Mahetab Ali 18P8231 Final Grad

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Project Report


-In the light of government’s direction to solve

Rasheed city’s economics & social issues and make
Rasheed an economically local & international iconic
sustainable city, we will contribute by creating a
Research & Culture Center that uses Rasheed’s
natural & humanitarian recourses to develop them
and do the touristic publicity to attract investments.
Student Name: Mahitab Ali
Group no: 6
Supervised by:
Professor Marwa Abo Elfetouh
Associate Professor Samah Mohamed
Assistant Professor Abdulmoneim Ahmed
Professor Doaa Kamal

Graduation Project

This is an educational report for Senior 2-year students in Environmental and Urbanism

Program, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. I here-by declare that this report is my

own and autonomous work. All sources and aids have been indicated as such. All texts either

quoted directly or paraphrased have been indicated by in-text citations.

Graduation Project
Table of contents

Graduation Project
3. Contents
1 Egypt vision 2030...................................................................................................................
1.1 Overview.........................................................................................................................
1.2 Pillars..............................................................................................................................
2 Egypt SDGs 2030...................................................................................................................
2.1 17 UN SDGs...................................................................................................................
2.2 Relation to the project.....................................................................................................
3 Egypt National Climate Change Strategy (NCCS) 2050.......................................................
3.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................
3.2 Goals & Objectives.........................................................................................................
3.3 Relation to Project...........................................................................................................
4 Nature Based Solutions..........................................................................................................
4.1 Definition........................................................................................................................
4.2 Relation to Climate Change............................................................................................
4.3 Relation to Sustainable Development Goals...................................................................
5 Comprehensive City Analysis................................................................................................
6 Rosetta Historical Analysis....................................................................................................
6.1 Overview.........................................................................................................................
6.2 Historical Background & Heritage.................................................................................
6.2.1 Historical Timeline..................................................................................................
6.2.2 Heritage Icons..........................................................................................................
6.3 Conclusion......................................................................................................................
7 Rosetta Analysis.....................................................................................................................
7.1 Environmental Studies & Concerns................................................................................
7.1.1 Climate Analysis......................................................................................................
7.1.2 Environmental Concerns.........................................................................................
8 Rosetta Analysis.....................................................................................................................
8.1 Urban Studies..................................................................................................................
8.1.1 Urban Fabric............................................................................................................
8.1.2 Building Use............................................................................................................
8.1.3 Historical Building...................................................................................................
8.1.4 Building Heights & Conditions...............................................................................

Graduation Project
8.1.5 Road Hierarchy........................................................................................................
8.1.6 Infrastructure............................................................................................................
8.1.7 Urban Regulations & Laws.....................................................................................
8.1.8 Conclusion...............................................................................................................
8.2 Socio Economic Studies..................................................................................................
8.2.1 Population................................................................................................................
8.2.2 Workforce & Economic Activities..........................................................................
8.2.3 Economics Activities & Potential............................................................................
8.2.4 Conclusion...............................................................................................................
8.3 SWOT Analysis..............................................................................................................
9 Rosetta Analysis.....................................................................................................................
9.1 Past Vision......................................................................................................................
i. The first alternative.........................................................................................................
ii. The second alternative....................................................................................................
iii. The third alternative........................................................................................................
9.2 Vision aspects.................................................................................................................
9.3 Rosetta vision goals........................................................................................................
9.4 Vision SWOT analysis....................................................................................................
9.5 The general strategic framework for the development of Rashid City...........................
9.6 Alternatives to strategic plan...........................................................................................
10 New Rosetta Analysis.........................................................................................................
10.1 Overview.........................................................................................................................
10.2 Macro-Scale Analysis.....................................................................................................
10.2.1 Location...................................................................................................................
10.2.2 Accessibility............................................................................................................
10.3 Micro-Scale Analysis......................................................................................................
10.3.1 Land Use..................................................................................................................
10.3.2 Road Hierarchy & Green Spaces.............................................................................
10.4 Environmental Concerns.................................................................................................
10.4.1 Sea Level Rise.........................................................................................................
10.2.3 Coastal Erosion........................................................................................................
10.5 Vision..............................................................................................................................

Graduation Project
11 Site Selection......................................................................................................................
11.1 Available Land Plots.......................................................................................................
11.2 Selected Land Plot..........................................................................................................
12 Site Analysis.......................................................................................................................
12.1 Macro-Scale Analysis.....................................................................................................
12.1.1 Location...................................................................................................................
12.1.2 Accessibility............................................................................................................
12.1.3 Land Use..................................................................................................................
12.2 Micro-Scale Analysis......................................................................................................
12.2.1 Climate Analysis......................................................................................................
12.2.2 Soil Composition & Salinity....................................................................................
12.2.3 Topography..............................................................................................................
13 Project’s Theme..................................................................................................................
13.1 Vision..............................................................................................................................
13.2 Concept...........................................................................................................................
14 Metaverse Approach...........................................................................................................
14.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................
14.2 Virtual Reality.................................................................................................................
14.3 Augmented Reality.........................................................................................................
14.4 Artificial Intelligence......................................................................................................
15 Net Zero Carbon and Sustainable Strategies......................................................................
15.1 Definition........................................................................................................................
15.2 Types of Emissions.........................................................................................................
15.3 Net Zero Strategies..........................................................................................................
16 Nature-based Solutions Selected Targets...........................................................................
16.1 Making Cities Greener....................................................................................................
16.2 Greenhouse Gases Reduction..........................................................................................
16.3 Flood & Erosion Control.................................................................................................
17 Case Studies........................................................................................................................
17.1 Case Study 1: West Kowloon Cultural District..............................................................

Graduation Project
17.1.1 Project Location.......................................................................................................
17.1.2 Project Overview.....................................................................................................
17.1.3 Site Analysis............................................................................................................
17.1.4 Project Analysis.......................................................................................................
17.2 Case Study 2: Green Hub (A resilient Vision Thessaloniki)..........................................
17.2.1 Project’s location.....................................................................................................
17.2.2 City’s History...........................................................................................................
17.2.3 City’s Climate Issues...............................................................................................
17.2.4 Project’s Neighboring Context................................................................................
8.3.1. Project’s Concept.....................................................................................................
8.3.2. Project Analysis.......................................................................................................
17.3 Case Study 3: Boathouse.................................................................................................
17.3.1 Project Overview.....................................................................................................
17.3.2 Project Location.......................................................................................................
17.3.3 Project Analysis.......................................................................................................
17.4 Case Study 4: Agrotopia (Research Center for Urban Food Production).......................
27.1.1 Project’s Location....................................................................................................
27.1.2 Project Analysis.......................................................................................................
18 Case Studies Conclusions...................................................................................................
19 Project’s Components.........................................................................................................
20 Target Users........................................................................................................................
21 Site Selection......................................................................................................................
21.1 Old Rasheed....................................................................................................................
21.2 New Rasheed...................................................................................................................
21.3 Selected Site....................................................................................................................
22 Site Analysis.......................................................................................................................
22.1 Context Analysis.............................................................................................................
22.2 Land Value Analysis.......................................................................................................
23 Macro Zoning.....................................................................................................................
24 Design Concept...................................................................................................................
24.1 Site..................................................................................................................................

Graduation Project
24.2 Corniche..........................................................................................................................
24.3 Main Central Path...........................................................................................................
24.4 Open Spaces....................................................................................................................
24.5 Secondary Paths..............................................................................................................
24.6 Zone Creation..................................................................................................................
25 Micro Zoning......................................................................................................................
25.1 Micro Zoning map..........................................................................................................
25.2 Movement Network........................................................................................................
25.3 Green Network................................................................................................................
25.4 Project’s space program..................................................................................................
26 Corniche Studies.................................................................................................................
26.1 Corniche Path..................................................................................................................
26.2 Commercial Zones..........................................................................................................
26.3 Workshop Port................................................................................................................
27 Sustainability Strategies......................................................................................................
27.1 Climate Smart City Strategies.........................................................................................
27.1.1 Energy Management................................................................................................
27.1.2 Air Quality...............................................................................................................
27.1.3 Water Quality...........................................................................................................
27.2 NBS Strategies................................................................................................................
27.2.1 Sea Level Rise.........................................................................................................
27.2.2 Lagoon Water Purification......................................................................................
27.2.3 Urban Green Spaces................................................................................................
27.2.4 Flood and Erosion Control.......................................................................................
28 Individual Projects: Light Boat Manufacturing..................................................................
28.1 Project Overview.............................................................................................................
28.2 Micro Conceptual Zoning...............................................................................................
28.3 Micro Design Concept....................................................................................................
28.3 Micro Design Concept....................................................................................................
28.4 Inspirations......................................................................................................................
28.5 Space Program................................................................................................................
28.6 Strategies.........................................................................................................................

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28.6.1 Sustainable Strategies..............................................................................................
28.6.2 Metaverse Strategies................................................................................................

