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Features Book, film greeted with fury among Bengalis

A new book and f ilm recent ly released downplaying Pakist ani at rocit ies in Bangladesh have caused out rage among Bengalis.
Sub ir B haumik Last Modif ie d: 29 Apr 2011 19 :4 8

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A r ec ent f ilm and b o o k has c aus ed o ut r ag e amo ng Beng alis , d ue t o t heir d o wnp laying o f at r o c it ies c o mmit t ed b y t he Pakis t ani milit ar y d ur ing Eas t Pakis t an's s t r ug g le f o r ind ep end enc e in 1971 [GALLO /GET T Y]

Two Bengali women one from India, the other from Bangladesh are now embroiled in a fierce controversy across the two countries for writing a book and producing a film that has upset Bengali nationalists and Indian officials, but given some cause of relief to the Pakistani military. Dead Reckoning, written by Indian researcher Sarmila Bose, questions the historical narratives of the 1971 civil war that broke up Pakistan, but Bengali nationalist groups describe her as "an apologist for Pakistan's brutal military". Meherjaan, directed by Bangladeshi film- maker Rubaiyat Hossain, is about the love of a Bengali woman for a Pakistani Baloch soldier in the backdrop of the 1971 war but feminist groups in Bangladesh allege that the film "distorts the historical context of the liberation war". Challenging narrat ives

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Both the book and the film have hit the market at a time when Bangladesh's Awami League- led government has set up special tribunals for trying the "war criminals" of 1971. The Awami League led Bangladesh's struggle for secession from Pakistan after the Pakistani military regime refused to hand over power to it even after it won a majority in Pakistan national assembly elections in 1970. Shamsul Arefin, a war crimes trial official, told this writer that though Bengalis who collaborated with the Pakistan army are the ones to be actually tried, names of Pakistani soldiers and officers are likely to crop up with regard to massacres, mass rapes and arson during the trial. "That will expose the real character of the Pakistani army which is now seen in the West as a key ally in the war against terror. So Pakistan's intelligence is desperate to scuttle the war crimes trials in Bangladesh," says Arefin, who served in the Pakistan army, then joined the Bengali Mukti Fauj (Freedom Force) during the civil war and finally served in the Bangladesh army. "We have reasons to believe that there is a concerted campaign by Pakistani intelligence to disrupt and dilute our War Crimes Trial. I will not be surprised if they are commissioning projects to distort the realities of our liberation war," Arefin told this writer. That's a rather strong charge but Sarmila Bose promptly dismisses. "I am only trying to question the existing narratives of the 1971 war in view of data I have gathered while working for the book," Sarmila Bose told the audience at the Woodrow Wilson Centre in US, where the book was launched. The entire book launch programme is available on the Internet. Suspect dat a Bose, a Bengali herself, is a grand daughter of India's independence war hero Subhas Chandra Bose, and is a senior research fellow at Oxford. Her brothers, Sugato and Sumantra Bose, teach history and politics at Harvard and London School of Economics. "I am only pointing to obvious exaggerations about the number of people killed or number of women raped by the Pakistan army. A war narrative is always the narrative of the victors, and 1971 was no different," Sarmila Bose said at the launch. But some of her data is clearly suspect. Dead Reckoning suggests there were only 20,000 Pakistani troops at the beginning of the civil war in East Pakistan, and that rose to 34,000 towards the end of the war. "Bangladeshi narratives claim 400,000 women were raped by Pakistani troops during the civil war between March and December 1971, but how can 34,000 soldiers rape so many women in eight months," contends Sarmila Bose.

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Indian historian Jayanta Ray, whose 1968 book Nationalism on Trial predicted the breakup of Pakistan, is furious at how an Oxford researcher like Bose could get basic facts wrong. "Records indicate that just over 93,000 Pakistani soldiers surrendered to the Indian army in December 1971. They were all handed back to Pakistan. That's thrice the number Bose suggests, so is she fudging figures deliberately to prove that the number of rapes were much lower than suggested?" Professor Ray told this writer. Bangladesh's anti- fundamentalist campaigner Shahriyar Kabir says that Red Cross officials in 1971 testified to treating nearly 200,000 rape victims. "Many more women did not report for treatment out of shame and embarrassment," Kabir told this writer. "They bore their indignities silently." A Calcutta- based Bengali channel, Mahua TV, ran a full hour discussion on the book, bringing together Bengalis from India and Bangladesh last Sunday. Hundreds of listeners from both sides of the border called in to join the author- bashing. The channel's executive editor, Subir Chakroborty, says Sarmila Bose's mother, Krishna Bose, a former member of Indian parliament, refused to join the panel. "She told us her views on the liberation war were already known to everybody, so we put up in front of our cameras her newspaper article on the Bangladesh war. That was very sympathetic to the victims of 1971," Chakroborty said. Allegat ions of bias While Bangladeshis and Indian Bengalis are upset with Bose for "playing down the Pakistani atrocities", Indian officials are angry with her contention that "India was the only aggressor in 1971". "We intervened militarily only after all possibilities of stopping the bloodbath failed. And when our forces entered East Pakistan, the Bengalis complained why we have been so late," says former chief of India's eastern fleet, Vice- Admiral Bimalendu Guha. "How can she call us an aggressor," fumes Guha. "The Bengalis actually wanted us to intervene earlier to save themselves." Former chief- of- staff of India's eastern army, Lieutenant General J.R. Mukherjee, goes a step further, who said: She has very good reasons to defend the honour of the Pakistan army, which she describes as a professional and a brave force. Can I ask her why these brave soldiers surrendered to India in such a huge number? Even now, Pakistani troops keep surrendering to Taliban and other militants. Can you show one Indian soldier who has ever surrendered to a militant? Professor Ray alleges that Bose is biased in use of sources.

