
Knowing that Cesario is a servant of the duke, she still pursues him even though he (cesario)
himself is not interested in her. Shakespeare displays that she is strong, fierce and unafraid of
the circumstance to reject the lord for the servant.

Almost all the men are in love with Olivia. Orsino is in love with her as he believes her to be
innocent and pure.
“Oh, when mine eyes did see Olivia first, Methought she purged the air of pestilence.”
Malvolio on the other hand thinks that he is the perfect man for Olivia and he is so desperate to
be with her that he goes against all his principles and dresses and acts in a rather peculiar
manner-yellow stockings and a gatter.
““I will be point- devise the very man.”
As far as Sebestian is concerned he promised to be faithful to her and even married her- a
woman he had just met.
“I’ll follow this good man, and go with you; And, having sworn truth, ever will be true.”
Andrew being a noble himself spends most of his time, money and effort trying to woo Olivia
with the help of her uncle, Sir Toby. Knowing that he is not gifted with words this nobleman hides
in the Orchard and takes notes on how Cesario speaks to Olivia to use it himself.
“ “Odors,” “Willing,” and “deserving”. I’ll have to remember those words so I can use them later
As shown in the above evidence, four men were ready to bend backwards for her love and to be
accepted by her. This signifies the beauty and brains of Olivia that makes almost all the main
characters fall in love with her, leaving the reader fascinated and intrigued.

Despite the fact that her uncle does not contribute in any form and is leeching off her she still
gives him and treats him like a member of the household.
“Cousin, cousin how have you come so early by this lethargy?”
Shakespeare has not forgotten family, one of the most important threads that binds us together
in society. Here, Olivia is portrayed as a person who is loyal even to the ones who don’t deserve
Another point that shows what kind of woman Olivia is when she was willing to sacrifice seven
years of her life for her dead brother.
“But like a cloistress she veiled walk, and water once a day her chamber for a brother’s dead
“And lasting her sad remembrance till seven years heat.”
Once again her loyalty towards her family displayed here for a young woman to be veiled in
black and lead a solitary confined life is no easy task. Olivia shows her character of loyalty and
putting family first.

However, upon meeting Cesario she turns into a giddy headed young girl and falls in love
“Even so quickly may one catch the plague? Methinks I feel this youth’s perfections, with an
invisible and subtle stealth to creep in at mine eyes.”
Even though she is the level headed confided young woman becomes a young innocent girl,
showing us another part of herself which fascinates the reader.

With all the evidence, quotes and explanations above, Shakespeare clearly displays the strong
feminine authority, determination, power, loyalty, faithfulness and even of her being a young
naive lover. All these characteristics makes her one of the most or even the most captivating
and fascinating character of Twelfth Night.

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