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Third Semester Academic Year 2022-23

Mid-Semester Exam Course Code : DSM 301
Date: April 29, 2023 Time : 12:00 noon onwards Max Marks : 60


• For each question the expected output/files required are mentioned. Please read them carefully

• All Questions are compulsory.

1. Tools of Data Visualization – Total: 30 marks

Dataset: Data Problem 1a.csv, Data Problem 1b.xlsx (uploaded in the LMS portal)
The data (1a) consists of age-wise and gender-wise statistics of the convicts (Indian prisoners) in
different states and UTs as of December 31, 2019. Consider that you have been hired by the Madhya-
Pradesh state government to prepare a single infographic of prisoner statistics in prisons of MP along
with its nation-wise comparison. The data (1b) are the latitude and longitude of Indian states.
Expected: 1) A IPython notebook used to create the Infographic, 2) Final Infographic as PNG file and
3) justification on the choice of plots as PDF and the 2 salient points about the statistics that you
can make with your chosen plots. Note the plots should be made with Plotly. All these files should
uploaded in a .zip file with name: Problem 1

2. Dashboard with Plotly – Total: 30 marks

Consider that you have been hired by a fintech to train the trainees about stocks. In this regard,
your task would be to develop a dashboard for trainees to learn how to visualize stock data and
compare them between companies. Use the plotly express stocks data to create a dash board that
would be required to train. This data can be loaded as :

import as px
df =
Expected: 1) A Python code used to design the dashboard app. This app should generate a localhost
link which can be pasted on browser to view the dashboard. Kindly name the file as app,
2) A screenshot of your dashboard as PNG file and Note the plots should be made with Plotly-
DASH.All these files should uploaded in a .zip file with name:Problem 2

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