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A publication of First Christian Church of Edmond, OK Vol. 3 No. 33 September 8, 2011

The Chalice

The New re:NEW Normal

I just got home and sat down to write this after our experience at church today for Laity Sunday. First off, all I can say is wow. What an amazing service. As I stood in front of our congregation this morning, I felt the energy and the affirmation from all of you. This is a renewed congregation, a congregation of disciples moving forward to be the hands and feet of Christ. We have set a new normal, or should that be a re:NEW normal, for everything we do! During our summer of renewal we discovered we are a congregation that undestands what it means to have open minds, hearts, doors, hands, and most importantly an open table. We embraced change and varied both our worship schedule and our preaching styles. In doing so, we found out what passionate worship can mean in this congregation. A new normal in worship has emerged! Several people have remarked to me, as well as other members of the re:NEW task force and to our staff that worship this summer seemed to be very intentional. Everything we did tied tightly with our messages and themes. For instance on Pentecost Sunday, we experienced the passion of the Holy Spirit moving through us as the choir sang You Cant Have Church til The Holy Ghost Shows Up and Rev. Greg Bunton shared the message Fan the Flame. Many people remarked afterward how well everything tied together in the service; the music, the scriptures, the sermon, the prayers, everything worked together to tell our story of Pentecost that Sunday. What you might not know is how much intentional preparation went in to that service. Working with both the Chan-

By Frank Gresh, Board Moderator-Elect and reNEW Task Force Member cel Choir and the Praise Band to Something else we heard loud and clear during the table conversations, hallcoordinate music, extra rehearsals, way conversations, and in the communicameetings with the tech crew, the list could tions forms attached to your bulletins you go on. All of these various elements came filled out, is that you loved the diversity together because of some very intentional in preaching. Not only in who brought worship planning. the message, but the style in which it was Every service in June was planned to offered. By rotating between Jerry and tie with themes from our table conversaGreg, each minister had more time to be tions. In late July and August our worship intentional in preparing their message to tie planning moved on to align with a book to all aspects of the service. This diversity called Five Practices of Fruitful in preaching and excellence in worship Congregations which helps us clearly has been well received by our congregadefine our core values and will help our tion. We have both defined and embraced ministers and Stewardship ministry define a new normal for worship. As we begin our annual campaign. to welcome Chris back from his muchWe learn from this book that vibrant, deserved sabbatical, we will add to the fruitful, thriving congregations offer passionate worship that connects people to diversity in preaching. So, what does this mean moving God and to one another. Research shows forward? As Larry Ball mentioned in the that churches who provide meaningful and service this week, Chris is returning home passionate worship experiences have a to a renewed congregation. There are common trait - intentional worship planmany new and creative ideas born in the ning - which is just one element of our dreams of our congregation this sumre:NEW normal. mer. Some ideas revolve around how we As we wrap up a summer of renewal, can create even more passionate worship we reflect on our worship experiences, experiences. Experiences like the one we intentional worship planning sessions, had today (Laity Sunday), or on Pentecost. and your feedback to see some wonderful Changes to the way we do announcements lessons learned: and minutes for mission, changes in how members sensed a heightened energy l we plan for those services, and changes in in worship and appreciated the ways ways the messages are delivered. we were able to incorporate some of Together we will be intentional about what we learned during the renewal enhancing our worship life in this re:NEW conversations into the services normal. This will be explored through l offering our best to God in worship is intentional planning of worship, incorpoexhilarating and renewing, and can rating suggestions from the June renewal call forth unrecognized gifts conversations, modifying our schedule l planning a worship service with exceloccasionally, and finding ways to engage lence is hard work, requires team work children and youth in creative worship and is time consuming leadership roles. a few thoughtful, deliberate and disl On behalf of the re:NEW task force, crete changes create far-reaching effects we thank you for your thoughts, dreams, l common ground in worship is much and commitment. We look forward to more abundant than differences we the future God has in store for us in our might have imagined re:NEW normal!


UNITE Options for Adults:

5:00-6:00 An Exploration of Faith
led by Rev. Chris Shorow - Room 116
This will be an interesting experimental class. Many people have approached me wanting to discuss serious matters of faith, what they believe and what the Bible says about some of these topics. So, Im offering this course for them. Well start with a broad overview of scripture and how it came about and what it means to us. How does scripture inform our faith? We will look at questions likeWhat is heaven? What is Hell? Why do bad things happen to good people? The next part of the course will be a dialogue where you will ask your own burning question and well explore it as a class. With a good look at scripture, our faith, and church history, we will be able to more confidently tell the story of our own faith.

September 14, 21, 28 October 5, 12, 26 November 2, 9, 16, 30 December 7 (Youth only)

Students Schedule
This semester we will experience a Worship Feast and our study focus will be on the many ways in which we are invited into the presence of the Holy!
5:30 5:45 6:30 7:15 8:00 Girls Ensemble Dinner Worship Small Group Bible Study Done!

6:30 - 7:30 Serving from the Heart

led by Rev. Jerry Black - Room 116
Gods plan for the church calls each member of the body of Christ to play a vital role, one in which we find joy and fulfillment. That happens when we serve in a role that matches our unique talents and abilitiesgifts that come from the Spirit of God. Dr. Jerry Blacks Fall Unite Course, Serving from the Heart, will examine in some detail the nature and work of the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts, and the enhanced capacity to serve. The cost of the participant notebook is $16. Please register online @ or by calling Iris Jordan, 341-3544.