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"Her sources are primarily Pakistani. She has interviewed many Pakistani officers, but not those who were fighting them," says Professor Ray. Particularly upset with Sarmila Bose are Bangladesh's vast numbers of "freedom fighters" men from various walks of life who joined the "Mukti Fauj" to fight the Pakistanis in 1971. "How can a Bengali, and that too from the family of one of our greatest leader like Subhas Bose, write such a horrible account that tries to defend Pakistan's brutal army. This is simply unacceptable," said Haroon Habib, a "freedom fighter" who later rose to head the country's government- sponsored news agency, Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS). No bookseller has so far put Dead Reckoning on their shelves in Bangladesh. Even in Calcutta and other Bengali- dominated cities in India, the book is not to be seen. "Bengalis across the border will only have hate for her," says Bimal Pramanik, a "freedom fighter" who now lives in India and runs a centre for research on India- Bangladesh relations. "She is untruthful and with a purpose." Sarmila Bose denies all charges flung at her and says she has only "tried to correct the course of contemporary history". A claim few will endorse in Bangladesh or Indian Bengal. St ereot ypes versus t rut h Rubaiyat Hossain's Meherjaan is innocuous by comparison, but it has generated as much angst in a country which prides its Bengali heritage and where the atrocities of the Pakistan army is still recent memory. Bangladesh's official history says nearly three million Bengalis Hindus, Muslims and Christians died in the 1971 civil war, and nearly half a million women were raped. "I liked the movie, but since I am a freedom fighter and scores of my friends disliked the film, I decided to withdraw it from cinema halls in Bangladesh," says Habibur Rehman Khan, the distributor of Meherjaan. That means the film will make no money, despite a a cast of stars from India, like Jaya Bachan and Victor Banerji both Bengalis, but big in Bollywood. Bangladeshi feminist groups say the film trivialises the atrocities on women by the Pakistani army when it runs the story of Meher, a Bengali girl who falls in love with a Pakistani soldier, and is then humiliated by her family when this is discovered. "I was raped several times by Pakistani soldiers, and I cannot stand this soft corner for Pakistanis in the film," said sculptor Ferdous Priyabashini. Rubaiyat Hossain is candid about her woes. "I tried to break out of the stereotype of the Bengali hero versus Pakistani brute in the backdrop of the 1971 war, and that is what my countrymen are so upset with," she said. "What she thinks is stereotype is actually the truth. The Pakistanis killed us like flies and raped our women like

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beasts. They even massacred our intellectuals just before they surrendered," said Awami League's minister Jehangir Kabir Nanak. Unlike Japan or Germany apologising for their military excesses during the Second World War, Pakistan has not apologised for the atrocities of its army in 1971. Many liberal Pakistanis, including cricket hero Imran Khan, want Islamabad to do so and bury the bad blood of 1971. But the Pakistan army top brass refuses to oblige. Until that happens, neither Dead Reckoning nor Meherjaan will find admirers in Bangladesh or in Indian Bengal.

