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Quality Control of Fish Quality Control of Fish

Chapter · June 2007


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Akm Nowsad Alam

Bangladesh Agricultural University


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Quality Control of Fish 287 288 Participatory Training of Trainers

In: Nowsad, AKM, A. 2007. Participatory Training of Trainers: A New Approach Applied in What is quality and quality control?
Fish Processing. Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum. 329 p
Simply quality means the saleability of a product. The totality of
features and characteristics of a product or service that bears on its
ability to satisfy a given need, degree or grade of excellence or grade
of goodness is termed as quality (ISO 8402, 1986). According to the
modern concept quality of a product greatly depends on the quality
of the raw material.
16b Quality control can be defined as the maintenance of quality at a
level which satisfies the customer and the health authorities and
which is economical to the producer and seller. Quality control
techniques are applied to the complete manufacturing and marketing
Quality Control of Fish enterprise to obtain operations as efficient as possible. Effective
quality control minimizes customer complaints that lead to loss of
Group exercise: 2 business. Effective quality control of a product should address four
Field demonstration: 1 major generic issues: i. design of product specification; ii. inspection
Introduction of raw material and final product; iii. process control and iv. training
Fish is one of the highly perishable commodities and the public of personnel involved in quality control and quality assurance.
requires continuous reassurance about its quality. Unlike most raw Through addressing these four steps quality control in a process or
materials, fish is not a single commodity but consists of a large processing plants ensures that the products reach the criteria set out
number of species of widely differing appearance, composition and in the product specification.
flavour. Because of this variety customers are often unsure if
particular species or products made from them are good to eat. Thus International quality management standards
from several points of view fish quality has a special importance and
ISO is the International Organization for Standardization. It is a
there are several reasons for which quality consciousness of the
world-wide federation of national standard bodies (like BSTI in
customers is likely to increase. On the other hand, most of the Bangladesh: Bangladesh Standard and Testing Institute), at present
quality control and quality assurance programmes of the competent comprising of 127 members, each representing own country
authorities are aimed at maintaining quality of export oriented including Bangladesh. ISO develops standards for the quality
products, which constitutes only 1.0% of our total harvest. The management systems for product manufacturing that are required by
quality control of the rest 99.0% fish which are consumed the markets. These standards, although voluntary, if adopted by a
domestically are totally ignored. Because of high perishable nature country, become inevitable for the exporter countries to strictly
of fish, people of the country very often do not know what they are follow if they want to invade its markets. Standard organizations in
eating. It is therefore, deemed important to make the people most of the countries, however, have adopted these standards. ISO
conscious about the quality of fresh fish and domestic fish products technical committee is responsible for developing and maintaining
as well as to give them some basic tasks on simple quality the ISO 9000 family of standards. The European Community (EC)
assessment tools. has adopted the ISO standards as the European norm (EN) 29000
Quality Control of Fish 289 290 Participatory Training of Trainers

series. American National Standard Institute (ANSI) and American ii. Gathering of information: Quality assurance serves as a
Society for Quality Control (ASQC) have assembled these standards mechanism to gather information and date that advise
into ANSI/ASQC Q 9000 series. efficiency and effectiveness of each unit operation in the
process. The information like- the quality level of incoming
ISO 9000 elaborates guidelines for the quality management and
raw materials which will impact on processing yields, cost
quality assurance standards- guidelines for selection and use, while
and ultimate profit; the defect levels at each unit operation
ISO 9001, 9002 and 9003 present the models for quality assurance in which will relate to either the amount of non conforming
design/development, production and installation and final inspection product; the sanitation level of the plant as measured through
and tests respectively. ISO 9004 provides guidelines to consider standard microbiological indicators.
when designing or revising a quality management system. ISO 9000
iii. Meeting regulatory requirements: Effective regulatory
is both the shortcut name for the overall series of five documents and programmes enable seafood processors to consistently meet
the specific name for the first one in the series. Companies are the regulatory requirements to which their products are
required to register their quality management systems to only ISO subjected, including both in-country and foreign regulatory
9001, 9002 and 9003. bodies (FDA, EU, Canada, etc).