Graduation Project
Table of Figures
Figure 1:The Sustainable Development Goals..............................................................................15
Figure 2: The Sustainable Development Goals relevant to project, Author..................................15
Figure 3: NCCS Goals and Objectives, Author.............................................................................16
Figure 4: NBS and Climate change...............................................................................................18
Figure 5: Relation between SDG and NbS....................................................................................18
Figure 6 Rosetta’s location, Author...............................................................................................20
Figure 7: Rosetta's Historical Timeline, Author............................................................................21
Figure 8: Rosetta’s archaeological sites map.................................................................................21
Figure 9: Climate Analysis, Mateo Blue.......................................................................................22
Figure 10: Rosetta Environmental Issues, Author.........................................................................22
Figure 11: Urban expansion of Rosetta (Ministry of Housing,Utilities ,and Urban Communities, 2008) 23
Figure 12: Building Use & Services map (Ministry of Housing,Utilities ,and Urban Communities, 2008) 23
Figure 13: Historical Buildings Map.............................................................................................23
Figure 14: Building Height (left) & Building Condition (right) (Ministry of Housing,Utilities ,and Urban
Communities, 2008)......................................................................................................................24
Figure 15: Building samples of good, medium & poor (from left to right)...................................24
Figure 16:Road Hierarchy Map.....................................................................................................24
Figure 17:Road Hierarchy Percentage...........................................................................................24
Figure 18: Water Supply map & Sanitation Infrastructure & Telecommunication map (from left to right) 24
Figure 19:New Urban Regulations & Laws..................................................................................25
Figure 20:Population Graph & Pyramid (Author, 2022)...............................................................25
Figure 21:Rasheed's workforce through time................................................................................25
Figure 22:Rasheed's Economic Activities.....................................................................................26
Figure 23 industrial-touristic zones...............................................................................................28
Figure 24: The development axes of the city of Rashid, Source: Author......................................29
Figure 25: One of the strategic alternatives at the level of Rashid Center, Source: Author..........29
Figure 26: New Rosetta location, Author......................................................................................30
Figure 27: New Rosetta location analysis, NUCA........................................................................30
Figure 28: New Rosetta accessibility map.....................................................................................31
Figure 29: New Rosetta land use map...........................................................................................31
Figure 30: Specific zones map.......................................................................................................31
Figure 31: New Rosetta green spaces map, NUCA.......................................................................32
Figure 32: New Rosetta road hierarchy map, NUCA....................................................................32
Figure 33: The effect of SLR of 1m on Egypt’s North Coast, MSAU..........................................32
Figure 34: Coastal Erosion on Egypt’s North Coast, NUCA and Author.....................................32
Figure 35: Mediterranean coastline (A) year 1991, (B) year 2011 and (C) The eroded and accreted areas from
1991 to 2011, SWERI....................................................................................................................32
Figure 36: Visualization of New Rosetta, NUCA.........................................................................33
Figure 37: Available land plots map, NUCA and Author.............................................................33
Figure 38: Selected site, NUCA and Author.................................................................................33
Figure 39: Site Location, Author...................................................................................................34
Figure 40: Site accessibility map, Author......................................................................................34
Figure 41: Site land use map, Author............................................................................................35

Graduation Project
Figure 42: Site climate analysis map, Author................................................................................35
Figure 43: Climate analysis graphs................................................................................................35
Figure 44: Site soil salinity map, Author.......................................................................................36
Figure 45: Site soil composition map, Author...............................................................................36
Figure 46: Site topography map, Author.......................................................................................36
Figure 47: Site views pictures, Author..........................................................................................36
Figure 48: Site views map, Author................................................................................................36
Figure 49: Rasheed's analysis diagram, Author.............................................................................37
Figure 50: Project's concept diagram, Author...............................................................................37
Figure 51: VR application, Author................................................................................................38
Figure 52: AR application, Author................................................................................................38
Figure 53: AI application, Author.................................................................................................39
Figure 54: Net zero carbon diagram..............................................................................................40
Figure 55: Types of emissions.......................................................................................................40
Figure 56: Urban green spaces types (WHO, 2017)......................................................................41
Figure 57: Rasheed's Wind Rose (meteoblue, 2022).....................................................................41
Figure 58: Wind Turbines..............................................................................................................41
Figure 59: Organic Farming Methods (Agriculture, 2019)..........................................................42
Figure 60: Rainwater Harvesting Diagram....................................................................................42
Figure 61: Waterfront Park............................................................................................................42
Figure 62: Modular Interlocking Concrete Block Pavement (STEP, 2019)..................................43
Figure 63: Bioswales Diagram......................................................................................................43
Figure 64: West Kowloon Cultural District project location, Author...........................................44
Figure 65: WKCD top view...........................................................................................................44
Figure 66: Hong Kong West Kowloon station, GM......................................................................45
Figure 67: Mixed-use complex GM..............................................................................................45
Figure 68: Site neighboring context..............................................................................................45
Figure 69: Project approaches.......................................................................................................45
Figure 70: Entrances & circulation, Author..................................................................................46
Figure 71: Building Use, Author...................................................................................................46
Figure 72: Elevated Pedestrian Connection, Author.....................................................................47
Figure 73: At Grade Pedestrian Connection "Podium", Author....................................................47
Figure 74: Context Physical Connection, Author..........................................................................47
Figure 75: Road Networks, Author...............................................................................................47
Figure 76: Central vehicular meet up and project basement entrance, Author.............................47
Figure 77: B1 Basement Plan, CEDD & Author...........................................................................48
Figure 78: B2 Basement Plan, CEDD & Author...........................................................................48
Figure 79:Project's Location (Author)...........................................................................................49
Figure 80:City's History Diagram (Ibrahim, 2021).......................................................................49
Figure 81:Flood risk of the city (Ibrahim, 2021)...........................................................................49
Figure 82: Neighboring context (Author)......................................................................................50
Figure 83:Project's Zoning (Author, 2022)....................................................................................50
Figure 84:Project's Program (Ibrahim, 2021)................................................................................51
Figure 85:Old & Proposed Buildings Map (Author, 2022) (Ibrahim, 2021).................................51
Figure 86:Solid & Void Map (Author, 2022)................................................................................51
Figure 87:Circulation Map (Author, 2022) (Ibrahim, 2021).........................................................51

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Figure 88:Green Network (Ibrahim, 2021)....................................................................................52
Figure 89:Landscape Plazas Map (Ibrahim, 2021)........................................................................52
Figure 90:Sustainable Techniques Maps (Ibrahim, 2021).............................................................52
Figure 91: Boathouse 4 (Architects, 2016)....................................................................................54
Figure 92: Location of Project, Author.........................................................................................54
Figure 93: Ground Floor Plan, Author..........................................................................................55
Figure 94: First Floor Plan, Author...............................................................................................55
Figure 95: Boat Circulation in Plan, Author..................................................................................55
Figure 96: Services Needed, Author..............................................................................................56
Figure 97: Type of Door, Author...................................................................................................56
Figure 98: Project's section, Author...............................................................................................56
Figure 99:Project's Location (Author, 2022).................................................................................57
Figure 100:Layout (Author, 2022) (Pintoes, 2022).......................................................................57
Figure 101:1st Floor Plan (Author, 2022) (Pintoes, 2022)............................................................57
Figure 102: Gr Floor Plan (Author, 2022) (Pintoes, 2022)...........................................................57
Figure 103:Project's Sections (Author, 2022) (Pintoes, 2022)......................................................58
Figure 104: Technical Section (Author, 2022) (Pintoes, 2022).....................................................58
Figure 105:Sustainable Systems (Author, 2022) (Pintoes, 2022)..................................................58
Figure 106: Project's components, Author.....................................................................................60
Figure 107: Project's target users, Author......................................................................................60
Figure 108: Table of Land Use Percentages, Author....................................................................61
Figure 109: Map of Vacant Land Plots, Author............................................................................61
Figure 110: Land Use Map, Author...............................................................................................61
Figure 111: Proposed Sites, Author...............................................................................................61
Figure 112: Site 1-Central Business District, Author....................................................................61
Figure 113: Site 2 Boughaz Area, Author.....................................................................................61
Figure 114: Selected site, Author..................................................................................................62
Figure 115: Context analysis, Author............................................................................................63
Figure 116: Land value analysis, Author.......................................................................................63
Figure 117: Micro zoning map, Author.........................................................................................64
Figure 118: Macro zoning reasoning, Author................................................................................64
Figure 119: Micro zoning map, Author.........................................................................................68
Figure 120: Movement network map, Author...............................................................................68
Figure 121: Green network map, Author.......................................................................................69
Figure 122: Project's space program, Author................................................................................69
Figure 123: Area of Study, Author................................................................................................70
Figure 124: Corniche Path on Map, Author.................................................................................71
Figure 125: Section of Corniche Path, Author..............................................................................71
Figure 126: Commercial Zones on Map, Author..........................................................................72
Figure 127: Section on Commercial Zones, Author......................................................................72
Figure 128: Workshop Port on Map, Author................................................................................73
Figure 129: Section of Boat Workshop Area, Author....................................................................73
Figure 130: Climate Smart City Strategies on Map, Author.........................................................74
Figure 131: Wind energy on Street Lamps, Author.......................................................................75
Figure 132: Street Lighting with Solar Panels, Author.................................................................75
Figure 133: Mulberry trees in pedestrian path, Author................................................................76

