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Day 1

● ELA Warm up
● Short story knowledge survey
● Group discussion on What is a short story?
○ Create a reference chart
● How does a short story impact us

Day 2 (Character)

● ELA Warm up
● Read short story
○ Have a graphic organizer that asks question about Character
■ Name a character in the story
■ How does this character effect the story
■ What would happen if the character didn’t exist
Day 3 (Setting)

● ELA warm up
● Read short story
○ Have graphic organizer for setting
■ What would happen if the setting was changed?
■ What other setting would work well for this story
■ What is your favorite setting
Day 4 (Plot)

● ELA warm up
● Read short story
○ Graphic organizer for plot
■ Elements of plot
■ Bullet point the plot of the short story
Day 5 (Theme)

● ELA warm up
● Read short story
● Graphic organizer for theme
Day 6 (Conflict)

● ELA warm up
● Read Short story
● Graphic organizer for conflict
○ What type of conflict

Day 7 (Monster Day) -Have monster pictures posted around the classroom-
● Introduce them to monsters
○ Relate it to the stories we have been reading
● How do monsters affect our view on the story?
○ Bring up current events
○ Treat this like mad libs (have students fill in the blank)

Day 8
● Have students select a random current event from the pile and make a bullet pointed list
of how they can make it a monster
● Have them draw a monster using the fold technique

Day 9
● Have them find their own current event
○ Give them a graphic organizer
■ Has name of current event
■ Has the characteristics of the current event in a bulleted list
■ Start planning the story (using the 5 things)

Day 10
● Playing improv games

Day 10
● Work day
● Tell students today we are writing the stories
○ I will be writing with them
○ Let them know they will be sharing it out loud

Day 11
● Work Day
○ These days can be extended

Day 12
● Work day

Day 13
● Revise day
○ Students will come to class with a close to completed piece of writing
○ I will meet one on one with students to go over their writing

Day 14
● Work day

Day 15
● Tone day

Day 16
● Story is due
○ Will be sharing in class

Day 17
● We will be sharing in class
Day 17
● Quiz over termonology

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