What is quality assurance? Methods of assessing quality of fresh fish and locally consumed
fish products
Quality assurance is a composite programme that consists of
quality standards, quality control, quality evaluation, auditing and Over the years, many different methods of quality assessment
inspection and it applies to the whole industry. A quality assurance have been developed and investigated in an attempt to determine the
programme aims to ensure that everyone in a processing chain from most suitable index for use in quality control testing but no single
the catcher to the retailer is working to achieve a high quality end method is found appropriate or suitable completely. Usually two or
more methods are applied to measure the quality of fish or fishery
product (Clucas and Ward, 1996).
products. The methods that are used to assess the nutritional and
Quality assurance of products i. e., consumer safety and product food quality of fish and fishery products can be conventionally
quality are major factors that any food processor should consider. divided into 3 major categories as outlined in chapter 5, viz. i.
The principles, concepts and application of good manufacturing sensory or organoleptic methods; ii. mechanical, instrumental and
practice (GMP) and hazard analysis and critical control point laboratory methods; iii. microbiological methods. Out of these
(HACCP) provide the tools through which this aim could be methods, organoleptic or sensory methods are best suited for
achieved. Quality assurance serves three major purposes: assessing the quality of fresh fish in local conditions.

i. Maintenance of quality: The primary purpose is to provide a

Organoleptic or sensory methods
mechanism to the consistent maintenance of quality at a
level that satisfies the customer while being economical to Sensory methods are used to assess the degree of freshness based
the processor. It saves money to the “bottom” and rather on organoleptic characteristics such as odour, colour, general
than being a luxury, is an absolute necessity in protecting the appearance, eyes, slime and consistency of flesh. These
profitability of a company. characteristics are judged by panel members and the changes in
Quality Control of Fish 291 292 Participatory Training of Trainers

quality of fish are assessed every day during ice storage. In such b. Odour and Flavour: Every fish and fish products has
sensory methods, subjective judgements are made by individuals. characteristic odour and flavour those can be used to assess their
Numerical scoring or ranking systems have been developed to quality. Human nose is a powerful tool in assessing quality and in
evaluate the judgement or the results. some cases there is no substitute up to the present time. Anyone can
distinguish between the smell of fresh and spoilt fish without any
Sensory methods have advantages that it can be adapted by the hesitation.
human being easily and quality can be assessed by testing odour to
visual inspection for defects. Instrumental or laboratory based ii. Types of sensory assessment
objective methods are lengthy and time consuming. Consumers can Depending upon how they are used, two types of assessment can
not wait for more than a day to buy fresh fish or other fishery be distinguished.
products, although the results seem to be more accurate. It is often
a. Objective: The judgement is done without any personal
true that up to certain level the human senses are more efficient in
feelings and favourites and has no freedom of the person of his own.
some complex tasks than the instruments. However, an important For eg. comments like- this fish is fresh/ salty/ stale/ sour/ tough/ has
disadvantage is that the responses of human being to a particular too many bones, etc.
defect may vary from person to person and also from situation to
situation. b. Subjective: In this case, the person has freedom of his own
wills and favourites. It may vary according to the judges. For eg.
Following points are taken into consideration for assessing comments like – I think this fish is excellent/ OK/ inedible/
quality of fish by sensory methods- unacceptable, etc.

