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2.1 – Secrets of the Nervous System

1. Read the three scenarios and think about how the nervous system works to sense, process, and respond

to stimuli in the world. Be ready to answer questions about this topic.

2. Think about the three scenarios you just read and create your own scenario that describes an

environmental stimulus or input that your body might receive and how it would react.

3. Describe the types of input the peripheral nervous system receives in each of the three scenarios.

Scenario One:

Scenario Two:

Scenario Three:

4. Describe the types of output the central nervous system initiates in each of the three scenarios.

Scenario One:

Scenario Two:

Scenario Three:

5. Read the directions on Act 2.1 under “Map a trip through the Nervous System.” Make your drawings on

a separate piece of paper.

1. How do our bodies collect stimuli as input, and what part of the nervous system is responsible for that


2. How does the entire nervous system allow our bodies to interact with our world? You must include these

terms: 1. peripheral nervous system 2. central nervous system 3. sensory neurons 4. motor neurons

3. How do you think a problem with the sensory or motor neurons might affect your body?

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