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Polytech Lyon

Mechanics curriculum

3rd year - Semester 5

ECTs Heures CM TD TP/Projet

Mathematics and numerical methods 6 96

Mathematical tools for engineers 1 (Optional) 3 48 24 24
(Matrix calculus/Ordinary differential equations/
  Vector calculus)
Basic numerical methods 3 48 16 16 16

Mechanics and Power engineering 9 144

Rigid body mechanics 2 32 10 22
Analytical mechanics 2 32 16 16
Continuum mechanics 2 32 16 16
Fluid mechanics 1 3 48 16 16 16
Thermodynamics 2 32 16 16

The engineer’s methods and tools 7 112

Mechanical technology (Optional) 3 48 48
Automation 2 32 16 16
Computer science 1 3 48 12 36

The backdrop for engineering activities 4,5 72

Management (Accounting / business game) 1 16 6 10
Business awareness 1,5 24 24
Law 1 16 16
Project management 1 / Quality 1 16 16

Languages 3 48 48
(English/ 2nd language or additional English)

Sport 0,5 8

30 480

3rd year- Semester 6

ECTs Heures CM TD TP/Projet

Mathematics and Numerical methods 5 80

Mathematical tools for engineers 2 3 48 24 24
(Probabilistic and statistical methods/
     Integral transforms)
Numerical methods of mechanics 1 2 32 16 16
(Finite difference method)

Mechanics and power engineering 13 208

Strength of materials 3 48 16 16 16
Fluid mechanics 2 3 48 24 16
Vibration mechanics 3 48 16 16 16
Transfer phenomena 4 64 24 24 16

Methods and tools for l’Ingénieur 4 64

CAD 4 64 16 16 32

The backdrop for engineering activities 4,5 64

Communication 1 1 16 8 8
Setting up a business 2,5 40 20 20
Specialty optional course 1 1 16 16
(Software law/ Intellectual property /
  Patents /Business intelligence)

Languages 3 48 48
(English / 2nd language or additional English)

Sport 0,5 8

30 480

4th year - Semester 7

ECTs Heures CM TD TP/Projet

Mathematics and numerical methods 5 80

Mathematical tools for engineers3 2 32 16 16
(Complex analysis/Distributions/Green functions)
Numerical methods of mechanics 2 3 48 16 16 16
(Finite elements)

Mechanics and power engineering 12 192

Acoustics 3 48 16 16 16
Fluid mechanics 3 3 48 32 16
Structural mechanics 3 48 16 16 16
Mechanics of multibody systems 3 48 16 16 16

Methods and tools for engineers 5 80

IComputer science 2 3 48 16 16 16
Signal processing 2 32 16 16

The backdrop for engineering activities 4 64

Communication 2 1 16 0 16
Marketing 1 16 8 8
Project Management 2 1 16 0 16
Specialty optional course 2 1 16 16
(Applied project management)

Languages 4 64 64
(English / 2nd language or additional English)

30 480

4th year- Semester 8

ECTs Heures CM TD TP

Internship as Technician – Assistant Engineer     30

(During the whole semester)

5th year - Semester 9

ECTs Heures CM TD TP/Projet

Mathematics et Numerical methods 3 48

Numerical methods of mechanics 3 3 48 48
(Finite volume)

Mechanics and power engineering 5 80

Fluids and structures in energy production systems
     2 32 32
Vibrations and Acoustics 3 48 32 16

The backdrop for engineering activities 4 64

Employability 3 48 18 30
Specialty optional course 3 1 16 16
(Product Data Management / Product Life Cycle)

Languages 4 64 48

16 256

«Structure design and building» track

ECTs Heures CM TD TP/Projet

10 ETCs to choose from
Plates and shells 3 32 32 16
Fast dynamics and shocks 2 32 32
Fatigue and Rupture 2 32 32
Non linear mechanics 3 48 32 16
Materialoptimization eand composite structures 3 48 32 16

Structure design and building Project 4 64 64

14 224

Transport, Energy and EnvironmentTrack

ECTs Heures CM TD TP/Projet

10 ETCs to choose from
Physiscs of Turbulence 3 48 32 16
Turbomachinery 3 48 32 16
Physics of Combustion 3 48 32 16
Fluid biomechanics 2 32 32
Gas dynamics and aeroacoustics 2 32 32
Two-phase flows 2 32 32

Transport, Energy and Environment Project 4 64 64

14 224

Biomechanics Track

ECTs Heures CM TD TP/Projet

10 ETCs to choose from
Non linear mechanics 3 48 32 16
Fluid biomechanics 3 32 32 16
Biotribology 2 32 32
Human motion analysis and simulation 2 32 16 16
Fast dynamics and shocks 2 32 16 16
Ultrasounds: medical and industrial applications 3 48 32 16

Biomechanics Project 4 64 64

14 224

5th year - Semester 10

ECTs Heures CM TD TP

Internship as Engineer       30

(6 months)

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