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(Advertisement and Sales Promotion)






Supervised by: Submitted by:

Name: Dr. Neema Gupta Name: Sadaf

Designation: Associate Professor UID: 21MBA2045


BATCH 2021-2023

A global multinational corporation, the Samsung Group is headquartered in Samsung, South

Korea. At US $173.4 billion in yearly revenue in 2008, it was the largest conglomerate in the
world by revenue, and South Korea's largest chaebol.
The word "Samsung" in Korean means "Tri-star" or three stars.
The Samsung Group is made up of numerous globally affiliated companies, the majority of
which are grouped under the Samsung brand. These companies include Samsung Electronics, the
second-largest shipbuilder in the world, Samsung Heavy Industries, the world's largest economy
electronics company, and Samsung C&T, a significant international construction firm.
Since 2005, Samsung has dominated the consumer electronics market, making it the most well-
known South Korean company globally. More over 20% of South Korea's total exports come
from the Samsung group, which also dominates numerous local industries like finance,
chemistry, retail, and entertainment.

Samsung Electronics in India

The Indian subsidiary of the $55.2 billion Samsung Electronics corporation, SEC, with
headquarters in Seoul, Korea, is called Samsung India electronics Pvt ltd (SIEL). Samsung India
has an extensive network of sales offices around the nation. Samsung India serves as the focal
point for the company's southwest Asia regional activities, which also include Nepal, Bhutan,
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives. Samsung India, which began operations in India in
December 1995, has generated over US $1 billion in sales in just ten years of operation in the
nation. From being a virtually unknown entity in 1995, the Samsung brand now enjoys a level of
awareness of over 65% and a favourable opinion of over 80% in the country.

At first solely active in the colour television market, it then expanded into the colour monitor
(1999) and refrigerator markets (2003). It is now acknowledged as one of the digital technology
industry's fastest-growing brands and the market leader in high-end digital television (plasma,

Introduction Of The study

Advertisement and sales promotion

Promotion refers to a variety of actions a business takes to inform and motivate its sales staff
about its products and market. It includes communication programmes including direct
marketing, advertising, sales promotion, and public relations. The gadget imparts knowledge and
information to the user.

It is any recognised paid personal presentation and advertising of concepts, products, and
services by a named sponsor.

Sales promotion:
Sales promotion is the short-term incentive to promote trying out or buying a good or service. In
contrast, we advertise our reasons for buying through sales, promotions, and other incentives. A
growing number of businesses are engaging in sales promotion activities since they immediately
increase sales.

Innovative advertising and promotion strategy from Samsung.
Samsung actively promoted and advertised its products in order to win over Indian consumers'
trust and faith.
 Samsung India launched a cricket team, aligning themselves with the dominant
enthusiasm of the Indian populace. In 2004, Samsung also presented to India
what was arguably the largest cricketing extravaganza of this decade: the historic
India vs. Pakistan cricket series—the Samsung cup. The campaign for Samsung
featuring the players of the Indian cricket team captured the attention of the entire

 Samsung sponsors the Indian team at the Olympics and the Asian Games,
expanding beyond just cricket. Under the Olympic Ratna banner, it also ran
training programmes for meritorious Indian athletes. Samsung also contributed to
the first-ever Olympic torch relay in India. The international cyber games, which
are regarded as the Olympics of the cyber world, are another event that Samsung
annually brings to India.
 Moreover, Samsung introduced a number of avant-garde below-the-line
initiatives. Satish Gujral, a well-known painter, and Samsung collaborated on
mobile phones so that his works could be downloaded onto Samsung devices.
 Samsung goods were included in films and popular television series like "jassi,"
which featured commercial placement.
 To promote microwaves, Samsung conducted a programme called "Kitchen on
Wheels" in which mobile kitchens equipped with microwave ovens travelled to
different communities to show off their benefits.
 Samsung promotes its products as having cutting-edge technology and being
environmentally friendly. The bio range of products was introduced by Samsung,
which uses a cutting-edge new technology called the silver Nano health system in
its freezers and air conditioners to guarantee freshness and a bacterial-free
 Developed a specific marketing effort for flat Televisions that included a
targeted advertising campaign titled "duniya hai gol, TV flat" and enticing
exchange offers. Microwave oven features like the bio ceramics coating and 3D
shower method bear in mind the health conscious public of today. As a result,
almost 50% of Samsung TV sales are flat-screen TVs, versus an industry average
of 17%.

Customized products for Indian consumers

In order to tailor its products to the unique needs of Indian consumers, Samsung has established
a usability lab at the Indian Institute of Technology in New Delhi. This industry-institute
partnership is assisting Samsung in its research and analysis of consumer reactions to various
aspects of product design, such as aesthetics, haughty ergonomics, and interface.
Through its research done on consumer preferences in India Samsung has concluded that Indian
consumers want more sound oriented products. thus the Samsung televisions for India have a
higher sound capacity than their foreign counterparts.

For the first time in India, Samsung has unveiled ultra dry capabilities for its semi-automatic
washing machine line. It is available in three Samsung semi-automatic varieties and is more
effective than the competition in trying on clothing.
The Samsung washing machine has a special menu for local Indian wardrobes, and it also has a
memory restart feature for India's regular power outages.

Sales promotion tools

There are numerous tools available to achieve goals of sales marketing. The following are brief
descriptions of the primary promotional tools:
Tools for consumer promotion
The following are the key consumer promotion tools:

These are offers of a trial size of a product, offering potential customers to try it out for free or at
a discounted price in the hopes that they will purchase the goods. Samples may be given away
for free or at a reduced price.

Coupons are savings certificates that buyers receive when they buy a certain product. They can
be mailed, placed in adverts, or sent along with other goods.

Rebate is another name for offers of cash refunds. Rebates, which are similar to coupons except
that the price reduction occurs after the purchase and not at the point of sale, are promises to
reimburse a portion of the purchase price of a product to its customers who send a proof of
purchase to the manufacturer.

Price packs
Consumers can save money with send-off specials or discount packs because the producer marks
the reduced price right on the package.

These are the goods provided for free or at a reduced price as an inducement to purchase a good.
Premiums may also be impact or unpack outside the package.

These are opportunities to win prizes like cash trips or commodities through chance, extra effort,
and talent-based competitions, as well as sweepstakes or draws for the most well-known price
offering promotions.

Tie in promotions
Tie-in promotions involve two or more brands or businesses working together on coupon refunds
or competitions to boost their appeal.

Cross promotion
Cross-promotion involves promoting a brand that is not a direct competitor.

Purpose of the study

 The precise goals of sales promotion tools vary; they can be used to enhance
repurchase rates among infrequent users, reward loyal customers, and draw in
new customers.
 Sales promotions are therefore also viewed as a technique for eroding brand
loyalty to other products because non-users and users of other brands do not
always notice a promotion.
 Sales incentives also enable producers to adapt to transient variations in supply
and demand and consumer segments.
 By changing prices, they also allowed manufacturers to experiment. Sales
incentives also increase customer price awareness.
A corporation must set goals, choose the best tools, create the best programme,
implement it, and assess the results before using sales promotion.

Objectives of the study
 The precise goal for a sales promotion will change depending on the target
market. The goals of consumer promotions include enticing customers to buy
larger-sized units, generating interest among new customers, and luring switchers
away from rival brands.
 Objectives for trade promotions may include gaining admission into new retail
locations, promoting off-season buying, encouraging lighters to carry new items,
increasing inventory levels, and setting competitive promotions.
 The sales force promotions help in encouraging support of a new product or
model encouraging more prospecting and stimulating off seasonal sales but most
importantly, sales promotion should be focused on consumer relationship


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