i. Quality factors open to sensory methods iii. Scales, ranks, grades

In ranking tests, the judges arrange a series of two or more
Following senses are used in sensory evaluations:
samples in ascending or descending order of intensity of a specific
a. Sight and touch: In most of the cases the detections of characteristic. The samples may be ranked for degree of
deterioration and defects are accomplished very efficiently and acceptability, for general quality or for a specific attribute of colour,
rapidly by sight. In assessing the quality of some glazy, shinny and texture or flavour intensity. Where a number of defects or
good looking products like premium quality fish or smoked fish the deteriorations occur together in the same products, it is common
practiced eyes have so far proved to be better than any instruments. practice to sum the scores or points allocated to the individual
The colour matching can also be done effectively by eye or sight. attributes to give an overall demerit score or grade. Grading can be
However, detection can be varied with the degree of illumination on done by numerical scoring system or descriptive hedonic system.
the fish. a. Numerical scoring system: Freshness of fish or degree of
spoilage may be assessed in raw fish from -
In assessing the textural attributes (firmness, softness, mushiness,
rubberiness, woodiness, mealiness, succulence, dryness) the sense of • the general appearance, including that of the eyes, surface,
touch in fingers or mouth are both used as occasion demands. Some slime and the texture of the flesh; and
instruments are available for the degree of firmness but for the most • the odour of the gills, broken neck and belly cavity.
part there is no substitute for sensory methods in the assessment of Points may also be awarded for the odour, texture and flavour of
fish texture. different fish products and quality can be assessed.
Quality Control of Fish 293 294 Participatory Training of Trainers

With some modifications, of the freshness grading scheme used iv. Judges
by European Economic Community for the determination of quality A judge is anyone called upon to carry out sensory assessments.
of fresh fish by numerical scoring system is described in Table 16.1
Judges must be experienced or trained to assess the quality
and 16.2.
objectively. Assessment by a single judge should be avoided. Judges
Table: 16.1. Determination of defect points for freshness test of fish should be trained on systematic inspection, scoring and grading
scheme. To assess the same product, judges should act independently
Characteristics Defects Defect Grade
points and average of their scores on attributes should be taken.
Odour of a) Natural odour 1 Acceptable
broken neck b) Faint or sour odour 5 Rejected Quality Control Programme in Processing Plants
Odour of gills a) Natural odour 1 Excellent
b) Faint sour odour 2 Acceptable The training programme and this training book are designed to
c) Slight moderate sour odour 3 Acceptable address the traditional process or products and their quality control.
d) moderate to strong sour odour 5 Rejected Therefore, information on quality control of export-oriented plant-
Colour of a) Slight pinkish red 1 Excellent
based products is excluded here. However, the quality control
gills b) Pinkish red to brownish 2 Acceptable
c) Brown or grey 3 Acceptable measures applied for the plant based fish products are equally
d) Bleached colour, thick yellow slime 5 Rejected important for the traditional process and products also. To create
General a) Full bloom, bright, shining, iridescent 1 Excellent awareness among the GO extension officials, therefore, some
appearance b) Slight dullness and loss of bloom 2 Acceptable elementary information on quality assurance of plant based export-
c) Definite dullness and loss of bloom 3 Acceptable
d) Reddish lateral line, dull, no bloom 5 Rejected
oriented products are provided.
Slime a) Usually clear, transparent and 1 Excellent
uniformly spread
1. Good manufacturing practice (GMP)
b) Becoming turbid, opaque and milky 2 Acceptable
c) Thick sticky, yellowish or green colour 5 Rejected GMP refers to all the measures implemented to ensure product
Eye a) Bulging with protruding lens, 1 Excellent
transparent eye cap
quality, safety and fitness for human consumption: from raw material
b) Slight cloudy of lens and sunken 2 Acceptable quality and fish plant construction to personnel hygiene and hygienic
c) Dull, sunken, cloudy 3 Acceptable operating practices. All processors need to process fish and fish
d) Sunken eyes covered with yellow slime 5 Rejected
Consistency of a) Firm and elastic 1 Excellent
products, either for export or domestic consumption, under the
flesh b) Moderately soft and some loss of elasticity 2 Acceptable GMPs.
c) Some softening 3 Acceptable
d) Limp and floppy 5 Rejected 2. HACCP

