EA Raises Level of Scrutiny

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EA raises level of scrutiny: MOE

Chris Halliday Sep 07, 2011

Ontarios Environment Minister John Wilkinson has ordered The Highland Companies conduct an environmental assessment (EA) in Melancthon, but how much more stringent is that compared to the Aggregate Resources Act (ARA)? Kate Jordan, spokesperson for the Ministry of the Environment (MOE), said individual EAs ensure all impacts and concerns receive the highest level of study and scrutiny available, with opportunities for the public and stakeholders to comment. Individual EAs require a comprehensive review of alternatives, potential environmental effects for the broadly defined environment and proposed mitigation measures, Jordan said in an email. Once completed, The Highland Companies will submit its EA to the MOE for review by the public and a team of technical experts. The minister and cabinet can decide whether to approve the project, and impose tough conditions to ensure the environment is protected, she said. The sheer scale of The Highland Companies proposal, plus its intent to pump water in perpetuity, which may have an impact on groundwater, were key factors in Wilkinsons decision. The EA will be conducted in addition to the ARA, but The Highland Companies will need to be granted EA?approval first. It is not common for the MOE to designate a private sector project under the Environment Assessment Act (EAA). An EA is considered, Jordan explained, if the proposed project has the potential to cause significant environmental effects, there is significant public interest and if no other legislation adequately addresses impacts to the environment. Jolanta Kowalski, spokesperson for the MNR, maintains the ARA is still effective legislation, which ensures aggregate operations meet strict requirements.As this proposed large quarry is significantly more complex then typical applications under the ARA, MNR supports the MOE decision, Kowalski said in an email. Since EAs are proponent driven, there is no way to predict the length of the process. The first step will be for Highland to complete a work plan or terms of reference, and submit it for both the MOE and publics review, Jordan said. The North Dufferin Agricultural and Community Task Force (NDACT), however, doesnt want the review to stop at the provincial table.

Neither does Dufferin-Caledon MP?David Tilson, who recently reiterated his earlier request for a federal EA to Canadas Environment Minister Peter Kent for a second time this week. As NDACT chair Dale Rutledge explained, a joint review panel, permitted only under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, would ensure both provincial and federal interests are covered.

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