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Figure 134: Flood Management System, Author..........................................................................76
Figure 135: Smart Canopies, Author............................................................................................77
Figure 136: Nature based Solutions Strategies on Map, Author...................................................77
Figure 137: Sea Marshes, Author..................................................................................................78
Figure 138: Pontederia Crassipes, Author.....................................................................................78
Figure 139: Pocket Parks, Author..................................................................................................79
Figure 140: Green Corridors, Author............................................................................................79
Figure 141: Bioswales, Author......................................................................................................80
Figure 142: Permeable Pavements, Author...................................................................................80
Figure 143 Micro-Conceptual Zoning...........................................................................................83
Figure 144 Micro Design Concept................................................................................................84
Figure 145 Residence Inspiration..................................................................................................85
Figure 146 Outdoor Workshops Inspiration..................................................................................85
Figure 147 Indoor Workshops Inspiration.....................................................................................85
Figure 148 Indoor Exhibition Inspiration......................................................................................85
Figure 149 Outdoor Exhibition Inspiration...................................................................................85
Figure 150 Space Program Pie Chart.............................................................................................86
Figure 151 3D of the project..........................................................................................................87
Figure 152 Sustainable Strategies in the Project...........................................................................88
Figure 153 Sustainable Strategies 1...............................................................................................89
Figure 154 Sustainable Strategies 2..............................................................................................90
Figure 155 Ship Manufacturing Process in VR.............................................................................91
Figure 156 Automated Irrigation System......................................................................................91


Table 1:Pros & Cons of Project (Author, 2022)............................................................................53

Table 2 Space Program..................................................................................................................86

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1 Egypt vision 2030
1.1 Overview

Egypt Vision 2030 aims to revive the role of

Egypt leadership in regional leadership by
working on setting welfare and prosperity as
the main economic objectives via
sustainable development, social justice, and
a balanced geographical and sectoral growth.
SDS has followed the sustainable
development principle as a general
framework taking into account its 3 main
dimensions: economic, social, and environmental as well as the principles of “inclusive
sustainable development” and “balanced regional development”.

Egypt 2030 vision was created to:

 Develop a unified long-term political, economic and social vision
 Enable Egypt to be an active global player
 Meet the ambitions of Egyptians to improve the efficiency of basic services
 Enable monitoring of the implementation of the strategy according to a specific timeline

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 Align SDS objectives with those of the post2015 United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) and the Sustainable Development Strategy for Africa 2063

1.2 Pillars

2. Economic Development 5. Social Justice

3. Energy 6. Health
4. Knowledge, innovation, 7. Education & Training
and scientific research 8. Culture
5. Transparency and efficient 9. Environment
government institutions 10. Urban Development

P a g e | 15 Graduation
Graduation Project
2 Egypt SDGs 2030 10. Reduced Inequalities
11. Sustainable cities and
The Sustainable
12. Responsible Consumption and
Development Production
Goals (SDGs), 13. Climate Action
also known as the 14. Life Below Water
Global Goals, are
15. Life on Land
a set of 17
16. Peace, Justice, and strong
interconnected Figure 1:The Sustainable
Development Goals
international Source: Author
17. Partnership for the goals
objectives, intended
to be achieved by 2030, and are meant to
2.2 Relation to the project
serve as a “common blueprint for
All of goals above should be reflected on the
peace and prosperity for people and project, but there are some that need to be
the planet, now and into the emphasized and stressed on.

future. Firstly, goal 8 which is decent work and

economic growth considering it will provide
more job opportunities.
Moreover, goals 13 and 14 climate action
2.1 17 UN SDGs and life below water, needs to be
1. No poverty implemented in the project.
2. Zero Hunger
3. Good health and well- being
4. Quality Education
5. Gender Equality Figure 2: The Sustainable Development Goals relevant to
project, Author
6. Clean Water Sanitation
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
9. Industry, innovation, and

Graduation Project
Chapter 1

3 Egypt National Climate Change Strategy (NCCS) 2050

3.1 Introduction

Egypt prepared its first National Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk
Reduction in 2011, and a Low Emission Development Strategy (LEDS) was issued in 2018,
which was prepared to be in line with the Sustainable Development Strategy SDS - Egypt Vision

Despite this, there was still a gap to consolidate all aspects of climate change in one document to
be a basic reference that ensures the integration of climate change dimension into general
planning of all sectors in the country. Hence, the National Council for Climate Change (NCCC)
has requested the development of the first comprehensive National Climate Change Strategy
(NCCS) for Egypt until 2050.

3.2 Goals & Objectives

Figure 3: NCCS Goals and Objectives, Author

Graduation Project
3.3 Relation to Project
The following conclude the 2 main Goals, their objectives and some directions that relate to
Rosetta, its development plans, and the nature of the project.
Goal 1: Achieving Sustainable Economic Growth and Low-Emission Development in
Various Sectors

Promoting small-scale decentralized systems including waste, bioenergy, rooftop photovoltaic solar cells and
solar water heaters
Optimizing the use of renewable energy in off-grid applications
Increasing the use of renewable energy to generate electricity within industrial facilities and the applications
of solar thermal energy in industrial processes
Stimulating the increased production and use of biofuels as an alternative to fossil fuels

Improving the energy efficiency of electrical appliances and equipment
Promoting energy management systems at all levels (systems and institutions)
Promoting the shift towards increasing energy efficiency in tourist, commercial, industrial and residential
Improving energy efficiency in buildings, and adopting and implementing the National Green Building Code
for new and existing buildings and communities

Promote the concept of the ‹4Rs› which is to reduce, reuse, recycle and recover municipal and agricultural
Safe and proper disposal of solid waste in suitable landfills and collection of gases resulting from those

Goal 2: Enhancing Adaptive Capacity and Resilience to Climate Change and Alleviating
the Associated Negative Impacts

Preserving the historical and cultural heritage from the negative impacts of climate change
Choosing the locations of new development communities away from hotspots most vulnerable to the impacts
of climate change using mathematical modeling

Using more efficient technologies to rationalize water and energy consumption and reduce food waste
Use more efficient irrigation systems
Rationalizing water consumption in agriculture and reuse of agricultural wastewater

Protecting coastal lowland and implementing integrated coastal zone management
Improving water and sanitation systems and services, particularly in hotspots and underserved areas most
vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and establishing of environmentally compatible sewage stations
in the Nile Marinas
Implementing flood protection systems in areas prone to the phenomenon
Improving roads to be more resilient to the impacts of climate change such as high temperatures, floods and
sea level rise

Increasing the area of green spaces and afforestation in all new urban cities

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4 Nature Based Solutions
“Sustainably manage, and restore natural
ecosystems, human well-being and
biodiversity benefits”. "Inspired by nature,
cost-effective, simultaneously provide
environmental, social and economic benefits
and help build resilience.". “Nature-based
solutions must benefit biodiversity and
support the delivery of a range of ecosystem
services.” It directly addresses a potentially
unsustainable over-reliance on gray
Figure 4: NBS and Climate change
4.3 Relation to Sustainable
4.2Relation to Climate Development Goals
Change It achieves the SDGs by enhancing the
understanding of the social, economic and
environmental factors of the system, could
It can help reduce climate change, but they
improve the decision-making process and
cannot “solve” climate change on their own:
thereby enhance the capability of NBS to
they need to be combined with rapid cuts to
contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.
greenhouse gas emissions. NBS could
contribute about 20% of the mitigation
needed to keep global warming below 2°C

Figure 5: Relation between SDG and NbS

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5 Comprehensive City Analysis

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6 Rosetta Historical Analysis
6.1 Overview

The city of Rashid is located on the west bank of

the Rashid branch at the mouth of the Nile
approximately 65 kilometers northeast
Alexandria is about 55 kilometers from
Damanhur city.
The total area of Rashid City reaches about 5.04
km2 while the urban space reaches about 3.2

Figure 6 Rosetta’s location, Author

6.2 Historical Background & Heritage

6.2.1 Historical Timeline

The city was conquered by King
PTOLEMIC ERA Menes in his conquest to unite
The town was renamed Bolbitine Upper and Lower Egypt. He
after the Bolbitinum temple, named the city “Khito” after a
dedicated to the worship of Queen sect there.
Cleopatra, located south of the BYZANTINE ERA
modern town. The town retained its religious
status of Christianity and was
ISLAMIC ERA renamed “Rekhit", a Coptic
name. Around 470AD, Emperor
At the hands of Amr Ibn el Aas,
Aurelian constructed a fort and a
Islam entered the city. in 853 AD,
wall in Tall Abu Mandur to
the Abbasid Caliph ordered a fort
protect it from Persian invasions.
to be built for protection against
sea invaders, and the medieval FATIMID ERA
city now named Rashid grew Rashid became a civilized city and
around this fort. its trade and farms flourished; it
became an important port for
The trade in Rashid deteriorated, MAMLUK ERA
as its people moved to the city of In the era of Muhammed Ibn
Fuwa, due to sedimentation of Qalawun, Rashid became Egypt's
the Nile which blocked the main commercial port ahead of
commercial boats. Alexandria. The streets were
packed with traders from around
the world creating a multi-
cultural environment reflected in
the architectural style. In 1472
AD, Sultan Qaytbay established a
fortress at the border of “Izbat al
Burg" village.