Table: 16.2. Grading of fish with grade points HACCP (hazard analysis and critical control point) is a
technique for reviewing and analysing a specific manufacturing
Grade Points Comments operation’s compliance with the GMPs, with the objective of
A 2 Excellent/ Acceptable
identifying control procedures and implementing preventive
B 2 to  4 Good / Acceptable
measures required to ensure consumer safety and to prevent
C 4 to 5 Bad / Rejected
economic fraud. It is a system of self-regulatory quality control
Quality Control of Fish 295 296 Participatory Training of Trainers

which, if properly implemented, can be used by both manufacturers 1992. Many Asian countries like Bangladesh, Thailand and India
and regulatory agencies to provide assurance about the safety of the started implementing HACCP in seafood industry as it is mandatory
product. for export to U.S.A. and Europe. The concept of HACCP has
assumed a lead role as a system for measuring equivalence of food
It is thus obvious that, HACCP stands for a food safety assurance
processing industries between exporting and importing nations in
methodology, which is mainly the responsibility of food processors.
view of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) agreement on
Due to increasing consumer concern over food safety, this
Application of Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary Measures (SPS).
responsibility has now been extended up to primary producers of raw
food materials. It is a scientifically based programme for safe food
management system in food industry. This system identifies specific HACCP Program
hazards and measures for their control in order to ensure the safety of HACCP is essentially a pre-requisite programme involving a
food to the consumer. number of steps or procedures that control the operational conditions
A number of quality control points exist in the processing of the of food industries. Some of the well-defined pre-requisite
product. However, critical control points (CCP) are those points in a programmes include:
food production process where failure to carry out control measures 1. Premises - Outside property, building, hygienic
will introduce unacceptable risks to the consumers. In complying condition, working space and facilities,
with HACCP regulations, these CCPs need to be identified and a water quality, toilets, etc.
system of monitoring and recording data at these control points to be 2. Equipment - Design of equipment, safetyness,
set up. It is necessary to have records so that the process may be performance, maintenance, etc.
audited for product safety assurance. 3. Hygiene - Sanitation programme for whole
establishment, pests and\rodent controls,
hygiene of staff and equipment used.
HACCP type regulations in different countries
4. Safety recalls - Product identification programmes,
HACCP was originally designed by the Pillsbury Company in coding, product recall system.
U.S.A. in the early 1960’s as a means of providing assurance about 5. Labelling - Should comply with the market or
safety of food used in United States space programme. Since then importer.
this concept has taken a global perspective. The joint meeting of The HACCP system consists of “plans” in a written document
FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission in 1993 adopted that describes and defines the procedure followed by a manufacturer
HACCP and formulated the “Guidelines for the Application of the assuring safety of the product as well as process. The whole concept
HACCP System”. This is subsequently added as Annex to the of application of HACCP is described in a nutshell below.
Codex- “General Principles of Food Hygiene”. The European Union
through its Directives 91/493/EEC (1991) and 93/4/EEC (1993) has A. General tasks to implement HACCP in a processing plant
adopted this system (EU regulations) as mandatory for all fish 1. Assemble the HACCP team
processors exporting fish and fishery products to Europe. The USA- 2. Describe the product
HACCP Regulation for Seafood Processing became effective on 18th 3. Identify the intended use
December, 1997. Canada has implemented HACCP as their own 4. Construct a flow-diagram of production system/process.
Quality Management Programme (QMP) for seafood industry in 5. On-site verifications of flow-diagram
Quality Control of Fish 297 298 Participatory Training of Trainers

