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Olivia Sosnowska

Block 1
Mrs. Ko

Creativity in Schools

Kids often struggle to stay focused on learning and having an open mind in high

school, which is exactly why creativity should be taught in schools. For example, in a

Ted talk video, Sir Ken Robinson says, “In fact creativity which I define as the process

of having original ideas that have value more often than not comes about through the

interaction of different disciplinary ways of seeing things” (Robinson). With creativity

kids have a more open way of seeing things. Robinsons statement shows how people

with creativity have different ways of seeing things or more specifically a more open

mind to life. Having an open mind is important to see other people’s point of view of a

situation and having an open mind also helps kids see things from a different

perspective and for what it is. If a fake website has incorrect information, kids with a

more open mind because of creativity would be able to conclude that the information is

in fact fake. In addition, in the article “5 Reasons Why It Is More Important Than Ever to

Teach Creativity” Nicole Krueger states, “Decades of research link creativity with the

intrinsic motivation to learn. When students are focused on a creative goal, they

become more absorbed in their learning and more driven to acquire the skills they need

to accomplish it” (Krueger). Because creativity sparks the motivation for kids to learn,
creativity helps them have a more open mind. Kids would be able to stay focused on the

task at hand as well if creativity was taught in schools. With creativity kids would have

more motivation to not only do school work but everyday things. Oftentimes kids are too

lazy or bored to do chores or go outside. Kids would be able to apply the motivation

they get from creativity into everything they do. On the other hand, others may argue

that creativity would distract kids if it were to be taught in high schools because they

would continuously doodle in class and not concentrate on the task at hand. However,

kids need creativity in their life because it not only gives them a more open mind about

learning but it also helps them develop essential life skills. Kids need to be able to have

well developed problem solving skills and with creativity they will be able to come up

with new ideas for work and things they need to do. Problem solving skills are useful in

resolving arguments, solving issues in the workspace or getting along with people. With

creativity kids would be ready for that. Overall, creativity is an essential part of

someone's life. If high schools taught it in school kids would be able to hand the world

with the skills they develop from creativity.

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