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The city of Rashid became an
important center for international
and maritime trade with Istanbul
after Sultan Selim I seized Egypt in
1517 AD. Egypt became the
empire's main provider of rice and
grain. It was also the era of
The French were interested in
architectural and urban prosperity
restoring Qaitbay Fortress. A year
seeing as many of the historical
later, as Napoleon's army stayed
buildings were built during it. in the fortress, the most
. important Egyptological discovery
BRITISH INVASION of all time was found in its walls:
The people of Rashid, under the the Rosetta Stone.
rule of Muhammed Ali Pasha, were MUHAMMED ALI PASHA ERA
able to stand up to the British This era was the beginning of the
invasion and force General Fraser city’s decline especially after the
to sign a treaty stipulating the excavaton of the Mahmoudeya
complete withdrawal from Egypt. Canal, which caused the
transformation of trade to

Figure 7: Rosetta's Historical Timeline, Author

6.2.2 Heritage Icons

The city of Rashid houses a number of the most important archaeological sites. It is considered the jewel
of Ottoman Islamic architecture and the second largest city containing Islamic monuments after Cairo.
The city alone contains 22 ancient houses dating back to the Ottoman era, 12 mosques and a corner, the
Abu Shaheen mill, the Abu al-Rish Gate, the Azzouz bath in the city of Rashid, the Qaitbay Castle in the
village of Burj Rashid and the King’s Palace in the village of Edfina. (See, 2019)

1. Wekalet el Ansary 14. Ghazali’s House

2. Ramadan House 15. Thabet House
3. Barqouli’s House 16. Rashid Museum
4. Al-Urabi Mosque 17. Asfour House
5. Al-Smadi Mosque
18. Zaghloul Mosque
6. Damasks The Hanging Mosque
19. Shaheen Mill
7. Qabdawan Mosque
8. Jalal House 20. Al-Gendi Mosque
9. Toqatly House
10. Azzouz Bath House
11. Maharm House
12. Amasyali House
Figure 8: Rosetta’s archaeological sites map 13. Al Mahali Mosque

6.3 Conclusion

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Rosetta is a city with a strategic location and a rich historical background. It passed through different
eras; this had a huge role in shaping Rosetta’s identity as a historical city of heritage. The city is known
worldwide for the stone of Rosetta which was the gateway to Hieroglyphics deciphering.
It used to be in possession of 52 monuments, but this number decreased to 37 through time. Most of the
monuments were built during the Islamic periods of Rosetta which is reflected in their architectural style.

7 Rosetta Analysis
7.1 Environmental Studies & Concerns
7.1.1 Climate Analysis
Passive heating techniques is needed more than cooling techniques. Rains are relatively high with flood
due to sudden heavy rain because of climate change. Generating solar energy could be harder due to the
dominance of cloudy days. High wind speed could help in generating electricity. Landscape elements
facing west. (Mateo Blue) (Mateo Blue)

Figure 9: Climate Analysis, Mateo Blue

7.1.2 Environmental Concerns

1. Pollution from undisposed waste in
the streets and roads causes:
• Obstruction in road traffic and
difficulty in the movement of
• Spread of insects and disease
2. Floods due to heavy raining happen
occasionally. Figure 10: Rosetta Environmental Issues, Author
3. The problem of silting the Nile
branch in Rashid is also one of the
major environmental problems facing city of Rashid.(Mateo Blue)

8 Rosetta Analysis
8.1 Urban Studies
8.1.1 Urban Fabric
The city has been through great urban expansion through the years and destroying agriculture lands. The
government (2008)
made a limit to
the urban expansion

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which can planned to be reached in 2027. In 2017, we can see the urban expansion limit has been
reached. (Ministry of Housing,Utilities ,and Urban Communities, 2008).

Figure 11: Urban expansion of Rosetta (Ministry of Housing,Utilities ,and Urban Communities, 2008)

8.1.2 Building Use

Majority of Rasheed city is residential (61%) with the presence of some services representing 11% of
Rasheed. Vacant lands (10%) of Rasheed are used for agriculture. Industrial zone in South of the city.
Commercial is services concentrated in the center. Educational is scattered in North and South.

Figure 12: Building Use & Services map (Ministry of Housing,Utilities ,and Urban Communities, 2008)

8.1.3 Historical Building

Rasheed is well known with Islamic historical landmarks ex (Qaytbay
Castle, Abu Mandor Mosque, Zobeida El-bawab House). Most
historical landmarks are located on the Nile riverbank. Mostly in the
Southern and Northern region. (Ministry of Housing,Utilities ,and
Urban Communities, 2008)

8.1.4 Building Heights & Conditions

Figure 13: Historical Buildings Map

• 92% of buildings’ heights are from 1-5 floors.

• 71% of buildings are in medium conditions, 21% are good and the rest is in poor condition.
(Ministry of Housing,Utilities ,and Urban Communities, 2008)

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Figure 15: Building Height (left) & Building Condition (right) Figure 14: Building samples of good, medium & poor (from
(Ministry of Housing,Utilities ,and Urban Communities, 2008) left to right)
8.1.5 Road Hierarchy
65% of the road are 6 meter wide &
Absence of highway or arterial roads.
(Ministry of Housing,Utilities ,and
Urban Communities, 2008)

Figure 16:Road Hierarchy Map Figure 17:Road Hierarchy

8.1.6 Infrastructure Percentage
All type infrastructure shares the same issues. Weakness capacity that no longer can serve the urban and
population expansion & some areas that has no access to certain infrastructure services. (Ministry of
Housing,Utilities ,and Urban Communities, 2008)

Figure 18: Water Supply map & Sanitation Infrastructure & Telecommunication map (from left to right)

8.1.7 Urban Regulations & Laws

The developments that are allowed only for services or residential. New
constructions or re-constructions aren’t allowed on road with width less
than 8 meters except for roads facing Old Islamic landmarks. Maximum
12 meters of height for buildings facing 8-meter width streets & 18
meters for buildings facing streets with a width more than 8 meters.
(Ministry of Housing,Utilities ,and Urban Communities, 2008)

Figure 19:New Urban Regulations

& Laws
8.1.8 Conclusion
The inability of Rosetta city to occupy mixed use projects due to the weakness of infrastructure, absence
of empty land, and government regulations which prohibits any uses other than housing and Services.
(Author, 2022)

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8.2 Socio Economic Studies
8.2.1 Population
Population increased by 43% in 10 years reaching
102460 in 2017. It was expected to reach 99883 in 2027
according the government plans. Rasheed City has an
Expansive population pyramid which means:
1. Young and growing population. Figure 20:Population Graph & Pyramid (Author, 2022)
2. The city is a developing city.
3. High fertility rate and lower than average life expectancies.
(Ministry of Housing,Utilities ,and Urban Communities, 2008)

8.2.2 Workforce & Economic Activities

The work force in Rasheed city has increased by 12% in 10 years.
Increase in tourism activities workers. The decrease of trade and
industrial activities indicates:
1. Lack of competition which leads in the declining of the
products availability & quality.
2. Lack of local products.
3. The absence of city’s independent economic value. Figure 21:Rasheed's workforce
(Ministry of Housing,Utilities ,and Urban Communities, 2008) through time

8.2.3 Economics Activities & Potential

• Tourism Activity:
Rich in its natural, archaeological, religious, Islamic,
Coptic, therapeutic, marine and Nile recreational resources
and components. However, it is characterized by the modest
tourism infrastructure.

• The palm sector:

Rashid's wealth is about one million palms, representing
about 10% of the total palms in Egypt, but this wealth has not been well
exploited so far. The development of this sector can
contribute to several industries. it can also improve other
• Fishing Activity:
It has the natural elements suitable for the prosperity of this
activity. Also produces about 400 tons of fish annually. A
large part of which is exported to the Gulf countries.
• Industry:
1. The field of food manufacturing Figure 22:Rasheed's Economic Activities
2. fishing boats
3. Manufacture using palm trees.

