Educational Management Supervision PDF

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SMA Siete EL we ig 6 iG (WAR sipivatrxrloesk | I JAK Nee 7 Whadhe Kanwa) 7s Hiya mughis sure Stedtnn dh, Howsenna(te)=. BSS 20 iy \orung Town Safer lacie Shoftat Manzi (41). NeacEDan Mosaive 1Slamabna! 0-965 954-A Nooran! MoboLlh Tenth Dleta Ravial Piinabs' Ae he Aecoben rab mangemenarch ti pf #20 Uy ie SuRrision 7 (Ce pi Ag A£Ge _ Af (fap Motune) pet HE AM Ihre Besfo ISR2020 thn Eu thie, ve GrSL Aan rie OME Ne ae KS Ilene Lp Solbect wa) == eae i a Fel ce FRIIS YOM iILS ——a fall No BvSsTh i — | Clee: M.A Reacher education) | eee Ns Da Same SiS ig ce - 4 | — | | oe a Te Subjecti: Educabianal thangemenk ons! ANE I Suey visitor, | | eo No.1 k | ge aN 5 jt ey QN ol {Sand es. i || Diseuss the. essential. eer Ee. of Cdutationa) administration. VG t light the imPortance Of Islamic —___- administration model to improve —_$h&—_- tena _of cae butions in Miskan2 201 a Lina ©} Ing:- ¢ Chavacteristics wera ‘eda Mat —_ladyninistration:-——_ te HE a a) principle oan. Dem moc eal uicnud ae | Jeader Spi. p.-— ice Pena ea oe axabiey Btls fom the. 24 \ i f in abi ity tot ideolosey | Seo achieving —— LarkCome fake + han Sexcouing Lhe x /) weigink of eae] Wetting a. ea i / Si a a A i) Poti iPation in an ockivitd to rn —la__Cectoin Goal, amd ______ Aye of “esponsibility on Khe Park of the teacher kok =ne* (Saw one uierters ait ouiSalave Thi asstiones. | Load 1 tne best Solution of an} Problend |= Single Pesan. Known reavoug dana AiscUSSiona, ientific Nenad! one _U Pon abrawing I Pexvisor slrovedise | bem individuals, Thy Sno even doetad I meen Week We. Nedwidtels soy del lose theiy _ identities. There 7 Work aX Conor dimated Parks \akher _ | 2 a ae 1s need —___ fox__coordinating instvuctiona! work [ iu nue Oete = AGVitiesg 5) ime Occ, Yate |, + ~ a Subject through ol! the School Closed a} melt o5 in Various subj ects aa Bre the. Same Classes. lett bilitf:. — I this Principle imPlies bhak) wuied)-| Proceduyes — ond ohn davds Shouts be I ladjustable to meet the eo/uivements | the ing ___ conditions ...Not ondy the | leach individual _ is different — froan— the othey but the same —individued oy} wcenth a Jae) with different waays imilay situations nel at different ifpet i SuPeyvitay aust etnprze | -—— expect, _individua __di Heyen (2) __ shouts! the inter do in || Uolren. tHe + Shoutod ofan I i eee ale Sica oo { aj ing out — Tet nee arya oS ee eetreabven Su Perwis(en, tsa —__ aoe | depends, forte — -syccers, on Cavett | ee —etanai si {5 a Co 0 Perative _enterPrise. Beside clear Vision — a mh foots apa Soroxight of ConseNuencs| = jennings 4 he bose & OA tlhe I} brining —of the persons _Cancevnes) _ | Me name and enepi.aNans. = {6 Pe a. rae Raiienem i e lt iS more than, besking Pupils | lax Xating teachers. [ft aims af the |) age Persons, ano Products | _ d suiGu elt PlYocesaio nil OR CN squeegee — {5 Possible . D lami A dminishrationi= | ___ Q an [e the weal decieresOfh i) rats | | _|'the Holy Quran does nat aia to | exeate a State but te cvente o Sovey? the tuo essential and Prima. ingredient lof the Islamic _administvation theor ore Ae Uamab ard he Shavibh, These —CancePts lore __Cleardy elaborated Ta _*hne Holy a {- Lquran. Prophet Muhammad (6.A.W) wos ltnim sePP the Foca) Paint OF these _|+wo Concepts, —___ a Jui th Modes! of Lglamit Administration = Bs OD iss otis ts a fh 2 Avamulia\annse Uaidminictvarion i) Snake Kine. _Sovereigaty of Allah (suz)- 4 \Slamic _administyation | __Albéolute _Savereignt) over: the —_} Universe belongs to Allah Sait (Mon 31 been. appointed. Allon’), Bhtative (Khalifa) on Earth: earthy | t erty in him od a Sacred __| Allo. Sis (Muslin 2 | must Selb» the fe owing —_||_ the: state othich— i \| bt | of Allah | Be Date: bhemSewes to Pern, nee Wie \ laws The. head of the state, Shouse! [ 1— aioe e beisvo oMusling state a Siasy Y / | ; S) AW Subject, wuwilin anol name Muslime || | Shall be _9Uaranted eouel Civil wights. | pete A sittela a : the —_penple and Javern || et ad gia rll lu) Men and. Liomen Shall enjoy the | Same furdamenta ignts Women can Sento) mac Bie Sn cle rae 1 | fied ds iy a | Pew egpalcne ta ie te geal a—movat ands Piyitue) & scaciation Grn natural Monarchy Power delegated by Allah = 4 ae = ~ Sov e ie RSV ay WG Veen mit wcld Cum e ante I 2 eee an ae | ont Alla (uz) this means thal! _ of the State, An Islamic Ae neither be @ manarch, por the ocvac WTA aces gcananiy iene 4 hoy _@.__Seculay We Wikich meand ‘that the || injunctions fF rym the cub Solute || eme fawi Of the lows || cise their Creedams fased by the Quran: || 7 ths) 4b. Peeple _ democracy. Tb ea *, Ond _undaubbiy _ I cLJKich Hhe | Slamic | Heludes Os Small number of laws ie peseol on the Au\on ose Gunde, == | The vest re Laws cesdbing Svom the.) Uk thad: of every one fe tt a Consensus Of the — Opreement of Muslim. Paorticuer Oe on a Paint VES Tasty Eeravl purce of dom, ib is only 2 | On oa wider bests ard tike | j ole ofen ts revisian My : al I) Monagemert: asa Jroup of a i 1 SSNS eid fi) Manage ment Bas performance proves | I : activity. F 4 |) Management od a Group of pease te! People. I | The term management vefers t,he I | PerSonned in an | organization wind. ove I Pine ight. and esponsibility tug nase, AeciSions and cup the enker Prise 2 7 o FFicien J owtnin tlne Roltcies Acfinea | 4 ak cae nae CF Purease of 0 oe ky make Possible _ehe __ s hment of obove stabe objectives |. _ Jnuman material cernurces ‘ themes Usually __the. Be io nyt oxganiZarion pr inski tu bon. os" Board of Divectors,” — s or Board of Governors’) od __£unctien/ Process if [Suma ur eedenel i Functions or actly | ul ources, bod Is ciisal mae = achieve the defin manage nent vefers pbeot te Planning| c inabiyf .. Pe ee ——/, Management ad Science? . Se A Shence in xne. _Sy$ kemotis ph samen Qventer \nastedge ans) __ Cot Pevience ~ lB 9) Demodralic super cacy 36 Det —mexedf 9 Politica WZokion nic Pracedure, it 16 a ulog af i ibs principles a4 ta alll aspects of | ic ideas toaply belief ta nikien of he A igniky and) _tndividuel apPreciation of the | indiwidued . difference ob | iti Abe assum pen of | of the Jroup, Applied aric ideals Aa ack allan | will Of be su pervi sot Noe _oXeer howe Cam not | ne\ping. ae Ja mmondy teachers ono) || cotta 4, J iStorgi= 7 Ws et yf _taherent- Cy Gwie Soha ae E <_< -stst*=~CSs=<‘<‘CS P| pause at fhenchana hes Wn exea seis ia Ga t— dAiveckion bincou4 Wig I Pa bici Pasion Reseed Acker minted: ta of Joa AIS Coane ineoroetie es SO Ag ‘and Oracedurep For i mPraNin4 t— Ucklan& Sp be main Pur Pease 1 _— e Combic 1 6iPeisian® 1G kao t \{mpravement of he sovod ke aching | Si Wadtans WA Wis ConrerdtS + Balp ti) hod vighdt4 Aevsho@d_—_x\n@—— i Supervision trang Par ici Pablon A Burton and _Brueckinex (go-s-\2)\ o HL he ne imProvienrens of fs $0 mucin — ox _SusPersiosty— _wtich —_keacher partici Peake isa keacher ~funcklon. in __|1 Portic} Pade oy ih igs | Gjeeinawelys winich ge daniior | = rake” The Supervisors | Sane Woh tats At = eee oe . ee OS IL | —— lw ee ow ne. x — Lot educarione A “Planning —o-S— i || Secondary : ene! sear | “Angi hak wating? Ans Educational viasing, like, ea planing | {5 9. Process of Preparing a set of 4 alot ne educrdinn enh ac PVisy