B. Generic principles of implementation of HACCP satisfy regulators, importers etc. that the plant is operating in
HACCP is based on a set of principles which must be adhered to accordance with HACCP principles.
uniformity between agencies, the industry and the nations. The The theme of HACCP is to prevent problems before they occur.
principles are as follows: It is a system of preventive controls by clearly defined practices for
1. Conduct of hazard analysis: every specific product and process under which plant staffs prevent
hazard. It has good procedures to monitor and audit practices.
Conduct an analysis of all hazards that are likely to occur based HACCP is also a cost-effective assurance of food safety where most
on the processing operation of a particular product. Identify all risks of the responsibility is placed to the operating staffs.
likely to occur related to those hazards in the processing.
The concept of HACCP is very useful to maintain quality of
2. Determination of critical control points (CCP) in the process:
processed seafood ensuring total food safety to the consumer. The
Identify the CCPs, the failure of which could render the product, successful implementation of HACCP in a seafood processing plant
unsafe for consumption, in the processing. depends on the total involvement of all the staffs. What is more
3. Establishment of critical limits: needed is the positive thinking on the part of the owner of the
establishment. Very often this is seen as a missing link.
Establish critical limits to the parameters of the process
associated with control measures at each identified CCP, i.e.
boundaries that are used to judge whether an operation is producing 3. Traceability System in Exportable Foods
safe products. What is traceability?
4. Monitoring each CCP: Recent EU and US consumers demand greater information of
Establish a system in the factory to monitor the implementation foods and ingredients on which their purchasing choices to be based,
and observance of CCP. not only for food safety, but also for moral, ethical and
5. Establishment of corrective actions: environmental reasons. Consumer’s demand provokes the regulatory
agencies to formulate new rules. Under the new EU and FDA rules,
Ensure corrective action taken while monitoring of a particular food businesses must be able to identify the sources from whom they
CCP is safe and efficient. have obtained a food ingredient or food product and the next door to
6. Establishment of verification procedures: whom they have supplied a food ingredient or food product – what is
Establish a verification procedure to confirm that HACCP plan is referred in a simple term as ‘information of one step forward and one
working efficiently and smoothly and conduct review whenever a step back'. This outlines the concept of traceability of foods and food
change is done on the processing. ingredients.
7. Establishment of record keeping and documentation procedures: According to ISO/CD 22519 (Traceability in feed and food
chain – General principles and guidance for system design and
This is perhaps the most important and difficult action plan of development), the traceability of ingredients or food products is the
HACCP implementation for industries. Necessary documentation in ability to trace the history, application or location of those things
a prescribed pro-forma should be made concerning all procedures which is under consideration. According to Codex Alimentarius
and records appropriate to these principles and their application to
Quality Control of Fish 299 300 Participatory Training of Trainers

Commision of the FAO, the traceability is the ability to follow the Bangladesh. Bangladesh shrimp industry may be jeopardised if a
movement of food through specified stage(s) of production, credible traceability system is not expeditiously in place.
processing and distribution.
Benefit of traceability
More precise and clearly understood definition of traceability
comes from the EU Commission Regulation (EC No. 178/2002). Traceability ensures
According to the EC, traceability is the ability to trace and follow a - targeted and accurate withdrawals or recalls of suspected
food, feed, food-producing animal or substance intended to be, or items;
expected to be incorporated into a food or feed, through all stages of - appropriate information for consumers and food business
production, processing and distribution. operators;
- easy risk assessment by control authorities and avoidance of
Why is it important for Bangladesh? unnecessary wider disruption of trade.
Bangladesh is a major exporter of frozen shrimp and fish in the Traceability information could be of immense beneficial by
EC, USA and Japanese markets. Implementation of traceability in minimizing losses during a product recall to only the affected
exportable frozen foods in Bangladesh has become mandatory products. Record keeping systems help processors to minimize the
because- production and distribution of unsafe or poor quality products. The
i. EU Commission Regulation (EC) No. 178/2002, has better the system, the faster the resolution of food safety or quality
enforced traceability since January 1, 2005- that explains (i) problems.
that it is to record information of exportable food
Generally, the following benefits can be drawn from a
products/food ingredients from one step back and to one step
traceability system of food products:
forward; (ii) that it does not have an extra-territorial effect
outside the EU; (iii) that it covers all stages of production, • Consumer protection
processing and distribution in the EU, from the importer up • Prevention of criminal actions
to the retail level; (iv) that this business’s contractual • Consumer assurance
agreements could be beyond “one step back-one step
• Creation and maintenance of credence attributes
forward” principle; and
• Food chain uniformity & improved logistics
ii. US Bio-Terrorism Act, has enforced since April 2004 that
covers a mandatory traceability system through creation and • Productivity improvement and costs reduction
maintenance of records- immediate previous sources and the Scope of traceability
immediate subsequent recipients of foods.
• Traceability system is completely science-based;
Therefore, it is clear that Bangladesh should take all preparations • It is applied in principle with no more trade restrictive than
for establishing a credible traceability system so that food stuffs can necessary and not to be used as a trade barrier;
be traced right from the farm to the buyer. Traceability report must
be well documented, otherwise the EU or US will not accept the • Traceability is cost effective;
traceability report and will not accept any shrimp or fish from • It is very much practical to apply.
Quality Control of Fish 301 302 Participatory Training of Trainers