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4. Old crafts of Rasheed city:
• Boats
• Furniture
• Arkart
• Al-Haseer El-Balady with integrating new technologies.
(Ministry of Housing,Utilities ,and Urban Communities, 2008)

8.2.4 Conclusion

 Increase of un-employment due to:

1. Increasing population
2. Shortage of job opportunities due to the absence of investments
3. The lack of usage of Rasheed recourses in various economic activities.
 Poverty rate reached 30% in the city.
 Illiteracy rate of women is about 50%
 10% of workforce in 2017 are only women decreasing by 30% from 2006.
 30% of Rasheed residents live in slums and unplanned areas.

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8.3 SWOT Analysis

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9 Rosetta Analysis
9.3 Rosetta vision goals
9.1 Past Vision Economy – tourism
i. The first alternative
 Optimizing the use of the area
Agricultural and industrial city: Diverse  Providing and recreational activities
crops, support future industrial development,  Providing direct job opportunities in
exploiting existing properties in the city, BUT: tourism
serves to direct growth towards the west only.  Putting the Rashid district on the tourist
map of Egypt
ii. The second alternative
Goals for industrial
Industrial Tourist city: Development of the  Optimal utilization of human resources
tourism and manufacturing, Various raw and raw materials
materials are available, the manufacturing sector  Increasing the capacity of
will support the tourism sector. manufacturing industries
 Creating direct job opportunities
iii. The third alternative
Goals Mechanisms
Industrial Tourist city: exploiting the Boghaz
region, industrial zone located in New Rashid,  Accommodation of hotels
Many Islamic monuments and depends on the  Improving local transportation
road network of the city.  Taking advantage of the marine nature

9.4 Vision SWOT analysis

STRENGTHS availability Environmental

resources, availability of many sources of raw
materials, huge wealth of Palms.
OPPORTUNITIES Rashid on the national
tourism map, modernize the Egyptian industry,
establish the industrial zone.
WEAKNESSES lack of financial resources,
Figure 23 industrial-touristic zones poor infrastructure, lack of clear plans,
9.2 Vision aspects unemployment, and poverty.

 The local economy THREATS Waste of available resources, the

inability of economy to meet needs, the
 Facilities and services unemployment problem, Pollution of the

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9.5 The general strategic framework for the development of Rashid City

The achievement of the future vision of the city of Rashid will be through working on development axes
will be pivotal and not only sectoral, as seen in figure below.

Figure 24: The development axes of the city of Rashid, Source: Author
9.6 Alternatives to strategic plan

The Multiplicity of characteristics of city need

to study alternatives to
Create job opportunities and support economic
recovery in addition to
Upgrading city’s facilities with its future urban
extensions as seen in figure below. This plan
was done in 2008, it was an initial plan but
because of political reasons in 2011, it stopped
then right now in 2020 new plans are
published which is New Rashid City.
Figure 25: One of the strategic alternatives at the level of Rashid
Center, Source: Author

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10 New Rosetta Analysis

10.1 Overview

New Rosetta is among a few cities that are being

established by the government in an effort to advance the
architecture of Egypt.
The construction of this project started at the beginning of
2019 and was set to finish in 2027.
New Rashid was built in an effort to develop the seacoast
area, attract investments, and provide job opportunities.
It is planned as a tourist outlet for the residents of Beheira
and Kafr El Sheikh governorates and is supposed to
increase sales of development by 20%. Figure 26: New Rosetta location, Author

10.2 Macro-Scale Analysis

10.2.1 Location

New Rosetta is located at around 50 km from Alexandria, 6 km from Idku, and 3.5 km from Old
The developing city has a beach front of about 10.5 km and the approximate area of 3317

Figure 27: New Rosetta location analysis, NUCA

10.2.2 Accessibility
Northeast Entrance

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Al Bahr Al Aazam Road runs parallel to the river Nile passing by all river coastal cities until it reaches New Rosetta

Southeast Entrance
Al Masyaf Road extends from the center of the city site to Old Rosetta

Southwest Entrance
An existing road starting from Al Bahr Al
Aazam Road, running through the length of the Figure 28: New Rosetta accessibility map
city site, extending to reach the International Author
Coastal Road

10.3 Micro-Scale Analysis

10.3.1 Land Use

Land Use plans for new Rosetta conclude the availability of various strategic land opportunities,
as well as many project-theme options.

Figure 29: New Rosetta land use map


Investment Services zones are suitable land plots for project placement.
Boughaz, New Rosetta is the most strategic land area for project development.

10.3.2 Road Hierarchy & Green Spaces

Figure 30: Specific zones map
NUCA and Author

10.4 Environmental Concerns

10.4.1 Sea Level Rise

Sea Level
Figure 32: New Rosetta road hierarchy map, NUCA Rise
Figure 31: NewisRosetta
a green spaces map, NUCA
global issue caused by a combination of melt water from glaciers and ice sheets and thermal
expansion of seawater as it warms due to climate change (higher atmosphere temperatures)

Figure 33: The effect of SLR of 1m on Egypt’s North

Coast, MSAU
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10.2.3 Coastal Erosion

As global sea level rises, the action of waves at

higher elevations increases the likelihood for
extensive coastal erosion.
New Rosetta is highly prone to coastal erosion.
Figure 35 illustrates how coastal erosion has
impacted the shoreline inside and around New Figure 34: Coastal Erosion on Egypt’s North Coast, NUCA
and Author
Rosetta’s site from 1991 to 2011, showing how a
noticeable area of these lands has eroded;
Consequently, building up an accreted area down
the sea waves path.

Figure 35: Mediterranean coastline (A) year 1991, (B)

year 2011 and (C) The eroded and accreted areas from
1991 to 2011, SWERI
10.5 Vision

“Building a new city that will be self sustained with a new infrastructure and adequate services to
satisfy the basic and recreational needs of its residents. The projects aims to reform slums and
raise the standard of living of the people of Rashid by focusing on the rich resources of the city
and creating job opportunities for the youth by rebranding the city as a touristic spot to people
inside and outside Egypt and by capitalizing on the heritage in the city.”

11 Site Selection

11.1 Available Land Plots

There are mainly 2 land plots that are

suitable for the project’s size and nature. Figure 36: Visualization of New Rosetta, NUCA

11.2 Selected Land Plot Figure 37: Available land plots map, NUCA and Author

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The land plot in Boughaz is selected as it has a more strategic location that overlooks both
Rosetta’s mouth and the artificial river.

12 Site Analysis

12.1 Macro-Scale Analysis

12.1.1 Location

The project’s site location is in

Boughaz, New Rosetta, Beheira

The strategic project land overlooks

the mouth of the Rosetta branch of
the Nile, with an area of 68.8

Figure 39: Site Location, Author

12.1.2 Accessibility
The site is only 2.5 km from Old
Rosetta’s city center, and 6 km from
New Rosetta’s city center.
The site’s main approaches are through:
 The extension of Al Bahr Al
Aazam Road
 Two arterial roads that run by
the site’s boundaries

Figure 40: Site accessibility map, Author

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12.1.3 Land Use
The site is surrounded by other
complimentary spaces and projects:
• Mixed Residential-Touristic:
provides a close residence for
the project’s main target users
• Central Park: provides a view
for the project to overlook as
well as a complimentary green

Figure 41: Site land use map, Author

12.2 Micro-Scale Analysis
12.2.1 Climate Analysis

Generating solar energy could be harder due to the dominance of

cloudy days.
High wind speeds could be used as a renewable energy source.

Figure 42: Site climate analysis map,


Figure 43: Climate analysis graphs

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12.2.2 Soil Composition & Salinity

Sandy Soil Composition:

 Soft and malleable for digging
× Quick drainage of water and other fluids
× Lower nutrient availability
× Tendency to heat up and dry out quickly Figure 45: Site soil composition map,

Very highly saline soil, thus, restricting the types of plants that
could naturally grow in the project area (plants that withstand high
soil salinity), and requiring soil treatment.

12.2.3 Topography Figure 44: Site soil salinity map,


The site’s terrain has minor alterations can be economically

flattened by cut and fill works.
However, the whole area is only around 1-2m above sea level,
making it prone to catastrophic disasters as a result of sea level

Figure 46: Site topography map,

12.2.4 Views Author

1. North-West view to Rosetta’s

mouth (real-life)
2. South-East view to palm fields

3. West view to artificial river


4. West view to artificial river Figure 48: Site views pictures, Author Figure 47: Site views map, Author

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13 Project’s Theme

13.1 Vision
In the light of government’s direction to solve
Rasheed city’s economic & social issues and
make Rasheed an economically local &
international iconic sustainable city, we will
contribute by creating an Economic Hub that
utilizes and develops Rasheed’s natural &
humanitarian resources and revive its

Figure 49: Rasheed's analysis diagram, Author

13.2 Concept
“Al-Manara” is set to be the foundation stone of Rasheed’s and
Egypt economic rise by being an iconic application of utilizing
humanitarian and natural resources for the maximum economic

Figure 50: Project's concept diagram, Author

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14 Metaverse Approach

14.1 Introduction
The metaverse is a collection of Interconnected Systems each with its own
rules and capabilities. The term doesn't really refer to any one specific type
of technology, but rather a broad shift in how we interact with technology.
It builds on the internet allowing its users to travel to a virtual world that
they can, to a degree, live in. (Ravenscraft, 2021)

14.2 Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is a fully digital, computer-generated, three-dimensional experiential environment.

