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Brief note on Mohammad Taqi Usmani

Muhammad Taqi Usmani is a Pakistani Islamic Scholar and former judge and Hadith professor at
Darul Uloom. He was born on 3 of october 1943 in Deoband India and was born to several lines of
educators which is why he had the title of Miyanji. He did his religious training in Dars-i-Nizami in
1953 and received his Alimiyyah in 1959. He graduated from the University of Karachi with a
Bachelor of Arts in 1964.

Taqi Usmani is an Islamic scholar who received ijaza to teach hadith from various scholars. He is
known for pioneering Islamic banking in Pakistan and has authored several books and articles on
Islamic topics. He has received recognition and awards for his contributions to Islamic finance.In
2004 he was presented an award for his lifetime service in Islamic Banking. He is also involved in
spiritual mentoring and delivers lectures on self-improvement. Currently, he teaches Sahih al-
Bukhari, fiqh, and Islamic economics at Darul Uloom Karachi. He served as a judge on the Federal
Shariat Court of Pakistan and the Shariat Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, and
was involved in drafting laws pertaining to Hudood, Qisas, and Dayiat. He is the brother of several
other Islamic scholars and an Urdu poet.

Mufti Taqi Usmani, emphasized steps in order to abolish the interest-based banking system in
Pakistan. As in his view the implementation of Shariah Law is an important aspect of the Islamic
Law.Recently, as in last year on 1 December 2022, Mufti Usmani stressed the notion of Riba to
Finance Minister Ishaq Dar to take practical steps to abolish interest-based banking system in
Pakistan, and that decisions of scholars have always led to good outcomes.Only a few days earlier
Finance Minister Ishaq had stated that government has decided to implement the interest-free
banking system in Pakistan.

We can also talk about the involvement of MTU in the formation of the Meezan Bank which gives
Riba free loans for things e.g cars, houses etc it has also contains kafalah (Islamic Insurance) which
is a type of takaful where people can invest interest free for hajj, a child's wedding, retirement etc.

The Hudood Ordinance was written by Mohammad Taqi Usmani which was a law enforced in
1979. It merged the penal code offenses based on common Law and criminal procedure with
Hudood law which is based on Hanafi Jurisprudence. It intended to implement Sharia law or bring
Pakistani law into "conformity with the injunctions of Islam", by enforcing punishments mentioned
in the Quran and Sunnah for ZIna qazf, theft, and consumption of alcohol. The system provided for
two kinds of offenses hadd and tazir with different punishments for them.

In other policies an example can be given of the books that Mohmmad Taqi Usmani had
written(e.g Islam and Politics) which provide guidance given by the Islamic sources in matters of
politics and the role and conduct of politics and political activity in Islam in the light of the Quran
and Sunnah with guidelines for the process of forming a government, rules to run a
government ,defense and foreign policy; and the circumstances in which it may become
permissible to remove a ruler or government from office.Books like Islam and Politics and others
are essential to understand the basic teachings of Islam concerning politics and government. (566

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