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 Introduction of POEM framework:

The poem framework in digital marketing is a concept that helps businesses create a
successful online marketing strategy. The framework stands for P.O.E.M., which stands for
Paid, Owned, Earned, and Media. Each of these components represents a different type of
online marketing channel that businesses can use to promote their products or services.

 Breakdown of each element of the POEM framework:

Paid Media : Paid media refers to any type of online advertising that a business pays for. This
includes display ads, search engine marketing (SEM), and social media ads. Paid media can
be an effective way to quickly reach a large audience and drive traffic to a website.

Owned Media : Owned media refers to any online property that a business owns and
controls. This includes a website, social media profiles, and email marketing lists. Owned
media is a great way to build brand awareness, engage with customers, and drive traffic to a

Earned Media : Earned media refers to any publicity that a business earns through word-of-
mouth, social media shares, or media coverage. This includes social media mentions,
customer reviews, and press coverage. Earned media is a powerful way to build brand
credibility and drive traffic to a website.

 Challenges of POEM framework :

Lack of flexibility: Poem frameworks can be restrictive, limiting the poet's ability to express
themselves fully. This is because they often come with specific rules, such as the number of
lines, syllables per line, or rhyme scheme, which can constrain the poet's creativity.

Difficulty achieving a natural flow: When working within a framework, it can be challenging
to make the poem sound natural and unforced. The poet may feel compelled to use certain
words or phrases to fit the structure, which can make the poem feel forced or awkward.

The risk of becoming formulaic: Poem frameworks can become formulaic if they are
overused or relied on too heavily. This can result in a lack of originality and creativity in the
poet's work.

Finding the right framework: There are many different poem frameworks to choose from,
and finding the right one for a particular poem can be challenging. It requires a good
understanding of the different forms and the ability to select the most appropriate one to
convey the intended message.


 Benefits of POEM framework:

Cost-effective: The POEM framework can be a cost-effective approach to digital marketing

as it allows businesses to balance their marketing budget across the various media types. By
carefully balancing their marketing spend, businesses can maximize their return on

Customer-centric: The POEM framework is customer-centric, meaning it focuses on the

customer journey and creating a seamless experience for them. This approach can lead to
increased customer loyalty and engagement.

Increased brand awareness: By leveraging all three types of media, businesses can
increase their brand awareness and reach a wider audience. This approach can help
businesses to build a strong brand identity and reputation.

Measurable results: The POEM framework allows businesses to measure the effectiveness
of their marketing efforts by tracking metrics such as website traffic, social media engagement,
and lead generation. This approach helps businesses to optimize their marketing strategy and
achieve better results over time.

 Companies uses POEM framework:

I. Coca-Cola:In 2013, Coca-Cola launched a global advertising campaign called "Open

Happiness," which included a poem by George the Poet in one of its commercials.

II. Apple: Apple used a poem by Walt Whitman in a 2014 television commercial for the
iPad Air.

III. Google: In 2016, Google used a poem by the African-American poet and civil rights
activist Maya Angelou in a video celebrating Black History Month.

IV. Nike: In 2018, Nike released a commercial featuring a poem by spoken-word artist and
poet George the Poet.

V. Microsoft: Microsoft used a poem by American poet and essayist E.E. Cummings in a
2015 television commercial.

 Conclusion:

By using the POEM framework, businesses can create a comprehensive digital marketing
strategy that leverages multiple online marketing channels to reach their target audience. By
balancing paid, owned, earned, and media channels, businesses can create a cohesive
marketing plan that maximizes their return on investment (ROI).


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