Childrens Schedule
Children 3yrs old through 5th grade will focus on Extreme Makeover: Redesigned Attitudes. This program is an exciting program based on Philippians 2:5. Have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.
5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 Music/Instruments (K-5th) (MusicRoom/Room 113) Cherub Choir (PreK) (Room 115) Check-In/Dinner Large Group Gathering (Sanctuary) Small Groups Check-Out/Pick up

7:308:45 Chancel Choir

led by Diane Ball - Sanctuary
(Nursery/Childcare Available) Our Chancel Choir offers musical gifts throughout the year in worship services and on special occasions.

Join Disciples Women in Caring For Babies!

Infant Crisis Services Selected as Fall Service Project
By LaVerne Fry

It is hard to imagine that there are babies and toddlers who go to bed hungry in our midst, yet it happens every day right here in central Oklahoma. This fall, in effort to help alleviate that hunger, First Christian Disciple Women groups will be collecting funds to support the work of Infant Crisis Services in Oklahoma City. Whether or not you are an active part of any of our Disciples Women groups, you can still join efforts with us as we support the mission of Infant Crisis Services. This agency serves more than 1,000 babies and toddlers in central Oklahoma each month. They supply life-sustaining formula and food as well as diapers and clothing for babies and toddlers in times of crisis. They bridge the gaps that occur during critical times in a babys development and because government programs like WIC and DHS dont provide diapers or medically prescribed formulas. DW members can give money through their individual groups. If you are not a part of a Disciples Women group, you can donate through the church office. Infant Crisis Services will greatly appreciate all donations.

Prayers of the People

OUR PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN THE HOSPITAL Alice Birdsong, Mercy (Charlanne Johnsons mom); Bart Rodr, Baptist Integris THOSE IN NEED OF PRAYER Dana Theobald, Joe Samuels, Shirley Brown, Maxine Kerr, Tommy Atchison, Joan Grant, Charlie Young, Bill & Mary Lou Womble, Rex Swanson (former member), Roy Jackson, Virginia ONiel, Nita Williams (Jeff Williams mom), John Werhun, Naomi Bell (Karen Walenciaks mom), Rose Marie McKee, Barbara Hall, Dona Lee Denton (Carrie Akins sister), Ed Berry OUR SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS To JoAnn Adams in the passing of her husband, Harold Adams, on September 3. A memorial service will be held Saturday, September 10 at 11am in the FCC Chapel AND to Gay Gauldin in the passing of her father, John Michael, on September 7. Services pending.

Happy Birthday!
9/11 9/12 9/14 9/15 9/16 9/18 Neil Helms, Jerri Jones, Ally Nash, Caitlyn Turner, Sherrye VanOsdol Gladys Dronberger, Bob Gallop, Joan Grant, Joy Hunt James Kerr IV, Molly Ann Mabry, Jacob Weaver Jan Harrison, J.W. Michael, Parker Mullins Colton Lagasse, Fern Rice Boston Harris, Tommie Inman, Max Moore, Sharon Mugg

5th Annual FCC Follies Sunday, October 9

5:30 Chili Cook-Off (in the Fellowship Hall) 6:30 Variety Show (in the Sanctuary)
Register your act now!

The Heart of Giving

Classics Tour of Fort Sill with Rev. Jerry Black

Come on a personal visit to Ft. Sill with Jerry as our host. Youll need to bring a photo ID for Base entry, and be sure to wear COMFY Walking Shoes!
Contact Winnie Hall to reserve your spot - 341-4297. Payment due soon!

Sermon Series
September 11 September 18 September 25 October 2 EKG: Ministry Flows from the HEART The Art of Love: A Matter of the HEART Bucket Lists: Vision and Hope are Inspirations of the HEART Declaration of the HEART

Thursday, October 6

Have you had a chance to see the the outcomes of re:NEW? Check out the Themes & Dreams booklet online! This Sunday, September 11 we begin our special churchwide emphasis

Special Schedule Oct. 2

9:30 Sunday School 10:45 UNIFIED Worship 12:00 GRATITUDE Lunch

Extravagant Generosity:
The Heart of Giving
You will not want to miss even one of the next four Sundays planned, as we explore and celebrate matters of our hearts!

Make Reservations for Lunch online at

8:15, 9 & 11am

Sprouts Childrens Worship has Bloomed!

by Anna Lisa Stanley, Director of Childrens Ministry
I hope your new school year has gotten of to a wonderful start. Our Sprouts Childrens Worship sure has and we have grown! We have been blessed to see so many new faces and make so many new friends. Because we have grown, we are changing our location for the time being. (Most likely this will be a temporary location. We will keep you informed.) Your child will still have some play time in the gym or outside on the playground when the weather is good. Sprouts will now have their snack and bible lesson in the Sunday school classroom located at the crossroads of the hallways in the Childrens Education Building. Look for the Sprouts sign! Following the 9:00 a.m. worship service, children will be greeted by their Sunday school teacher and escorted to their Sunday school classroom. Children attending the 11:00 a.m. service may be picked up in the new location in the childrens education building. As a reminder, we welcome children ages 3 (and diaper independent) to age 5 in our Sprouts childrens worship. It is our hope that children ages 6 and older will stay and participate in worship with their families. Children ages 2 and younger are also welcome in worship or in our church nursery. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Anna Lisa Stanley at or 341-3544 ext. 106.

September 11, 2011

Message: Rev. Dr. Jerry Black & Rev. Greg Bunton Scripture: Matthew 6:19-21 & I Timothy 6:17-19 THEME: Ministry Flows From the Heart

September 18, 2011

Message: Rev. Chris Shorow Rev. Dr. Jerry Black Scripture: John 13:34-35 & Deuteronomy 6:3-6 THEME: Relationships are Matters of the Heart


Shelley Regan, Editor Read News Online @ Submit Articles to

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