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Inquiry Project – Log #1

Inquiry Project Evidence Log

Inquiry Question:
How does play influence social development in young children?
Evidence #1 Resource
Play improves social, cognitive, and emotional well-being of
children. Play also helps children learn the skills they need to
use to grow as people in the world both socially and for
themselves. Play encourages children to interact with other
kids and teaches them to listen, compromise, and listen to

other people’s ideas. Play helps shift children’s mindset as
they learn to work with other children and realize that other Infant_and_Toddler_Care_and_Development_(Taintor_and_LaMarr)/

children function differently than them. 16%3A_Social_Development/16.07%3A_Social_Development_Through_Play

Evidence #2 Resource
Children learn about self-regulation when they see how
other children play and work together. Children are able article=1118&context=bis437
to share their feelings while interacting through play development#:~:text=balance-,Developing%20social%20skills%20through
which can help them develop as a person learning how
to speak for themselves and be honest about their
feelings. This helps children mature and work on social
skills and improve on these skills in the future. Children
learn important lessons through play that are beneficial
for their lives as they grow.
Inquiry Project Observational Log
Visit Summary of Interaction
Wednesday During this visit, we made jellyfish paper crafts, and it included some creativity like
April 19th colours and which eyes to put. Our buddies had to glue and tie strong into the holes
Jellyfish paper on the paper plate. It took my buddy a few tries to tie the string into the holes but
craft after he was able to figure it out. I noticed that my buddy developed socially through
play when the buddies had free time to play games and read books after. My buddy
worked on making patterns with another classmate during his free time and I
noticed that they were able to collaborate on making patterns together. They both
shared what they thought would make the design look the best then worked
through it together.

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