deci Sions go such ured Yar Noe 9 ooh oe) JparPoses DG educeXion wild ot SubFfctersty : leaaized A Cylre Win Nine _ Vas Goble || eenouxces Edicedione! Planning 4S Aor A ‘ ance, Sov af) xine exces = 24) Ns OF Mae eadvlatignal | x qr Focused an Xo vat Re wiertates (a) | Sees, Usisise Oe NA ek a production Cuncrion (Pest anc) Niew ke suggesting @ eciding)| x meadures woul make eae £ educarion more —} Mive uaa te _ cansidering) ae aaly of the He Ine avaifelie |__| low rou) ref kine _e Auicaion |o¢shenn AS actomPlishing \*S 9oab3 | tn Rae riculer O19 Sou) Se. cost effeckivieness of education Pleo gram inci __ land specific Prajects Cun 02 __impKaveeall. t Goel. _Edu Pp adkerna AeciSinnSs aXe. Prionasid aimed eyping —Pa\ic makers ano’ oxsty A.auNhoriigcs aoe Sean ize var iodS. Patterns of ie the _ SuPPortive nSi= fp tt apel_imProve their || oN, bheix se ializari eeaicncl jini i, ae en ources Possess. esheciall) —taridto, syolowion =) aa Logs they Phy sical scennurted, 4 abe — =— f) Finan eed? —_$— Hou cla wie Cost DU expenditure — | __ pp we Can plan for weMene ——— 2 lo dboptimel ys6)\\nicln Shane. Bye aad uve ne Chatroc hex of ‘eons mie —— \urnan oned_ Playsicad —cebourte? te —eAutodinn Sg Siem. —— s 2 Nb J) Gorecrmentad Sex . one oxqamiZe Oud ymaneze _ Convo) of educe\lonad_ ALVA Ap esPande ft __ Wicad candiions , P oui Sioa | i ae SS ae to achieve modi mum e Ffheckivencoy) eliicency count Prcod uctivi Kf I —| i + a ee oy Help. in adminishabive nae st fee Planning 1S an eceMarg US a | ad ministvarive _deciSians in _@.ducabion 1) pee aims at Putkin ito. = llackion Whak ed Um@tors deen | achieve. 4) Cleay Chojled‘- . I Planning — enables a __natian ee to mak ibs Cholcen Clear in | te terns of the aim Ons op VEL Zasion @ Plans _aye designed to (Oy and _ e.Nnok mois _} _ eePlenish the skeadily |) ge of Lenchers our» ectucasioad Pa aningi y Targets. The Initia) step tn pan 4S: ie of debeening broad objectives and target. The Sacto ecomanic, oa thus determined, Indicate — Ake “in wahith phe efonony |S Pdannes! = The Various objectives Wirnich a 7 Claims to achieve include, increase caPita —imtorne, high evel of ent, Pncrese in pohanad income, pricel, pid _endustridization, vemavea) of _ |) envi li brom in the belance | emovel of vegionad disparitied, | the Ctonanyy pond Lhe \pyovisipn Dr bexic neco4s) Suc a health) ker ard Sanitation. it Economic candi h'wnsi- to _ bake SkecK of existirs dof the Plan ae _tdenti A cation om concentrated! | | |B) Tem pevative _0¢ Central - bcd ple “uihich is dane. ot fica teh bg + the _¢ enteral bod | LW “fone, 2 td __is called — “im Pexative P| lanatasy— 5 __ Planniagi=|—— mek level is dane at the | os level of the|| pple determine PriayitieA. The | ith the \reQP of experts me 5 ake A for ne Completion = Gnvernmne nts. Paki s\: Wis ty Ro of Planning ams adishcick NaZimS. _Date —____— — among Uh! _de Partments _ Ever, bekevminen ity cw Priarrtea. The — 4.) alles Beveloprenta) twinks ave Scabtereo! 2 25 pvex the _Countyy. This __E Pe a) Planaigg | — ers ol) ovens pf the country. So pf dew\o Omens is 6 lain ia S'S — of Planning eas | vated Planning:- ————_—}f iS S/o of Planning —o. pink axveo.——} Selected fox develnPment. AW tle amet Part mentS Concentrate on the develo emer ie $ specific area, The Prepare Project} ial +, the needs of the Aveo. — yojects have aPPraves/ funds} provided Pe) ii s\n Chae Nox oC ae the of eniceh xed Pa pgibde for f bo hon. In this tod Be theees ee ‘that aren ig casreat i wBiwith all He faci |/tied. || if a weak nerd tn Ehist th needy _atrenh are. 2 Aepartment |

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