Conceptual framework development of traceability Movement document has been found very useful:
In order to develop a traceability system for a specific food (i). For certifying shrimp exported to the US; certified if of
Thailand origin or imported;
production, following points should be considered:
(ii). For exported shrimp to US or EU to trace back to origin
1. Define lot size;
when drug residue is detected;
2. Identify information what to have; (iii). For exported live aquatic animals to trace back to origin
3. Identify information what to be transferred; when disease is detected.
4. Select tools that to be used; It is, therefore, recognized that both public health and safety of
5. Define information that to be kept or preserved. consumers are the driving force for the traceability of a product.
Traceability approach, i.e. “farm-to-table” approach is proved to be
Table: 16.3. Example of traceability in a shrimp farm an effective tool to address wider food safety. To implement this
new quality assurance programme, Bangladesh should come forward
Item Farm to overcome the challenges in a proactive way. For smooth
1) Lot size Farm – Pond crop implementation of this new approach, however, collaborations
2) Info to have Farm info: name, location between the government and fishery industry are required.
Feed info: name, batch
CoC practice info 4. Risk Assessment
3) Info to be transferred Farm info, final residue analysis, CoC certificate The European Community Regulation No. 178/2002 (Article 3-
4) Tool to use Certificate and movement document (MD) Other definitions) has given clear definitions of risk assessment and
5) Info to be kept Feeding record, f-info, CoC practice info
other terms related to food quality assurance. The term 'risk' is a
function of the probability of an adverse health effect and the
severity of that effect, consequential to a hazard, while 'risk analysis'
What is a Movement Document (MD)? refers to a process consisting of three interconnected components:
The Department of Fisheries in Thailand has developed a risk assessment, risk management and risk communication. Risk
movement document, a structured document that moves with the assessment, based on scientific process, generally assesses the risks
products from the origin to the destination. quantitatively to answer the questions like how big is the risk and
what factors control the risk, etc. Risk communication, based on
• MD is a tool to accomplish traceability; social and psychological process, answers the question like- how can
• The rule in the MD is legalized for cultured marine and we talk about the risk with affected individuals. On the other hand,
freshwater shrimp as of July 1, 2002 in Thailand; risk management, based on political process, find the ways of what
can be done about the risk.
• The rules are extended to cover all cultured species including
ornamental fish; 'Risk assessment' consists of four steps: hazard identification;
hazard characterisation; exposure assessment; and risk
• The MD is carried from hatcheries, through farms to the characterisation.
processing plants.
Quality Control of Fish 303 304 Participatory Training of Trainers