VR allows users to be immersed in and interact with a 3D world that can either simulate or differ
completely from the real world.
Possible VR Applications
Entertainment and Education
 Virtual Walkthrough of entire crafts processes (e.g.,
ship manufacturing process)
 Virtual walkthrough of Rosetta's timeline and history
(Going back in time experience)

14.3 Augmented Reality Figure 51: VR application, Author

Augmented reality (AR) is the integration of digital information with the user's environment in
real time.AR is used to either visually change natural environments in some way or to provide
additional information to users.
Possible AR Applications
AR tools to display crops info (age, depletion, irrigation
intervals, ...)

AR tools to display soil info (moisture, nutrients percentages,

temperature, ...)

Boats Manufacturing
AR tools to display maintenance and repair issues (Boat
Figure 52: AR application, Author

14.4 Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are
programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. Any machine that exhibits traits
associated with a human mind such as learning and problem-solving.
Possible AI Applications
Machine Intelligence to automate and
facilitate agricultural process, through:

 Automated irrigation systems

 Machine-learning software to
detect crops ripeness
 Automated harvesting systems
 Automated temp & humidity
control for greenhouse crops
Entertainment and Education
 Virtual Assistant Technologies
that interact with tourists/visitors
(e.g. alexa, siri) Figure 53: AI application, Author
Boats Manufacturing
 Automated Temp & Humidity regulating inside wood planks storage areas (prevent rot)

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15 Net Zero Carbon and Sustainable Strategies

15.1 Definition

Achieving a balance between the greenhouse gases put into the

atmosphere and those taken out.
Net zero required to keep global warming to no more than 1.5°c.

15.2 Types of Emissions Figure 54: Net zero carbon diagram

 Direct Emissions
 Indirect Emissions
 Other Indirect Emission

Figure 55: Types of emissions

15.3 Net Zero Strategies

maximizing natural light, Weatherize Doors and Windows, Building Up Rather Than Out.
Improve the Building’s Insulation, Use Energy-Efficient Lighting, More Efficient
Cooling/Heating Equipment, Strategic Building Facade Design.
Solar energy, Wind energy, Biomass energy.
Use of green tariffs, Offset any remaining carbon

16 Nature-based Solutions Selected Targets

16.1 Making Cities Greener

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Urban Green Spaces
Urban Green Space is defined as urban land, partly or completely covered with grass, trees,
shrubs, or other vegetation. It is also referred to as blue-green zone, because urban water such as
ditches, canals, inland waterways, rivers, and riverbanks is considered as urban green space.
(Haase, 2017)

Figure 56: Urban green spaces types (WHO, 2017)

16.2 Greenhouse Gases Reduction

Renewable Energy
Renewable energy is energy derived from natural sources that are replenished at a higher rate
than they are consumed. It is referred to as clean energy. Renewable energy sources are plentiful
and all around us.
Wind Energy
Wind energy harnesses the kinetic energy
of moving air by using large wind turbines
that then transforms this energy into
electricity. Our site has tremendous
potential for harnessing wind energy due
to its high stable wind speeds that reach an
average between 19 and 28 km/h.  (UN)

Organic Farming Figure 57: Rasheed's Wind Rose Figure 58: Wind Turbines
(meteoblue, 2022)

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Organic farming is defined as production of crop, animal, and other products without the use of
synthetic chemical fertilizers and pesticides, transgenic species, or antibiotics and growth-
enhancing steroids, or other chemicals. It relies upon crop rotations, use of animal manures and
bio-fertilizer to the maximum extent possible. (Environment, 2005) 

Figure 59: Organic Farming Methods (Agriculture, 2019)

16.3 Flood & Erosion Control

Rainwater Harvesting
Rainwater harvesting is collection and storage of
rainwater that runs off from roof tops, parks, roads, open
grounds, etc. This water runoff can be either stored or
recharged into the groundwater. (CSE, 2022)

Figure 60: Rainwater Harvesting Diagram

Waterfront Parks
Waterfront parks are communal recreational spaces that
reduce the impacts of flooding by creating a space that
can capture and store floodwaters during flood events
with minimal damage to the park infrastructure, reducing
the overall extent of a single flood event and the damage
that it causes.
Figure 61: Waterfront Park
Permeable Pavements
Permeable pavement helps to restore natural infiltration
functions to the landscape and reduce impacts to
watercourses by allowing rainwater to slowly infiltrate

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into the ground.  Contaminants are removed from the storm water as it infiltrates slowly through
the gravel sub-base and into the native soil.

Figure 62: Modular Interlocking Concrete Block

Pavement (STEP, 2019)

Bioswales act as detainment for surface runoff from
main roads, encouraging evapotranspiration, and filters
the water before slowly channeling it into the main
water management system. 

Figure 63: Bioswales Diagram

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17 Case Studies
17.1 Case Study 1: West Kowloon Cultural District
17.1.1 Project Location

Figure 64: West Kowloon Cultural District project location, Author

17.1.2 Project Overview

Foster + Partners
95 feddan
Visual arts, Performing arts and Educational
Construction phase
Under construction, expected to be completed in Figure 65: WKCD top view
In 1996, the Hong Kong Tourism Board took a survey of tourists visiting Hong Kong. The
survey suggested that many of the tourists thought Hong Kong was lacking in cultural
opportunities. The Hong Kong Tourism Board suggested to Legco in 1998, proposing that new
venues for art exhibitions and other cultural events be established.

Graduation Project
17.1.3 Site Analysis

Neighboring Context
A mixed-use complex and West Kowloon metro
terminal are both significant projects located right
above the site.

Figure 67: Mixed-use complex Figure 66: Hong Kong West Figure 68: Site neighboring context
GM Kowloon station, GM Arquitectura Viva & Author

Project Approaches
The diagram shows expected approaches for the
project’s site and surrounding roads.

Figure 69: Project approaches


17.1.4 Project Analysis

Entrances and Circulation

P a g e | 45 Graduation
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 Plazas at major activity nodes (e.g. project entrances)
 Main project entrance directly and physically connected to West Kowloon Station
 Paths hierarchy according to importance and expected traffic

Figure 70: Entrances & circulation, Author

Building Use
 Main Plazas in front of special buildings
 Special buildings at project entrances
 No separation between different zones
 M+ is given a weak priority (no welcoming
 Weak emphasis on buildings’ entrances
 Weak user experience
 Some important buildings are not emphasized
or prioritized through landscape. Figure 71: Building Use, Author
 Utility Buildings (Ventilation Buildings for
underground vehicle tunnels and metro rails)
are given best (waterfront) locations

Context Physical Connection

 Direct and physical connection of pedestrian movement from West Kowloon Terminal Plaza
to the project’s main entrance
 Elevated pedestrian movement above street
levels for greater walkability

Figure 72: Elevated Pedestrian Figure 73: At Grade

Connection, Author Pedestrian Connection
"Podium", Author

P a g e | 46 Graduation
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Figure 74: Context Physical Connection, Author

Road Networks
 On grade streets that surround the project are
sloped and meet up in an underground tunnel
 The network meets up area under the project’s
main entrance is also the entrance to the
project’s basement vehicular network

Figure 75: Road Networks, Author

Figure 76: Central vehicular meet up and project basement entrance, Author

Basement Levels Circulation

Basement Level B1

P a g 77:
Figure e |B147Basement Plan, CEDD & Author Graduation
Graduation Project
Basement Lebel B2

Figure 78: B2 Basement Plan, CEDD & Author

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17.2 Case Study 2: Green Hub (A resilient Vision Thessaloniki)
17.2.1 Project’s location

Thessaloniki, Greece 40.640358, 22.914909 Population:814,000

Figure 79:Project's Location (Author)

17.2.2 City’s History

Figure 80:City's History Diagram (Ibrahim, 2021)

17.2.3 City’s Climate Issues

The waterfront of the city is under see level rise risks. The whole city is under risk of floods due to
heavy rains. (Ibrahim, 2021)

Figure 81:Flood risk of the city (Ibrahim, 2021)

Graduation Project
17.2.4 Project’s Neighboring Context

Poor conditions buildings are box in shape with small windows. (Author, 2022)

Figure 82: Neighboring context (Author)

8.3.1. Project’s Concept

The Green Hub promotes sustainable coastal activation while protecting the area from sea level rise.
Thessaloniki is one of the city’s most vulnerable to climate change in the Mediterranean. The project
transforms this pressing challenge into a central theme of design. The Green Hub proposes waterfront re-
activation through resilient design. The architects propose a series of short-term and long-term resilience
strategies that aim to protect the environment. (Ibrahim, 2021)

8.3.2. Project Analysis


Figure 83:Project's Zoning (Author, 2022)

