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Experiment No.

Experiment 1-1 Industrial Electronics
Plotting V-I Curve of Ge Diode (I)-VOLTMETER AND AMMETER


Grade and Section: BSEE 3A
Date: NOVEMBER 16,2022

Experiment 1-1 Industrial Electronics

I. Materials and Equipment

1. KL-22001 Basic Electrical/Electronic Circuit Lab

2. KL-25001 Diode, clipper and Clamper Module

3. Oscilloscope

4. Multimeter
II. Procedures

1.Set the KL-25001 Module on the KL-22001 Basic Electrical/Electronic Circuit Lab,
and locate block A.

2.Complete the connections by referring to the circuit in Fig. 1-1-22 and the wiring
diagram in Fig. 1-1-23(a) (forward connection). Connect the VR2 to the circuit using
the connecting wires. Apply +12VDC from the Fixed Power on KL-25001 Module.

3.Adjust VR2 (10K) to apply voltage to two terminals of the diode from 0.1V to 0.7V
at 0.1V intervals. Measure and record the corresponding forward current I, in Table 1-

4.Complete the connection by referring to the circuit in Fig. 1-1-22 and the wiring
diagram in Fig 1-1-23(b) (reverse connection). Connect voltmeter and ammeter.

5.Adjust VR2 (10K) to apply reverse voltage to two terminal diode from 0V to 5V at
1V intervals. Measure and record the corresponding I a (without breakdown ) in table 1-

6. Plot the V-I curve in Fig 1-1-24 using measured values of Table 1-1-5 and 1-1-6.
Table 1-1-5 FORWARD BIAS
VF (V) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

IF (µA) 0.01 0.33 1.16 2.51 4.28

Table 1-1-6 REVERSE BIAS

VR (V) 1 2 3 4 5

IR (µA) 0 0 0 0 0

The experiment went as expected with no unusual events that would have introduced
complications. The currents are measured through completing all the connections with
the use of KL-22001 lab, KL- 25001 module, voltmeter and ammeter. As part of this
laboratory experiment, the theoretical values of currents were measured for each
voltage value.
The result in forward biasing is shown in table 1-1-5. We obtained that when the
VR2(10k) is adjusted to apply voltage to the two terminals of the diode the flow of
currents(If) are increasing as the voltage(Vf) is continued to rise. Only at input 0.1V,
the output decreased and from 0.2 up to 0.5V, the output current is respectively
increasing. And as shown from table 1-1-6 reverse biasing, the outcome are all the same
and remain unchanged which is equal to 0μA from 1V to 5V. A comparison between
the measured data of forward and reverse bias reveals differences.
In general, the measured values of currents with respect to given voltages are
completely opposite. In forward bias, putting a voltage across the two terminals of the
diode allows current to flow easily while in opposite direction it doesn't cause any
appreciable current to flow.


When the connections are set on forward bias

• The flow of current is increasing as the applied voltage continue to arise.

When the connections are changed to reverse bias

• The obtained current flow are uniform and unaltered.


As a result, the experiment succeeded in measuring the current that flows across
the two terminals of the diode when voltage is applied. Differences existed in the
experimental result that shows the arises of current flow in forward biasing whereas
reverse biasing does not produce any significant flow of current.
Experiment No. 1
Experiment 1-1 Industrial Electronics
Plotting V-I Curve of Ge Diode (II)- Oscilloscope


Grade and Section: BSEE 3A
Date: NOVEMBER 16, 2022

Experiment 1-1 Industrial Electronics

I. Materials and Equipment

1. KL-22001 Basic Electrical/Electronic Circuit Lab

2. KL-25001 Diode, clipper and Clamper Module

3. Oscilloscope

4. Multimeter
II. Procedures

1.Set the KL-25001 Module on the KL-22001 Basic Electrical/Electronic Circuit Lab,
and locate block A.

2.Complete the connections by referring to the circuit in Fig. 1-1-25 and the wiring
diagram in Fig. 1-1-26. Connect the VR2 to the circuit using the connecting wires.

3.Apply a 1KHz, 20 Vp-p sine wave from the function generator on KL-22001 Lab to
the IN terminal.

4.Connect the CH2(Y), GND and CH1(X) inputs of oscilloscope to TP1,TP2 and TP3.
Respectively, in this case, the CH1(X) input is used to measure and display the diode
voltage and the CH2(Y) is used to measure and display the diode current.

5.Set the oscilloscope to X-Y mode and DC input coupling. View and record the graph
on the oscilloscope in FIG. 1-1-27.

6.Adjust VR2 (10K), then view the change of the curve.


The PR variable is set at 10K range:


Clockwise rotation Counterclockwise rotation


Clockwise direction Counterclockwise


Clockwise- CH1 and CH2 Counterclockwise- CH1 and CH2


The experiment was performed in order to view and identify the changes of the
curve that occur in the oscilloscope. Oscilloscope is an instrument that graphically
displays electrical signals and shows how those signals change over time.
The correlation between the variable knob, frequency, wavelength and the position
of the channel 1(CH1) and channel 2(CH2) are all related to one another. The
oscilloscope's waveform and frequency rate can be change by adjusting the PR variable
in KL-22001 Basic Electrical Lab. In this laboratory experiment, PR variable is set at
10K range. First, we view the changes of individual channel wherein CH1 at clockwise
direction shows a big wave fluctuations at first then become smaller until it completely
shown as a straight line. Second, the waveforms shown at CH2 are the opposite of those
shown at CH1.
Lastly, the oscilloscope is adjusted to shows both channels. When rotated
counterclockwise, CH1 appears as a straight line, while CH2 displays waveforms that
are visible, uniform, and have higher wave heights. Additionally, in counterclockwise
rotation, CH1 now displays what CH2 previously shown, and CH2 shows what CH1
had previously displayed.

The PR variable is set at 10K range:

Channel 1
Clockwise rotation
• Wave fluctuations are initially higher, then they gradually decrease until they are
totally visible as a straight line. Counterclockwise rotation
• Wave height is high, wave fluctuations are uniform, and they are visible.
Channel 2
Clockwise rotation

• Wave fluctuations is similar to CH1 at counterclockwise direction


• The same output to CH1 at clockwise direction

When both channels are displayed on the oscilloscope
Clockwise rotation
CH1- it shows as a straight line
CH2-wave height is higher, and there is clear, uniform wave fluctuation.
Counterclockwise rotation
CH1- It is the same as what is seen in CH2 when rotated clockwise.
CH2- Similar to what is depicted in CH2 when rotated counterclockwise.


Overall, the experiment succeeded in observing the changes in the curve that
appeared on the oscilloscope. When either one or both channels are shown on the
oscilloscope, the outcome is determined. In a clockwise direction, CH1 entirely
resembles a straight line, but CH2 exhibits waves that are uniformly apparent and have
a larger wave height. When rotating counterclockwise, CH1 is seen as CH2's outcome
while rotating clockwise, and vice versa for CH2, which is CH1's output.

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