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Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea,
B.H.M.S. (Honours in Nine Subjects of Calcutta University)
Fellow: Society of Homoeopaths, U.K
Fellow: Homoeopathic Medical Association of the United Kingdom.
Fellow: Association of Natural Medicine, U.K
Fellow: Akademie Homoopathischer Deutscher Zentralverein, Germany.
Director: Bengal Allen Medical Institute
Principal: Allen College of Homoeopathy, Essex, England
“Sapiens”, 382, Baddow Road, Great Baddow,
Chelmsford, Essex CM2 9RA, ENGLAND
Tel & Fax No. 44 (0) 1245 505859
E. Mail No.

1) Single Globule to be used for dispensing :- F.N. §246 (5th Ed.); §275 (6th Ed.)

2) Size of the globule to be used should be “Poppy-Seed” size:- F.N. §285 (5th

3) Must be Dispensed in Liquid Vehicle :- §288 (5th Ed.); §272 (6th Ed.); §256 (6th

a) Even Centesimal Scale Potencies to be dispensed in water : Appendix. P.


b) Feeble action if given dry : Chronic Disease P. 159.

c) Even 30th potency to be dissolved in water : §128.

4) Every Dose should be deviated from the former :- §246 (6th Ed.), §247 (6th
Ed.), §280 (6th Ed.)

5) “Doctrine of Divisibility” :- Appendix. P. 266.

a) Even in dilution, the power of the medicine remains the same : §287,
§286, §285.

6) Application of Placebo :- §281 (6th Ed.), §91.

7) Dispensing of LM Potency :- F.N. §248.

8) Do not repeat when the patient is improving :- §245.

9) Against Polypharmacy :- F.N. §272.

10) Previous Rxprescription is wrong :- §166 : B.E of imperfect Rx. Corrected by

the subsequent correct Rx.

11) PQRS/RSP symptoms :- §153, 164, 165.

12) Series of Anti-Psorics can be required :- §171.

13) Homoeopathician treats the Miasm, upon which the malady depends :-

14) No Food Restriction in Act. Disease :- §262, §263.

15) High Potencies can be dangerous :- §276.

16) Smallness of Doses :- §277, 278, 284, 285.

17) L.M. Potency Repetition :-

i) Repeat until recovery ensues (§248).

ii) Repeat until the patient experience continued improvement (§248).

iii) Do not repeat during progressive improvement (§246).

iv) Can be given daily and for months (§ F.N. 246).

v) §280 (Continue till return of old disease).

18) Divided Dose :-

i) Diminution of strong power of medicine for sensitive patients (§285 &


ii) Effect is increased but actual amount remains same (§286).

iii) Every portion of plussing : Smallest portion of diluting fluid receives same
quantity of medicine in proportion as all the rest (§287) and the last
selected homoeopathic remedy could best extract the morbid disorder only
if applied in several different forms (F.N. 247).

19) Do not prescribe on undefined, non-characteristic, vague symptoms: § 165

20) A single dose can not finish the case: § 168.

21) If two medicines are indicated, prescribe the most indicated one, after that’s
action is over, do not automatically prescribe the second one but re-
examine the case: §169.

22) Breast-fed infant gets the medical energy from mother: §F.N. 285.

23) Figwarts → external & internal application: § F.N. 283 (P.189).

24) Penetrating action of the liquid → §288, 271.

25) Olfaction of medicines → § F.N. 288, FN 247.

26) Medicinal power stay, upto 20 years → § F.N. 288.

27) Do not give medicine one after another → § F.N.245

28) Repetition of medicine → § F.N. 246, 247, 248, 247.

29) Every potency should be deviated from former or later → §246, 247, 280.

30) No requirement of Antidote, next selected medicine antidotes F.N. §249

31) Not to use any medicinal subs during medication - §259.

32) 30th potency also to be dissolved in water → §128, P-263.

33) Poppy seed size glob → F.N. §285.

34) Intercurrent medicine → Sulph - Hep.sulph – Sulph → F.N. §246.

35) Repitition → Vital Force does not allow → Nux Vom / Pulsatilla → Repeat →
F.N. §246.

36) Olfaction → the discovery of Dr. Griesses or of Karlsruhe → F.N. §246.

37) Every dose to be raised by sucussion → §280.

38) Application of placebo → §281.

39) Doctrine of divisibility → P.266.

40) Divided dose → §285, 286, 287.

41) LM Potency → §270.

42) Dispensing LM potency → F.N. §248.

43) Mentioning of even 30th potency even in 6th ed. → §128.

44) Against Polypharmacy → F.N. §271.

45) Diet (P. 175).

46) Do not repeat when patient is improving §245.

47) Minutest employment of dose to be done §246.

48) Single glob. to be administered not 6-7 glob. F.N. §246, 275.

49) Slight Homoeo < is always expected after ingestion of the remedy §279.

50) When the first prescription is a wrong prescription: §249.

51) Dispense in liquid suggested even in 5th ed - §246.

52) Mixed miasmatic state - §206.

* Bacteria / Virus → §11
* Infection §80, 81.

REPITITION OF L. M. POTENCY: F.N. §246 (P.168), (P.169), §248 (P.171), F.N. §248
(P.171), (P.172).

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