Proximity of the athletic center to the educational center was a good decision. Business center centering
the culture center and Conference & Theater Area/ Art Center, would make it vulnerable to high traffic of
people and distraction of workers in the business center. Great variety in the zones, would be better that
the project has a specific theme that serve the city in certain helpful way. (Author, 2022)


P a g e | 50 Graduation
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Every zone has its desired components. Big Variety in user scenarios and visitors could create big
conflicts between them. (Author, 2022)

Old & proposed Building

Keeping the old building is good decision and cost
efficient. The proposed buildings vary much
architectural to the old ones. (Author, 2022)

Figure 85:Old & Proposed Buildings Map (Author, 2022)

Solid & Void (Ibrahim, 2021)

Small built-up area create opportunity to create

more and free landscape experience and increase
the value of the outdoor experience. No clear urban
pattern. No closure to make appropriate urban
Figure 86:Solid & Void Map (Author, 2022)
spaces and plazas by the mass. Shows the big
variety between the old and new buildings. (Author,

Entrances & Circulation

Absence of clear main axis. Wide routes shrink at the
end which could make traffic problem. Absence of
main wide axis through the conference & theater
center. (Author, 2022)

Figure 87:Circulation Map (Author, 2022) (Ibrahim, 2021)

Green Network

Trees spread across the path to provide shade. Greenery in present

greatly on the roof and terraces of the new buildings. No central park
type areas. (Author, 2022)

Figure 88:Green Network (Ibrahim, 2021)

P a g e | 51 Graduation
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Landscape Analysis

1. Sunken Plaza
2. Nousiaz Plaza and Wetland Park
3. Charilaou Plaza
4. Resilience Museum
5. Tech & Innovation Hub-Fix Plaza
6. Residential Complex & Athletic Center
Figure 89:Landscape Plazas Map (Ibrahim, 2021)
All plazas are resilient to floods and provide good
seating areas with suitable closure. (Author, 2022)

Flood Resilience & Sustainability Techniques

1. Sustainable Building Systems

2. The green promenade
3. 26th Ocktovriou Street
4. Sculptural stormwater detention Basin
5. Neutralized Parklans
6. Parking Areas
7. Wetland Areas Figure 90:Sustainable Techniques Maps (Ibrahim, 2021)

8. Coastal Flood Protection Beam

Energy & Water efficient system throughout the project. Also, presence of flood resistant techniques
(Author, 2022)

Table 1:Pros & Cons of Project (Author, 2022)

Pros Cons
● Good cause toward the city ● No specific theme for the project
● Water flood Resilient Design ● Poor circulation
● Variety of plazas design ● No specific urban pattern
● Variety of Environmental Techniques ● No closure space made by the masses.
● Use of the old buildings to lower costs ● Difference between the design of the
new and old buildings

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17.3 Case Study 3: Boathouse
17.3.1 Project Overview

Boathouse 4 attraction about Historic Dockyard, combining

an exciting interactive exhibition, traditional boatbuilding
training and a brasserie with main workshop for boat
Architect: Walters & Cohen Architects
Project Year: September 2015
Area: 3,400 m2

Figure 91: Boathouse 4 (Architects, 2016)

17.3.2 Project Location

Location: Main Rd, Portsea, Portsmouth PO1 3QX, UK

Context Study: Project overlook the harbor used for movement of ships and a pond at the back.

Figure 92: Location of Project, Author

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17.3.3 Project Analysis

On the ground floor of Boathouse 4, The main workshop area is the in the middle as it accessible
by visitors and employee, and the service room for boat building is around the main workshop
and display area.
On the Upper Floor, it includes exhibition and the display of several small craft. The exhibition
overlooks the main workshop, so visitors can watch real boatbuilding in action. 

Figure 94: First Floor Plan, Author Figure 93: Ground Floor Plan, Author
The main workshop area is the in the middle as it accessible by visitors and employee, and the
service room for boat building is around the main workshop and display area.

Figure 95: Boat Circulation in Plan, Author

Services Needed for Boat Making

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The service rooms needed for boat building are positioned around main workshop area as seen in
figure below.

Figure 96: Services Needed, Author

For large room spaces an industrial sliding door is needed for maneuvering of boat, as seen in
figure below.

Figure 97: Type of Door, Author

Corridor with a view of main workshop
and display area. They circulate around
the building, watching the boatbuilding
activities below, and arrive at the dual-
aspect restaurant/café with its unique
position overlooking the boatbuilding
and the sea. 
Figure 98: Project's section, Author

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17.4 Case Study 4: Agrotopia (Research Center for Urban Food
27.1.1 Project’s Location

Figure 99:Project's Location (Author, 2022)

27.1.2 Project Analysis


1. Entrance

2. Loading Docks
3. Technical Space

Figure 100:Layout (Author, 2022) (Pintoes,

Circulation 2022)

Figure 102: Gr Floor Plan (Author, 2022)

Figure 101:1st Floor Plan (Author, 2022) (Pintoes, 2022)
(Pintoes, 2022)

P a g e | 57 Graduation
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Figure 103:Project's Sections (Author, 2022) (Pintoes, 2022)

Technical Section

1. Visitor Corridor
 Educational & Expo routing
 Climate 12-25 C
2. Technical Corridor
 Used by workers to supervise
 Climate 12-25 C
3. Raised Concrete tile floor
4. Fruit vegetable compartment
● 15-25 C
● Cooling with high pressure
5. Leafy Vegetable Compartment
● Climate 6-19 C
Figure 104: Technical Section (Author, 2022) (Pintoes, 2022)
● Basin and Table Heating
6. Box shed 10-15 C
7. Wastewater Recycling Pipes
(Pintoes, 2022)

Sustainable Systems

1. Rainwater Collecting System

Storing rainwater for the vegetation
2. Controlled Geothermal System
Controlling the climate inside the
greenhouses in an efficient way
(Pintoes, 2022) Figure 105:Sustainable Systems (Author, 2022) (Pintoes, 2022)

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18 Case Studies Conclusions
Case Study 1: West Kowloon Cultural District

- Putting Surrounding context into consideration and how it affects the project/site (e.g., impacts
project approaches)

- Placement of Plazas at major activity nodes

- Utilization of underground street networks to minimize asphalt (streets & parking) area on layout.

- Vehicular circulation inside underground street networks

- Physical connection to surrounding context.

Case Study 2: Green Hub A resilient vision for Thessaloniki

- Proposing urban and architecture sustainable & flood resilience techniques

- Dealing with masses and its relation to each other to create urban spaces.

- Creative landscape approaches

- Zones and its relation to each other

Case Study 3: Boathouse

- Spaces needed for manual boat crafts (light industry)

- Boats circulation and displacement from harbor to the building, and inside the factory

- Wide sliding doors for spaces that boats are taken into.

Case Study 4: Agrotopia Research Center for Urban Food Production

- The spaces needed for an agriculture research center.

- The techniques used to sustain the vegetation in the greenhouse of the research center.

(Author, 2022)

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19 Project’s Components

Figure 106: Project's components, Author

20 Target Users

Figure 107: Project's target users, Author

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21 Site Selection
21.1 Old Rasheed


 Developments are allowed only for services

or residential projects.


 Total vacant lands within the city do not

exceed 258,000 m2 (61.5 feddan).

 There are no possible site locations within

the heart of the city due to lack of vacant

Figure 109: Map of Vacant Figure 108: Table of Land

21.2 New Rasheed Land Plots, Author Use Percentages, Author


 Possible site locations based on the strategic master

plan zones specified for investment services 

 2 sites fit the criteria and specified area of the

Figure 110: Land Use Map, Author

Figure 112: Site 1-Central Figure 113: Site 2 Boughaz Figure 111: Proposed Sites, Author
Business District, Author Area, Author

P a g e | 61 Graduation
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21.3 Selected Site


 Strategic location

 Overlooks both Mediterranean sea and Nile river

 View to artificial sea-level waterway

 Great Sea Level Rise opportunities

 Complies with Egypt Vision 2030

Figure 114: Selected site, Author

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22 Site Analysis
22.1 Context Analysis

 SLR mitigation measures on Corniche

 Corniche as a part of the project
 Direct buildings West & North West for best
views and natural Ventilation
 Building on higher terrains
 Vehicular Entrances from the back of the
 Restricted government property lands Figure 115: Context analysis, Author

22.2 Land Value Analysis

Hierarchy in land plots values guides and

influences placement of project’s zones

Figure 116: Land value analysis, Author

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23 Macro Zoning

Figure 117: Micro zoning map, Author

Macro Zoning Reasoning

 Reasoning of placement of zones

adjacency to each other
 Reasoning of zones placement on a
specific land plot

Figure 118: Macro zoning reasoning, Author

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24 Design Concept
24.1 Site

• Linear site needs adequate tree like planning to ensure maximum connectivity.

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24.2 Corniche

• Starting with the Corniche as a main waterfront path

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24.3 Main Central Path

• Adding a central main path through the projects to increase connectivity.