Source: Al Jaz eera




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Sadab Mosaddek 2 mo nths ago

I am a Bangladeshi and all my life I have been taught that 3 millio n Bangladeshis were killed during the independence war. Anyo ne in his/her right mind will no t believe this figure!!! If 3 millio n o r even 1 millio n were killed then we wo uld still be finding mass graves thro ugh o ut Bangladesh. The Bo snian war ended a decade ago with casualties numbering aro und 20 0 ,0 0 0 (so me put it a bit o ver 10 0 ,0 0 0 ) and they are still digging up mass graves!!!!
John and 21 more liked this Like Reply

Malek 2 mo nths ago

Bangladesh will live, and the remaining Pakistan will disintegrate beginning with the liberatio n o f my native Land, Baluchistan.
Ahsan and 19 more liked this Like Reply

abaxes 2 mo nths ago

o ne can no t call himself baluchi, unless he calls himself Pakistani first.and any AHOLE who disrespects Pakistan is no t a baluchi.we baluchis gave o ur blo o d to o ur Pakistan mo therland every time she asks fo r it and will do it again and again and again ... Any o ne calling himself baluch and talking abo ut destructio n o f Pakistan can no t be so n o f baluchi mo ther he is a co ward wo rking fo r enemies o f o ur great co untry.... peo ple like MALEK are the garbage we baluch do n't like to asso ciate o ur self with....we Baluchi peo ple always stand with o ur bro thers fro m all pakistan and yes we have so me pro blems but which natio n do esn't .....we will survive this time o f turbulence and we will be great and stro ng again...... LONG LIVE PAKISTAN......./..
14 people liked this. Like Reply

abaxes 2 mo nths ago

I am a pro ud Pakistani and a pro ud baluchi until their is blo o d in my veins and blo o d in every Pakistanis veins,we will never let anything happen to o ur mo therland...

8 people liked this.



abaxes 2 mo nths ago

Dear jo hn, Saudis are Pakistan's friends but do n't mistake friendship fo r slavery.we Pakistani are very patrio tic peo ple it just to o k o ne cricket match to bring the entire co untry o n ho ld last mo nth fro m Karachi to pak-china bo rder in no rth and o ur fo reign po licy and co nstitutio n is very clear FIRST Pakistan then anyo ne else//. what is anti-Islamic army???? and Pakistan, its biggest co ntributo r ,,,,serio usly!!!!!! Pakistan is o nly Muslim co untry who is self made nuclear po wer,o ur eco no my is multi-dimensio nal. we have millio n o f yo ung educated and able-bo dy man wo rking day and night to make Pakistan great...Pakistan intelligence agency is best in the wo rld even abo ve CIA and MI6 ... this time o f turbulence will pass and Pakistan will emerge victo rio us as always..... wahabi = anti islam... jo hn,,,,majo rity o f Pakistan is Wahhabi and almo st all o f them wants what every o rdinary human being wants peace and stability being shia myself and having may Sunni and Wahhabi friend no n o f them suppo rt vio lence thus its no t Shia,Sunni o r Wahhabi but the tro uble makes amo ng them that are real pro blem...
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abaxes 2 mo nths ago

WE Pakistani defeated USSR the biggest mo ther F@%k o f all time with o ut even a war and we will be great again its the ups and do wns that make natio ns great ,,,,, lo ng live Pakistan....
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John 2 mo nths ago

Bro rry fo r the Truth....but.. Pakistan have so ld the so ns to American & so udie......wahabi = anti islam.... Pakistani are the biggest co ntributers fo r the ant-Islam army funded by so udi Arabia .if yo u are blind o r do zenth want to see..thats a different thing... Pakistan is have a huge po tential o f being a super Muslim co untry...but... but..So udi co rrupt shakis are funding billio ns in Pakistan .to make is a fale state..and to have a study supply o f cheep labo r and dispo sable army...

Thomas Knox and 1 more liked this


sarwar 2 mo nths ago

as a bangladesh I kno w the crime is exagerate many times. But No o ne can say anything, cause the po liticians are using as a to o l to divert peo ple attentio n fro m po liticians co rruptio n. So me time peo ple who bo rn after 71 was acused o f war crime.
Thomas Knox and 16 more liked this Like Reply

Ahsan 2 mo nths ago

Only o f the so ns o f war-time co llabo rato rs can say like this. Ho w many peo ple need to be killed to call 19 71 massacre a geno cide, Mr.Sarwar! Of-co urse, there are tho usands o f co rrupt po liticians in Bangladesh but ho w do es that dilute the crime o f a geno cide! One crime is no t a justificatio n to validate a much mo re severe crime. And peo ple do crime no t in their acts but also in their thinking.Wearing swastika still co nsidered as crime in Germany.
Malek and 7 more liked this Like Reply

abaxes 2 mo nths ago

Only o f the so ns o f war-time co llabo rato rs can say like this. Ho w many peo ple need to be killed to call 19 71 massacre a geno cide,.,,o k THE REAL QUESTION is then WHO was respo nsible fo r that geno cide./// 9 0 0 0 Pakistani so ldiers killed and almo st 140 0 0 Urdu speaking peo ple and unkno wn number o f west Pakistan suppo rters were killed by who ??? ?we were fo o led in to killing each o ther then by o ur enemies and no w we are blaming each o ther...
John and 3 more liked this Like