'Risk management' means the process, distinct from risk Contamination

assessment, of weighing policy alternatives in consultation with Direct and indirect transmission of objectionable matters to the
interested parties, considering risk assessment and other legitimate products.
factors, and, if need be, selecting appropriate prevention and control
options. Control point
A point in time or a physical location at which there is an
'Risk communication' means the interactive exchange of opportunity to evaluate compliance with specific requirements and, if
information and opinions throughout the risk analysis process as necessary, to correct any defects, deviations or deficiencies that may
regards hazards and risks, risk-related factors and risk perceptions, be found related to quality, fair trade of products and regulations in
among risk assessors, risk managers, consumers, feed and food force.
businesses, the academic community and other interested parties,
including the explanation of risk assessment findings and the basis of Critical control point
risk management decisions. A critical point at which failure of preventive measures will
expose a customer to unacceptable risks related to safety and
There are three areas of risk assessments in food, viz., unwholesomeness.
microbiological, chemical and biotechnological.
Both microbiological and chemical areas are the most critical
risk assessments in food. These risk assessments, obviously science- Removal of defective units from a lot of raw material, products
or other materials.
based, are driven by the Government to assess the severity of illness
and the probability of its occurrence as a consequence of the Decomposed
exposure to certain pathogen, food combination, drugs or chemicals. With respect to seafood, means that it has offensive and
In other words, the process consists of determining the likelihood objectionable odour, colour, texture and substance associated with
and severity of an adverse health effect in a population exposed to a spoilage.
certain pathogen/food combination and drug/chemicals. The main
purpose of such risk assessment is to facilitate and support decision Defect
making by the risk managers. This may be achieved by providing An imperfection or inadequacy in raw materials, other input
estimates of risk of illness by consumption of certain food/pathogen materials or products.
combination and estimates of risk reduction through certain control Deficiency
An imperfection or inadequacy in physical facilities, equipment,
implements or environment.
Glossary of terms used in quality control
Code An imperfection or inadequacy in a process or procedure.
A quantity of a specific product type and form produced and Foreign material
handled under uniform conditions, within a limited time period
The presence of readily detectable (without magnification)
normally identified by means of a day, shift or batch code.
material which has not been derived from fish/shrimp but does not
Quality Control of Fish 305 306 Participatory Training of Trainers

pose a threat to human health (such as insect pieces, water, sand, Potable water
tapioca, etc).
Freshwater fit for human consumption. Standards of potability
Good manufacturing practice should not be lower than those contained in the latest edition of the
A set of principles and hygienic practice for the manufacturing “International Standards for Drinking Water”, World Health
and handling of food such that they assure safe controlled sanitary Organization.
conditions. Reconditioning
Inspection A process which eliminates bacteria of public health significance
A measurement or evaluation, examination, comparison, survey, by heat treatment.
analysis, test or activity or a series there of, based on an evaluation or
measurement system, which leads to a decision being rendered.
The removal of defects from the material in a lot (e.g. through
Labelling conditioning, trimming).
Complying with regulations related to product manufacture and
providing necessary information on product for consumer’s Sanitary area
satisfaction and protecting rights, includes common name of raw Area of plant where particular attention must be paid to
material, net weight, grade, class, size, count, moisture content or sanitation and to the prevention of cross contamination.
other composition as applicable, name and address of producer,
packer and distributor, type and amount of ingredients used, date of Sanitising
process, date of expiry, etc. The application of hygienically satisfactory chemical agents and/
or physical methods and processes to clean surfaces with the
Lot intention of reducing the total bacterial load of a product contact
With respect to products, it is a collection of one or more codes surface to a safe or low level.
of same product type and form. With respect to raw materials or in-
process materials, it is a quantity of one particular species, or family Tainted
of seafood species caught and handled under uniform conditions, Fish/shrimp that is rancid or has an abnormal odour and flavour.
usually within a limited time period.
Packaging material Fish/shrimp that has in or upon it, bacteria of public health
Any containers such as cans, bottles, cartons, boxes and cases, or significance or substances toxic to aesthetically offensive to man.
wrapping and covering materials such as foil, film and paper.
Poisonous or harmful substances Those parts of fish/shrimp which remain after the meat removal
Bacteria of public health significance, natural toxins, all is completed.
regulated pesticides, mercury, other metals, non-permitted additives,
non-permitted antibiotics and other contaminants like fuel, oil, etc.

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