24.4 Open Spaces

• Providing the centrum main path with open spaces to improve the experience for pedestrians

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24.5 Secondary Paths
• Open spaces acting as nodes to connect the central main path with the corniche.
24.6 Zone Creation

• Distributing the zones along the two main paths ensuring the existence of a Start/End Zones and
benefiting from the prevailing winds and sea view.

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25 Micro Zoning
25.1 Micro Zoning map

Figure 119: Micro zoning map, Author

25.2 Movem
ent Network

Figure 120: Movement network map, Author

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25.3 Green Network

Figure 121: Green network map, Author

25.4 Project’s space program

Figure 122: Project's space program, Author

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26 Corniche Studies
In this section, we will talk about activities on the corniche as it is not only for walking, also
study on workshop port, and the levels of corniche path.

Figure 123: Area of Study, Author

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26.1 Corniche Path

Study shows the relation between activities on the corniche path, as the path contains tram and
bicycle lane that is separated from pedestrian path by trees and then lower level of another
pedestrian path and leveling with sea level mitigation measure on it.

Figure 124: Corniche Path on Map, Author

Figure 125: Section of Corniche Path, Author

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26.2 Commercial Zones

Along the corniche path there is commercial zones for entertainment as this zone contains
restaurants with different level as seen in the section below.

Figure 126: Commercial Zones on Map, Author

Figure 127: Section on Commercial Zones, Author

Graduation Project
26.3 Workshop Port

The section below shows the boat building workshop port and the relation with corniche path as
also placement of plants for purification.

Figure 128: Workshop Port on Map, Author

Figure 129: Section of Boat Workshop Area, Author

Graduation Project
27 Sustainability Strategies
27.1 Climate Smart City Strategies

This section talks about the strategies implemented in this project for climate change adaptation,
from air quality improvement, energy management plan, and water quality improvement.

Figure 130: Climate Smart City Strategies on Map, Author

27.1.1 Energy Management

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Renewable Energy: Use of streetlamps, that are equipped with a turbine that exploits the air
displacement, special blades arranged in a spiral, the system is activated by the air flow and
converts wind energy into electricity, wind speeds that reach an average between 19 and 28

Figure 131: Wind energy on Street Lamps, Author

Efficient Street Lighting: solar power is a renewable source of energy and it makes sense to
build the street lighting system with the help of this resource, solar LED street lighting will lead
to energy-saving.

Figure 132: Street Lighting with Solar Panels, Author

27.1.2 Air Quality

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Pedestrian Path: Use of Air Purifying Plants such as Mulberry tree to enhance breathable air

Figure 133: Mulberry trees in pedestrian path, Author

27.1.3 Water Quality

Flood Risk Management: Use of smart techniques to detect floods and send warning
announcements to citizens

Figure 134: Flood Management System, Author

Storm Water Harvesting: Use of smart Canopies to store storm water for future re-use or safe

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Figure 135: Smart Canopies, Author

27.2 NBS Strategies

This section talks about the Nature-based Solutions strategies implemented in this project.

Figure 136: Nature based Solutions Strategies on Map, Author

27.2.1 Sea Level Rise

P a g e | 78 Graduation
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Sea Marshes: Reduces flood impact by absorbing wave energy, as it is native in Mediterranean
Sea and stands the high salinity.

Figure 137: Sea Marshes, Author

27.2.2 Lagoon Water Purification

Pontederia Crassipes: Common hyacinth, planted along the edge of the docks, that can survive
high salinity used to purify water by absorbing nutrients.

Figure 138: Pontederia Crassipes, Author

27.2.3 Urban Green Spaces

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Pocket Parks: Small gardens that help mitigate the impacts of stormwater, improve the air
quality and aesthetics.

Figure 139: Pocket Parks, Author

Green Corridors: Creating a green corridor to separate the bicycle lane from the pedestrian path
and planting in it Mulberry Trees to improve the air quality.

Figure 140: Green Corridors, Author

27.2.4 Flood and Erosion Control

Bioswales: Detainment for surface runoff from main roads.

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Figure 141: Bioswales, Author

Permeable Pavements: Using Modular Interlocking Concrete Block Pavement

that allow water to infiltrate into a reservoir.

Figure 142: Permeable Pavements, Author

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Light Boat

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Individual Project

28 Individual Projects: Light Boat Manufacturing

28.1 Project Overview

This project is a boat manufacturing hub since Rashid is known as one of the oldest shipbuilding
cities in Egypt, so this hub will reflect the city’s deep maritime history and the craft making
process using wooden boats. This project aims to boost the craftsmanship’s workspaces for the
training in old handicrafts which are slowly perishing and developing them to a new level that is
suitable for the modern and future needs. It also aims to enhance the economy of the city by
creating job opportunities and increasing local and international visitors to the hub with
providing residence for the workers as it was one of their needs.

Graduation Project
28.2 Micro Conceptual Zoning

28.3 Micro Design Concept

Figure 143 Micro-Conceptual Zoning

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28.3 Micro Design Concept

Figure 144 Micro Design Concept

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28.4 Inspirations

 Residential Units
Residential units for the local craftsmen, as it is one of their
traditions and requirements to live near their workplace.

Figure 145 Residence Inspiration

 Workshops
Working environments for craftsmen that don’t require
waterfront proximity.

Figure 147 Indoor Workshops Inspiration

 Outdoor Workshops
Open air workspace and workshops that require proximity to the

Figure 146 Outdoor Workshops Inspiration

 Exhibition
An indoor exhibition that displays Rasheed ’s extensive
maritime history and showcasing informative models
of wooden boats with all their types.

Figure 148 Indoor Exhibition Inspiration

 Outdoor Exhibition
An outdoor exhibition with real-life size boat
models for display.

Figure 149 Outdoor Exhibition Inspiration

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28.5 Space Program

Table 2 Space Program

Figure 150 Space Program Pie Chart

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The 3d shows that the waterfront buildings have lower height as a mitigation measure to not
block view for the buildings at the back.

Figure 150
151 3D of the project

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28.6 Strategies

28.6.1 Sustainable Strategies

Figure 152 Sustainable Strategies in the Project

P a g e | 89 Graduation
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 Using water purifying plants along the edges of the docks to help purify the lagoon
water since the water current there is very low so water doesn’t get replenished.

 Using the native Mulberry tree,with strong saline tolerance and large canopies that
have the power of purifying air, along the main path increasing adaptation to climate

 Using smart canopies in open spaces to store stormwater for future reuse or safe

Figure 153 Sustainable Strategies 1

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 Using sheds made out of palm leaves to shade central open spaces and pathways for
adaptation to climate change.

 Using courtyards to increase the amount of natural daylight and energy efficiency in

 Using green corridor on path to increase biodiversity, improve air quality, and
preventing heat island effect from forming thus lowering the temperature.

Figure 154 Sustainable Strategies 2

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28.6.2 Metaverse Strategies

 Virtual Walkthrough of entire ship manufacturing process in the visitors’ workshops

and exhibitions allowing the user to step inside an experience by simulating the senses as
much as possible.

Figure 155 Ship Manufacturing Process in VR

 Automated irrigation systems to automate and facilitate irrigation process of green

corridors and pocket gardens. This improves water efficiency and saves money.

Figure 156 Automated Irrigation System

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 CSE. (2022).

P a g e | 92 Graduation
Graduation Project
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 Ibrahim, N. N. (2021). The Green Hub: A resilient vision for Thessaloniki by Angeliki
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 Bardi, Joe. "What Is Virtual Reality: Definitions, Devices, and Examples." 2022.
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Graduation Project
 Dick, Ellysse. "The Promise of Immersive Learning: Augmented and Virtual Reality’s
Potential in Education." 2021.
 Environment, Encyclopedia of Soils in the. 2005.
 FAO. 2022.
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 Gomez, Alex. "The Importance of the Metaverse Explained." July 2021.
 Haq, S. M. A. "Urban Green Spaces and an Integrative Approach to Sustainable
Environment." (Journal of Environmental Protection), no. Issue 2 (2011).
 Ibrahim, Naser Nader. "The Green Hub: A resilient vision for Thessaloniki by Angeliki
Tzifa & Sofia Nikolaidou." Amazing Architecure, 2021.
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 Journals, Wallstreet. "Artificial Intelligence (A.I.): Artificial Intelligence." 2022.
 Ma, Adrian. "What is the metaverse, and what can we do there?" May 2022.
 Nile Research Institute, Hydropower Unit, National Water Research Center, Egypt.
"Assessment of mini and micro hydropower potential in Egypt:Multi-criteria analysis."
 Ranger, Steve. "What is the IoT? Everything you need to know about the Internet of
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 Ravenscraft, Eric. "What is the Metaverse, Exactly." April 2021.
 Shakeri, Sheida. "Metaverse, The Upcoming Realm of Architects." 2022.
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 UN, climate action. What is renewable energy? n.d.
 Wang, Emily. theHKshopper. July 9, 2019.
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P a g e | 94 Graduation
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