Humaid Alam 2 mo nths ago

GOD willingly Pakistan and Bangladesh will always remain bro therly to each o ther
Thomas Knox and 15 more liked this Like Reply

Ekram 2 mo nths ago

But Pakistan as a natio n still needs to admit & apo lo gise fo r the atro cities/geno cide it's army co mmitted in 19 71.
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2 mo nths ago

The events o f 19 71 were never pro perly do cumented and have caused all the co nfusio n and co ntro versies. One fact that is largly igno red and o mitted is that prio r to the Pakistan army's mo ve into then East Pakistan's to wns and cities, the Freedo m Fighters (Mukti Bahni) were killing, raping, lo o ting and burning the ho uses o f the Urdu speaking migrants fro m Bihar who came at the time o f independence in 19 47. One reaso n that Pakistan Army mo ved in was to prevent such atro cities but it was to o late fo r the Biharis o f Santahar, Dinajpur, Silhat, Paksey to name a few. What wo rse is that when the media arrived, it asso ciated these atro cities to Pakistan Army because they didn't kno w the difference. A lo t o f these Biharis are still relinguishing in the camps in Bangladesh. This is no t to deny Pakistan Army's atro cities. I kno w this will upset a lo t o f peo ple but we must be ho nest in dealing with such tragedies.
Saad Syed and 14 more liked this Like Reply

Ejaz Rahman 2 mo nths ago

As a Bangldeshi who was part o f the freedo m mo vement in 19 71, I can perso naly attest to the fact the atro cities co mitted by the Pakistani army against its o wn citizens. The so ldiers had a superio rity co mplex o f being better than Bengalis and treated them no t much better than slaves. This is the truth and Bangladeshis who have lived the ho rro rs o f the 19 71 independace struggle kno w ho w much sacrifices were made to give a free so ciety to the latter generatio ns. The atro cities may be fo rgiven - if the Pakistani army genuinely aplo gises - but sho uld never be fo rgo tten. This is an example were unprecedented military po wer curshes its peo ple. Sad to see that its do ing the same in FATA to day and Balo chistan befo re. Until the mindset o f Pakistani army is changed in which they think they are the mo st superio r beings o n the sub-co ntinent, the rest o f the peo ple will suffer. Alhamdullilah, atleast Bangladesh is free fro m this.
tarif1000 and 13 more liked this Like Reply

t arif 1000 2 mo nths ago

i no tice many bengalis here have raised suspicio n and skepticism as to the scale and magnitude o f atro cities co mmitted by the pakistani miliatry in 19 71, and it seems to me mo st o f them are to o yo ung to have lived during the

co mmitted by the pakistani miliatry in 19 71, and it seems to me mo st o f them are to o yo ung to have lived during the war.. but i am glad yo u have co ntributed to this discussio n sir, and yo ur wo rds mean mo re to me than anyo ne else's here, including my o wn, because yo u are an eyewitness to the atro cities co mmitted by tho se co wardly barbarians against yo u and yo ur fello w bengalis. yo u have my sincerest respect and admiratio n fo r helping shape and a free and independent Bangladesh fo r me to live in, and i ho pe i can learn to lo ve o ur co untry as much as yo u. please co ntinue to enlighten tho se o f us who never saw the war and its many ho rro rs, because i'm afraid to o many o f us do nt read histo ry bo o ks anymo re..
Ekram and 6 more liked this Like Reply

Malek 2 mo nths ago

Just type "Bangladesh Liberatio n War" in yo ur co mputer search bo x, and see what yo u get. Thanks Go d that at that time (19 71) Pakistan did no t po sses nuclear bo mbs !
Ahsan and 9 more liked this Like Reply

abaxes 2 mo nths ago

If Pakistan had nuclear weapo ns in 19 71 India wo uld never had guts to start war with Pakistan and finance a uprising......and no inno cent live wo uld have been wasted.. .its the nuclear weapo ns that have keep warmo ngers India at bey...
John and 3 more liked this Like Reply

Himadri 2 mo nths ago

hahahahah.......u r funny! India had its first nuclear test explo sio n in 19 74 whereas Pakistan had its first o ne in 19 9 8 !!! Military pro wess is NOT the way to keep the wo rld peace...
stufftheindianmedialiesabout and 2 more liked this Like

Zachary Taylor

2 mo nths ago

Just like Indian nuclear weapo ns prevented Pakistan fro m attacking Kargil, right?
1 person liked this. Like

Nongar Dhrubo

1 mo nth ago

o o o really!!!!!!! no w u have bo mmbb..nd u are go nna be destro yed co o ne wants to go back pakistan..this co untry has no ho pe in the near future,,,,

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